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  • RMweb Premium

Bloody hell! THis gets better and better - sadly, I should have already seen/discovered these things, I'm in IT/technology and considered somewhat an expert - just goes to show that there's only a small gap between prat and expert.


EDIT: In fairness, I've never really taken the time to fully explore the features of the site - that's MY excuse anyway! :)

Still no age, I think you have to add your year of birth to your birth date.

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  • RMweb Premium

Grand game of cricket with MCC turning out the winners.... excellent lunch and tea - its part of the umpires fitness regime(!)


At school I wanted to be a pilot but eyes U/S so decided to become an engineer .. found out I can't draw but I like systems so  career path todate..


school - dustbinman - uni - dustbinman - uni - rocket scientist - nuclear fusion engineer - weapon systems designer - building services improvement - insultant - consultant - production improvement - governance ---- weathering/umpiring/scoring tutor....


so being an engineer plus life on the bins has allowed me to become ...... a multi tasking semi retiree...

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  • RMweb Gold

Grand game of cricket with MCC turning out the winners.... excellent lunch and tea - its part of the umpires fitness regime(!)


At school I wanted to be a pilot but eyes U/S so decided to become an engineer .. found out I can't draw but I like systems so  career path todate..


school - dustbinman - uni - dustbinman - uni - rocket scientist - nuclear fusion engineer - weapon systems designer - building services improvement - insultant - consultant - production improvement - governance ---- weathering/umpiring/scoring tutor....


so being an engineer plus life on the bins has allowed me to become ...... a multi tasking semi retiree...

So it really isn't rocket science after all - but bin handling.


As for me -


school - telegram boy - school - postie - school - railway clerk - school - brewery worker - 'on the railway' (can't remember how many times I was made redundant but quite a few and 'still on the railway') - sort of retired - insultant consultant in a signal engineering company - consultant in a much posher company - (railway) operational safety auditor - project manager on own house build - more retired than previously.


(yes, I had a series of school holiday jobs - do they count?  My first full time job was in the local brewery while waiting to start 'on the railway'.

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Good evening, late as ever! On the teacher subject, I wonder how many of you went through the old 'UCCA' system where you chose six universities in order and then waited for the window envelope to arrive with either a black dot (acceptance) or red (rejection). I was lucky enough to get black on my first choice but my point is that some of my friends got 6 reds ; they were then actively encouraged by the appointed careers advisors to apply for teachers training college. Sadly, forty or so years down the line, this must have left some pretty disgruntled people who found themselves trapped in a job which they wouldn't have chosen initially. My own experience leads me to believe that those who chose teaching as a vocation are more likely to be committed to excel. Like 'Oldddudders', my most charismatic teachers and tutors seemed to have in depth experience, (whether learned hands on or theoretically) and indeed a love for their subject which they wanted to impart to the students in their charge. My favourite was a physics prof. at Uni. who had the enthusiasm of a 'Sir Patrick Moore' - you could hear a pin drop in his lectures and he never had any dissent. He is now responsible for a lot of the points I score whilst watching 'University Challenge' (I know - sad bas**rd before you say it), such was the concentration he engendered in what was more like an audience than a class!! Great to hear from 'IlDottore', same best wishes and good luck extend to you in the job search as to George, you've got a great crowd behind you in this forum! And 'Don' has reappeared, fantastic news! Makes tomorrow look better already!!

Good night and kind regards to all,


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  • RMweb Gold

10x8 shed erected and just putting the felting on at lunchtime when the first spots of rain started . Al finished later. Then going to the railway club later found we had lost our premises. Ah well.


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Sorry to hear that Don, but sometimes it might propel you and your friends/members to better things - I'm sure that in the cold light of day you'll all come up with a plan even if it seems like the end of the world tonight! Well done on the shed by the way and best of luck. Don't forget that there is a vast pool of knowledge in the forum which I'm sure will be freely offered in support (and that from a recent member to one as experienced as yourself).

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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Morning All,


Still stubbornly "not dead"...


On the subject of teachers, I've been pretty lucky during my education to have NOT encountered any of the - shall we say - less able of the teaching profession. I've had a few good teachers, but no truly inspiring ones.


Unfortunately I was a late developer: I "failed" both the 11+ and the 13+, then moved (with family) from the UK to Italy - where I was dumped, speaking no Italian at the time, into the school system - scraped by; then moved to the US, finished High School and just got into the local Unversity... After two rather undistinguished years something clicked and I (academically) blossomed - leading to a fistfull of degrees, a most interesting career (spoilt a bit by being in the wrong place at the wrong time a few years ago - leading to redundancy, a job in a less-than-ideal company and my current 60% employment dilemma) and a generally acceptable standard of living.


