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  • RMweb Gold


I suspect I may watch the first F1 next weekend just to see what the cars look like,


As I've been posting elsewhere, this has the scope to be a very different season. I have taken an unusual interest in the pre-season testing, which at times seemed to be the biggest cock-up since Mons (WW1 expression, still used by men in my lifetime). Do not expect the usual level of reliability, especially from Renault-engined cars. Red Bull may not win many early races this year, while Williams just might win one or two.


Sorry for Cumbrians, but another good day dawns here, with 20 degrees likely again. We certainly touched 22 in the shade yesterday. Some ground-frost here, but no excuse for not getting a bit more gardening under way.


Hope your week pleases.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Sunshine and blue sky again but milder at 6oC'. We should have sunny spells for most of the day but it will remain cooler than yesterday.

Need to visit a supermarket because Chris has "hinted" that we need stuff (again). After that it is possible that I'll venture out into the wilderness garden so my next reports could come from "Much Hovering on the Lawn in the Mudpatch". :butcher:

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright day again blue skies and grey clouds. Catching up with feeding the zoo, tonight will be feeding and watering the spiders and scorpion. Some of the spiders are quite large now the cobalt blue would fill the palm of my hand. Fortunately for mankind it likes living in a tunnel. Dom you need to build your strength and stamina up full time teaching is hard work. Hoping for a good day for everyone.

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Morning all. Bright sunshine in the boring borough so far this day. We've had to cut back on the bird feeding as the greedy sods would totally strip out an entire feeder of meal worms in about 30 minutes. We are either going to have to only fill it half way every evening, or only fill it once every couple of days. Otherwise they'd be going through around £20 worth of food a week. Just wish we got something more interesting than blackbirds and pigeons.


No ranting or raving about work as of yet. However I expect that to change by lunch time.


Have a good day all.



PS: is it Friday yet?

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We'll take 10C, thank you very much...

Don't worry the South will soon be moaning about the heat and/or drought!


Anything above zero feels good to me.


Best, Pete.

After your winter, 10C does actually sound quite good!  If it is any consolation, the car had ice on it this morning!  Still it is a lovely clear crisp morning, and I enjoyed the 15 minute walk from the car park to the office.

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Morning all


Still chilly here, but the sun is shining brightly which cheers everyone up.


Enjoyed both rugby matches, both were exciting to watch. Shame that Scotland let themselves down, but it was the best I've seen them play this year. England/Wales - another good game - both kickers superb (Scotland could learn from Farrell and Halfpenny) and some nice tries from England. As you say, best team won. Don't fancy Scotland's chances in Cardiff next weekend!


Have a good day



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The state of play:


Much Wittering is still progressing (if somewhat slowly).

Plan to exhibit it at a local show sometime next year to give me something to aim at.

Recipient's Mother has just moved house again (today) to complicate matters.

Castle was a step too far and hundreds of little plastic guardsmen are likely to reappear on Hell's Kitchen.


MiL status is something that is the reason for endless sleepless nights.

The actions of her idiot son have resulted in the following:

A drain on her bank account (which is substantial - both the account and the drain).

Committal to a secure facility.

Release back to the same circumstances.

A request for Court of Protection (another expensive enterprise) organised by f-wit BiL which will remove all control by the family instead of full control of finances by him as he'd planned.

A hot line to my solicitors.


The details of all this are incredible and one would have to experience something similar to understand how fragile 'freedom' is today.

Being committed on the say-so of one lying person is so easy that it could happen to anyone and, in this case to an elderly, frail, sweet and recently widowed lady.

It took me three weeks to get her out.


Not in a good situation at the moment and I am barred from direct action because it would cause her more stress.

Next up - awaiting reply to my solicitor after accusing BiL of Abuse of position as Executor.

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  • RMweb Gold

Considering that the Obergrumpenfuhrer decreed an early start and 'action stations', the house is still very quiet.


In fact I do not have the raw courage to wake her from slumber:  although a tactical start at 'work' would be a smart move!


