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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, woken by the sun at 5.40 but managed to sleep againuntil nearly 8.00. It got down to 3c last night so blue sky this morning sun beaming down what am I going to do take DD2 round some local libraries looking for books about the rise of Hitler again.... Later there will be gardening I expect there may also be car cleaning as the new one should be ready on Thursday. Still had no response to my PM to Gruffalo he hasn't read it. Have a good long weekend everyone. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Fresh 5oC start, the sun is shining, the sky is blue and it looks like being a lovely day. To cap it all SWMBO seems to have forgiven me and is in a good mood and we will be going shopping this morning. Unfortunately? for me there are no model shops where we're going. Probably just as well in view of yesterday.


My technical apprenticeship with ICI in Welwyn Garden City was always intended to lead to a Drawing Office job. My favourite subject at school was Technical Drawing, and I wanted to be a car designer, but was too lazy to get my a**e into gear and apply to Vauxhall's in Luton, so took the easy route and let Dad (who worked at ICI) get the forms etc and sort of drifted into the job.



Slight coincidence Ed in that I was born in WGC. My dear old Grandad was a ticket collector there for a while just after the war and then in the fifties worked as a security man at ICI until he retired. I remember being taken to visit him in the gatehouse there and for a few years thought that he was a policeman because of his uniform!

Just been advised that a visit to the garden centre is necessary. I feel a bad back coming on!

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

...sun beaming down what am I going to do take DD2 round some local libraries looking for books about the rise of Hitler again.......

Is this for A level History? Matthew wanted to do A level History but wasn't allowed to as he only had a C at GCSE English. He did Philosophy instead.

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  • RMweb Premium

Is this for A level History? Matthew wanted to do A level History but wasn't allowed to as he only had a C at GCSE English. He did Philosophy instead.

Yes it is her last bit of course work before the exams her first draft didn't hit the spot.

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As BoD stated earlier, wall to wall blue sky on the costa. . . North sea looks like the Med, but. . . .the breeze makes it feel like the arctic! ! ! !


Toy fair at Gateshead so do I take the car and struggle to park, or, exercise my bus-pass? ? decisions,decisions . . .

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Bright and sunny which is a nice bonus. Now - will the grass dry off fast enough for me to get a cut in by dusk Sunday? My VIP does deserve to see the place at its best, making up for the owner!


Flavio - Deb had MRI and PET scans when her cancer was first diagnosed, but neither could really cut through the murk of fluid obscuring her innermost ladies-bits (all unused, of course). We didn't know much about PET, but the fact that Le Mans hospital had one seemed to put it above a lot of UK hospitals, at least.


I may be called upon to conduct Alison to Le Mans today - she wants to buy a car, as partner will be needing theirs and he won't be at home so much for the next 3 months. Given their hand-to-mouth existence, something small and cheap-to-run would seem sensible. That's why she's looking at a 14-y-o Audi A6 Avant. Sigh. She had Audis in her 6-figure salary days, hankers after a rerun. I mention parts, fuel, insurance, common sense......


Hope your weekend, be it long or normal, goes well.

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Apprenticeships: there's a lot to be said in favour of being made to start at the bottom of your chosen profession: firstly being at the bottom means that you are very unlikely to end up doing anything disastrous when you make a mistake (and you will); secondly, being at the bottom makes it easier to admit (if necessary) that "Job X is not for me" (less baubles, privileges and renumeration to forswear); thirdly, being at the bottom fuels ambition to get to the top, and finally, a little honest simple toil is good for one's soul. Mrs iD has apprentices (more like work experience to be honest) and she despairs over the sense of entitlement some of them have - usually the ones that are the least able/useful/helpful. I recently saw the tail-end of a reality TV show called something like "invasion of the job snatchers" (I had recorded a murder mystery and the recording started a few minutes early). If these kids On this show are even vaguely representative of what the UK has to offer employers, the UK is going to be in a right mess...





I wasn't made to start at the bottom, I was determined to leave skool at all costs! I got good results at ONC and was given a chance to got to Imperial College, but considered myself better than "students" and turned it down. After that I went off the rails a bit and only scraped my first HNC (mechanical engineering).


Agree with you about that TV show, but I'm glad to say I don't know any youngsters like that. My two are doing fine-the older (26) is a Paramedic and the younger (23) does things with (or to) computers that I don't begin to understand.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good to know that the smoke alarm still functions as a "toast done" signal.

We used to know our toast was done thanks to the smoke alarm but the toaster we have now doesn't burn toast. I don't know how many toasters we have got through over the years. This one seems robust and reliable.


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  • RMweb Premium

Are those the locks that can be seen from the Leeds/Skipton train?

If so, they look very impressive.

Yes thats the three and 5 rise sets....

