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.........I have been "assisting" Mrs iD back to health...........


I imagine you writing her a `script. and telling her if she`s not feeling better in a week, to make an appointment to come back and see you! :laugh:

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  • RMweb Premium

Yeah, I think ships should have curves and sheer, even merchant ships.  Those huge modern liners leave me cold although I give you the internal experience may be enjoyable if that's your thing.  I'd be down the engineroom re-living my earlier career!

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How does the contraceptive chip work? In my minds eye I have an impression of a huge boot coming out of nowhere and coming into contact with aforesaid nadjers. :jester:

I'm not sure, I haven't really researched it. Presumably the chip slowly releases chemicals (hormones?) that either suppress testosterone production, make the non-viable or both. Fortunately, Schotty is like a horny teenager - he has desires but doesn't quite know what to do - much to the evident disappointment of a young bitch in heat he met who was MOST interested in a canine tete-a-tete (so perhaps the chip is starting to work after all?
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I imagine you writing her a `script. and telling her if she`s not feeling better in a week, to make an appointment to come back and see you! :laugh:

Of course not! I've been making sure she's been getting a suitable diet (bread and water) and getting some gentle exercise (cutting back brambles in the garden) :-)


What sort of nasty person do you think I am?

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I don't believe it. What sort of asinine censoring programme has Andy Y installed? It censored S P E R M! A perfectly acceptable, non slang, non bawdy, non obscene medical/biological term. What next? Censoring the word C I G A R E T T E? or F A T? Or something else that might offend the nervous nellies?


"Disgusted In Switzerland"

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I don't believe it. What sort of asinine censoring programme has Andy Y installed? It censored S P E R M! A perfectly acceptable, non slang, non bawdy, non obscene medical/biological term. What next? Censoring the word C I G A R E T T E? or F A T? Or something else that might offend the nervous nellies?


"Disgusted In Switzerland"


You are lucky you got away with nadgers earlier on. So was Schotty.

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It's hard enough posting T R A I N in here!

and whilst on the topic of T R A I N S, belated congratulations for turning your hobby into a job and for chucking the old job (I wish I were as brave as you. Unfortunately, I'm far too conservative/cautious/unadventurous). I'd wish you good luck, but I'm sure that you won't need it. After many years of dealing with offenders, I'm sure some of the more, how shall I put it?, eccentric devotees of railway modelling will be - in comparison - a doddle to manage.
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  • RMweb Gold

I quite liked seeing turtles swimming by the cruise ship. I didn't see any whales but Aditi did. They weren't sperm whales though. I think I took advantage of the rush to see the whales to load up my breakfast plate. 

Robbie didn't lose any of his sperm producing bits until he was 8 (some infection or injury made the op necessary) but he had never shown any interest in females even when they threw themselves at him. His behaviour hasn't changed since the operation but he is much furrier so it could be a cure for male pattern baldness in humans.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks iD, most appreciated.  I've dealt with my share of difficult folk over the years - I was an outpatients service manager in the NHS before I came here!


My work will be mostly behind the scenes, on the live steam locos, but as in all small businesses I will have to turn my hand to whatever is needed at the time.


As for bravery, not really, since we will be a debt free zone by then.  The risk previously was too great, mortgages etc, but once that is out of the way it's a lot easier to pull back from full time stressful work - our needs are modest.

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I do need cure - but there's no way I'm going to try that.


Not yet anyway.


:read: I`ve read that two housebricks can be used to effect such a 'cure'...........


Painful? :unsure:


..........only if one gets one`s thumbs caught! :laugh:

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Censoring the word C I G A R E T T E? 


"Disgusted In Switzerland"

Flavio, We know he would never do that, at least..........


I see Tony and I are quite the lowlife now :sungum:  or at least "chavs". Never mind I did enjoy the big boat :senile: except for the final disembarkation which was tedious in extremis.


My favourite part (or one of them, anyway) was the small room or area above the bridge, which seemingly only I discovered, that had repetitive instruments from the bridge from various Nav displays to engine(s) performance (and all sorts of things inbetween) in real time plus a window to look down upon the Captain's head (and others) when they were performing tricky maneuvers like entering port and tieing up (or anytime really it was just more interesting at those times). I preferred the leaving, frankly. The Captain would always check to see if I was there and we had an opportunity to meet later.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Watching the final loading and departure of a container ship from the cliff top above Napier docs was fascinating.. Lots of 'left hand down a bit'....

Of course the Sydney Harbour ferries are all driven by past/future formula 1 racing car drivers.....