I really mustn't grumble too much. As a 11year old grubby little Herbert, I could never have dreamed that not only would I visit places such as Japan, Russia, most of Europe and North America, the Mid-East, Australia, Asia and (bits of) China, but I would get paid to do so AND do so in considerable comfort. Incredible as it may seem, I am quite envious of Mrs iD: she has visited mainland China (I only managed Hong Kong), New Zealand, most of South America (I only managed a flying visit to Brazil) in addition to most of the places I've been to. I'd like to visit a few more places I've always wanted to see (Macau, the Argentinian pampas, South Africa and India), but dog and dodgy knees currently conspire to make that unlikely (the "Dog and Dodgy Knee" would be a great pub name).


Anyway, today is a day of rest and relaxation, being the 1st of May: enshrined - at least in the kanton of Baselland - as a day to celebrate the majesty of work (and as such, a day off for the toiling classes).


Have a great day comrades.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dull, dismal and damp wet start - 10oC and will probably be cloudy, showery, thundery and misery miserable for the rest of the day.

Today's major task is a supermarket visit - whoopee! Apart from that I may well do something railway related. 

I really should do something about recording my "collection" in detail as it is steadily growing! I've got photos of everything but need to add more information just in case my family ever have to "sort it out!" On that note has anybody ever used this: http://www.modeltraincatalogue.com/ and could advise whether it is any good?

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A rather pleasant day yesterday, although I judged everything too damp to mow. Now regretting that, as showers are back today, with hail and 65 kph winds this afternoon.


"Dog & Dodgy Knee" would indeed be a good name for a pub. Some from Kent - Startled Saint, Duke Without A Head, Rorty Crankle, Spyglass & Kettle. The last had a pubsign with a chap looking though a telescope and Stephenson's Rocket.


My career was entirely narrow-minded, with 38 years of BR and successors. Skoolday jobs included golf caddy, ice-cream seller and window-cleaner.


Hope your day is easy. France is mainly closed today.

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  • RMweb Premium

White rabbits!


Hope all is well within the erworld.(is this a disc held aloft on 4 locomotives atop a turntable one wonders?)


Bit more painting then off to visit the LGI for pre checks before my "volunteered for" MRI scan tomorrow..... All in the name of science.


Stationmaster. Emptying the old steel bins is an ideal learning point for rocket science - its all about power to weight and trajectories....


Have a great Thursday!


Baz in foggy Leeds

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, it is dismal outside and today is paper sorting day in the office so that will be dismal too. The blossom has stayed on the trees so the garden is still colourful and nearly tidy, DD1 volunteered to pressure wash the decking so that is a project for the lomg weekend. Project one find pressure washer etc etc. Have a good day all.

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Morning all, geez looks like winter is back! Took the dog for her walk and the cold and damp felt like it was creeping into my bones! Going to try and relax today, not stress about job hunting and build a Metcalfe kit although I haven't decided which one! Have a great day with whatever you all get up to!


Onwards and Upwards



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Morning all. Damp and dreary in the boring borough.


On the subject of school and teachers, most people remember more vividly their bad experiences. For me that was being left handed and having my hand tied behind my back. Great way to start my education. Another jr high teacher that told me in front of the class that I was stupid and would never get through high school. My revenge was to send him photocopies of all 6 semester's honour role and my matriculation diploma. Along with a note that said, "all I needed were good teachers".


Some good ones stand out though. Mrs Blair my grade 2 teacher who became a life long friend of the family. She's well into her 90s now but still going. Well, you get the idea.


Ian: there is a micro pub in Kent called the Four Candles after the 2 Ronnie's sketch.


No ranting or raving I'm afraid, all is calm in Dilbert world these days. However, I hadn't realised how many layers of rust I'd accumulated when it comes to coding in C#. Worse than a 70s vintage Fiat. (other rusting Italian cars are available) Its taken me 3 days to do something I used to be able to fire off in a caffeine fuelled afternoon. I guess that comes with doing nothing but higher level work for the past 2 1/2 years.


Have a great day everyone. If I get this bit of code working I may treat myself to a visit to the Kidbrooke beer festival after work. mmmmm beeeeer.

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Long time you no see me!!


We're in France for a while and the Wifi on site isn't reliable. Today it won't allow access to Mypostoffice or Hotmail or Facebook but RMWeb has it's full approval!


Must mean something! Glad to read offerings from the usual suspects!


Enjoy the merry month of Maying!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I now have an iPad, not sure why, although Jills daughter seems to know ... my initial aim is to use it for research as it makes managing photos easy but time will tell.


I've struggled with my camera for a couple of years now, when I use the extender (mulitplier) the lens loses auto focus and it's back to manual, which is a pain in the rear at long zooms so I haven't used it much, yesterday on a whim I decided to check the firmware and see if there was a fix - Doh! (as Homer says) - yes, released over a year ago, so I updated my firmware and low and behold the focus is back to auto - applying updates to fix issues, who'd have thought it - lucky I don't work in IT ....


