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Saddened and shocked to read about your family issues, DD.  I can't begin to imagine how difficult the situation must be for you, but am sure they have the best man on the job..


Talk about easy come, easy go.  Had a surprise win of £75 on the Premium Bonds this month when I checked our numbers yesterday morning.  Mrs S has been under the weather and wanted some Night Nurse so off I trot to the chemist.  Parking was tight but managed OK until I came to leave.  Reversed out and then heard and felt the noise of catching one of my alloys on the low kerb. 




Now facing a £100 bill for one wheel to be diamond cut to remove the damage….:-(


Expensive stuff, Night Nurse.

Edited by gordon s
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By the sound of him he's the poster boy of asshats. Got his head stuck up his own behind to the point his arse looks like a rather fetching chapeau.


Morning all. No ranting and raving again today. Much to Pete's chagrin no doubt. Project death spiral continues. I know its beyond doomed. The higher management knows its doomed. Only the middle manglers think it can still be pulled together in time. Just waiting now for operation Nero where they start handing out violins.


Have a good one. I'm off to liberate the last of the coffee from the pot.

No, really, I look to you for inspiration....

I've had my fill of Assclowns in the music business... It's a magnet for them.


DD I agree with you about the laws for "sectioning" in the UK. Totally absurd. I wish you and yours all the best. What Gordon said.


Best, Pete.

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Just a bit more information on the subject:


Couples often have joint bank accounts and, on the death of one, assume that the remaining account holder inherits all.

NOT NECESSARILY TRUE! (despite what Messrs Google & Co., tell us).

Our solicitor is top notch and has pointed out that, if it can be shown that the partner that died had contributed most to the account, there are grounds for a claim by others mentioned as beneficiaries in the estate of the deceased.

Don't tell BiL !!!


I now know much more than I wanted about this and similar matters. It's a very expensive minefield.

Another thing - if you have a joint Will, get 'Mirror' Wills instead - a good investment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Don Bradley - my late wife would have been with you all the way on salad. Her idea of the perfect salad was the sprig of parsley she'd leave after steak and chips.


A hazier day ahead, with more to follow, but still jolly nice, really. I saw 23 on the terrace shade thermometer yesterday.


DD's point about joint accounts reminds me that Nationwide have done nothing about changing the status of our joint account, a year after I sent them a certified translation of the death certificate. The term "mutual" sounds a bit hollow, really. Other unashamedly commercial funders have been infinitely more helpful.


Hope your day is easy.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A dull start to a Norfolk day.


Spent the weekend in Birkenhead as my son was 21 yesterday and his party was Saturday night so we headed up there Friday evening, the kids found Liverpool / Birkenhead an experience, living in the wilds and only experiencing Norwich, and then only the shops, seeing some of the interesting "characters" and locations certainly opened their eyes to the real world.


We arrived back home on Sunday evening just after dark and the birds were making indignant sounds about the lack of food over the weekend.


I managed some photography, really just an excuse to spend a few hours with my son, just me and him like the old days - so we were up at 06:15 on Saturday and visited North Wales, Cheshire, Birkenhead, Wallasey, Cheshire again and then Liverpool before parting until the evening where we all met up again. Jill took the kids over to Liverpool for the day and I met them later on and drove them back through the tunnel - they weren't too keen on that part !


Have a good day all.

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Blakbirds don't eat seed which is why the meal worms attract them. They also seem to like the Suet pellets (somer brands are rubbish the ones in Tesco's seem ok). However when they have young a lot of the seed eater will start taking meal worms to feed the young.


I do sympathise with your problems DD. The trouble is that often children especially if they have been indulged by their parents start to think the money the hope to inherit is really their's before the demise of the rightful owner. The law is quite clear on the restrictions of Power of Atourney and Executors but unless someone makes a complaint no one is checking. If you do make a complaint it will wreck the family and probably swallow all the money.

If you need to give someone Power of Atourney it is better to name two as they should be a check on each other. If you think it would be better to name a solicitor or your bank think again they will take lots of money legitimately in fees. Non professionals are not allowed to charge fees.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

A dull and overcast day today here. 


Just spent an hour fathoming out the intricacies of a broadband connection for my mother who, at the age of nearly 90, has decided she needs to be online. Excellent.

She's been acquainting herself with the keyboard by playing Solitaire for mouse control and typing messages in to txt files to help locate the alphanumeric keys.  


Heading out to the garage to apply the mold killer solution. I may be some time.   :hunter:


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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Just spent an hour fathoming out the intricacies of a broadband connection for my mother who, at the age of nearly 90, has decided she needs to be online.

I have had similar issues recently with my mother who at 86 decided to change her broadband provider, then found the new ISPs phone helpline less than helpful!.  Unfortunately I live 300 miles away from her, but with her passwords, I managed to extract her contacts list from the old ISP, set up her new web client email so she was soon back online.  Then a very helpful neighbour set up her new email onto Windows Mail, so she doesnt have to enter her password everytime and he also imported her contacts list.


