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Early Risers.


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So, I didn't want to get all "Lynne Truss" on everyone, but as I need to post another "Spot the Eagle" photo - rather than a "Spot, the Eagle", I thought I'd just mention it before posting the next picture... :jester:


Our friends managed an early morning of photo of the nest, complete with inhabitants.


Spot the Eagle (no comma and as far as we know an un-named parent!) and its young...



Had a good weekend at the cabin, can't say "great" as is hissed with rain pretty much all of Saturday from early AM until after midnight, except for a brief three hour period that allowed us to mow, almost HARVEST, the grass. We've had so much rain and warm weather the stuff was almost 10 inches long in parts, and took two passes to actually get it under control.

Sunday was nicer, but by then we were all shagged out  quite tired after the mowing marathon. Spent most of the day taking it easy, reading and relaxing.


Received a package right before we left Saturday - eBay win of a Bachmann N class MIB that cost me $100 (about 64 quid), and seems a pretty good deal :)


We're really racking up the rainfall here, another 3-4 inches around the city Saturday/Sunday and some minor flooding in places.

Lovely day today, 20 heading for 26 sunny with a light breeze and low humidity.


Working again today, now heading into "documentation" territory, as I have to document anything and everything I think will help the two new employees at a client prior to my departure at the end of the month. Somewhat daunting as neither of them are particularly experienced in SQL and a LOT of what I had been working to complete is in that disipline - will be interesting to see what level of panic arises as they become more aware of the extent of what they are getting. :O


Enjoy your day everyone...



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I collected my blood test form from my GP and rather than join the telephone appointment queue I drove into Southend and had my blood taken at the hospital clinic. I will have the results before I go Barts later in the week, and hopefully they won't feel the need for more punctures.

It is really cloudy and quite cool here now although it looks sunny in every other direction.

I thought Robbie and I were going to see some excitement down at the park as a large lorry was stuck on the grass outside the changing rooms (used by the weekend footballers). I'm not sure why the driver thought it was a better place to turn than the car park but his truck did indicate it was from a logistics business. I think he thought his tow out had arrived but it was just someone from the council dog poo-bin collection service. He was still there when we left (the lorry not the poo truck)

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Weather recovered to not to bad, Jock, but by then errands had taken me all the way to Douglas in the car and I was committed to finishing everything off.  :help:   SO no racing for me, and there's dinner at a cottage up the road at 7 we have to go to, visitors from somewhere called Kent. ;)   Humbug.


Ramsey sprint tomorrow, looks like the weather will be OK, so an hour or two down there and then a ride out on a couple of bikes with Mrs H I think.  She wants to 'test' those new exhaust pipes on the white street scrambler. :yes:

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been a nice day till 5:30 when it started to come down in buckets...her indoors was teaching so guess whop got soaked to the skin collecting the washing in...moi!


I can't get into motor or motor cycle racing ..... but get me a tank and some decent going and I can watch for hours... mind you I don't get paid to do that anymore but it might be what set me off weathering...

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Good evening. Despite only a few hours sleep I got through the day and quite enjoyed it too. The staff meeting was productive too and we got loads sorted for next academic year. Whilst the student completes her final weeks I hope to be able to get ahead with some prep for September. I have boxes just awaiting labelled books for the new year.


 The fridge continues to make some strange noises and we are not sure how cool it is keeping the contents at the moment. My father in law is going to pop over and have a look, but a new one looks to be the most likely option, just a shame it can't wait until the move date. Sadly that seems no closer as a visit to the new house today has seen no visible signs of progress.


 As for the other recent disasters - Sarah was not happy to find more damaged items from the damp today after unearthing a mouldy pair of jeans. She looks set to move up to her mum's tomorrow evening until the move date finally arrives. The police called today to discuss the money I lost / had stolen at the weekend and they will contact Asda for the CCTV footage later today.


 On a final positive note I got the photo book started today - it is looking quite promising.

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Simon, it might have been more than (just) fitness - you could have been suffering from exposure as well. I was in a group of fit 14/15 year old schoolkids, dressed for much warmer weather, who got caught in much the same conditions on top of Ben Lomond. Looking back some years later, I realised that most of us had been suffering from exposure by the time we got down and warmed up. Three of us who shared a sandwich given to us by a teacher had been unable to come up with the name of the sandwich filling - cheese!

You might well be right!  I have suffered from this once in the past, after coming off a Cumbrian mountain in sub-zero conditions.  Recovered after about an hour that time.


