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  • RMweb Gold

Thing is in a confined space you have to use full vertical options....(sic). Think in 3D.


Especially important for tallboys.


Actually in my case today I think the operative word is think. I was very pleased with the fiddle yard shelf yesterday and before trying out track I put a few coaches on. I was quite happy that it could hold about 5 BR Mark 1s as I could split the train as it came in if longer. However I then realised I have a couple of DMU 6 car sets that are permanently coupled. So after some deep thought (ha!) I added an extension across the end wall. 

Having used up today's brain cells I'll take Robbie out and won't feel too bad about losing any battle of wills. I took him down on to the field near the railway yesterday (it is part of the park but floods easily) so he could have a run about and I didn't have to worry about him going up to say hello to anyone on the footpath. Of course he decided he wanted to sniff out something and jumped over the stream (too wide for me) and walked along the footpath anyway, pretending he couldn't hear me. He did respond to the third "request" to return when even he realised I meant it! 



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Good humpday - possibly, we live in hope (well, actually I live in the US - har har) :)

About -8 here this morning, bright sun and headed for positive numbers again - blimey it's a mess out there, but at least we are free from snow storms in the forseeable future (5 days weatherman speak). Chicago, 6+ hours drive SE of me is in for a 6-8 inches of snow apparently, rather them than me now, definately about at the end of my rope winter-wise!


Wednseday being "drive into the office day" I dutifully did so - going to be pretty quiet here by all accounts, so I may get a reasonable amount of work accomplished.


Sorry to hear about the man flu ERs are starting to contract - I disenfected my laptop in case :O


More track-laying last night two of the engine shed roads down, all 4 approach roads to the turntable complete, connected and surprise, surprise WORKING - YAY!!

QUestion for ER - I saw Tony post a couple of layout pics (which I liked seeing), is it OK to do that in here, wasn't sure of the protocol and wouldn't mind posting occasionally as well as in my layout thread, but would hate to incur the wrath of ER members being a relative newbie??


OK, where's all that SQL crap code I'm supposed to get working for the client...I know it's here somewhere... :jester:

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All quiet on the Bexley front. SWMBO is getting about better après surgery but has decided on a nap this afternoon. The offspring is at work and all is quiet for the moment. My PA is sleeping. (PA = Puddytat Assistant)


No ranting again, sorry Pete. Big interdepartmental bun fight going on. Told to stand down from Project "Death Spiral" for now until they cough up the paperwork that promises to pay for my time. Go dark and refer all requests to your line manager they said. Who am I to argue. Popped off to the pub for a 2 hour brunch and a couple of several tins of the very nice SixPoint Bengali Tiger. (available now in all Wetherspoons, yummy) Sometimes you're the pigeon and some days you are the statue. Today is a high flying pigeon day.


Don: thanks for the tips around the blackbirds. Did some more reading, they and Robins have soft beaks so they like insects and soft berries. We did have a pair of woodpeckers next door for a while until the chavs hacked down the apple trees. (heathens)


Oh well back to pretending to work for another hour then I may just venture into the man cave for a bit of playing trains.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm visiting Kew Gardens, tomorrow, [leaving OH at home - yeay  :yahoo: escape.... ] so nipped out to get my (go past Crewe* to see what's there) train tickets and this was in the platform. 


1A38 1224 Bangor to London Euston


Brilliant day for being out but tricky for taking photos.  This was the best of several attempts.


The other end wasn't any easier but I'm happy enough with what I managed to get - after all I'm not using a hi-tech camera, just my mobile phone and a bit of trial and error.




Looking towards Belmont Tunnel for Holyhead.



Under the footbridge.


*Last time I passed Crewe, 71000 Duke of Gloucester wasn't looking looking her best, which is not how we would wish to see it.  Hopefully, it'll get it's overhaul soon.

http://71000dukeofgloucester.blogspot.co.uk/  (See Update 27 January 2014)





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  • RMweb Gold

Back from dog walk. Robbie did jump over the stream again but it was funny this time. He usually ignores other dogs now but a schnauzer came down to the opposite bank and started barking at him. By co-incidence Robbie jumped over to go and investigate one his favourite trees. The very brave schnauzer ran off clearly not expecting such athleticism.


As I didn't want to watch glue dry on my fiddle yard I went and did some shopping that Aditi intended to do on her way home from work. She had said she would do it so I could have more time in the garage which was kind but I don't think she should be doing food shopping on her way home if I can do it. Though she does seem to like garage shopping. There is a BP garage with a M&S food store on the A13 and she seems to get a lot of bargains (end of day items) there.



QUestion for ER - I saw Tony post a couple of layout pics (which I liked seeing), is it OK to do that in here, wasn't sure of the protocol and wouldn't mind posting occasionally as well as in my layout thread, but would hate to incur the wrath of ER members being a relative newbie??

