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Uh-oh. Seen this before.... 

Girl 1; "How's the new chap working out?"

Girl 2: "Haven't finished yet." 

Along the lines of: a woman spends the first 12 months of any relationship getting her man in line and the rest of it moaning that he's not the man she first met......

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  • RMweb Gold

I get to Henley and read that Mike has left . Was it something I said? He also mentioned the Moderation I will confess to having got drunk in the Moderation although it was some years ago.


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  • RMweb Gold

Along the lines of: a woman spends the first 12 months of any relationship getting her man in line and the rest of it moaning that he's not the man she first met......

I don't think I am any tidier than I was in 1975.

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  • RMweb Gold

Me neither.  I am more organised though, but still untidy, if that makes sense! 

Ah but what wife can accept the idea of organised intidyness. The principal of don't tidy up becayse I can then find things by remembering the last jobs and which one I used it for would work for me unless someone tidies it all away then I am lost.


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  • RMweb Premium

Tonight only 6 months after first ordering the Zafira replacement we finally have MrsB's new motability car! It is only a lease car and has to be returned after three years but it is a new and shiny Zyknos blue.C4 Picasso.

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Arrghh, didn't make it in until now - had a new person start and needed to spend time setting them up with the necessary tools/applications on their company Laptop, took the best part of the morning, followed by the mandatory "welcome lunch"...


Weather cloudy with severe thunderstorms, expecting "dangerously strong winds and hail" later this afternoon, currently +22!

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it seems to have rained for most of the day except during my walk in the park. We had a longer walk as I met a friend who walks dogs professionally. However today she was walking her own dogs and Robbie seemed very happy to meet old acquaintances. Having read Pete's (Trisonic) motorbike thread I was able to look slightly informed when hearing about her new motorbike.


I spent quite a bit of time today assembling cardboard building kits. I'll do a bit more soon as I'm waiting for some bread to bake.



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Evening folks, 'happy Jock' here because I heard the news I wanted to today. My blood test results were improved on last month and I'm back on the chemo for another spell! They've booked me a further CAT scan for c. 5 weeks time and that will show us if the nasty is still contained. John, thanks for the comments but I have to confess that I kind of cheated - I've known my doctor for over 25 years and I had x-ray Thursday, phone call at work Friday , oncologist and radiotherapy planning Tuesday. It definitely seems to be who you know rather than...............think they call it fast track but I've got a great team looking after me.

Mick ('skipepsi'), hope you are happy with your choice - I was a motability specialist for over thirty years, and for the last 16, in charge at a Citroen dealership! Small world eh!

Ian, whatever you might read, I think VIP has taste and she has made you look less sinister. Good luck my friend!

Doing an AndyB here - didn't know about Pete(trisonic)'s bike thread so I'm off for a look now!!

Have a good night,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Bread machine has beeped and bread is cooling and should be perfect for toast at  breakfast. My  corner shop is finished (apart from gutters and chimney pots) but I'm not going out to see how it looks on the layout as it is raining and I don't want to confuse a certain sleeping spaniel.


Jock. I am pleased to read your medical news. It isn't always who you know, it can be where you live. My mother moved to Worcestershire when she was nearly 80. The difference between her treatment for multiple ailments was significantly better, previously for about 10 years she had felt as if she had been "written off". 

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I was quite interested in a Citroen when I last purchased a car. The local dealer didn't seem that interested in selling one to me. At that time the Ford dealer didn't seem too bothered either about selling. The VW dealer was quite impressive but they didn't really have what I was looking for.  The Land Rover salesman must have been good as I'd only popped in for a look to convince myself I couldn't afford one.

When Aditi changed her car last year all the sales people seemed keen!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Feeling a bit in the dumps as I was realising how the rotten experience from the past eight months has inhibited me in acquiring skills. Not sure about whether I should inform my mentors about this ahead of today's lessons. What would you guys do?

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Morning all, 


Todays Friday! 


Eventually (the net being sooper s l o  w last night) got my self checked in, trouble is KLM  wanted me to "up grade"  (for money of course!) Seemed to take ages to navigate the on line check-in site, 


This time tomorrow morning all being well I should be drinking coffee in Schipol airport.   


Ian, good luck with your VIP...


Try and have a good one. 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Feeling a bit in the dumps as I was realising how the rotten experience from the past eight months has inhibited me in acquiring skills. Not sure about whether I should inform my mentors about this ahead of today's lessons. What would you guys do?

Yes do talk to someone about your concerns, you may not have realised that you have picked up new skills.


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  • RMweb Premium

Wet..say no more!


Her indoors rescued an injured racing pigeon the other day at school. Used its leg ring number to contact the owner who has arranged for it to be curriered back to Wales next week.

She has called him Percy and is reliving long ago days helping her grandfather with his pigeons!


This may result in a pigeon cree being required...I hope not!


Off shopping soon then,,,well its a Friday... Yippeeddoo everyone.

Hope anyone flying anywhere has a safe journey and have a good day everyone.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

A very pleasant morning here. 

Lots of "waiting in" for parcels today, mainly for Aditi but there may be something for me amongst them.


Dom. If this is the first formal meeting with your new mentors I would be positive about your current experience and mention any skills you feel you would like to work on. As Barry mentioned you may have acquired other skills. Even after  nearly 40 years in education Aditi felt the topic she would like to investigate for her staff development requirement was how to deal with "difficult" senior management.



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Morning all.


The sun was shining here when I woke up an hour ago, but the forecast grey clouds have since swept in heralded the expected second day of rain. It was certainly a miserable day weather wise yesterday, but I certainly spent much of it smiling. After the near full set of top grades in the reading SATs tests the class seem to have done pretty well in the first of their two writing tasks and I can feel optomistic about their final grades in that area too.


 After a tense evening it was all smiles again. Brighton 1 Derby 2. I don't think I sat down throughout the whole game, nervously downed a few bottles of the real ale I had purchased earlier in the day and scared the living daylights out of the poor cat when I jumped up in celebration at the two goals. Job half done though and it is off to Pride Park on Sunday evening hoping to finish the job!


 Sadly the money issue hasn't been sorted yet. Despite the bank suggesting that the money may be automatically refunded into my account this has not happened. Apparantly I now have to call the claims department which typically closes by 6pm. Is it really worth all the effort for the sake of £50? I suppose it will be if I get it back, otherwise I will just have to put it down to experience and rue my own carelessness.

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Bright but breezy here. Today there's shopping and cooking on the cards. Followed by picking Sandy up from school, taking her to pick up her new specs from the opticians and then into Apple to upgrade her iPhone. We have been talking about it for years, having had our current ones for five years, but the spur has been mine dying at the beginning of the week.


And amongst all that, preparing for work next week.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Bright start with some sunshine but blustery showers are expected. - should be drier & sunnier this afternoon.

Tea taken to "She who" and it would appear she's in a good mood but "we need to do some tidying up today". I think that as usual this is an oblique reference to the railway room/spare bedroom which I suppose could do with a bit of a sort out. Not that it matters too much as nobody is visiting this weekend.

If the promised rain doesn't appear I may do some gardening but then again I may take The Boss up on her suggestion and lose myself upstairs for a few hours!

The more I think about the room does need looking at! :whistle:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all. Feeling a bit in the dumps as I was realising how the rotten experience from the past eight months has inhibited me in acquiring skills. Not sure about whether I should inform my mentors about this ahead of today's lessons. What would you guys do?

If your mentor(s) are really on your side (as mentors should be!), then I would advise going ahead and telling them.  The more that they know about your concerns etc, the more they might be able to help.


It is cold and windy here today - just starting to warm up with a cup of tead after a one mile walk into the office.

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