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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny here and supposed to stay that way but a trip to the town beckons so i'll have to go out in it at some stage.  I actually trimmed some long grass, the old fashioned way yesterday evening but still far too hot for outdoor tasks - better to keep in the shade if possible.  


I hope Neil's day goes well today, it can be a very odd feeling leaving the office or whatever for what you suddenly realise will be the last time so take it gently getting used to your different life and looking forwrad to the change of career (but then you have done that before of course so know all about it I'm sure).


Now about the APT(E) - I've been thinking about it for sometime (having known for quite a while what it would be and how much it would cost) but it still sticks out as very much out of place and time for me.  As with many things the money might be better spent on something else.  OOps, that was modelling - better get back to attacking the so called 'Neighbourhood Plan' about all the new house some idiot seems to think are needed here (my letter about it will be published in the the local 'paper on Friday and will no doubt cause considerable agitation in various tea cups as it attacks some of the local nimbys - great fun).


Have a good day one & all

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Up and out at the crack, lovely morning, but I didn't appreciate being reminded of rush hour traffic!


Off to Sainsbury's to get a 40" TV I saw yesterday for £199. They'd gone back up to full price today but the nice lady let me have one at the old price. Now I can watch GPs and Julie can watch her American crime shows in France.


40" is very big, isn't it?


Regarding Borough Market junction, yesterday I received a set of 15" to the foot maps of Bermondsey and Rotherhithe in 1872 and 1914. As you'd expect, massive changes due to the blitz and slum clearance - I'd love to witness it back then.


London Bridge station has a turntable in amongst the approach roads, which is odd. It's on the 1872 and 1914 maps, presumably it stayed until the end of steam. It seems to be on the LBSCR side. Anyone know the truth?

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  • RMweb Gold

London Bridge station has a turntable in amongst the approach roads, which is odd. It's on the 1872 and 1914 maps, presumably it stayed until the end of steam. It seems to be on the LBSCR side. Anyone know the truth?

The Brighton's penchant for tank engines might have made one think a turntable unnecessary. After all, the Baltic Tanks worked the heaviest trains - but I don't recall them working bunker-first. So I would guess the turntable fell out of use from 1933. I don't know when it was removed. In LBSCR days, the loco shed was at New Cross (+Gate from SR days), and this was intended to close in the late '30s, with Norwood Junction and Bricklayers Arms taking over, but the war deferred it until the early '50s.


Jock's tale of the reversing Bantam is priceless. Even not being a biker-type, the thought of one setting off backwards is truly awful!


Neil - congrats on finishing up in your own timescale, if not with the clear desk you intended. I expect it to take years off your shoulders, and I bet your health and fitness will improve quite quickly. A great day!


Macclesfield? I had a boss who had some sort of home there, as he also seemed to have in Chislehurst, posh part of outer SE London. We were working in Euston House, which made his real home - Paris - seem even less plausible! He was quite good at International jollies, mind. One day I had to ring him overseas, and found myself talking to the Chief Operating Manager of Swedish Railways!


Bright and sunny here, with a bit of welcome breeze again. Hope your week progressing as you would wish.

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Good morning from Clacton where the sun is trying to shine!


Like Mike, I hope Neil enjoys his last day at the office - always an emotional affair after so many years. Still, I'm sure the blow will be softened by thinking of the interesting career move ahead. I hope you enjoy the planned break Neil, if anyone deserves it, then it's Debs and you after the trauma of the last few weeks!


Trev, I loved the Nigerian sunrise photo - Joanna and I have been lucky enough to visit many different parts of Africa, with my particular favourite being Botswana, and we never failed to marvel at the 'African sky' which seems different to anywhere else in the world that we have visited!


Andy, I hope the wait for the keys will be worth it and that, once you get over the trauma of the move, your life and marriage return to normal. You appear to have been under immense pressure at times lately but it is lovely to see how the railway modelling always has a calming effect on you! Good luck with the removal and try to stay calm.


Off to start the packing for tomorrow's trip westward. Need a separate case for the medication! Would you believe that Archie the Westie is getting excited - last night Joanna told him that he was going to see 'Jenna' soon (the name of daughters pedigree pointer bitch) and I swear his eyes popped open and his ears erect! It is just over a year since he last visited her in Somerset, although they used to spend lots of time together when our daughter was in Epping, but it was a tangible reaction ; what a memory. I sometimes think dogs know more than we are aware?


Hope to look in from time to time whilst on our travels as daughter has WiFi and so we're promised has the apartment in Porthleven. I'm getting quite excited now, especially as I want to prove to myself that I can cope with the journey. We will stick to the motorway route, not because I prefer it, but because frequent 'comfort' stops are required for myself and Archie!


