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Early Risers.


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Yes thats the three and 5 rise sets....

YES, that one has always caught my fancy... thing is, when there were 8 of us and we were all in our mid 20s it was probably practical, this time around there'll be just 4 of us all in mid-60s! Whilst I love the idea and challenge of the locks - the other three in the party aren't acquainted with the effort/requirements and are not too sure just how many locks they/we want to hadle in a week :O

We're all pretty fit/active, but still we ARE mid-60s!!!! Would look like prats if we got half way up and then were to tired to go on :) (Seems I'm refrerencing being a prat a little too frequently!) maybe I AM one for sure :) :jester:

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We had 18 couples and their parents (finally) over for Pre-Junior Prom eats and (soft) drinkies (you cannot serve alcohol to anyone under 21 - even at home). I seem to have been the only adult present who had never attended any kind of prom....


Here is an unedited photo taken on my (laughingly called) lawn in the backyard.

Anyone spotting my daughter will get a Brownie Point. Hint, and to give a sense of scale - the young lady in the centre of the photo is 6’ tall and is not my daughter (she is the daughter of my financial adviser):




Best, Pete.

and what a nice looking group of young people they are too...


Wait for the college graduation get-togethers and see how far they come, it's quite endearing to see fine young folks grow into responsible (for the most part) adults - YAY!

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So, everyone managed to sleep well - wasn't difficult for me, but I wasn't sure for Mrs and MiL given they took long naps on the drive - we've had a light breakfast at a "sensible hour" circa. 9:15, and now there are a rash of hair dryers running as everyone (check my avatar to see who everyone DOESN'T incude!!!) gets themselves ready for the lunch we're attending to celebrate the 99th. birthday of MiL's sister - private note/joke, I'm planning on getting to the restaurant 30 minutes early as it'll take us that long to get them both from the car to the table! :)


Nice and sunny here in South Chicago, 12 and clear/cool with a light breeze.


Have a great Saturday ya'all and model some for me - and no, I DON'T me put on dresses and prance around in front of friends/guests - :jester:

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I'm not quite sure when the American style school/college prom started here, but in Essex it must have revitalised the dinner suit and posh frock industry.


..........and created a market for comedically over-long 28+ft. stretch-Limousines........I always find it amusing to see one trying to negotiate the tight environs of a modern housing tract......."The vehicles that taste forgot". :mosking:


I did recently "attend" (via Skype) the prom-night send-off of a dear American-friend`s lovely-young daughter in Sacramento......a surreal experience in itself: for me to be 'carried' out onto the porch (on their iPad) to wave her off into adulthood on her (clearly timorous) Beau`s arm! :angel:

Edited by Debs.
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  • RMweb Gold

Back from the Festering nog.


Interesting line up of locos including a double headed double Fairlie train.


Over on the WHR was the K1 Garrett which is weather large beast.


For Ian (Abel). A weekend or bank holiday are for humans who have to work for a living.


I have no such distractions which is why I am happy

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  • RMweb Gold

YES, that one has always caught my fancy... thing is, when there were 8 of us and we were all in our mid 20s it was probably practical, this time around there'll be just 4 of us all in mid-60s! Whilst I love the idea and challenge of the locks - the other three in the party aren't acquainted with the effort/requirements and are not too sure just how many locks they/we want to hadle in a week :O

We're all pretty fit/active, but still we ARE mid-60s!!!! Would look like prats if we got half way up and then were to tired to go on :) (Seems I'm refrerencing being a prat a little too frequently!) maybe I AM one for sure :) :jester:

Having been on the canals only twice, although more such events would have been welcome, yes locking through a flight can be a bit demanding, but easier if you join forces with another boat, perhaps. Anyway, it does allow one to utter the immortal words "Have you got the wind lass?"

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  • RMweb Premium

Having been on the canals only twice, although more such events would have been welcome, yes locking through a flight can be a bit demanding, but easier if you join forces with another boat, perhaps. Anyway, it does allow one to utter the immortal words "Have you got the wind lass?"

But there is a lock keeper on the five rise to help you...

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Ian (Abel), you could always go to Falkirk and use the amazing Falkirk wheel - if you haven't seen it, type it into Google and enjoy a marvellous piece of engineering! (One of my old customers daughter was involved on the engineering side and mum is fiercely proud as any 'Fifer' would be!). Whatever you choose, enjoy and remember which way is up!!

Kind regards,


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Ian (Abel), you could always go to Falkirk and use the amazing Falkirk wheel - if you haven't seen it, type it into Google and enjoy a marvellous piece of engineering! (One of my old customers daughter was involved on the engineering side and mum is fiercely proud as any 'Fifer' would be!). Whatever you choose, enjoy and remember which way is up!!

Kind regards,


And stunningly efficient - it only uses energy to start the rotation and to brake it at the end. I saw the energy needed for a half-rotation quoted in units 'needed to boil an average kettle'. I believe the number was 3, though I could be wrong (certainly low single figures). My brother in law owns a steel fabrication and assembly company. They were asked to quote for the Wheel. B-i-l, being a realistic and non-egotistical guy said "Thanks, but that's out of our class".


(Edit - I see from Wikipedia that it takes 8 kettle-boiling units for a half-rotation. I'm not nearly as impressed as I was!)

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Night cap time again! Watched a programme on Sky about the train crash at Santiago di Compostella. Horrendous result from the enquiry shows that though the driver was distracted by a phone call just before the crash, that section of track did not have the latest European safety device enabled. Seems the authority had known for more than a year. Once again shows that you can design the most sophisticated piece of engineering but, when some of the components are human, things can go terribly wrong. What a senseless waste of life!