Lovely sunny day here but still cold.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Great sympathy for DD's problem with his BiL - alas all the worst disagreements seems to come within families and all too often centre on greed, or more particularly the greed of one party in particular.  Also i think the changes in respect of Enduring Power of Attorney and the Court of Protection seem more like a major change to suit lawyers and politicos rather than those who use the system - the old method worked perfectly well in our experience. Meanwhile my SiL is kept in purdah as far as I'm concerned - she committed what I regard as a major event in changing the locks so that MiL was locked out of a house she had bought jointly with SiL & BiL just because they wanted to move, not a nice way to treat anyone but your own mother!!


Ah, 'mirror' wills - yes something we have long gone in for and have recently greatly revised albeit mainly in regards to Executors and a few detail changes; the solicitor in fact produced a perfect mirror, spelling errors aside - indeed it was so perfect it was wrong with things not in joint ownership duly attributed as such!


Much more mundane today - we are off to ENT for them to look at Mrs Stationmaster's 'unusual' ear.


Have a nice day everybody and may things go your way.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have had similar issues recently with my mother who at 86 decided to change her broadband provider, then found the new ISPs phone helpline less than helpful!.  Unfortunately I live 300 miles away from her, but with her passwords, I managed to extract her contacts list from the old ISP, set up her new web client email so she was soon back online.  Then a very helpful neighbour set up her new email onto Windows Mail, so she doesnt have to enter her password everytime and he also imported her contacts list.


Lovely sunny day here but still cold.


In my case I was trying to extend mum's existing bt service to include broadband. The packages on offer seemed to have a lot of overlap with what she is already paying for...and much she wouldn't want at all! 


The online ordering system seemed to suggest that you pay for the line rental twice when upgrading. And two online chat sessions with their helpdesk didn't clarify this. But managed to speak to someone who knew what he was talking about. 

Ironically mum has been paying several pounds a month for free phone calls in the evenings and weekends - which she rarely makes enough of to justify....but you just know she'll say "Ah-ha, but they are free when I do!"

Give me strength! 


I have to say bt are quite pushy with their ordering system. The first time I started to fill the "basket" and decided to not proceed I got an email saying..."Would you like to complete your order?" and mum got a phone call asking her the same! 


Just a thought, Simon, but have you thought of setting up "Teamviewer" on your mum's computer so that you can maintain the PC for her remotely? Obviously you have to have a functioning internet connection to use it, which may, of course, have been the problem your mum was facing in the first place! 


Best, Andy

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Grey start now turned to blue. And sunny!


After yesterday's trip to the tip work have a whole new raft of things to do that I suggested. Which is great. But can't even get started because no-one's agreed the dates I have to put on them yet, and I'm not doing the work twice.


Sandy's elderly aunt is in hospital today - they may keep her overnight - but if not we're about for fielding. Sandy's work today is not helped by a colleague's absence.

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I have to say bt are quite pushy with their ordering system. The first time I started to fill the "basket" and decided to not proceed I got an email saying..."Would you like to complete your order?" and mum got a phone call asking her the same! 


Just a thought, Simon, but have you thought of setting up "Teamviewer" on your mum's computer so that you can maintain the PC for her remotely? Obviously you have to have a functioning internet connection to use it, which may, of course, have been the problem your mum was facing in the first place! 

I havent heard of Teamviewer, so thanks for that - I will definitely look into it on her behalf.


I agree about BT being pushy.  A couple of years ago, I was thinking of changing ISP, and then BT called me and their package sounded attractive, so I asked for them to detail everything in a letter, as I would not sign up over the phone.  They agreed to do this, but I then received the letter thanking me for signing up to all their services - as you can imagine this wound me up!  It was electroncially signed by a director, Warren Buckley, so I decided to email him.  I guessed his email address correctly first time and got an email reply on a Saturday from him, profusely apologising and promising to get it all sorted asap.  I was then contacted by his underling, who cancelled everything they had signed me up to.  I never got the full details in the post, as I originally requested, so never signed up with them.  I went instead to Talktalk, but that is another sorry tale!  The moral of the story is go as far as you can to the top of an organisation if you want to get an issue resolved!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Just had to step back a bit to read Dd's recent posts - does not sound like a bundle of laughs...My commiserations.


Apart from that, not a lot happening here, so..

Regards to All


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I do sympathise with your problems DD. The trouble is that often children especially if they have been indulged by their parents start to think the money the hope to inherit is really their's before the demise of the rightful owner. The law is quite clear on the restrictions of Power of Atourney and Executors but unless someone makes a complaint no one is checking. If you do make a complaint it will wreck the family and probably swallow all the money.

If you need to give someone Power of Atourney it is better to name two as they should be a check on each other. If you think it would be better to name a solicitor or your bank think again they will take lots of money legitimately in fees. Non professionals are not allowed to charge fees.



Thanks for that, Don.

