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  • RMweb Gold

Morning (just) all,


Mrs Stationmaster has been playing hunt the passport (mine), not so much finding it in the first place - it was in the folder marked travel where it normally lives - but after she put it down it 'vanished' and fortunately I was on the other side of the room (but it was still my fault of course).


Anyway that little drama over today we have purchase of 'p' word and 'g' word requisites so I'm told although fortunately the weather is rather dull and miserable which mitigates against either activity - other than getting in the required requisites.  I wonder how much the cost of white spririt/brush cleaner has risen by - yesterday I delved some brush cleaner out of the garage which works a treat and is probably full of now illegal chemicals unless you have a licence to use them - it bears the branding of a D-I-Y shed that changed its name to something else back in the 1980s and has since become something else again before vanishing completely after takeover by another someone in that sort of trade.  Anyway it works brilliantly but there isn't much of it.


And that is our day planned, apart from visiting the chiropractor for a rest this afternoon


Hope you all have a good day.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think another way to attract different birds would be to stop the meal worms and provide a range of seed sizes Andy. DD what you need at minimum cost is an ex BIL a well known parrot he could with emulating.

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I think another way to attract different birds would be to stop the meal worms and provide a range of seed sizes Andy. DD what you need at minimum cost is an ex BIL a well known parrot he could with emulating.

Hi Mick, we tried that last summer and over the autumn. Loads of different seed sizes and types. Mixed, niger, sunflower, etc. Variations on fat balls with some containing seeds and others bits of dried fruit. The whole recommended menu according to the RSPB for this part of the world. Nada. Only the blackbirds, and only when meal worms are on the menu. We seem to do a lot better with providing happy eating facilities for bees and butterflies.


Would that ex-BiL suggestion have beautiful plumage perchance?

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  • RMweb Gold

The latest report from Much Hovering in the Mudpatch is that after 2 hours graft it now looks like a rugby pitch after several scrums so not much change apart from the grass being shorter.

My knees are now bu##ered so that's my lot for today - perhaps I now can go and work on the layout.

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Ahhh (or is that arrrghhhh) Monday morning. We're now heading in the right direction according to the weather-W*a*n*k*e*r*s. +2 right now, bright sun and calm, was about that all yesterday and moving between 0 and 6 this week. Plenty of slush and mess all over the roads, using windscreen washer by the tanker full, BUT I can actually SEE the real path, not an ice simulation, from the front door to the street!


Yesterday was destined to be modelling paradise - Mrs was going to be spending the day with great-niece, and I, after choir, intended a quick stop at the model shop for rail-joiners, suitcase connectors and miscellaneous other items, was planning on track-laying for simply HOURS and HOURS...


You guessed it - didn't happen <sigh>.

Great-niece had to cancel, Mrs came to late service and we then headed for Brunch with some friends. Was an EXCELLENT time (even though it killed my modelling), and THEN, Mrs decided we needed to go to an appliance warehouse "blowout" sale to look for suspects for the kitchen remodel. Net result, after leaving for church at 7:15AM to sing, returned home after all the activities at 4:45! Just in time for dinner with our son.


I DID spend a short amount of time Saturday and Sunday evening track-laying and am pleased to announce that at least I now have a COMPLETE single-track circuit of the roundy-round portion completed AND WORKING!!! Starting to run-in all the locos - that's progress at least :) :) :)

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

I think you just like dressing up ! ! !

ISTR someone saying little girls like to dress-up, while big girls like to undress-up. Evidently Sherry is still young at heart!

Edited by Oldddudders
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Sorry Pete. I didn't realise I was here for the entertainment value. here you go: waste of skin, d-bag, smeghead, oxygen thief, and #####. Please apply to any in-duh-viduals that are annoying you.

I'm sorry too, Andrew, it's not the same when you're faking it, like most things.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

A rather good start to the week so far; I may even whistle a little bit of Colonel Bogey later. 


Chillis potted on. SWMBO tidied up a few days ago so the packaging - including seed variety names - was disposed off from the pots. So, going to have to wait until the things bear fruit to work out which are jalapeno and which are Scotch Bonnet. The Cayenne variety seemed much smaller seedlings. Sowing some Demon Red and mini-bell peppers later. 


Final clear out of the garage yesterday revealed quite a lot of damp and spores. So, before I put the insulation and batons on tomorrow I'll have to use an anti-fungicidal wash and then fit a dpm to keep the moisture and spores away from the internal part of the building. 


Andrew, if you have room in your garden you could consider maybe letting a section go to wildflower. Less mowing and loads of seeds for more interesting birds and nesting material too. 


Best, Andy

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Thanks Andy. We've got a small narrow strip out back that we planned on throwing wild flower seeds onto. Otherwise our very small garden is pretty much full. Its only 15 by 84. That includes the alleyway, parking, train shed, greenhouse, garden and patio. Basically we've got around 15 by 30 for the flower beds, raised veggie beds, and about 8 blades of grass.