Hope 'hump' day goes well for all,

Kind regards,


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In and out of X-Ray Dept. inside 20 mins so no car-park fee. Result!  :yahoo_mini:


X-ray result Yayyy.  Car park result Boooo.


Previously-repaired tooth has fallen to bits again today and taken more of the natural with it meaning there might be nothing that can now be done other than mining the root.  It's not decayed at all - somehow it's just fractured.


Tired.  Don't work in insurance when the weather turns rough.  "Please hold - we are experiencing high wait times due to abnormal call volumes - your call is important to us.  The estimated wait time is approximately ........ 278 minutes."

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Hi folks, just a quick whizz by, an odd day, sweet and sad, and sods law means I have to take Debs for a hospital appointment this afternoon!


Team all looking a bit shocked it has come around so soon.


Be safe, I'm off to  'leave'.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi folks, just a quick whizz by, an odd day, sweet and sad, and sods law means I have to take Debs for a hospital appointment this afternoon!


Team all looking a bit shocked it has come around so soon.


Be safe, I'm off to  'leave'.

Bon voyage!

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Hi Folks! 


Well I was an early riser this morning, honest!  4.30am to get no2 grandson on his way to an exchange trip to Germany.  Coach due to leave at 5am, but it had to wait for the 'usual suspects' who turned up 20 minutes late, then took an age to pack the 'little darlings' voluminous luggage into the hold, so the coach finally left at 5.35am.


I must admit I admired the patience of the teachers and driver.  They will have to get a wiggle on to make their ferry slot now.


I think I would have left on time, especially as the family concerned are always late turning up to everything they sign up for.

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  • RMweb Premium

Opinion: Motorists who enter intersections (especially key ones) in full knowledge of blocking crossing traffic due to fully visible traffic jams should be hanged, drawn and quartered.

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Good luck Neil - a new day dawns tomorrow, maybe fitting that your last day is HUMP day, you'll be "over it" tomorrow  :)


ATP-E discussions, hmm, not much of a modern era person, though some HST rakes tempt me. I think the money is best saved (for me) for items more appropriate, I know it's an excellent price for what will likely be an exceptional model, but, there's a couple of lovely West Country locos due out in the next few months - well, 2 years more like I KNOW - but I can live in hope :jester:


14 here with cloudy skies, remaining cold by Dons standards, only managing 23 probably today! Some storms expected tomorrow.


Mississippi continues to rise, due to crest now tomorrow or Friday...




Going into the office tomorrow instead of today (doing an hour of local "tech support" for the folks my wife works for this AM).


Tomorrow will have the added "charm" of a visit to the area by President Obama - always a great way to cock-up traffic, have the sitting president visit.

I have to pass the airport to/from the office, but fortunately he doesn't arrive till mid-morning. However, not sure where he's staying as it's a two day visit. Often they stay at the St. Paul Hotel (very "classy") which is two blocks from our office, if that's the case the trraffic control/restrictions will probably be painful by the time I want to leave <sigh>


Head over the HUMP and have a great day...



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  • RMweb Premium

Opinion: Motorists who enter intersections (especially key ones) in full knowledge of blocking crossing traffic due to fully visible traffic jams should be hanged, drawn and quartered.

Add those who can't move over to the right when turning right.

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ATP-E discussions, hmm, not much of a modern era person, though some HST rakes tempt me.


The problem with the APT-E is that like most people I don't need one, but I want one. There lies the problem. This railway modelling lark has a lot to answer for... I might take up basket weaving...

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Just laughing to myself about President Obama's visit.....I was standing next to our Chief Minister yesterday...in the sarnie queue in M&S!  No security, no heavies.  Wensleydale and carrot chutney on brown, since you ask.  Different worlds.


So there I am, retired. Sort of anyway!  Lunch out with the team, and the Director of Corporate Services which was a little bit of a surprise.  It feels odd, not the excitement that was there before Gary's death, just a sense of relief really.  Anyway, here are the happy crew.....happy to be rid I suppose.  The box has handcuff cufflinks in it by the way!  With an inappropriate comment engraved on them....we're good at inappropriate.





Oops, photo credit - Sergeant Rosie Hawes.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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Opinion: Motorists who enter intersections (especially key ones) in full knowledge of blocking crossing traffic due to fully visible traffic jams should be hanged, drawn and quartered.


Box junction.  Do not enter box unless your exit is clear.  Great idea in theory.



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 Would you believe that Archie the Westie is getting excited - last night Joanna told him that he was going to see 'Jenna' soon (the name of daughters pedigree pointer bitch) and I swear his eyes popped open and his ears erect! It is just over a year since he last visited her in Somerset, although they used to spend lots of time together when our daughter was in Epping, but it was a tangible reaction ; what a memory. I sometimes think dogs know more than we are aware?



Just the ears?



