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Morning All,


I am rather later on parade this morning - there was an accident on the way to work which closed the road through the forest.  Unfortunately, it is a short stretch of single carriageway road which usally gets closed in the event of the all too common accidents - but requires a 20km detour to get around.  The first accident, resulted in a second one because of people gawping!


Weather wise, we are having heavy showers interspersed with blue skies.


Dominik - in answer to your question - Yes.  That is what your mentors are there for.  Definitely talk to them about your concerns.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all,


A nice sunny start to the day and I managed to install some apps on the iPad which the kids have been after for a few days, so they're happy.


A tamper due later and then mid afternoon a DRS engine move, I'm guessing a 47 - I bet I can tell when they leave by the change in the weather.


Have a good day all.

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Wet..say no more!


Her indoors rescued an injured racing pigeon the other day at school. Used its leg ring number to contact the owner who has arranged for it to be curriered back to Wales next week.



What does curried pigeon taste like? :jester:

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Morning, wet n windy still after a really, really wet night, it was one of those rain rattling off the windows nights.  Still loaded with cold, I've had a miserable manflu  :cry: week, TFI Friday.


Had a nice surprise today in terms of a little bonus for my last few weeks here from my Inspector, free parking.  Parking in this town is both a nightmare and expensive, and I'm not senior enough to get a space in the basement of the tower of power - an odd thing I always think that only those who earn big salaries, sorry get paid big salaries get free parking, whereas the minions on lower pay have to pay for theirs - but he has got me a space downstairs from a contact another department, whoopee.  Saves a fortune and saves a wet walk to the office also.  Win-win.


47 Sleeps to go!

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Morning all, bright breezy day here at present.....  Dom you underestimate your ability to aquire skills, you also have some doubts about what you can do due to the clash with previous personel. New car is pleasant but push button handbrakes why?   I haven't tried the stop motion thing yet think that can wait a while but it is pleasant to watch the mpg rise.

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Just trying to play catchup. Good news Jock. Let's hope the b*stard C goes away for a long long time.


Morning all from a rather noisy borough. Our c*ckwomble asshat douchecanoe thunderc**t neighbours have decided their new recreational activity is all night karaoke parties. This is the second one in 2 weeks but by far the noisiest. I've been awake mostly since 02:30 apart from a few short interludes of broken sleep where I had visions of violent retribution dancing in my head. Talking to these Neanderthals is out of the question as they can barely walk upright never mind master the art of communication beyond grunts and shouts. One couple further down the street had issues with the youngest womble's behaviour and bullying of their kid a while back. That escalated into a full blown Eastender's style argy bargy shouting match in their front garden and the police being called. Mystic Meg predicts several Jeremy Kyle guest appearances in their future.  


Unlike most North American cities there is no such thing as immediately enforceable noise bylaws or disturbing the peace. Had this been Calgary, at 23:01 the cops would have been called and by 23:30 the c*ckwombles would have been issued a cease and desist order along with a hefty fine. But this is Bexley. That means filling out an online form at 03:00 then waiting anything up to 5 working days for a response from their environmental health dept. I'm going to have a chat with the neighbour on the other side of them to see how badly it affected them. With luck they'll have also filed a complaint. A letter to their beyond useless landlords is also underway. Not that it will do any good, but it means a paper trail in case it gets to the point where the council orders their eviction. That way the landlord can't say they knew nothing about it.


If I had the time today I'd rent a concrete breaker and start taking up the concreted over front garden. I'd spend extra time along the property line right under next door's bedroom window. :diablo_mini:


Have a good one all.

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We've had our battles with our neighbour too, come in steaming drunk at 0300 and then the music goes on, until about 10 am when the drugs run out.  After keeping a noise diary for the local commissioners (like councillors) and several 'frank and open' discussions (He's a nice lad when sober and not high) one Easter it finally got too much and I invoked the 'I work for the police so get a bobby here NOW' act, and the bobby that did turn up did a number on said neighbour for several offences.  It's been OK since.....  A side benefit was the bobby sitting around the corner waiting for his mates to leave later and nicked them one by one for driving while unfit through drink or drugs.  So they don't like to come around now.....result.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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   . I'm going to have a chat with the neighbour on the other side of them to see how badly it affected them. With luck they'll have also filed a complaint. A 


In South Essex the neighbour on the other side could turn out to be a retired East End crime-lord who would "have a little word with them...". We only have delinquent trees round here! Though an arrest took place in the road last weekend. A big 4x4 races along the road only to find that it is a cul-de-sac. By the time the driver turned a police car had blocked the road, the driver was removed, cuffed and a large machete removed.



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My “favourite” London neighbour enjoyed riding around his backyard on a motorbike at midnight during the workweek (which he didn’t - work that is...)


Best, Pete.

A friend had a neighbour like that. A litre of urine and a couple of sugar cubes in his tank put paid to it. He couldn't afford the repairs.


Tony, I wish we had a Cray or similar down the road to sort this bunch out. Then again I don't think Jane Goodall could communicate with them in any meaningful way. Hopefully a bitch slap from the council with the threat of further action and eviction may just penetrate their granite like craniums.

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A big 4x4 races along the road only to find that it is a cul-de-sac. By the time the driver turned a police car had blocked the road, the driver was removed, cuffed and a large machete removed.



