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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


I've been away from RMWeb for a few days, so have not been able to catch up with about eight pages.  Sorry to all if I've missed anything really significant.  I do see that Neil now has the prospect of a job that will mean that the daily trip to work is not a trip on the road to hell.  Well done.  Any other matters that I've missed - well I'm sorry, and offer a generic acknowledgement.


The fridge saga is now, hopefully, ended as Currys delivered on Sunday morning around 08.30. The online checker showed a delivery slot of 07.30 to 11.30, so an early start was needed in case they were at the early part of the slot - and that on clocks forward morning as well.  I was well cream crackered last night, I must say.


I have to say that this company has gone up a lot in my estimation recently, as the staff at the local branch were helpful, without being too pushy, even though this was a free replacement, not a cash sale.  The delivery service was prompt, and the repair service was efficient - all the promised slots were met, apart from a callout when the repairman was taken ill.  Also, the turnround on getting a voucher number for the replacement was less than 24 hours from write-off to phone call.  I am now the owner of a machine that suits my needs a lot better than the enormous Bosch that I was sold after a real fiasco - the first machine I chose was damaged on the delivery, and the crew just left it packed in its box in the kitchen and scarpered.  When it was opened, the case was dented, and the compressor sounded like a bag of rusty nails.  A complaint to the store manager resulted in us being offered a higher spec machine which was really too big, but which we accepted as it was on a much quicker delivery. 


To be honest, I wasn't even sure that I was dealing with the same company this time as it was such an improved experience.


Anyhows, dinner's ready so

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. An overcast but warm start to the day. 

Looks like rain, however, making me wary of dragging the contents of the garage onto the drive so that I can continue fitting plasterboards. 

Which sort of leaves me with no option but to get some office work done instead. Booooo!

A cat has used my newly seeded lawn as a litter. Not on the edge where I can reach it, of course. In the middle! :hunter:

Have a nice day everyone. Andy

Thats Cats for you. I could lend you a dog but there wouldn't be much left of the lawn....


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Phew - such a lot to go through when you miss a day or two!


Weather first - yesterday was "different" we hit 15 for the first time since last October - half the population were out in shorts it seemed! It's 8 right now and headed for 16 with light rain forecast.


I can SEE MY LAWN!!!! About 70% of it is now visible in the front of the house - amazingly still only about 5% in the back where it's all hidden from the sun by the house most of the time at present, sun still too low in the sky...


Kitchen consumed all weekend (including Friday that I took off to work on it), what with various challenges getting some of the work I'd planned to do completed, shopping for lighting, and somehow eating up the ENTIRE weekend in various ways - I'll not provide many details as it is rather too overwhelming, but we have progress significantly in spite of a few major hiccups!


It's "spring break" in this part of the US, and since my son is a teacher, he has the week off. Mrs also has the week off, and they just departed for Duluth on the shores of Lake Superior for a couple of days. Leaves me "free" to break my back doing more in the kitchen the next couple of evenings <sigh>.

Maybe I'll take some time to do some modelling also!


Sorry if I missed anything major, was a lot to read through - Happy Monday everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Coffee time.


Well, having had the OK from Andy Y to say so, I can now reveal that my new job is with 'Trackshack',




- the Isle of Man based supplier of garden railway equipment, who have recently moved in to also supplying Hornby, Peco, Bachmann etc.  The business is expanding and John needed more help, and I've had enough here....mutual agreement was easy to come to.  Please feel free to browse!  /plug.


I won't be starting until August as this current job isn't the type of work where you give a weeks notice and run away, but having had several nudges from folk I thought it was time to show my cards. Can't wait....... :sungum:  :sungum:  :sungum: :sungum:  


OK, back to young offenders....... :butcher:

Nice one Neil. I could have won some money there but Ladbrokes weren't offering odds. Will you be able to go to any shows on business? Now that would be a double plus!


Actually any chance of you getting to Peterborough for the 16mmNG show. I shall be on the H&A again.


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It's "spring break" in this part of the US, and since my son is a teacher, he has the week off. Mrs also has the week off, and they just departed for Duluth on the shores of Lake Superior for a couple of days.


Spring break in Duluth? That's different!

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Spring break in Duluth? That's different

True enough, but the lake is quite amazing any time of the year, and they are mostly hoping to do some cross-country skiing, should be about perfect, with a couple of inches of snow today/tonight forecast.


Can't manage that in Florida :)

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Oh, before I forget - Mothering Sunday/Mothers (dunno where the apostrophe should be!!) Day...


When I first moved to the US, a billion years ago, and definately before the internet and easy/convenient cell phone communications, I ran afoul of the differences.

My mother was totally distressed when I missed Mothering Sunday, just weeks after I left the UK, and my father suitably admonished me on a subsequent checking-in phone call for being so heartless, until I explained that I was taking the lead from the US "equivalent" that was still weeks away, and had no idea I'd transgressed.


I was forgiven, but not before I agreed to obtain a UK calendar from somewhere so as not to have anything similar happen again!  :O  :scared:

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Premium

Nice one Neil. I could have won some money there but Ladbrokes weren't offering odds. Will you be able to go to any shows on business? Now that would be a double plus!


Actually any chance of you getting to Peterborough for the 16mmNG show. I shall be on the H&A again.



Yeah, it wasn't rocket science working it out was it!!   But I didn't want to say until I had everything in place and Andy Y had OK'd me mentioning a business.  Trackshack doesn't sell at shows, but it may be we do some visiting on a business basis, that's up to John when the time comes.  The NG show would be the most obvious one, as well as perhaps Warley.  I have been on the periphery of the garden railway trade for some time, you may be aware of that!

