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  • RMweb Premium

While in Napier we stayed at a very good B & B. The first night we stayed the other couple staying were a retired C130 pilot from the coastguard in Alaska and his wife - a retired singer.

They live in Lake Tahoe but they travel to the sunnier climes each winter as they have had enough of snow...

I suggested that they should move permanently to somewhere else but they just love the place when it isn't covered in snow.....takes all sorts...

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They live in Lake Tahoe but they travel to the sunnier climes each winter as they have had enough of snow...

I suggested that they should move permanently to somewhere else but they just love the place when it isn't covered in snow.....takes all sorts...

Have you seen Lake Tahoe (California?). (I might agree with you about the Nevada side of town.)
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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all!


Feeling very relieved tonight as it seems like a (hopefully lasting) solution could be found as to the issue at work which had troubled me so much for the past few months. I cannot disclose too much on an essentially open channel like this one, but let's just say the problem had to do with fundamental interpersonal incompatibility which could not be resolved despite the best of my efforts.


As a result, I applied for, and was now granted, a change of school. I shall contact them tomorrow to work out an appointment for my introductions.

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Hi All, The rain beating against my window woke me at midnight and again around 4:00. Not a problem. I just snuggled deeper and went back to sleep. At present it's just pattering against the glass.

Yes, it's raining! but is forecast to clear by the weekend.


I had a totally unexpected, out of the blue, phone call from my "best friend" when we were both 11.. Our common interest then was model railways. He wanted to know where he could sell  his Matchbox and Dinkie collection from those days. He is a Scot, hence they still exist!

My only suggestion was "Bid or Buy". a local equivalent of e-bay.

Have a HAPPY day.

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Morning All,


It is still rather chilly this morning, but set to warm up quite a bit later on.  The sky is currently blue, with fluffy clouds.


Sorry to hear that the job hasn't worked out Dominik.  However, now that you have the opportunity to change that will probably open new doors and you will find yourself a lot happier.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all,  not well here got an absolutely stonkin head cold,  making me feel like sh1t ..... but work to do so must soldier on (must I?) well yes have site visit this morning & I cant end my deputy as he's tied up with a commissioning...


OH well, try and make the best of the day folks,  




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It seemed quite pleasant outside when I was piling up the recycling but we are forecast to have high levels of air pollution today. I ended up washing sand stains off the Fiesta last nigh, Aditi offered to cook dinner while I cleaned the car. She hadn't done much as she had been on the phone to her mother.

I had a really irritating model railway day yesterday. What should have been a trivial task involving putting a decoder in a loco took all afternoon.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, realy need to be outside my cup of tea this morning. A grey misty day outside this week all the recycling is ready but where are the bin men? We have had a spate of deaths in the menagerie this month the finch and hamster both died of old age I am not sure about the guinea pig but its cage mate seems healthy but upset. Not the best phone call to son in Winchester but far from the worst, it could have waited until he was home and shuffled off on his watch. Well it is hump day and a day closer to someones significant birtday so I had best get going.

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Morning all. Man v flu day 6. Flu is still winning. I'm coughing up what appears to be redi-mix concrete mixed with razor blades. Thick, heavy, and ripping my throat to shreds. Blergh!


Another day of driving ahead. Strange that in Canada or the US I can drive 1200 or more km in a day and not feel tired. Even without the flu 200 miles here leaves me feeling knackered.


SWMBO has hurt her bionic knee so is off to the quack and hospital for x-rays. On the other hand she is quite happy that her bird feeding efforts are starting to pay off. Up to now its been only blackbirds and pigeons. Yesterday she spotted a trio of ring necked parakeets. (no jokes about having the biggest parakeets in town please) They seem to be enjoying the mixed nuts.


Neil: you have no idea how jealous I am of you.....  You're the third person I know who "retired" to work/own a model shop.


Trev: I really hope you don't have what I do.


Ian, Pete: no creative euphemisms or insults today. Most of them would end up looking like #####trumpet ####flap or similar. Either that or get me banned for life and probably the afterlife.


Oh well off I go. Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed. Have a great bat day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


South of Havøysund and heading towards Hammerfest where we will do a bit of onshore exploration although I suspect the 'Polar Museum' is more likely to be about killing various animals than anything to do with the North Pole.  Weather remains overcast with plenty of lying snow but I think we might now be beyond the snow squalls that were bashing along the Barents Sea coast, the sea is also a lot calmer and probably only about Sea State 2-3 instead of Sea State 5 and the 'Near Gale' we were getting in the Barents Sea.  It's probably a bit warmer outside as well but I've yet to poke my nose outside to see.


Have a good day one & all.

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Neil: you have no idea how jealous I am of you.....  You're the third person I know who "retired" to work/own a model shop.


Morning all from grey drizzly Norf Norfolk.

The world's worst kept secret that we're upping sticks and moving to Devon hopefully in time for summer 2015 is ever more appealing with each passing day. Although I'm sure it's grey and drizzly there too, the thought of the move is a psychological boost. Neil's recent career change has also given me food for thought and a change in that particular direction is in my mind too. I should be so lucky, but I may dust off my CV just in case. There is a finite limit to how long I can continue to dig holes and chuck cement sacks around for a (part-time) living, unless a bionic spine along the lines of the bionic knee of Andrew's good lady becomes readily available...

Whatever you have planned for today, be it work or play, have a good one. Pete.


Edit: posted just astern of DonBradley's post. What good advice that is!

Edited by Pete 75C
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Grey. What more is there to say about the weather. But here it's not wet - yet


Continuing on the voyage of discovery of things that I bought years ago but have forgotten about. Seems that I can get several projects to completion without buying more stuff. Just need the time and the skill to get it done.


Many years ago I was working in motor parts. We had an old Sikh gentleman there. The usual morning greeting exchange was:


"Hiya Ranjee, how're they treating you?"


"Oh, very, very seldom"

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Helpfully, BT have changed the way I log in for e-mail.

Unfortunately, the new log-in page is blank.

Anyone else have BT e-mail (@btinternet.com) and does it work?

Have started the process of net form filling but don't know how long it will take.

S*d's Law means that the telephone numbers I have to contact the CEO are safely kept in my e-mail account.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, rather overcast with sand coloured light cloud this morning - rain on it's way apparently.  Also sand coloured.


Arranging pension application today, whoop!  A senior manager has stepped up to take care of it as we haven't been able to ascertain who my civil service manager actually is.


The perils of multi-disciplinary working, as my boss is a senior police officer and therefore cant deal with it, and I have been here so long all the persons who have previously taken some responsibility have left or retired too!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Talking off urinals - years ago a pub I frequented had a problem with drunken people peeing not too accurately making a bit of a mess, to cure this they stuck transfers of blue bottles (flies) in the urinals, the problem stopped overnight - even drunk, we men do like a target to aim for.


Grey and polluted in middle earth Norfolk today, I think we have some steamy things heading over later, there's a path in the system for an Orton Mere - Dereham (via Wymondham) move so presumably something arriving for a gala (it's an 0Z so light engines rather than a train)


Have a good day all.

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