I don't have a layout thread (yet). I sometimes put a photo up just to show I  have ventured out and done something. 



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If ERs remember my Bee Box adventures, I have an update.

After attacks by GS Woodpeckers and a thorough soaking by the elements I'd about given up on bee offspring.

Took the box into the Sun Room to dry out and so far have triplets.*


* Probably from different mothers.


Congratulations! I hope mother (s) and babies do well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Caught up, and the usual general greetings/commiserations etc...


Just been on the Local Authority website, and just found out that I can apply for a bus pass in six weeks time!


Regards to All


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Good humpday - possibly, we live in hope (well, actually I live in the US - har har) :)

About -8 here this morning, bright sun and headed for positive numbers again - blimey it's a mess out there, but at least we are free from snow storms in the forseeable future (5 days weatherman speak). Chicago, 6+ hours drive SE of me is in for a 6-8 inches of snow apparently, rather them than me now, definately about at the end of my rope winter-wise!


Wednseday being "drive into the office day" I dutifully did so - going to be pretty quiet here by all accounts, so I may get a reasonable amount of work accomplished.


Sorry to hear about the man flu ERs are starting to contract - I disenfected my laptop in case :O


More track-laying last night two of the engine shed roads down, all 4 approach roads to the turntable complete, connected and surprise, surprise WORKING - YAY!!

QUestion for ER - I saw Tony post a couple of layout pics (which I liked seeing), is it OK to do that in here, wasn't sure of the protocol and wouldn't mind posting occasionally as well as in my layout thread, but would hate to incur the wrath of ER members being a relative newbie??


OK, where's all that SQL crap code I'm supposed to get working for the client...I know it's here somewhere... :jester:

Just make sure Debs aint around!


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Caught up, and the usual general greetings/commiserations etc...


Just been on the Local Authority website, and just found out that I can apply for a bus pass in six weeks time!


Regards to All



Does that mean you can get a railcard, too?


Apparently, so I was told at the ticket office, today, this no longer allows discount on the London Off-Peak Day Travelcards although it gave the discount on mine leaving the ticket officer rather perplexed but delighted for me.


Having just looked up the Transport for London website, it is still saying there is a Discounted Off-Peak Day Travelcard for the listed Railcards:

http://www.tfl.gov.uk/tickets/fares-2014/29089.aspx [Click on the tab that says Railcard].







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I'm visiting Kew Gardens, tomorrow, [leaving OH at home - yeay  :yahoo: escape.... ] so nipped out to get my (go past Crewe* to see what's there) train tickets and this was in the platform. 


attachicon.gifIMG_0872 221 110 1A38 1224 Bangor to London Euston_Belmont Tunnel.jpg

Looking towards Belmont Tunnel for Holyhead.



The picture of the tunnel takes me back!  It goes directly under Ffriddoedd Road where my grandparents lived.  When we stayed with them in the 1960s, I would sneak out early in the mornings with my brothers and go down a footpath towards the station to watch the busy steam scene in the station and yards.

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Evenin all, 


had different type of day today, went to see a couple of clients we will be building plants for later in the year.  One of them produces aluminium cans....  I never knew that you could get red wine in cans......





Of to try and get a bit more modelling (maybe only 10 minutes though),


Till the morning...




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  • RMweb Premium

The picture of the tunnel takes me back!  It goes directly under Ffriddoedd Road where my grandparents lived.  When we stayed with them in the 1960s, I would sneak out early in the mornings with my brothers and go down a footpath towards the station to watch the busy steam scene in the station and yards.


This photo at the link below shows your busy steam scene - now we can all reminisce with you.  :D



Go there today and you'll see a pay & display car park with pedestrian access to (the down) Platform 2. Not quite the same.



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  • RMweb Gold

Having used up today's brain cells I'll take Robbie out and won't feel too bad about losing any battle of wills. I took him down on to the field near the railway yesterday (it is part of the park but floods easily) so he could have a run about and I didn't have to worry about him going up to say hello to anyone on the footpath. Of course he decided he wanted to sniff out something and jumped over the stream (too wide for me) and walked along the footpath anyway, pretending he couldn't hear me. He did respond to the third "request" to return when even he realised I meant it! 



This morning our small terrier saw a Roe deer managed to escape her harness (obviousl a budding Houdini) and gave chase straight across ignoring the gorse, heather, fallen branches and the steep ground totally oblivious to calls to come back. After some minutes she was comming back or so we thought but no see was following the deer's scent back and carried on past us. However this time our calls were heeded. Later this evenening she was limping a little.