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We used to know our toast was done thanks to the smoke alarm but the toaster we have now doesn't burn toast. I don't know how many toasters we have got through over the years. This one seems robust and reliable.


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We used to know our toast was done thanks to the smoke alarm but the toaster we have now doesn't burn toast. I don't know how many toasters we have got through over the years. This one seems robust and reliable.


Given up on toasters - use the grill. then we can better judge the height of the flames.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

One of many reasons I'd never entertain a smoke alarm. More falsies than a '30s Hollywood beauty parade!


Fire Eating? Matchstick Modelling? Blowing Smoke Rings? I'm sure you can come up with something Ian, Smoke Alarms are quite easy to entertain, being of little intelligence

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  • RMweb Premium

Good to know that the smoke alarm still functions as a "toast done" signal.

A few days ago my smoke alarm started 'tweeting' every five minutes to indicate that the battery needs replacing (which has since been done). However it always seems to do this at 2 am! :O

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Morning all, lovely to see that ER is such a lengthy read this morning. Not sure about the scans mentioned by 'Il Dottore', I've only had CAT ones, about every three months to check on progress! As an 'engineer', I was fascinated by the speed of the reader as it rotates whilst traversing your body. Luckily the bone and kidney oncologists are really nice guys and I think, possibly because of my determination, they let me view my body on their computer screens - scanning downwards slice by slice (wife and nursie daughter were amazed to be told that the liver was remarkably healthy !). You can clearly see the holes in my pelvis and ribs as well as the kidney tumour which is luckily(?) growing on the outside of the tumour - it really is good to know what you are battling and shows why you can't afford to fall over! Pretty scary over breakfast eh? The best news is that the last scan showed the nasties to be contained by the wonderful chemo pills - thanks for the comment Flavio. Ian, in my experience it will be difficult to satisfy Alison's budget if she insists on such luxury. I used to hate the 'wheel kicking' job as you always feel responsible if something goes wrong - good luck my friend. This site is a marvellous modelling resource as well!! Happened to click on a highlight below one of Polly's (Southern 42) posts and discovered her relationship with 'tender' which led to a lengthy read about the creation of 'Camel Quay'. Not only is the layout an inspiration, but the method of modifying Peco code 75 and then the ballasting look ideal for my needs! Have a great what remains of the weekend. Looks like the sun means that the dandelion patch will have to be attended to!

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold




It goes "ping" when the toast is done. This was advertised as something like "audible toast done sound". As it is French I had convinced Aditi it played the Marseillaise and she was really disappointed.

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Lazy start here this morning :lazy: ...........the parental railtour arrived back at 00.01 (bang-on schedule) and so the Collie-Towers household were all 'late to bed'.


The trip to Ayr was very much enjoyed and well-subscribed; timekeeping was excellent throughout and the team of friendly volunteer stewards kept everone well informed as to waypoints and sights along the route and also well fed & watered.

The "Historic Traction" performed (and sounded) excellently with its 11 coach rake and the driving was desribed as 'spirited' with (according to a chap a`board with a GPS) plenty of the route tackled at W.O.T........what I believe is now called a 'damned-good thrash!'

Though it does seem strange having to describe locomotives I worked on the footplate upon (Class 47`s), as 'Historic'. :blush:

My parents noted how many lineside photographers were seen present along the route (even in the late evening)........clearly interest in such tours is widespread; not just for those a`board.


The seniors are already making plans to do another railtour! :locomotive:

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Really pleased to hear the news Debs - you deserved a lie in. Spent quite a bit of time at Ayr as Hurlford isn't far away! Memories flowing in again, thanks. Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Quick bit of advice to Mick - should DD wish to go or a rather different approach suggest she studies the incidence and rise of anti-semitism in Germany which really started in the 1890s and look at how Adolf in reality jumoed onto yet another bandwagon which was rising in popularity rather than starting something from scratch :)


Oh dear this garden centre thing seems to be a fashion among our good ladies - I had a trail of suggestions along that line yesterday - along with 'clear the dining room' repeats, so I'm not heading to Didcot or anywhere else this weekend.  But taking herself out for a birthday dinner this evening and the fish soup has already been ordered for her (has to be ordered in advance as it's not on the menu and is only made to order) so my earache might get better.


So another exciting BH weekend beckons here - have a good one the rest of you.

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  • RMweb Gold


Quick bit of advice to Mick - should DD wish to go or a rather different approach suggest she studies the incidence and rise of anti-semitism in Germany which really started in the 1890s and look at how Adolf in reality jumoed onto yet another bandwagon which was rising in popularity rather than starting something from scratch :)



Not at all comparable to the present UK rise in resentment of willing migrant workers at a time of employment issues, and the arrival of a new-ish political party seeking to make UK independent, of course............

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