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Gordon posted "Back to wiring up baseboards and the odd bit of golf"

           Is that a change from "Back to golf and the odd bit of wiring up baseboards"?.

 I am still following the layout thread. :mail:

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Morning all, 


Another long nights sleep, just seem to need more of them.... GF's got  to Memphis she's not over impressed with Graceland!  


Seems I have time for bit more modelling today.


Try to enjoy the day,



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Morning all


Cold & misty yesterday, 6C in the brisk breeze, and not much change for today. Anoraks all round.


Wonder if RMW should have a special counselling site what with Ian's bittersweet news and Peter's leap year concerns?


Mike, did you reach Hammerfest? Great little town in the far north - first place to use electric street lighting btw (may come in handy for a pub quiz)...


Happy Mothers' Day



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Gordon posted "Back to wiring up baseboards and the odd bit of golf"

           Is that a change from "Back to golf and the odd bit of wiring up baseboards"?.

 I am still following the layout thread. :mail:


Has to be that way today.  We've both mothers here today for lunch, so banned from today's competition...


Why are there so many wires in live frog/DCC layouts?….Hundreds of the little bleeders...

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  • RMweb Premium

And Happy Mother's Day to fellow mothers, though most of you will have to pass that message on, I guess.  :mosking:


Enjoy spoiling Mums, SWMBOs, WAGs and Daughters...


....says I having had tea brought up to me this morning.  :D



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  • RMweb Premium

I don't see why we have to go through this rigmarole of changing the clocks twice a year. Why don't we stay on summer time all year? I know about the kiddies having to walk to school in the dark in Scotland but the answers simple, open the schools an hour later in the winter. This was put in place nearly a century ago to help increase the production of munitions for the Western Front, it was abolished for a few years in the 70's but was re-introduced at the insistence of the Scottish Nationalists as one of the conditions for support of a minority Labour government (the children walking to school in the dark was the main reason stated.) Incidently under the old system the winter time was GMT+1 (what is now summer time) and summer time was GMT+2. 

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I don't see why we have to go through this rigmarole of changing the clocks twice a year. Why don't we stay on summer time all year? I know about the kiddies having to walk to school in the dark in Scotland but the answers simple, open the schools an hour later in the winter. This was put in place nearly a century ago to help increase the production of munitions for the Western Front, it was abolished for a few years in the 70's but was re-introduced at the insistence of the Scottish Nationalists as one of the conditions for support of a minority Labour government (the children walking to school in the dark was the main reason stated.) Incidently under the old system the winter time was GMT+1 (what is now summer time) and summer time was GMT+2. 

To be precisely correct:


"An inquiry during the winter of 1959–60, in which 180 national organisations were consulted, revealed a slight preference for a change to all-year GMT+1, but the length of summer time was extended as a trial rather than the domestic use of Greenwich Mean Time abolished.[8] A further inquiry during 1966–67 led the government of Harold Wilson to introduce the British Standard Time experiment, with Britain remaining on GMT+1 throughout the year. This took place between 27 October 1968 and 31 October 1971, when there was a reversion to the previous arrangement."


See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Summer_Time


Having, for my previous company, written their (still used) manual of world time so that financial transactions happening worldwide would be recorded correctly in sequence, I know a little about this.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for that clarification Coombe Barton. Its well known fact that road traffic accidents increase dramatically when the clocks go back in Autumn. Its been estimated that this results in up to 50 deaths each year, time to go permanently to GMT+1 methinks. (Pun intended.)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Well, sackcloth and ashes for giving Peter a headache - I guess I'm just not good at explaining things in a gentle, ERs fashion!


Yes, Gordon, F1 is a very subdued aural experience now - you can even hear tyre-squeal! - but the number of variables and the complexity of the technology mean that the recent seasons' habit of getting almost all the cars home is now gone, I think, which adds a certain uncertainty. In the good old days, there were cars called "start-line specials", 'cos you got paid for being on the grid, so several cars were absolute no-hopers. Now the fuel-limiting is a challenge to engine designers. It helps if you drive a car with a Mercedes engine, though......


Off to the other end of the village shortly, as I'm now on cat and chicken feeding duties for Peter and Ivy while they are back in Surrey for a week.

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  • RMweb Gold

If we left now I could just about get to Enfield in time for the supposed meal. Aditi isn't ready yet. However I think the shower has just stopped so although I have loaded flowers and desserts into the car we will be late. Pity that it is a fruit salad as I would have loved to have announced that we were a trifle late.


Matthew sent his Mum a nice card and phoned so she was happy.



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However it's really called Mothering Sunday, the fourth Sunday of Lent. Mother's Day is an import.


It's interesting though that Mothering Sunday comes almost exactly nine months after Fathers' Day................................................. :mosking:

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Thanks for that clarification Coombe Barton. Its well known fact that road traffic accidents increase dramatically when the clocks go back in Autumn. Its been estimated that this results in up to 50 deaths each year, time to go permanently to GMT+1 methinks. (Pun intended.)

However the latest proposals, whcih seem to have been resurected in the last week (don't have the refernce because I was still in hospital) would align the UK to CET (Central European Time) which would still leave clocks moving as at present.

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  • RMweb Premium

Because you have to change the tad-polarity.


Only a croak could do that.


Afternoon all. Been out for a bike tour as it's wonderfully sunny outside. Car checked out okay this past Thursday and has summer tyres on as well. Dinner will be pasta with ramsons pesto.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening each

Just back from our son Steve's flat after a day of eating, drinking & making merry. As I mentioned earlier he & the grandchildren prepared today's food.

This is what we were presented with!






It was hard work but someone had to eat it. :yes:


Moi? ....Diet?....  What diet?





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WOW Grandadbob, that was a feast fit for a Queen. WELL DONE son and grandkids.


Today is clear weather at 21C but it's downhill for the rest of the week with steadily reducing temperatures and rain promised..


A fellow resident and long standing friend and I are going out for a FEB. My first in well over a year. WHOOPY!

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Morning all, and the end of another month! Sounds like some people had a good feast yesterday?   


Not much else to report other than the temperature has dropped a bit  around 23c at the momement.....but heading for the high thirties later in the day. 

Did get a bit of modeling done yesterday too..


Try to find something to smile at today, 



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