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What a glorious morning here in Norf Norfolk. Sun shining, birds singing and next door's magnolia is blooming itself silly over the garden fence. I'm also enjoying the peace and quiet... daughter still asleep, son doing an extra paper round. No doubt normal service will be resumed shortly and my little corner of Sheringham will resemble a war zone once again. Ah well. I shall enjoy my zen moment while it lasts.

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Typical. I got an extra 6 minutes zen after that post. Daughter has now been awake for 3 minutes and complaining she's bored. Son just returned from paper round with the raging hump about something or other. I'm off to live in a cave somewhere.

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  • RMweb Gold

Typical. I got an extra 6 minutes zen after that post. Daughter has now been awake for 3 minutes and complaining she's bored. Son just returned from paper round with the raging hump about something or other. I'm off to live in a cave somewhere.

Ah, there are advantages to living alone! And a "raging hump" sounds like a particularly athletic adult pastime. Makes me feel tired just to contemplate!


Morning is a bit misty & moisty, although it isn't actually raining. Managed some more mowing last night, so the place isn't too untidy. Must ring MiL in an hour.


Sheena gave me some broccoli she'd grown yesterday, and that tasted quite good with some sausages and rice for lunch. Hey - I know how to live! I did have a glass of red with it, too.


Hope your weekend goes well.

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Couple or three pints of a very nice (if a tad too cold) porter with a father anD son in a local bar tonight. He models in G so I have pointed him towards RMWeb...

Tomorrow we will visit the zoo looking for one of my favourite animals..the wombat....

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Morning all, bit of a fraught night woken by DD2 saying she had been sick in the utility room sink at 3.00am as it was not self inflicted I cleaned up. Today there is a slightly lighter shade of grey outside but the sun is not visible and it is not warm. Plans for today are now dissolved due to DD2 being ill. This may mean I have a play with my newly aquired GP9 on a piece of flexitrack. Mrs B has her kidney scan tomorrow but last night was completing more card models from the Metcalfe range, at this rate the shunty plank track laying will have to work round the buildings!

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Good Morning and Happy Saturday one & all! 


Well head cold seems to be departing which does mean I feel a bit better, and I've got my ticket out of here (for a couple of weeks) next month.  


Pancakes for breakfast with Maple syrup that a Canadian colleague brought in for me...now just a day doing some re-design work to prove to a wheel re-inventor that what he is proposing wont work...


Whatever you're up to today, try and find something to smile at,



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Ah, there are advantages to living alone! And a "raging hump" sounds like a particularly athletic adult pastime. Makes me feel tired just to contemplate!


I can assure you it's nothing of the sort. At least it had better not be, he's only 14! My dad used to say to me... "Son, you'll give me the ragin' 'ump if you carry on..."  Best English translation is probably "bloody miserable"... typical teenager then.

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  • RMweb Premium

Dom, excuse my ignorance, but do many German loco's still have hydraulic transmission?




Hi Ed,


I guess you can safely say the majority still is, though the influx of former East German Russian-built types such as the 232 and derivatives, as well as the presence of Class 66s and 77s (which is what the low emission 66s are colloquially called over here), have altered the balance a bit. Vossloh (ex MaK) do specialise in hydraulics as well, as did Voith – who I only just found out have decided to put loco building on hold in early 2014. On the other hand, Bombardier and Siemens offer diesel-electric TRAXX and Vectron variants, in keeping with their modular approach.


Do feel free to ask me if there's anything else I might know that might be of interest!

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


60 late departing Trondhem due to a 'technical problem', time recovered in runni8ng plus a quick turnround at Kristiansund and we are now running 15 late.  Lots of very attractive decrepit or semi-decrepit old-fashioned warehouse buildings on teh waterside at Kristiansund, shame it doesn't have a railway.


And before Debs arrives did anybody hear about the diesel hydraulic which couldn't torque because it had lost its voith?

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  • RMweb Gold

Where's the "Groan" button when you need it......

Trust you had a great time up north, Mike. Quite an experience, I expect.


Best, Pete.

Very interesting Pete and quite enjoyable - at least we got snow when north of the Arctic Circle which was rather appropriate and we saw a display of the Northern Lights, albeit not at their best, which was a bonus.  Those things apart an interesting journey scenically and some nice (and some not so nice) towns and small villages to visit enroute.  And, of course, approximately 5,000 miles (in total) of travel and three meals, not necessarily square and frequently on cold plates, per day to keep us going.  But minimal alcohol - we've had one glass of wine each since we left England which sounds terrible until you realise that each of those glasses cost =GBP 8.60; we decided to forego the ship's 'wine offer' which would have cost =GBP400 (yes, four hundred!!) for a bottle of wine per day for 11 days.