A suggestion for you from experience of the garage in our previous place. After you've cleaned down the garage walls but before putting up the dpm you should look at painting the walls with PolyCell Stain Stop. That will keep any mould or crap from growing on the walls between the wall and dpm.

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks, Andrew.


We put down about 5m^2 of "Meadowmat" which is meant to have various plants blooming from April to October. I can't say I'm an expert on them at the moment...maybe I can put some photos on each month to see if it lives up to expectations. :) 


I'll certainly do that with the PolyCell Stain Stop. I looked at some kind of stain stopper today whilst browsing for mould killer. But it seemed to stress the "removes nicotine stains" aspect.


Good excuse to also pop out and get myself a new Bosch screwdriver at the same time. I recently did quite a lot of damage to my elbows removing tree roots so it is painful to grip things like screwdrivers.   



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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Sorry that I have not managed to catch up fully - the sheer volume of posts is getting quite high - eight pages in three days is a bit much to wade through when I also need the computer for other things.  If I;ve missed anything mega, then, my apologies....


Lily wasn't all that impressed with Crufts on the TV, and I took this while the gundogs were being judged.  Her mum was second in the open bitch Sussex class. 




Regards to all,


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I was right. Autumn has definitely crept in. Today 24C and tomorrow a max of only 22C forecast. Both days promised to be partly cloudy but at the moment the blue sky is cloudless.

Looking at the long term forecast it seems to hover around 26C

Sausage, mash and hot vegetables for lunch today. None of that salad rubbish they keep serving because it's Summer.

I'm NOT a rabbit.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Trying to drizzle and 6oC, will be a dull overcast morning but hopefully some sunny periods this afternoon.

Had a sleepless night because my knees are still giving me aggro after yesterday's gardening efforts so will avoid doing any of that rubbish today. This means that I can do something with the railway - ballasting perhaps & I've got a temperamental loco (decoder issue) to sort out.

Tuesday means grandchildren here later as usual so at least that will bring a smile to this grumpy old man! :yes:

Diet has stalled - only lost 2ozs last week after putting on 2lbs the previous week and knee problems are keeping me off the exercise bike.

Have a good one,


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Morning all,  


Terrific thunderstorm here at the moment, so nets not to good. (But that will bring the tempratures down a bit) Well at least one of the young  "wheel re-inventors/micro-managers"  has decided that he's got "to much to do to keep interfering in my work" .  !!!!! Result!!!!!  But theres still the rest... perseverance, perseverance.......


What ever you're at today, try and do it well, 



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Morning All,


The morning has dawned cold and bright, but given the temperatures yesterday afternoon I think that Spring is finally on the way.


I have rather a busy day ahead of me today, I am currently torn between three projects.  Two of which are full time jobs, and one of which is part time, but screaming the loudest.


This afternoon, I have the dentist appointment for my first two fillings.  I am not looking forward to that!


Still, compared to DDs problems, these pale into insignificance.  It sounds truly terrible, and I hope you can get it sorted out for the sake of your Mother in Law. 


Have a good day everyone...

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After reading GrandadBobs post I find the need for an

"Oh dear, Oh dear, Oh dear button"

May your knees never bend to t he trials of life!

This made me smile! In this house it's a standing joke amongst my close friends that, when confronted with any problem, regardless of its magnitude, O/H responds with, "Oh dear!"


I could say, "It's raining," or,"My car has been stolen!" and know what comment to expect! Phlegmatic, you could say!

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  • RMweb Gold

This made me smile! In this house it's a standing joke amongst my close friends that, when confronted with any problem, regardless of its magnitude, O/H responds with, "Oh dear!"


I could say, "It's raining," or,"My car has been stolen!" and know what comment to expect! Phlegmatic, you could say!

Wasn't "Oh dear" Harry Corbett's usual response to whatever chaos Sooty had created?

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I think Sooty must be reincarnated as my BiL.

He certainly has his hand in position to operate himself.

By the sound of him he's the poster boy of asshats. Got his head stuck up his own behind to the point his arse looks like a rather fetching chapeau.


Morning all. No ranting and raving again today. Much to Pete's chagrin no doubt. Project death spiral continues. I know its beyond doomed. The higher management knows its doomed. Only the middle manglers think it can still be pulled together in time. Just waiting now for operation Nero where they start handing out violins.


Have a good one. I'm off to liberate the last of the coffee from the pot.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bit of a haze between home and horizon and still a bit chilly. I need to speed up a bit but according to my scales I have lost 2kg extra and I haven't been on the exercise bike for at least two weeks, it makes no sense to me at all...

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......a new Bosch screwdriver.......


It must be my age: as when`er I read the word 'Bosch', I seldom think of electrical wares, for I can`t help but think of Kaiser Bill`s mustachioed-soldiers in their pointy helmets. :yes:

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