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  • RMweb Gold

My garage doesn't contain any full sized cars but a fiddle yard board/shelf (no track laid to fiddle on yet, tomorrow perhaps?)


Poor photo just to show I have moved from the armchair!







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  • RMweb Gold

And on the other side of the rectangular hole today's other modelling can just be seen. The station I am using as inspiration has a very unusual station building and I did have a cardboard mockup but it wasn't right. I purchased a Metcalfe Coaching Inn and I've hacked it about to represent the station building for size and shape for now.











Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for that, Don.

Unfortunately we are well into Court of Protection territory because f-wit applied for it himself thinking it would give him control of MiL's bank accounts.

Social Services (and me) have recommended an independent oversight so maybe he'll have to start paying some rent and housekeeping after living off his parents for years.

Yes, it's expensive but MiL has a considerable amount in hand - plus a house.

In some ways it would be more interesting if she was a bit short of money, Social Services can recover money from family if it is deemed it has been transfered to avoid paying for care even if the person gave it away themself. For a family member do do the giving away on their behalf it would definity be viewed as an attempt to avoid payment.

Pesronaly I would consider his actions to show a total lack of care of a persons interests. The Court of Protection can be a bit of a hinderance as making normal gift such as family birthdays may not be so easy but they will consider only the interests of MiL other family members concerns will not matter to them.


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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


Beautiful job on the motor Nidge!


Mrs Stationmaster's ENT visit seems to have gone alright - she saw the ENT head honcho after having her troublesome ear 'vacuum cleaned' so he could better see what isn't going on, and he wasn't much the wiser afterwards but came up with several suggestions ranging from surgery (discounted as quickly as it was suggested down to a Blue Tooth hearing aid which relays the sound from the good ear to the dodgy one which seems to be the recommended solution and which can be progressed by our local hospital.


The latter point is just as well as the RBH car park was full and there was no room to turn off the road and join the queue - so I occupied my time usefully by visiting a couple of local railway sites, and finding the camera had more battery life than expected, paying a brief visit to Hobbycraft and finally parking round the corner from the hospital literally minutes before herself emerged.  So a good day all round as it turned out and made even better by fish & chips this evening which included sharing some flakes of cod with Team Orange as our marauding moggies need to be termed at times of food availability.

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Good Humpday Morning all, 


Not much to report from this part of the world apart from I got to the end of my tether with one of the wheel re-inventors yesterday...went some thing like this:  "Mr Trevor, I sent you a mail earlier and you havent replied...I need that information....." well says I did it occur to you that  I might not be in the office, or very busy?......."Well when will you send it?" When I get to it, you're in the queue....."BUT I NEED IT" , why is some one going to DIE if you dont get it before Friday? ...."err no"  Well my friend,  as my old granny used to say....patience is a virtue. 


Guess his next step will be to report me to "senior" management for being uncooperative! 


Try and have the best day you can, 



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry and a cool 3oC with iced up windscreen. Will be a cloudy start, getting warmer and sunny spells later.

Usual fun packed evening with the  kids yesterday - I wish I had a tenth of their energy. I ate too much again!

Errant loco now running quite well after capacitor snipping & CV twiddling. It's not perfect but as good as I can get it at the moment with my limited abilities! I bought a new decoder to replace the factory fitted one but it's slightly too big and I don't want to butcher the body (yet) so will have to find something smaller.

We're shopping today instead of tomorrow or Friday - I was probably informed why but I think I've filed it in the "It doesn't really matter - I've got more important things to remember box" like ordering model railway spares etc. :locomotive:

Have a good one,


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Morning All,


It is another lovely bright sunny morning here.  It is so nice to see the Spring!


The fillings went quite well yesterday.  It wasn't as bad as a thought it was going to be - and I don't even notice them except for a slightly strange feeling that I have got a piece of plastic in my mouth (which of course I have!)


Trev's wheel reinventor story is a familiar one.  All too often people seem to think that their "small cog in the big machine" is the most important.  They often forget that there are other people/ things in the queue that are sometimes more important, and no amount of jumping about and squawking is going to "push you up the queue".  In my case, it usually achieves exactly the opposite!  I am generally very unconfrontational, but there are only so many hours in the day.  I will do my best to meet all deadlines, but it isn't worth my health if something is a couple of days late.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Quite clear and sunny here but it does look as if Benfleet is surrounded my mist. It definitely looks quite misty down by the river, I can't hear any foghorns though.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good Humpday Morning all, 


Not much to report from this part of the world apart from I got to the end of my tether with one of the wheel re-inventors yesterday...went some thing like this:  "Mr Trevor, I sent you a mail earlier and you havent replied...I need that information....." well says I did it occur to you that  I might not be in the office, or very busy?......."Well when will you send it?" When I get to it, you're in the queue....."BUT I NEED IT" , why is some one going to DIE if you dont get it before Friday? ...."err no"  Well my friend,  as my old granny used to say....patience is a virtue. 