So he wasn't coming over to lop a bit off the Leylandii for you.

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Tony, I wish we had a Cray or similar down the road to sort this bunch out. Then again I don't think Jane Goodall could communicate with them in any meaningful way. Hopefully a bitch slap from the council with the threat of further action and eviction may just penetrate their granite like craniums.

I didn't know Seymour Cray was adept at the old fisticuffs. 

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Late good morning everyone, and thank you all for the heap of ratings I've just gone through - very supportive and a real tonic! Been doing battle with Archie the Westie, brushing and combing out the loose hairs (something he hates with a vengeance!), before he goes off for the fortnightly bath and trim. Vets advice is that, as a breed, they are prone to skin complaints hence the time scale between baths and the piriton tablet with a fish oil capsule each morning. Sometimes think that he is better treated than me!

Waiting with baited breath for news from Colchester General where eldest grandson is with his partner, awaiting delivery (by Caesarian) of a sister for little Freddie. This will be our third great-grandchild ; how lucky is that? Still don't feel I am old enough! Because youngest daughter started young, I was still fit enough to play football, climb, etc. with her two sons who are now 25 and 22. Sadly, the body is now unable to cope with such things but apparently I'm still useful when it comes to homework and mending toys etc. - nice to know I'm wanted! Currently doing quite a bit with Ella, my beautiful granddaughter, from the same stable - she's currently into the exam season. It really does keep your mind active when working with her on subjects from history to physics with lots in between.

Tony_S, couldn't find Trisonic's bike thread so I wonder if you could point me in the right direction, and Ian, can I ask the same favour of you in terms of the F1 thread on which I've seen posts from you but failed to record the heading? (Only when time away from VIP allows of course! No rush!)

Dom, I'm with the positive posters, run with your strengths and abilities and use the mentors for the purpose that there name suggests : good luck with what ultimately can only be your decision but we're all with you.

Kind regards to all and to those to whom it makes a difference, have a great weekend,


PS Neil - you've got me counting down too now!!

Edited by Jock67B
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A friend had a neighbour like that. A litre of urine and a couple of sugar cubes in his tank put paid to it. He couldn't afford the repairs.


Tony, I wish we had a Cray or similar down the road to sort this bunch out. Then again I don't think Jane Goodall could communicate with them in any meaningful way. Hopefully a bitch slap from the council with the threat of further action and eviction may just penetrate their granite like craniums.

In Bexley, there are plenty of Crays

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In Bexley, there are plenty of Crays

Foots Cray, St Mary Cray, North Cray.................... In fact we have a whole river of Crays. Shame I can't use it to drown the c*ckwomble family. I'd get done for dumping toxic waste.


Amazingly I've already heard from the council's environmental health officer. An informal "shut the feck up and don't do it again" letter is to be send and we'll be logging any future issues in a council supplied diary in case the letter doesn't do the trick.

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Evenin all,  


well first part of the journey home to the West Country is underway.....though the EX -SWMBO tells me it's cold wet...how can I cope with temps in single figures?  Air Side at Lagos Airport.


But it will be good to see the Grand kids (2  of each!) .....S-i-L has now had the snip, but just to make sure my daughter went to watch! 


The traveling models (1:24 truck & trolley) have gone through the first security scan....(two more to go. ) 



With luck next post from me should be at some ungodley hour from Amsterdam


Enjoy your  evening



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<phew> I was in panic mode all morning over here - RMWeb crashed/DDoS issue apparently, according to the Facebook post.

Didn't have much to post, but always like reading everything :)


11 and cloudy here - barely a couple of hours before I head off to start the "open the cabin" session. I get to put the water pump in - water is sourced from a shallow well, and the pump, being "outside" has to be removed and stored over the winter...


Have a good weekend - I'll be around posting when I can.

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Just posted on Kirby Luneside KL2 about the sort of people that cause such grief, rather vitriolic but it has always made me angry when a small no of cretins find it fun to ruin the enjoyment of millions!!

Kind regards,


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There are lots of big railway woggony type things in the 'Telford International Freight Terminal' aka the sidings at the bottom of Hortonwood.


I'll have to cycle over there tomorrow sometime and see what they are, although knowing my luck they'll be gone.


Generally speaking, when something is in there it toes tend to get left in there for long periods of time.

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Evenin' all


My VIP has returned whence she came, after 4 smashing days. If truth be told, we did very little, but as we've been an unofficial item for quite a while, we are so very, very comfortable in each other's company that there are no surprises. Even Fatcat Cooper sat on her lap purring this morning, confirming how welcome she will be here any time she returns. Super times. When Deb was undergoing chemo-therapy, she had a rather nice wig, paid for by the French State and our health insurance between them, and that has now been taken by my VIP, who knows people who may be able to re-use it.


Andrew C's regrettable experience with his Neanderthal neighbour is meat and veg to one who fears he would never survive urban dwelling. I would die of unmanageable anger in the circs!


Jock - great to hear the medics think you've been well-behaved. My F1 thread is here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/81637-formula-1-2014-all-change/page-7&do=findComment&comment=1436903. The website I use for my F1 info is http://www.pitpass.com .

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