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Early Risers.


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And so the Easter holiday is at an end and it is back to work tomorrow. The plan to win the Lottery or Euro Millions jackpots did not work :jester: .

At least I have a reduced teaching commitment for the next half term as I have a student teacher on her final placement. She will be teaching 60% of the week. It will give me a chance to catch up on some of the other jobs I need to do (well in theory it should!).


Today's final day off began with an early start for another 9.20 football match. The opposition was so disorganised that they held up the kick off time waiting for some of their team to arrive. They ended up borrowing a couple of players from a higher division team. Such a farce! It was difficult to motivate myself for the game, which probably accounts for my shocking performance. One goal saving tackle and assist stopped it being a disaster and we did win the game 5-0.


The final bout of school work was completed whilst watching the Liverpool V Chelsea game. Then it was off to the inlaws as usual. Amber was a bit restless tonight and Sarah ended up in a bad mood, complaining how boring the day had been. A bit annoying after the number of days I have held off planning so I can take her out!

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Evening all, never got locked out myself Ian (Abel), dad was kind enough to teach me never to go on any kind of bender without ensuring you have a key ; amongst other things I won't list here!! Incredible but not surprising that people can get that far gone that they die for their stupidity! Hope your weather picks up soon - 'Memsahib' and myself took Archie the Westie for a lovely walk along the seafront. My oncologist recommends some daily excersise but I'm not sure he meant as much as that! I should explain that Archie has hundreds of years of pedigree and is a large boy for his breed at 11.8KG, mainly muscle with hind legs like the drumsticks on a large turkey. Apparently they were bred to kill stoats weasels etc. to protect ground nesting birds in order that they could fledge and be shot. One of their early tests was to be thrown in to a Badger sett and if they came out alive, they were deemed fit for purpose! Needless to say ours doesn't spend its life outside in all weathers and when he arrived I realised I'd moved another step down the pecking order below the grandchildren. Can't help but love the bu**er though!

Sleep well if this hasn't already sent you there,

Kind regards,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Red alert headache, diminishing by now - thankfully. Certainly has something to do with the end of the holidays...


Andy, what's the normal teaching load in the UK, if I may ask? (Being in teacher training myself, in case you didn't know yet.)

Edited by 1216 025
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Morning All,


It is a gloomy morning here - after a weekend which was better than forecast.  We also got some rain overnight which was good - the garden is currently very dry.


We had a small "drama" over the weekend.  Thomas dislocated and broke his finger on Saturday.  He was building a dam with the THW and managed to drop a large lump of wood on his hand.  Something in the wood penetrated his left finger, dislocated the top knuckle, and broke a small piece off the socket.  Now that you've all stopped wincing, I can say that it has been relocated and set and he should be fine.  He is on antibiotics for infection and has a check up appointment on Tuesday.


Honestly, I love him to bits, but he does give me grey hairs!  Still, at least he was doing something he enjoys - and was outside while doing it.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all,  got a week of corporate cra*p  ahead of me, (as well as getting a project pushed to completion!)  .


I'm getting just a touch worried about the GF, she's already producing a "list of little jobs"  for me !!!!!



What ever your day brings, try to remember to smile,



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Morning all. Red alert headache, diminishing by now - thankfully. Certainly has something to do with the end of the holidays...


Andy, what's the normal teaching load in the UK, if I may ask? (Being in teacher training myself, in case you didn't know yet.)


The usual teaching load for a primary teacher is teaching 90% of the working week, with 10% (usual one afternoon per week) non contact time each week, although that seems to get eroded away at times!


In terms of hours worked I dread to think. I am usually in the classroom by 8am for setting up. The children are in at 9am - 3.30pm with an hour for lunch. Then I don't leave school until 5 - 5.30pm and will probably do another 2 - 3 hours per night.

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Morning, hope it's the start of a good week for you all. As for me another day of job hunting begins and I hope it bears fruit soon! After over a year of dissapointment and savings almost gone I really don't want to have to start claiming jobseekers particularly with the new rules coming in! Still no rejection from Network Rail after my assessments yet so that still looks hopefull and still another 15 jobs or so to hear from too but I can 't rely on that so back to the search! Onwards and Upwards, eh?

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  • RMweb Premium

Does this hold the record for the number of times posted?

Laurence, I guess I'm in line for the "Person most likely to miss most frequently posted item" award. :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks, Andy!


Does one period also amount to 45 minutes at British schools? German schools have been gravitating towards 90-minute double periods for several years, though this transition is far from being uniform.

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Morning, all. Just to wish anyone else with examinations (be they school, college, university or employment-related) some good luck; I'm not looking forward to the five university exams I have this week. The first one starts in a little over an hour, so I'm in the computer labs, frantically trying to cram a few extra marks' worth of knowledge into my skull for a few hours, before forgetting it all to learn more for tomorrow!

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  • RMweb Gold

Nice start to the morning, and I am in no major rush to change this.


A visit to the doctor's this morning, to see my beauty therapist - aka - one of the practice nurses - to have my long and curly eyelashes trimmed back to manageable proportions (eat your hearts out ladies!).


Then I will need to put my secretarial hat on in order to get all the admin done for the AGM of the Telford MRG on Wednesday.


Even better news is the gas bubble inserted into my eye following the retinal repair has now completely dispersed, which means, according to the  consultant ophthalmologist, I can drive again: So on the way back from the doctors i'm calling into see my optometrist who's promised  check my distance vision and field of view, just to make sure i can see properly again.  (I have this almost hatred of people who continue to drive when they cannot see properly.)


I am now eagerly awaiting the multitude of reports on the Taunton RMWeb fest

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A dull grey start to the day, aside from work, I also have little planned, I'll have to see what happens on the train front but at the moment nothing around.