Anyway, that off the chest, I hope your day has been calmer than AndrewP's - discovering a serious baseboard fault in 'Kingsley', he scrapped it then went out and purchased a new layout complete! The new thread is called 'Swad Lane' and I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing him well with the task of imprinting his own inimitable style on it. At least you can guarantee that the thread will be entertaining and well worth a look : HaHaHa as he'd say!!

Found a new friend today, an Ayrshire lad called Stewart '45156'. Just found the PM so I'll reply tomorrow. Have a good night and get the energy levels up for the rest of the weekends chores.

Kind regards,


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Mornin' All,


Looks like I'm first... so here goes... and then I'm going to run away and hide from the scorching that might follow...


As it's the 4th of May...


"May The Fourth Be With You"


Happy Star Wars Day everyone!!



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Just added a thumbnail image to my profile... gawd what an ugly ######.... but at least it is recent.



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So we're finally back after a rather long day of lunch followed by the two old ladies spending time reminiscing...


Birthday cake - combined age, 195!!!



Then, we get back to the hotel, and who says a weekend with two 90+ year olds would be uneventful, as we drove up the brush fires shown below were just starting behind the adjacent hotel and next to the freeway!




They did evacuate the hotle two over as a precaution, but no real issue as between the hotles and the fire is a two track railroad so it was not likely to jump it...


OK, off to bed and maybe a less eventful Sunday! Enjoy it everyone...




Edited by Ian Abel
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An emergency vehicle going along the main road a couple of blocks away has just started an answering chorus by the coyote pups on the edge of the woods behind us.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I slept quite well, but was awake a bit early, so made tea and here I am.


Jock - Stewart is deffo "one of us" and comes highly recommended. Ian Abel's video on YouTube has a soundtrack of sorts. That fire is the real thing alright.


Having spent some time in further "household improvements" yesterday, my diligent neighbour's use of lawn-tractor and strimmer alerted me to the possibilities of such, and I managed to get a lot done. I have left a tract of lawn, and later this morning will erect an electric fence around it and liberate the dobbins to do their worst. Picking up the manure afterwards is usually the only downside!


Alison's car inspection trip is postponed, thank goodness, and with any luck her chosen vehicle will have sold by next weekend. She is grinding her teeth to discover that the neighbouring farmer with whom she has enjoyed a year's dalliance has "form" in such matters. Such is life.


Only a couple of fine-ish days ahead, then we are due wetter weather again, it seems. Shame for my visitor.


Hope the weather holds for you on long weekend.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


A couple of bits of glossing to do then the dining room is awaiting the carpet fitters visit Tuesday.


100 over cup game today ..shame its not sunny (yet)


Have a super Sunday and haway the lads!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Nice dry start, 7o and the sun is trying to make an appearance. Should be a fine warm day with sunny spells..

Am aching all over after a day firstly shopping and then secondly (& mainly) gardening. Apparently "we haven't finished yet" so another visit to a  garden centre is on today's agenda.

Have a good one,

Seized up of Sutton.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


AWOL yesterday because I was out on the fens for diversions, Jill was with me so we were up at 06:00 and line side by 07:30. A good day with plenty of friendly toots and waves from drivers of all companies.


Two interesting events happened.


Firstly the battery on the car went completely flat - due to us charging phones without thinking of the drain - the car was parked in an awkward place in a field but eventually we managed to get it onto the road (loose term) and bump start it - phew ! (i do have recovery if we had failed)


Secondly and stranger. We were sitting in the car with all the windows down, the sun was shining and all was calm when suddenly a very strong wind hit us, blowing all sorts of junk into the car, scattering the camera bags which were just outside and covering us in dust, it lasted only a few seconds and was gone, the calm returning. We assume it was a mini whirlwind, certainly a whirling dervish of some form.


When we got home I treated Jill to a curry and after watching a bit of TV we retired to bed where I watched a DVD - The Car - and Jill fell asleep !


We are thinking of going to look at an old M&GNR station as a possible wedding venue later as it's a nice day here.


Have a good day all


PS this was written on my iPad so excuse the slow typing

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Tame compared to other related adventures on here but:


The Volvo was left out overnight due to unavoidable laziness.

This morning the wing mirror and adjacent bodywork was covered in bird droppings and slime.

Observation revealed a Robin trying to kill itself in the reflection.

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  • RMweb Premium

Having been on the canals only twice, although more such events would have been welcome, yes locking through a flight can be a bit demanding, but easier if you join forces with another boat, perhaps. Anyway, it does allow one to utter the immortal words "Have you got the wind lass?"

We had some fabulous canal holidays when the kids were in their teens.   They each took a friend with them and it worked out well especially on the heavily locked sections.  One night in Birmingham with my daughter (Then 14) and younger son (Then 17) plus friends they were not impresed with my choice of overnight mooring in Aston so I told them that the only alternative was 19 locks in 2 flights to the centre near the NIA.    The first 6 went quickly while the galley slaves prepared a curry which was eaten very quickly.  We then started on the last flight of 13 up to the NIA.  55 minutes later we moored up at the top which I thought was great progress.  The kids had worked like trojans and I thought they deserved a drink.  They all got changed and we went to the pub opposite overlooking the mooring.   The boys were not chuffed when they were challenged re their age but the girls weren't.  All in all a great holiday.



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