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Grey-dull and foolish, but not chill. (If that makes sense)


Yesterday got a whole load of model related stuff done, today more on the cards. Not else I can (am allowed to) do. Things are returning to normal, bodily wise. Which is good news, not least of all for Sandy who's now much more relaxed as she can now see an end to the whole process.


Neil is only doing what many of us dream of and few can. Good luck. I have omitted to show Sandy the pic of the L&B loco on the site - she fell in love with the line when we went to Woody Bay a couple of years back.


Hope those on the receiving end of All Fools Day stunts get their own back.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Has anyone seen my energy ? - my get up and go has well and truly b*ugg*red off these days.


The sun is just appearing here on a lovely morning.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

John the L&B is a  lovely line go on show her the photo garden railways are good fun and live steam is quite a different experience.


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Child humour is somewhat different to adult humour, as I have found out on a number of occasions.  Being a natural born worrier, with a son who has suffered from ear ache/ infections on a number of occasions - I think I would have been slightly, lets say, stressed by your Daughters "joke" :mosking:


Absolutely. There's a fine line between "funny" and "sly". I'm not a huge fan of feigning illness as a joke... her "best" attempt was just before the Christmas break in order to get out of PE. Gabriella had spent 5 minutes in her bedroom with her forehead pressed up against the radiator in order to convince us she had a temperature... looking back I can see the funny side and part of me admires her deviousness but at the time, I was a wee bit cross!

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  • RMweb Premium


Any japes in your papers?.




Morning world, grey and foggy in the heaving metropolis of Douglas, but it was sunny at home 'down north' this morning.  The mountain blocks the weather.


Oh, the electric L&B tanks will be here soon, if live steam frightens you.....  ;-)

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Has anyone seen my energy ? - my get up and go has well and truly b*ugg*red off these days.


Might it not just be an age thing creeping up on you Beast? My get up and go got up and went ages ago. Definitely on a one-way ticket, as it hasn't come back yet... :dontknow: I have half a day's work today and then need to get my mojo back and do a little railway modelling, if I can remember how. The next job is ballasting, but after Bob's recent marathon, I'm searching for any excuse to put it off...

Edited by Pete 75C
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  • RMweb Premium

Might it not just be an age thing creeping up on you Beast? My get up and go got up and went ages ago. Definitely on a one-way ticket, as it hasn't come back yet... :dontknow:



Snap.  Although my new change and challenge will re-invigorate things I hope!

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Absolutely. There's a fine line between "funny" and "sly". I'm not a huge fan of feigning illness as a joke... her "best" attempt was just before the Christmas break in order to get out of PE. Gabriella had spent 5 minutes in her bedroom with her forehead pressed up against the radiator in order to convince us she had a temperature... looking back I can see the funny side and part of me admires her deviousness but at the time, I was a wee bit cross!


Too true!


If Thomas put as much effort into doing his homework, as he spends trying to avoid doing it, then he would actually have less to do!

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Hi All,


At least here in South Australia we have four seasons... in autumn now... winter begins 1st June... but typical for here today was one of the hottest April days on record at 36C!! Tomorrow will be 22C as there is a cool front coming across Adelaide later tonight.




Ha!! Replying to my own mail...


Update on the day... Adelaide hit 36.8C just 0.1 short of an all time record... meanwhile here in Murray Bridge we went through 38C and thank God we didn't hit 39C. Whoever invented airco gets my vote today for sure!!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A bright morning, and a chance of 21 degrees today. Hopefully by mid-afternoon the damp will be out of the grass and I can get cutting.


Spent an enjoyable 20+ minutes watching the 1965 Sebring 12-hrs - somewhat compressed, of course - via a facebook link today. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xlz79f_1965-12-hours-of-sebring_auto. The cars of that era are just so "me". A 1/32nd model of David Piper's Ferrari #31 from that race sits near me now, while beside my bed in 1/18th scale are the Chaparral, bought for me by Deb when I retired, and Daytona Cobra, bought by - er - someone else in Chartres in 2005. [Mind you, I had just put a cheap ring on her finger, which was a bit lot naughty when we were both already married. And she still wears the ring, which has never been queried.....]


Hope the sun shines on you all today, and that energy abounds for those whose get-up-and-go got up and went.

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We have a slight sprinkling of Sahara Sand this morning.

Not an unusual phenomenon but it means the windows and the car (left out last night) need a good wash.

It wouldn't be urgent except that the car is in a funeral procession for one of the villagers after lunch.

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  • RMweb Premium

This just landed from our researcher....explains a lot!


Victor Meldrew Syndrome kicks in at 52


You don't have to be drawing your pension to be a grumpy old man - Victor Meldrew Syndrome kicks in at 52. Research has found that as a nation we are losing our sense of humour earlier. And when it comes to enjoying a good laugh, things are "all downhill" from our early 50s.

As infants we laugh aloud as many as 300 times every day, but that drops to four times as we reach adulthood - and just 2.5 times when we hit our 60s. And men turn into miserable, moaning Meldrews faster than women, with four times more males in their 60s admitting to a researcher that planning their retirement takes up far more of their time than enjoying themselves.

We enjoy laughing at other people's misfortunes - especially teenagers. But in our 50s this is only mildly amusing and it will only raise a laugh among 5% of over-60s. Dr Lesley Harbidge of the research team at Glamorgan University said: "We laugh twice as much in our teens as we do in our 50s and our findings suggest that it's all downhill from 52."

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  • RMweb Premium

I got up and went from Wellington NZ to Melbourne in Oz...lost 2hours in the process but had a calming beer ...warm in Melbourne but not like Murray bridge..

Picked up a NZ railway book half price which was great just need to buy an oz one...

Off to have another calming beer...

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

I didn't notice the real  April Fool joke in the Telegraph (well not until their own website identified it)  but there were a couple of articles that I thought were strong contenders but were genuine, (both political!).


Ian, I can remember having a 1/32 Chaparral slot car. It had one of those clear plastic bodies that were painted from the inside out. As for jewellery, I don't buy it for Aditi, though I do get to be in an advisory capacity when she has narrowed it down to a couple of items.  She doesn't wear any rings and hasn't done so for about the last 30 years. 



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