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Early Risers.


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Good morning everybody, even though it isn't light yet...

Woken up at 4 by grand daughter - having discarded bedding and nightdress because she was too hot, she's now cold and needs a grown up to sort out the duvet. She's back to sleep in seconds, I'm awake for the day...

Not even a decent dawn to photograph with lovely new lens!


Settling down with coffee and Shackleton's 'Weathering Locomotives' until it's time to warm up the croissants and embark on the school run.


Have a good day, all.

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Morning All,


Heavens above Dom and Smiffy, you were up early this morning!


It is a nice sunny morning here, and the forecast says we may well reach 28°C by the afternoon.


My Girlfriend is taking the little Guy to school this morning, as I had a rather short Friday with his hospital appointment.


As to where the weekend went - I am not sure - I had it a minute ago!


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Morning all,  


Up early as I have a day  of Grand Children sitting as their school has an in service day.  Lunch with son & D-i-L (and their dog) .  Was awake at 03:45 for some reason, so packed some more stuff in the  box thats going to Canada.


Whatever you're up to today,


Try to survive!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I'm waiting for my tea to cool right down - tepid is best! Mercifully the broken tooth really hasn't been painful, and I can call the dentist in an hour. I slept well until about 4,45, then just dozed. The morning is lovely, we are promised 26 degrees, but by tonight it will be in retreat, with stormy events forecast for a couple of days.


Jock - the film Lawrence of Arabia opened with the sequence of the chap and his motorbike. This was filmed in the village where I went to skool - Betchworth.


Hope everyone's week gets under way well.

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Sun is shining and I'm still breathing, so all is well with the world.  Shorts will be on soon and 18 holes await..


Have a great day.  Summer is on it's way.


Super pic of Robbie.  We had family round yesterday and Golly took his chance whilst conversation was flowing.  Little oik shot up between my brother and I and in a flash pinched a block of strong cheddar off the table.  Chaos ensued as the little b*gger ran off round the garden with his ill gotten gain.  Hard to be angry with the perpetrator when you are laughing so much….

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Good morning from sunny Leeds.

Off to see he dental hygienist this am followed by door painting then a bit of weathering.


Hopefully Monday won't be too painful and I hope you get the tooth sorted oldudders!

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Morning all! :boast:

It`s coffee time now, then after the school-run`s vehicular morning madness has died down; dog-walkies on the beach (in the sunshine) and at lunchtime; go along to support our Maritime Pilotage, RNLI & MCA friends in paying our respects at the dedication of a new local memorial, commemorating the loss of two former Liverpool Pilot Boats.






What`er your plans, enjoy the day! :sungum:

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Some friends in the village are 'looking after' four hens while the elderly owner is away.

We have often remarked that her habit of letting them roam free during the day will end in tears and a fox's tummy.

Panic last evening as one had gone missing!

SWMBO found it after a lengthy search by the villagers.

It had gone broody in the middle of a hawthorn thicket.

Needless to say they will be confined to barracks until the owner returns.

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T. E. Lawrence died 15 years before I was born!


Yes, it's my birthday today so I'm glad the sun is shining so far although rain is forecast. When The Beatles sang about this age, it seemed so old! In my head, I'm 25 but the mirror says otherwise!


O/H is up early as it has fallen to him (as new Committee member) to admit the decorators to The Little Theatre at 0800.


Have a good day - we're out for lunch at one of our favourite restaurants (Italian)

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Bright start - weather, that is, not us. Forecast for showers later.


My sign off now says phased return to work - which i hope now is good enough for HR.


So in and spreadsheet today - and see what the state of play is with the replacement laptop.


Have a good one.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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Morning, back from our week on the north Norfolk coast which was very pleasant. Enhanced by the weather we walked the coastal path from Hunstanton  to Blakeney in sections with pubs featuring heavily along the way.

Spent yesterday mowing lawns and cleaning the car.


Lots of postings in my absence so congratulations/commiserations as appropriate.


Have a lovely birthday Sherry


Picture from my visit to the North Norfolk Railway, enjoy the day folks




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Morning all. A disturbed night due to thunder which terrifies the dogs. Fortunately I had loaded the car last night with branches to go to the recycling centre. The remainder will be rather wet now.


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A lovely start to the day down here, sun and warmth in abundance, sadly work beckons at 09:00.


A few hours, over the next couple of days, will be spent identifying the trains I photographed at Purley-on-Thames the other day, 60 of them in 2 1/2 hours, mostly passenger but all these things will change when the knitting arrives, not least the view being blocked. The one I photographed at Henley was pretty easy to find !


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Happy birthday Sherry!  Hope you have a lovely day.


My eldest (10) is off on a week-long school trip. The house is going to seem very empty.


Phone call from mum yesterday - obviously in much pain - saying she couldn't cope anymore. So, likely I'll be busy on the phone today coraling Drs etc to improve her pain management, bump her up a few lists if poss.


SWMBO cleared and tidied the garage on Saturday and I've been busy painting it. Looking very smart and worth the effort and cash! 



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Off to see he dental hygienist this am followed by door painting then a bit of weathering.


Also off to the dentist today - to get a crown fitted.  I dont think it will be too painful, except on the wallet!


Lovely day here so far.  I get the sun in my office area in the mornings, and it is now too hot!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ER's, and a Happy Birthday to Ashers. :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum:


My internal age is 17, a shame the container for that is showing rather more on the clock, especially this morning after a long day yesterday!


The One Show live from Fraggle Rock was sadly disappointing I thought, poorly arranged and more about Ross Noble and the hosts than the games and our little rock.  At least Laura Wasley got a little slot, we are sponsoring her for the games as she is a colleague of Mrs NHN.  Go Laura Go! :locomotive:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, and a very happy birthday to Sherry. 

I was not up early this morning. I slept through the alarm and was finally woken as Aditi told me she was off to work. I still haven't had breakfast but I have worked my way through two cold cups of tea and the usual pile of medicines! The other task I vaguely recall was to make sure I'm around to receive some shoes that are arriving by courier. 


Update! Furry alarm system, then door bell announced the arrival of shoes.


Toaster has now pinged so breakfast (at last).



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