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I'm tracking a package coming from the US. It's currently showing as "Undeliverable as Addressed" at the originating(!!) USPS sorting facility! That doesn't sound good.

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....My favourite part (or one of them, anyway) was the small room or area above the bridge, which seemingly only I discovered, that had repetitive instruments from the bridge from various Nav displays to engine(s) performance (and all sorts of things inbetween) in real time plus a window to look down upon the Captain's head (and others) when they were performing tricky maneuvers like entering port and tieing up (or anytime really it was just more interesting at those times). I preferred the leaving, frankly. The Captain would always check to see if I was there and we had an opportunity to meet later.


Best, Pete.

Great fun! There are certain high skill occupations that are incredibly fascinating to watch: such as that of bridge officers, pilots, surgeons.... I have treasured memories of sitting in the cockpit of assorted 747-400s (and a few other models, besides) for take-offs and landings (obviously before 2001) and of watching a colleague perform a hip replacement. Fascinating stuff. And, in a way, a bit like guitar playing: the easy bits look hard (hammer-ons, anyone?) and in the hands of a skilled operator/player the hard bits look easy (pitch-perfect bends).
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I have "fired" lots of 120mm apfsds,hesh and 7.62mm rounds at a variety of targets...but only when I ran a project for precision gunnery trainer simulators for Challenger 1 & 2....they did let me fire a SHPRAC once from a Chieftain.....I missed!

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Clear and relatively warm at 26C with tomorrow predicted to be 31C.

Hey, I've broken out my Winter pyjamas already, but tomorrow night it will be back to shorties.


Arising from Tony's MiL wanting to organise his menus for his visitors reminds me that from my mid thirties on through my sixties one of my enjoyments was to cook and host dinner parties and planning the menus was a major part of the anticipation. I had a University student as a breakfast and dinner table boarder for six weeks at one time and the challenge was to vary breakfasts as much as possible and to not repeat a main dinner course.  

I also had fun composing a printed menu in Fractured French with translations in literal Afrikaans. Great fun.

In my present residence I have to resist the temptation to suggest variations/improvements to the menus.

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  • RMweb Premium

A day that isn't actually grey outside which makes a nice change.  A good start to the day is ahead with the monthly mens breakfast at church.   Good company a slap uop breakfast and an inteesting talk.   If it's up to its usual standard I won't need any lunch.   Only one problem I've been roped in to the cooking team today so the ggs, mushrooms and beans are at risk.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Cloudy, but expected to brighten up later. We decided to see "Snowpiercer" last night, which I'd pronounce a fairly insane film. Leaving that aside, the concept of the train's power plant alone was, of course, ridiculous!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

A very pleasant morning here.

Aditi finally got confirmation that she can use some of her holiday entitlement from the week she wasn't allowed off in May. She has added it on to the Easter break so is now at home for a fortnight. I think she would like some decorating to occur.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Currently in Trondheim but decided not to venture ashore as the long trudge out of the docks wouldn't have left much time for anything else.  This ship is pretty large by 'Patricia' standards at 11,204 grt and 121.8 metres overall length and sleeping capacity for 499 passengers (if all 3 berth cabins are used to capacity) so I was a bit wary of it although contrary to the impression given by many of our fellow passengers it is pretty easy to find your way around as the public areas are reasonably well contained and well organised.  It has the advantage of real people joining and leaving at intermediate ports, alas only in small numbers as the country now has a good road network and lots of internal air services, plus the amusement (sometimes) of watching a wide variety of cargo being loaded or unloaded with much dashing about by forklift trucks.  And even the gin palace we saw last night has cargo provision!


Weather is back to being rather cloudy today and the only snow we are seeing now is up in the various mountains, back to reality tomorrow night with our final night aboard being one punctuated by various calls at small ports as we head towards Bergen.


Have a good day folks

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Good morning all,

The sky is mainly blue, the sun is shining and it is 9oC. Forecast is getting cloudy later and the slight possibility of rain.

Yesterday I gardened, today I ache ( a lot) so although there is (lots) more to do I might give it a miss. The Boss doesn't know yet. I may also miss domestic tasks and washing the car which hasn't been done since October. When I told my neighbour who was washing his new car the day after he took delivery of it I thought he  was going to have a stroke. (The bloke is always washing his car, his wife's and his son's car as well as window cleaning every week) He obviously suffers from some sort of OCD. I don't! (and my son was taught to wash cars very early in his life)

Today is Nicki's birthday and SiL Steve (as opposed to son Steve) has arranged a surprise meal out at a local Italian eatery for all of us so a great evening is in prospect.

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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