I had - for a while - the opposite experience with my phone, a Samsung S4, I applied the latest OS and suddenly the battery started dying, very quickly, it would only last a couple of hours on full charge, I googled the problem and lots of people were affected and as I use the phone a lot I ordered a new battery, making 3 spare, but at the consumption rate they would only last a day - I was getting very annoyed but I eventually decided to switch the phone off and remove the battery for 10-20 mins (to allow it to fully "die") - I powered on again and the phone has now gone the opposite way, the battery has lasted for 3 days, lucky I ordered that spare then ...


Dull and gloomy here again today, another no trains, no plans day - but maybe something will run which needs a camera pointing at it.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


It sure is nice to have a day off! However, the weather forecast doesn't look too good from about 4 pm. On the plus side, I got most of the work I had scheduled for the day done already.


And with that, we change our programme to...


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, and dismally grey and damp on Fraggle Rock.


Andy, please don't get too upset about our whinging about teachers - I suspect most of us are somewhat further down the road of life than yourself, and I think teaching has changed dramatically for the better (from what I see at work) since the 60's and early 70's we are (mostly - some older!)  reminiscing about!


Day off tomorrow, using up time owed to get balanced for leaving in 55 days, in case I hadn't mentioned that. :jester:   We are planning my first time back in the kayak since my hip surgery, so if you hear Ramsey lifeboat is called out it'll likely be our fault... :O   Crane ordered to get me back out! :help:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Damp and dreary in the boring borough.


On the subject of school and teachers, most people remember more vividly their bad experiences. For me that was being left handed and having my hand tied behind my back. Great way to start my education. Another jr high teacher that told me in front of the class that I was stupid and would never get through high school. My revenge was to send him photocopies of all 6 semester's honour role and my matriculation diploma. Along with a note that said, "all I needed were good teachers".


Some good ones stand out though. Mrs Blair my grade 2 teacher who became a life long friend of the family. She's well into her 90s now but still going. Well, you get the idea.


Ian: there is a micro pub in Kent called the Four Candles after the 2 Ronnie's sketch.


No ranting or raving I'm afraid, all is calm in Dilbert world these days. However, I hadn't realised how many layers of rust I'd accumulated when it comes to coding in C#. Worse than a 70s vintage Fiat. (other rusting Italian cars are available) Its taken me 3 days to do something I used to be able to fire off in a caffeine fuelled afternoon. I guess that comes with doing nothing but higher level work for the past 2 1/2 years.


Have a great day everyone. If I get this bit of code working I may treat myself to a visit to the Kidbrooke beer festival after work. mmmmm beeeeer.

My brother like our late dad is left handed. My dad was forced at school to use his right hand which as a result he was ambidextrous. The junior school I attended also tried to force my brother to use his right hand, when my father found out he went ballistic, storming up to the headmasters office. That was the end of any attempts by the school to force left handed pupils to use their right hands. When it was my turn to go up to junior school the staff seemed relieved to discover that I was right handed.

Edited by PhilJ W
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and, of course, "White Rabbits".


A drizzly start to the day and two spelling tests administered. The younger of my two seems able to glance at his spelling list and get them all right. I have, of course, hidden the page when doing the test to stop him from being able to see through the page to detect the words!  Not sure how he does it but his either a) bright or, b) destined for the magic circle. 


In other news I was asked if my daughter would be a bridesmaid at next weekend's wedding. Oh, and would my son be a "ring bearer". I've known the bride since she was in nappies so I'm prepared to be indulgent about this rather last minute request. 


I believe the definition of multi-tasking  may be "sourcing bridesmaid's dress+plastering the garage+cooking tea+homework supervision+...."

Nevertheless the list of things I didn't do includes cleaning the house and doing the VAT returns so it's not an exciting day ahead of me. 


Anyway, have a nice day everyone. Andy

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Morning all, dog duties done and more clothes ordered on line from 'Cotton Traders' to supplement madams' holiday wardrobe! To finish on teaching, (I meant to add this last night but got too tired!) I think we should give a vote of confidence to 'our' teachers within the RMweb who seem to be the committed and caring sort!! It's easy for an old f*rt like me to forget about the other influences on the kids : the disintegration of society (see Leeds Monday), the drop in support at home (thank you Mrs T and her sort who have forced most parents out to work) then add in outside interference (Ofsted and the like) and it is easy to see that it is an entirely different job now than it was when most of us were at school! Keep up the good work folks. Great to hear from Sherry on her travels - if you can pick up on this, hope you enjoy the rest of your hols. Not long now Neil (bet it's dragging for you!). Try to remember which way up it floats!! Have any of you seen the locos that AndrewP is selling off (pics on his 'Kingsley'. Thread) - if only the funding was in place I would adore that Duchess - he truly is great at weathering. Have a good if damp day for most (hopefully not Neil),

Kind regards


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