Guess his next step will be to report me to "senior" management for being uncooperative! 


Try and have the best day you can, 



On one occasion when I was very busy I discussed or attempted to discuss the position with my boss. His response was 'you will have to prioritise your work' . I said that was fine I could decide which to delay. His face was a picture he hadn't really thought his statement through.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, very quiet due to the mist it is not up to fog stadard but I can't see or hear Clay Cross. Feeling a bit miffed last night in response to an email I apologised for not attending a meeting which I had said I couldn't attend when it was first suggested...... Happy hump day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

In my last job I was forever prioritising workload; or plate-spinning as I thought of it. Let's just say that the job was a little different from that advertised and the reality was that I was meant to run the whole organisation, not just the marketing function I'd be hired for. 


On one of his rare visits to the office the CEO asked why I didn't seem to be able to do several things simultaneously.  

"Just do all of them at the same time!"

I naturally wondered, as there were about 5 documents he wanted completed, how to grow 3 extra arms to work the additional keyboards.

"Was there one you wanted finished first?"



Some jobs you do because you love the work. Some jobs you do because you need to put bread on the table! 


Anyway, have a nice day everyone. Andy

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In some ways it would be more interesting if she was a bit short of money, Social Services can recover money from family if it is deemed it has been transfered to avoid paying for care even if the person gave it away themself. For a family member do do the giving away on their behalf it would definity be viewed as an attempt to avoid payment.

Pesronaly I would consider his actions to show a total lack of care of a persons interests. The Court of Protection can be a bit of a hinderance as making normal gift such as family birthdays may not be so easy but they will consider only the interests of MiL other family members concerns will not matter to them.



She has plenty to pay for any care required, thanks Don.

(If it doesn't get stolen).

Earlier I transferred a big lump to a protected account for six months - another two or three months to go on that.

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Back in the late 1970s, I was employed by Glaxo as a Commissioning Chemist in a new pharmaceutical factory.  All maintenance/repair jobs there had to be categorised as A, B or C depending on their urgency.  After a short while, all ended up as A, as being the most urgent.  The management response was to then categorise these as A1, A2 and A3.  No surprises - all the jobs ended up as A1 priority!

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Similar to prioritising, company I used to work for.


I needed to back up my work onto Floppy disk (days before tapes and hard drives of any size.)


Put request ion to buy some.


MD comes down, sees box of reject floppy disks because they were showing errors.


"What are those?" says he.


"Disks with errors and so cannot be used", says I.


"Well just use them for the less important data it doesn't matter if you lose."

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

When I was serving in Germany,  I was  serving under a Commanding Officer, who was very keen on 'Maximizing the storage potential' within the ex Luftwaffe clothing factory we used as a storage facility.


This was rather awkward as some of the stuff we held was very bulky or oddly shaped, plus the fact we needed to access anything from anywhere without a major moving of other equipment that was in store.


This meant large areas of open space and wide isles in order to shift things around with a fork lift.


He was however, coming over and wandering around the place and telling us to move x to y etc without really understanding the implications, and he was not a man who listened to junior officers. (Well in truth, as any soldier will tell you, nobody listens to junior officers as anything they say is akin to childish gibberish).


So we came up with a plan, well in fact four, which were just sets of alternative accessible storage locations for all the equipment we held.


This was worked out quite quickly using a pack of playing cards over an extended coffee break one morning, and a memo about 'Quarterly storage cube evaluation' sent to the CO.


The next visit saw him viewing lots of boxes being moved around in accordance with his wisdom.


After that he didn't visit so often, and whenever he did, warning from the guard room to let us know he was on site ensured that he was greeted with us having either a planning meeting, or in a corner of the shed discussing how to utilize some wasted space.


By the time he left 18 months later, the boxes were  just about all back where they had started!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


A lovely sunny morning down here - pity I have a touch of the man flu, raised temperature all night, very restless and kept waking with a sore/dry throat - I think someone has a voodoo doll model of me and is poking it with pins as I keep getting aches in all sorts of places !


Have a good day all.

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