Have a good day all

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Wet again overnight, storms threatened for a couple of days. "Sometimes an April day will suddenly bring showers" sang Pat Boone more than 50 years ago. He wasn't wrong!


Not all ladies bother with posh frocks, chaps, nor do they buy Jimmy Choos. Being married to a jeans-and-teeshirt girl is a lot simpler. And she'd never have gone within a mile of a cruise-ship.....


Another 8 x 50 litre bags of Deb's clothes to the recyc yesterday, mainly tees and tops. That's 20 bags so far. Implausibly there are several vacuum bags of clothes still to be tackled. But not many dresses! The Valentino fur coat, bought in Paris about a dozen years ago, is gonna be the hardest to dispose of. It was bought so she could do early-morning laps of the Le Mans circuit in Paul's Morgan with the hood down! Yet to find another lady who fits it.


Hope your week goes well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Another dull start to the day and 11oC. Forecast is for more rain with possibly some sunny periods.

Had a great few hours at the Epsom show yesterday and saw some lovely layouts. Very impressed with the rope shunting demonstrated on Broadhurst Works and nice to meet Damian on DitD. The latter held a couple of fond memories for me because I could instantly recognise the pub and crossing keeper's cottage which where modelled on those in Par where my late Dad lived for 25 years. Also glad that I got to see Penlan which I understand is being retired later this year. Didn't spend any money at all although was very tempted by one or two fairly expensive items so I think a bit of saving up is called for.

Have a good one,


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Morning all just been told about this section and its certainly different.


The sun is shining in Swad this morning and being retired I guess I will just have to drop the Good Lady off at the Supermarket to do the shopping whilst I take the Greyhound for a leisurely stroll.


Will look back again later over coffee.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dry but dull morning here. Having to adjust to a more hectic homelife. Our eldest daughter has moved in with her boyfriend. Her office is moving from west to central London early next year. As the lease on their flat was expiring, they decided not to renew, and to move home prior to buying their own place in east London which will be convenient for both of their offices. Friday was spent driving a van round the M25 carpark to collect their possessions. The original plan of her collecting the van was shelved after the M25 was closed on Thursday evening due to an accident. An accident in the same spot on Friday meant a 1 hour trip home became over 3 hours.


Greeted this morning with a 6.45am request for a lift to the station. The next few days will be taken up with sorting out boxes of stuff whilst she works out what will be move on to her next home and what can be taken to the tip. My layout plans look like being restricted to a small test plank for a while!

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  • RMweb Gold

Pleased you now feel able to cope with the task, Ian.

Tough times for you.

Others have had it a lot worse. There are no kids to be cared for and I can cook a meal or two. And, 19 months on, things are a lot better. My VIP guest next week will be a tonic.


ERs has helped, too!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, nothing unusual or upsetting to report snake feeding night tonight so the cats are convinced I should be edible too. Hopefully no one in work will smell dead rats as I waft by. Looks like a bright sunny day but we are under threat of rain. Who said the heart icon would never be used? Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning world.


Creaky joints this morning after yesterdays exertions!


Jock, I presume your 'unsure of meaning' was the reference to 'sleeps' or the 'evening all' - it's 'days to go' before I retire from work, that currently being the office manager of our Youth Justice Team, the Isle of Man equivalent of a UK Young Offenders Team.  Although I'm not a police officer I am surrounded by them.....and my boss is a police Inspector.


After then I'm having a month off then am going to work part time for a local large scale ('G scale) and OO model railway retailer, Trackshack, which is owned by a pal.  My 10th job....now I think about it.  Crikey.....not sure that's a good thing or not, but I have only ever been unemployed for a year since I left school in '75.

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Morning all,

'Awake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night

Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight:

And Lo! the Hunter of the East has caught

The Sultan's Turret in a Noose of Light.'

Nicely put by 'Omar Khayyam' as opposed to the bosses 'well are you going to get up and see to Archie or not?(accompanied by light nudge from elbow!). He has to have a Dentastick, Piriton tablet disguised in a couple of treats, Omega3 capsule followed by 6 'shape' biscuits for breakfast. My first chore of every day! Ian, glad to hear you're making progress with the emotional task and, once again, I concur with DDolfelin's post. I, no doubt with many, shall raise a glass to the VIP visitor! For those of you who don't know Andrew P, his layout links are certainly worth a look - especially 'Trebudoc' which starred in BRM current issue, very realistic! And he was really supportive of me when I was first feeling my way around RMweb for which I am truly grateful. Looks like paintbrushes again today, sadly not yet the modelling kind!! Can't help wondering if 'Ian Abel' managed to trap himself in a corner with the varnish? - sort of thing I'd probably do - we'll find out in tonight's episode!

Enjoy what you do today and try not to emulate 'Thomas' in Robert's post above,

Kind regards,


Edited by Jock67B
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It is so quiet here now. Matthew is back at university, Aditi is at work (assuming the A13 isn't a temporary car park). Not even a fog horn this morning so it must be clear down on the river. 

I think I've recovered from  yesterday's car lag (like jet lag but south-north-south rather than east-west) so I may do some cardboard cutting and glueing to make some more layout buildings. I find making little houses one of the more relaxing aspects of my hobby. I'm just populating the village with some cardboard kit buildings at present though some of the spaces near the backscene will require something completely home-bodged. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


A dull start to the day although swmbo was up at 04:50 working. Her part-time job seems to take about 7 or 8 days each week to accomplish. 


Last weeks flash rain storm seemed to cause quite a lot of damage hereabouts with one neighbour having so much rain enter his central heating boiler flue that it conked out and must now be replaced.


So sad to read about the lads from our local air force base losing their lives. No doubt they have flown over our home many times. A colleague/friend of mine will most likely be the pathologist assigned their case and another will also be an expert witness.  



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