Simon  - Glad you made it down successfully. You highlighted crucial problems, add disorientation to your list. Also a little understood effect of “feedback” between two or more people experiencing similar symptoms at the same time.

Be careful out there!


Pete, you are dead right about the disorientation.  I guess that at times on the way down, I must have looked a bit like a punch-drunk boxer in the last round of his match.


Today was purely low level walking with no incidents to report - thankfully.

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Evening All,

Still incredibly not dead! I haven't posted anything recently, but I have been keeping my beady eye on ER. I loved the doggie photos and I am glad that Andy enjoyed Rome (hope the phrase book worked).


I have been silent as I have had a rather disquieting few days, culminating in a visit to my GP. Bottom line: the lump I found was - as I expected - the sequalae to a sebaceous cyst, but my right shoulder needs the attention of an orthopaedic surgeon (best case scenario? PT and intra-articular steroid injections, worst case scenario? Surgery). Believe you me, joint problems are a right bu99er and - paradoxically - the smaller the joint the longer it takes to heal. Given that I am right handed, any impediments to my right shoulder means certain activities involving the right hand are hampered (stop sniggering in the back!), like writing, modelling or opening bottles of alcohol....


Jock mentioned that Rome is a city he'd like to revisit. I find Rome "OK", but would much rather go back to Bologna. Other cities I'd love to revisit are Tokyo, Singapore, KL, Hong Kong, Paris and Berlin. All are amazing cities that have amazing train systems (well perhaps not Bologna) and amazing food (well perhaps not Berlin [stolid food I'd say]). One thing I hope to do the next time I'm in Berlin is to take a "Tunnel Tour" on the U-Bahn (you get to ride through the U-Bahn at night in open carriages ]there's something similar organised in Paris]).


I made some progress on CAMDEN LOCK: tunnel wall supports are mounted and walls printed out (though the walls will need to be tweaked and reprinted). I managed to get a reasonable match between the painted yellow/green cream of the tunnel ends and the printouts. I'm certainly satisfied with the match up. Photos to follow soon(-ish),


Anyway, a goodnight to all.

Edited by iL Dottore
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Good evening all,

Very sorry to hear about the shoulder iL Dottore, particularly if it prevents you opening a bottle of wine! (recommend one of those pneumatic needle devices which require little physical input).

The reason I highlighted the fact that I'd like to return to Rome was simply that I rarely go to the same place twice as I felt (correctly as it transpired!) that I only had so many years left and more than that number of places on the wish list! That said, because Berlin is en-route to so many places, we've been there 6 or 7 times, the first visit just 2 months after the wall came down - love the 'bratwurst' from the street vendors! Glad to hear that you've found time for some modelling.

Simon, you've highlighted what is all too common a problem in my homeland, all those mountains need treating with the greatest of respect. Sounds like you had a very scary experience which I'm sure you'll avoid in future. Glad to hear the holiday seems to be going well otherwise - did you manage to visit 'Maid of the Loch' perchance?

Good luck on the IOM weather front for the rest of the week Neil and I hope you both enjoy the biking - you really know how to make a man jealous!

Just been reminded by Joanna the royalist that today was 'Coronation' day back in 1953. I wish I was too young to remember!

Have a good night,

Kind regards,


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Cor, Coronation Day - I remember that.  Watched it on the tv at my maternal grandparents' - fortunately they'd had the electric installed in time to get a tv for the big event, but they still never got a tap inside the house.  And I won a prize in the village fancy dress competition for children in the afternoon, plus a tea in the village hall.  There was also an ox roast in the market place in Wantage - the only time I have ever seen one of those (I presume it wasn't really an ox but a bull).


And that shows how old I might be ;)

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Oooo, I rememeber the Coronation party we had in the cul de sac I grew up in. Seems like it was quite fun judging by the few photos that were taken, but we didn't have a TV anywhere so just had the radio, good old Beeb! Myst've been the Home service I expect :)

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Evening All,


I have been silent as I have had a rather disquieting few days, culminating in a visit to my GP. Bottom line: the lump I found was - as I expected - the sequalae to a sebaceous cyst, but my right shoulder needs the attention of an orthopaedic surgeon (best case scenario? PT and intra-articular steroid injections, worst case scenario? Surgery). Believe you me, joint problems are a right bu99er and - paradoxically - the smaller the joint the longer it takes to heal. Given that I am right handed, any impediments to my right shoulder means certain activities involving the right hand are hampered (stop sniggering in the back!), like writing, modelling or opening bottles of alcohol....