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  • RMweb Gold

A nice farewell Neil although regrettable that recent events have marred the occasion for you.  Hope you'll enjoy retirement,  until such time as you start your new job in the coming months!  But I hope too that any pressures in your new career will be as nothing compared with those of the criminal justice world.


And a retirement lunch - always a nice touch I think and in many respects far more civilised than some of the other ways in which retirements are, hmm, celebrated.

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Great to see Neil live in action at his "do". Leaving any job where colleagues have been worthwhile must trigger mixed emotions, but recent sad events make this a most weird day, I'm sure. I hope you can take some good memories of the day, as well as the cloud that has overshadowed it all.

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I did mention a few weeks ago that we had a new puppy, Tillie. Here she is today at almost four months old





She's very mischievous, and  is still in the nipping everything phase.



What a beautiful little girl! and I'm glad to see that her tail's not docked. Mrs iD is still inching towards adopting a second dog (ideally a somewhat older bitch) as a companion for Schotty. I am not resisting the idea much....


All this talk about X-rays reminds me I have to go for an MRI next week, the orthopaedic surgeon I consulted about my shoulder wants to see what's going on deep in the AC joint. As bits of me start failing/falling off as I head towards 60, I've become well acquainted with Computerised Axial Tomography, radiography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging. I only have to have a Positron Emission Tomography scan to have collected the whole set (bonus points for a FDG-PET perhaps).


MRIs are painless, but unpleasant. It is, without much exaggeration, akin to being in a large metal dustbin as big muscular men hit the bin with large and heavy sledgehammers. What fun!


So Italy OUT (luck of the game?)" England OUT (inevitable, I suppose, given the combination of payers selected and the coaching), Spain OUT (didn't see THAT coming). As far as I'm concerned, if Switzerland ar out after tonight's game then it's no more footie until the final match. I suppose there's always Wimbledon, or failing that, doing some modelling!


Have a great evening

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Good evening everyone and first my best wishes to Neil on his retirement. I am sorry that recent events have taken a little away from your day, understandable of course. Best wishes for the future. I would also like to thank Jock for the kind words, shown below.


Andy, I hope the wait for the keys will be worth it and that, once you get over the trauma of the move, your life and marriage return to normal. You appear to have been under immense pressure at times lately but it is lovely to see how the railway modelling always has a calming effect on you! Good luck with the removal and try to stay calm.



And so the update!


Today has been day 3 of "Sports Week". With a visiting set of coaches staging a World Cup themed day for the junior (7-11) children, us teachers had a more relaxed day. I led some gymnastics sessions in the morning for the infants, modelling the first lesson to help the student teacher's development before observing her teach the second session. Other staff provided some athletics and dance sessions for the youngsters in the afternoon. Once again we were blessed with great weather. Hopefully this will continue tomorrow as we have a visiting archery coach and a climbing wall - hopefully I will get a chance to have a go too!!!

 One highlight today was at morning break. Some of the Year 6 boys asked me to join in with their football game, and with 3 qualified football coaches split across the teams we had a very enjoyable game - great to have some fun with the kids at this time of the year.


 The latest on the house move has seen things change again. I am struggling to hire a van for the weekend. There is nothing available for Saturday, a larger one than we need available from 10am on Sunday and only Enterprise will provide one for the whole weekend for a mere £260! That is compared to one local firm who wanted £80 for the same size van over the weekend. Just a shame they were booked up!!! Fortunately the head teacher has granted me the day off on Monday  - little did I know that permission had already been gained from the governing body. A van is now booked from 10am on Monday so we will move the small stuff over the weekend and then shift the big stuff on Monday. With good luck and a following wind we could be in and drinking champagne in the new house by Monday afternoon - the bubbly is on ice!


 With Sarah still away my parents took pity on me so I went there for tea before deciding on a relaxing hour at the Mickleover club. With sparse numbers tonight I had the run of the double track upper level of the club layout. I started with a couple of weathered Jubilees, then ran my weathered West Country before sticking my A1 on the front of an 8 coach train. This is the first time it has ran with any load and it certainly ran well. Later I gave my Duke of Gloucester a test with 10 mark one coaches on the rear and it ran very well too. I also ran my new arrivals from Hornby yesterday - a ex GWR horse box and a maroon liveried parcels van which came via my Hornby Collectors Club voucher.


Tomorrow I had better start packing up my layout!

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Back from a nice day talking to sponsors .. a ride on a narrow gauge "garden" Railway - 2 foot gauge loco pulling a 2 foot six gauge coach.. lots of Hunslets on display... unfortunately I forgot the camera!


Neil.. welcome to the group who are "retired" but aren't if you get my drift!


North of England U15s trials tomorrow and a T20 tomorrow evening plus a game arranged for Friday ..then League game on Saturday .. I might get Sunday off from cricket....BUT the weather doesn't look promising to say the least!


Have a great Thursday as I may be late in again tomorrow...



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