Oh and we saw another pod of orca today, at least a dozen of them.

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, ...each of those glasses cost =GBP 8.60; we decided to forego the ship's 'wine offer' which would have cost =GBP400 (yes, four hundred!!) for a bottle of wine per day for 11 days...

Good grief, it makes CHF 60 for a good bottle of wine at a Swiss restaurant seem positively like "poundland" prices. Were you not able to stock up in the departure lounge before boarding? Whenever Mrs iD and I headed to the UAE/Egypt/Malaysia we always slipped a bottle of duty free gin into our baggage (where we went alcohol was/is available but at greatly inflated prices....)


I was lucky enough to see a pod of Orcas once (ferry from Vancouver Island to Vancouver) an amazing sight.


Long walks for the dog and "things to do for SWMBO" for me today, so we are all knackered... And a good night to all

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Saw a  strange sight this morning,  what I took to be a large flock of birds turned out to be Fruit Bats!   These things are BIG... about  30"  wing span.


Quite difficult to take snaps of as they fly pretty quickly!.





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Evening folks.


Sorry if I have branded some friends as chavs - it's just modern liners are so......so not NHN!

No problem.  :bye: . I've got a black 4x4 and live in South Essex so I'm sure the big P&O boats are perfect for me. When we boarded Ventura they asked if we had sailed with P&O before. I hadn't but Aditi told them she had in 1959 on their Australia-UK Strath(something) ship. She and her mother and sister joined the ship at Bombay and landed at Tilbury. Cruise ships (but not big ones) still use the big shed type building there. Aditi doesn't remember it as she was more pleased at seeing her father waiting to meet them. She hadn't seen him for a year. An aunt who lived in Wembley took them all to buy winter coats (it was November) and they departed next day for Knaresborough where Aditi's Dad was working.


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Saw a  strange sight this morning,  what I took to be a large flock of birds turned out to be Fruit Bats!   These things are BIG... about  30"  wing span.


Quite difficult to take snaps of as they fly pretty quickly!.

First time I saw then was in Cairns 10 years ago...they were hanging off a streetlight and my two Herbert's wanted to bring one home!!!!


Clock change here so woken at 5:30am by a man emptying the empty bottles from the theatre into his wagon...

Time for breakfast!

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Good evening all.


Back from Once in a Blue Moon at Didcot. 


That was one dream of a blue day.

On again tomorrow, if you've not heard.



Catch up time on ERs, now, if I can stay awake long enough.


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Evening folks.


Sorry if I have branded some friends as chavs - it's just modern liners are so......so not NHN!

Just pulling your wire, Neil!


"No worries" as no doubt Baz in Oz would say...........


Just because both Tony and I have resided in Essex is neither here nor there (or where I'm not or something).................


Best, Pete.

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All thith talk of Voith's's reminds me that the dual mode ALP-45DP have started service on our local commuter line (The Raritan Valley).


Maybe I'll be able to get down to Fanwood station for a couple of photos tomorrow. This new locomotive is important because it can run where we are with no OHLE yet transfer to OHLE at Newark that allows it to run into Penn Street station in Manhattan. For the first time in living memory a train from our line can do that.


Who apart from Mike Stationmaster knows why our trains were not able to run direct into Manhattan?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'd love to see those ALP-45s, Pete! Quite an impressive specification with their full dual power capability indeed... For Europe, Bombardier have come up with the TRAXX 3 locos, where fully electric variants can be obtained with a "Last Mile" diesel propulsion package to enable them to transit into non-electrified yards under their own power, and remain on their trains while they do.


They're looking like this:








Morning all.

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Grey and breezy here this morning. Rain seems to be forecast for much of the day.

We went to the RHS gardens at Hyde Hall yesterday afternoon, The Spring flowers were very impressive.

I'll be going to Leicester on Monday to collect Matthew. He has given up on the Russian visa, Today is the deadline for the conference payment and he isn't going to send money without a visa. He is going to one in Helsinki still and is trying to fit in a few days in Estonia or Latvia before coming home again.



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You mean everyone has caught up with BR(SR) electric/diesel loco approach.... Bout time!


Been to the zoo by tram and back by train. Most animals asleep/laid back. Wombat flat on his back...must have had a busy night! Took lots ofphotos of birds/animals etc. I may invest in a better lens when I get back.


Temperatures here warmish so will feel it in Leeds on my return...



PS Pete as you lived in Essex for a while I take it you are used to no footpaths and street lights. Unlike hardy north Easteners like me and NHN...

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Morning all. Another trip to the tip with a load of greenery  first thing today. We do have a 'green bin' collection but there is probably about six binfuls to take. I am rather with Neil on the subject of cruise liners. Walking round and round the deck  would not suit us. However each to their own.


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