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Neil, do Track shack have a shop front as such or are they mail order only?



There is a modest shop front in Peel, in Olive Court on Ramsey Road (the coast road), next to the dance school. I'm sure John and Steve will be pleased to serve you! Obviously most of the business is internet based but there is a retail shop. Everything on the website quoted as stock IS in stock at the premises (the website has continuously live stock levels), no 'ordering in' after the event, advance order items are clearly marked as such.

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Hello all. I have mentioned that we don't really have an Autumn here, it's straight from Summer into Winter. Well I can maybe count today as the first day of Winter! It's RAINING and cool at 20C and forecast to remain so until Wednesday when the sun will reappear.

Not really; I actually consider Winter to begin over the Easter weekend which is still almost three weeks away


For those interested, my red flow has ceased (yesterday) as predicted by the Doc. He says if it reoccurs he will investigate it's source.

Must have been that breakfast that did the trick. :imsohappy:

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Morning all. New day new dawn new month. Same bloody man-flu. Blergh!


Off to one of our offices this morning. Wee. A2, M25 A1. Should be buckets of fun. Haven't had to drive in morning peak in a couple of years. That's why the great prophet Zarquon invented Oyster cards.


Have a good one all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

One really heavy shower overnight but now dry and 9oC. Bright & sunny periods expected today but there could be isolated heavy showers later.

Like Andrew I'm still spleezing and snuttering - thought I'd got rid of it but it's returned.

Chris taken to work and family here later but no instructions left so I'm a free agent for a few hours.

Wash the car? Cut the grass? Weed?  Do something related to model railways? Now that seems like a plan.

Have a good one,


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Morning all, 


Thats one weird (of many)  thing about being here....there are no "seasons" as such, just hot and rain some times.


Good luck with your new venture Neil, I have one up my sleeve for next year.


Whatever you're up to today, try and survive!



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Hello all. I have mentioned that we don't really have an Autumn here, it's straight from Summer into Winter. Well I can maybe count today as the first day of Winter! It's RAINING and cool at 20C and forecast to remain so until Wednesday when the sun will reappear.

Not really; I actually consider Winter to begin over the Easter weekend which is still almost three weeks away



Hi All,


At least here in South Australia we have four seasons... in autumn now... winter begins 1st June... but typical for here today was one of the hottest April days on record at 36C!! Tomorrow will be 22C as there is a cool front coming across Adelaide later tonight.



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PS be nice to motters he is an excellent cook..


Bit late getting back to this quote... Some might see this as not PC but here goes...


Cook = Female

Chef = Male


Don't bite me... blame the French... that's just the way it is...

Will now duck for cover in case of any incoming flack and shrapnel !!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Please excuse failure to read back but on this ship 'net pages load at a very slow snail's pace and connections  vanish as you blink.  Currently enroute Vadsø to Kirkenes with bright sunshine and a low temperature out of the sun.  Kirkenes was expected to be -5 today then there's the windchill so it's fluffy trousers day plus whatever dog sledding requires - another pair of trousers plus bis anorak and 'trapper Dan' headgear.


Honningsvag turned out to be quite a pleasant little place with an excellent little museum which only cost a fiver. Norway is pricey to say the least, but plenty of off & on snow showers.  So today is the sled trip then back to the ship and head initially north before retracing our steps southwards seeing in daylight what was in the dark coming north.


Passed our northernmost påoint yersterday evening - a small promontory which I was rather pleased to pick out by using the small scale but very accurate map in the guide book (which was actually free) and a little later get it confirmed by one of the deck officers - duly phot'd notwithstanding low light level!!!


So fingers crossed that the doggies behave themselves, we'll be going ashore in about 45 minutes.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, dry with sun forecast today after rain during the night which might mean lawn jobs postponed and replaced by modeling.


The day is mine with other half out for the whole day, breakfast and the paper first then who knows.


Enjoy your day



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Morning all,

A misty start to the day, but no rain forecast. So, best get stuck into the garage project whilst the weather holds.

Anti-cat / bird netting installed on newly seeded lawn. 

Loads of things to do today, so better get cracking!

Have a nice day everyone. Andy 

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Just been "pinch, punched" by my daughter, much to her delight. She also woke up complaining about ear ache, so I've been all through the cupboards looking for some form of junior pain relief medicine, only to find I'm victim to an April fools joke and there's nothing wrong with her ear... Am I right to be worried? I do pity the man she grows up to marry...

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I have been scanning the front page of the English language morning paper (thee is only ONE) looking for the April 1st joke.

I found it!

We go to the polls on May 14.

SA's cricket skipper Graham Smith retired recently

It is reported that he, Jacques Kallis(retired all rounder) and Mark Boucher (former wicket keeper) intend standing in the election under the banner of the Howzat party etc. etc.

Any japes in your papers?.

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Morning All,


It is a nice sunny morning here again - long may that last!


I sympathise with you LifeboatMan.  Child humour is somewhat different to adult humour, as I have found out on a number of occasions.  Being a natural born worrier, with a son who has suffered from ear ache/ infections on a number of occasions - I think I would have been slightly, lets say, stressed by your Daughters "joke" :mosking:


Are you right to be worried?  It doesn't matter - you will anyway!


Have a good day everyone...

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I have been scanning the front page of the English language morning paper (thee is only ONE) looking for the April 1st joke.


We had one on the local radio this morning - an advert from the NSA looking to recruit "trustworthy people on a freelance basis"  who spoke the local dialect and could translate German to Hessisch and vice versa.


The "NSA" described themselves as an "Internationally active organisation".

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