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  • RMweb Premium

This morning our small terrier saw a Roe deer managed to escape her harness (obviousl a budding Houdini) and gave chase straight across ignoring the gorse, heather, fallen branches and the steep ground totally oblivious to calls to come back. After some minutes she was comming back or so we thought but no see was following the deer's scent back and carried on past us. However this time our calls were heeded. Later this evenening she was limping a little.


Have her checked out by a vet, there are some nasty things out there for dogs.

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Morning all, 


Only going to be  42c here today.......not much else to say. Though I did get bit of modelling done last night (15minutes only though). 


Try and survive today, whatever life throws at you, 



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Dry and bright here in North Norfolk. Well, actually it's still dark, but I think it's going to be bright today... the birds here are certainly very vocal at 5.30am.

The recent spring-like weather galvanized me into some gardening action yesterday. 10 minutes later and having raked up some leaves that had been hiding in the corners since late last year, I decided that was enough. I need to ease myself into things like gardening very gently...

The ultra-complicated cheap Fiat Abarth thing we recently bought has now decided to divorce itself from its parking sensors so that's another thing that doesn't work. I can't wait to find out what packs up next... going for a drive is akin to Russian Roulette. It's a tradition that the kids always choose a name for any new vehicle in the household. In the past we've had Alfie the Alfa, Dora the (Ford) Explorer etc etc... this time my daughter has decided the Fiat will be known as Firsty Fiat due to the sheer amount of moaning I'm doing about its fuel consumption.

Getting light here now, so time for another cup of coffee. I really do like this time of day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Slightly cooler than Don and Trev - it's now 5oC and foggy. This should clear by  mid-morning and we're promised sunshine this afternoon. 

Chris taken to work at 5.30 and on the way saw one white van driving at about 50/60 (in a 30) two cars driving on sidelights only and one cyclist with no lights and dressed in black. Some of them may not survive! (or even worse cause misfortune to others)

Apparently there's a bit more shopping to do when I collect her which suits me as there may well be a magazine (or two) that I'll buy.

Did a bit more ballasting yesterday and will have another session later.

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is another bright morning here which is rather nice.  Today should be a day which is fairly free of meetings - which is good because I have got rather a lot to do.


I hope Don's Terrier hasn't stepped on something really nasty.  My suspicion would be a gorse thorn, but as Phil said, probably better to get her checked out.


Is the Fiat Abath really that thirsty LifeboatMan?  I rather like the old 500 Abath from the 60s - they were incredibly nippy - but if the brakes were anthing like the 126 my Mum had then they are probably better left alone.  The chap at our local filling station used to call it the "Runaway shoebox".  I know Fiat have improved since then - the question is, how much?!?


Have a good day everyone...

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This morning our small terrier saw a Roe deer managed to escape her harness (obviousl a budding Houdini) and gave chase straight across ignoring the gorse, heather, fallen branches and the steep ground totally oblivious to calls to come back. After some minutes she was comming back or so we thought but no see was following the deer's scent back and carried on past us. However this time our calls were heeded. Later this evenening she was limping a little.



Sounds like another 'Fenton' moment...


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Is the Fiat Abath really that thirsty LifeboatMan?  I rather like the old 500 Abath from the 60s - they were incredibly nippy - but if the brakes were anthing like the 126 my Mum had then they are probably better left alone.  The chap at our local filling station used to call it the "Runaway shoebox".  I know Fiat have improved since then - the question is, how much?!?


Probably not that bad... my wife's using it for local runs which doesn't help... I reckon about 25mpg, it was certainly more economical on a run I did to Thetford and back.

Left in auto, it punches its way up to 5th gear quite quickly, but driven manually it's obviously a lot thirstier. Can't complain - it was only a grand with 55k on the clock! Pete.

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Morning all. Not sure if anyone still exists or if the outside world is still there. Looks like someone has painted all the windows a dull grey. Fog so thick I can't even see to the end of the garden. Heading into the head office this morning for a CYA meeting with my line manager's manager's manager. The bun fight over the approval paperwork for my time continues. No doubt Southeastern trains will get lost in the fog enroute. I fully expect the train to end up on the A205.


That's about it. Time to start heading out. Have a good Thursday everyone. Remember that Thursday is the new Friday. hmmm if that's the case why do I still have to work on Fridays?

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  • RMweb Gold


Very misty tending to foggy at the moment. The forecast suggests it will clear by late morning.

Visibility should be adequate for the garage though. I did lay some fiddle yard track loosely and pushed coaches up and down. It is long enough now. I added an extra DCC access point for another handset near the fiddle yard too as only the entrance/exit is visible from the main roundy roundy bit. 


Matthew rang late last night to let us know he has now received offers from all the places he applied to for a masters degree course. It looks like he'll be living at home next (academic) year. Though I did suggest if he found commuting from Benfleet difficult I'm sure he could stay with his grandmother in Enfield. 


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