Unfortunately we are well into Court of Protection territory because f-wit applied for it himself thinking it would give him control of MiL's bank accounts.

Social Services (and me) have recommended an independent oversight so maybe he'll have to start paying some rent and housekeeping after living off his parents for years.

Yes, it's expensive but MiL has a considerable amount in hand - plus a house.

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Good morning from a now WET, getting WETTER, Minneapolis. I can confirm we've officially entered our next "season" here, notably POTHOLE SEASON.

Even in average years, potholes are a real issue here after so much frozen ground beneath roads and the use of plows and chemicals to remove all the ice and snow - result POTHOLES! They're starting to sprout everywhere now after the severe winter, with the attendant reports of wrecked suspension and steering, and the crews gearing up to work overtime fixing them all fast as they can!


It's +3, overcast, gloomy and light rain here right now and last night around 10PM was still +4 - go figure, quite a change from the past few months, but typical for here. Going to be messy for weeks I'm sure.


Glad I don't have significant BiL/SiL issues - mine (her sister and BiL) on the Mrs side are a bit of a pain/control freak level, but we just let them get on with managing MiL affairs and they aren't malevolent, just way too pushy with Mil, who herself gets annoyed with them (and complains to US about it but never them), BUT, not my problem and easy to avoid.

For DD, my best wishes that it doesn't give you too much anguish that it affects your health, take care of yourself first if possible.


Pushing ahead with more track-laying last night as Mrs was at one of her book clubs (wine tasting clubs??). Got two more approach roads to the turntable/engine shed down, and felt it was a worthy accomplishment :)

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Back again


Just spent a good while sorting our 30747's sewing machine.  First problem was the controller foot, which got puppy chewed, and needed to be rewired - that was pretty simple, but very fiddly - the job gave me a good picture of how wiring up a layout can be when there is a lot of awkward wiring to be done.  Once done, tried to fire everything up, and nothing happened except for a pronounced humming from the motor.  Took the drive belt off and the motor was turning easily.  Tried to turn everything over by hand, and it was just solid.  The machine was in store for a few years, and I suspect that even before that it was not thoroughly lubricated.  So a complete opening up of the whole machine to see that evry oiling point was seized up - a good dousing with light oil, and it is now working - hey ho, with that practice, I should be OK for sorting out sticky locos when I come to run them again..

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Ok, the Wickes lorry turned up and delivered a pallet load of stuff. 

They really do mean it when they say that it takes 2 men to lift a plasterboard.  :superman:

I ordered 9, so that's my exercise done for the week!  :training:

And when I find the idiot that forgot to include a roll of dpm in the order....oh, that'd be me.  :banghead:

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Evening All,

Worry not! It's a fake, bought from the Party Shop in Torquay. I acquired the holder from my Mum who inherited it from my American aunt, I think. A handy prop!

Wot, no method acting? :O Mr R De Niro, Mr M Caine and Mr  A Pacino will be most disappointed not to be in the company of the celebrated Ms A.

....Lily wasn't all that impressed with Crufts on the TV, and I took this while the gundogs were being judged.  Her mum was second in the open bitch Sussex class.

Nor was the HM despite the dancing Border Collie. I must say, however, the overall winner (a standard poodle) I think demonstrates everything that is wrong with Crufts. With that fur trim looking like a cross between Brian May on a Bad Hair Day and De Niro's Travis Bickle (just before Bickle goes psycho with a pistol), the poor animal looks nothing like a real dog. My great-aunt had a standard poodle, who - despite his curly fur - looked and behaved like a proper dog - not some blow-dried caricature...

It must be my age: as when`er I read the word 'Bosch', I seldom think of electrical wares, for I can`t help but think of Kaiser Bill`s mustachioed-soldiers in their pointy helmets. :yes:

Oh Dear, oh Dear. a degree of inaccuracy from the normally reliable wordsmith Debs. It is (if I may be pedantic) Boche - with a notable "CH" sound, whereas the manufacturer of nice toys for grown up boys has a very sibilant S in its' pronunciation...

....the kids found Liverpool / Birkenhead an experience, living in the wilds and only experiencing Norwich, and then only the shops, seeing some of the interesting "characters" and locations certainly opened their eyes to the real world...

Mrs iD and I took her nieces to London when they turned 13 (teenage birthday treat), talk about Rus in Urbe - not as adventurous as their older sister (who we also took to London on her 13th birthday), they eschewed the underground in favour of Black Taxis (although before the days of the Oyster Card, for 4 individuals outside of rush hour a taxi was very comparable to buying 4 underground tickets). Mind you all three nieces were enthralled by the Natural History Museum.


One of the joys of being an eccentric Uncle, is that one can take nieces and nephews to ones favourite museums and attractions, without having any more reason than "it might be fun". Unfortunately, their father, the BiL, although not a despicable article as suffered by DD, is no poster boy for the "wonderful in-laws" movement.


Anyway, off to bake a Whiskey Cake for Mrs iD to take with her to the holiday hovel on Friday. Have a great evening



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