Sorry to hear of your predicament and hope you soon find relief. You will certainly need the alcohol as, in my experience - I have arthritic hips - it is more effective than any pain killer in reducing discomfort.


All the best.

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Good morning all,

Dull & dismal start but there may may some brighter sunny periods this morning followed by showers this afternoon.

I remember Coronation day quite well.We were living in Bedford at the time & Dad had the front of our pub decorated with flags and that was also when we got our first TV.

Had an estimate yesterday for repairs to pebbledashing on the front of the house and it wasn't too painful so will go ahead with this next month. (Old established company I've known of for 40+ years and who've done excellent work for friends & neighbours.) Painter & decorator coming this afternoon to give estimate. I've ("we've") decided that my knee isn't safe enough for prolonged periods up ladders.

Yet again waiting in for parcels (2 small railways items for me) & "stuff" for son.

Managed to spray a base coat on 3 or 4 more items for my fuel terminal yesterday and the pipework & fittings have been delivered so I might get some modelling in later.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all,  - is it Friday sooon? 


Seemed to be surrounded by fools & ijets yesterday.....and not the normal ones! Half my staff seemed to turn up having left the brains behind! 


Other than that not much else to report,   though no time for modelling last night.  


Try to keep out of mischief today, 



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Morning All,


It is a reasonably nice morning in this part of the world.  There is a possibility of thunderstorms forecast for later on, but at the moment it is dry and bright with broken cloud.


Concerning walking and exposure, I had one particular incident a few years ago which gave me cause for thought, and made me realise that things can go South incredibly quickly. 


We were on Ingleborough - We had walked up from Clapham, and set off across the moor towards the summit in bright sunshine.  By the time we reached Little Ingleborough, the mist had come down.  Fortunately, we were well equipped and sheltered in a creep for a while.  When the weather showed no signs of improving, we set off walking on a back bearing.  After a while, we heard voices and saw some figures coming out of the mist.  A family, Mum, Dad and two kids.  Mum was in flip-flops and the rest of the party were in trainers.  All clad in short trousers and T-shirts.


It was then we heard the immortal words "Do you know where we are?!?"


The family concerned weren't as incompetent as they sounded.  They had walked up the tarmac path as we had as far as Trow Gill, and wanted to have a look at the moor, so they ascended as far as Clapham Bottoms before getting disorientated by the mist which had arrived so suddenly.


We gave them all coffee, and survival blankets and accompanied them back down to the tarmac path (where the sun was still shining) but I shudder to think what might have happened if we hadn't bumped into them, pretty much by chance.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Tuesday.....opticians and weathering..a calm sort of day.

To everyone with aches, pains and nasty ailments I hope you have as little pain as possible and to everyone...have a terrific Tuesday!


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Not quite an early riser, more of a late sleeper having just finished a 12 hour night shift.


Have a happy, productive day.


Me? I'm off to bed ready to do it all again tonight!!



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Morning all.  Dentist this morning (hopefully just a check up), podiatrist this afternoon. Got to pick up repeat prescription pills etc from pharmacist sometime.

Mostly I'll be playing with the new telly and the newly installed Virgins. I can't say as I've noticed any improvement in the computer's performance on the wonderful fibre optic broadband, perhaps I will have to bite the bullet and buy a new computer- this one is well over 10 years old.

I don't cope well with change. I only changed my van last year after 18 years and I've had the MG since 1977, although that is rather like Granddad's broom!



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Morning all, just waiting to take DD2 to school so time to post. Rained heavily in the night again but dry now and light grey skys so hopefully a brighter day. My council computer sulked yesterday the encryption decided to become an enigma wrapped in mystery so back to base. They do take these data lapses seriously I think it will take 5 hours to unravel it all and they have the keys! Have a safe day as well as a good one!

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Morning Risesters.


Not too bright here, a bit like the denizens. Up and out on our Freedom Passes to visit the grandsons before we head off to France for a couple of weeks. Always enjoyable. 

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Cloudy at Borough Market Junction this morning - a little light drizzle when I came into the office 3/4hr ago.


Meeting this morning to discuss the (lack of) progress one of the team members has made on a particular project, despite quite a bit of help and guidance. Not going to be a comfortable one....


We've decided our downstairs loo needs replacing (it's likely the flush mechanism is past it), and the one plumber we've had round said it will take a lot of work to replace including taking up the floor and breaking tiles off the wall. Now Mrs L says we should rip out the shower in the room as we never use it and completely revamp it the whole room, including possibly taking out the ventilator (the room is totally internal). Hardly know where to start with looking up people for quotes. I guess checkatrade is a good place to start.

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