It is another fine day here, with the earlier slight overcast giving way to blue sky and sunshine.


Yesterday's disappointment has now been vanquished, and we are now looking forward to going down to Cardiff for Wales' final match next weekend.


I spoke too soon about the slumber:  It's now action stations with a direct order to get the bin out for the rubbish collection.

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DD, Thanks for the reply.

I'm glad Much Wittering is still to proceed and look forward to progress reports in Layout Topics.

I understand the Guard's Castle decision. Mention how many of the Guards are partially painted should increase their resale value.

You could recoup your initial investment.

Best Wishes for your MiL's future well being.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, quick look in from Allenheads in Northumberland, on a scratchy interweb connection - two crayons per minute!


Bright sunny and still here after a dull day yesterday, no trains either :-(  Doubt I'll get to Birtley :-( again.


Nice to see our friends with the pub though.



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  • RMweb Premium

Best wishes, DD for all your efforts on behalf of your MiL. It'll work out, I'm sure. KBO! 


Busy weekend here with much time spent in the garden. Spent half and hour last evening simply sitting at the end of the garden listening to the birds and admiring weeks of hard work. 

I suspect my Sweet Peas bolted due to too much heat when grown indoors. Not sure if they are likely to become less spindly. 


AndrewC, a recent bit of research is testing whether birds scout out good feeding spots during the daytime with a view to feasting just before roosting time. They don't have a lot of space to pack away calories to see them through the night so perhaps to give them the most benefit a handful of mealworms at the beginning of the day and another towards late afternoon? 


Allergy clinic for my eldest this week, so she is off all medication for 72 hours. Poor little scrap's eyes are looking quite puffed up at the moment. 


Anyway, have a pleasant day everyone. Andy

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Good morning, all!


Really sorry to hear of the ghastly predicament of  DD's MiL. I do hope right will prevail for all concerned.


Here are a couple of photos of the main suspects from our Murder Mystery Dinner last Friday. It was entitled: "Pasta, Passion and Pistols" and was set in an Italian café in Soho in 1961.




From foreground going clockwise around the table: John Proforma, M.P., Vivienne Westworld, fashion designer (moi!),  her brother Clint Westworld, Hollwood cowboy filmstar and Bonnie Schott, owner of a Jazz club!




Talcy Malcy, dodgy agent for celebrities, Fabio Cornetto, son of Mamma Cornetto, owners of Mamma's Kitchen, in which the play is set and Christine Cooler, fashion model.


Another sunny day here - I wish you the same.



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The costumes must be effective - that lot do not look like church-goers!


And what do church goers look like?! Members of our congregation reflect the current trends in dress: from the more casual look favoured by the teenagers to the smart suit worn by some of the older chaps and everything in between! And when it comes to social events, we certainly know how to enjoy ourselves!!

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Put that fag out! Just because it's 1961...

Worry not! It's a fake, bought from the Party Shop in Torquay. I acquired the holder from my Mum who inherited it from my American aunt, I think. A handy prop!

Edited by Ashcombe
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Thanks Andy. We've been finding they tend to peck a bit in the evening but really devour the whole feeder first thing in the mornings. Strange thing is they don't touch the seed or fat balls at all. Only the meal worms. We do get the odd other bird that will have a nibble of what else is on offer at the chez birdy café but that is the exception rather than the rule. It is interesting just how clever pigeons are though. We changed the feeders to make it next to impossible for larger birds to feed as they originally used to just scoff the lot. Now they will either wait for a smaller bird to spill food on the ground, or one will fly into and hit the feeders a few times in order to cause a spill. Then they dine el-groundo. These pigeons are obviously the smart ones that avoided Red Ken's culling of a few years back by moving to the 'burbs.


Sorry Pete. I didn't realise I was here for the entertainment value. here you go: waste of skin, d-bag, smeghead, oxygen thief, and #####. Please apply to any in-duh-viduals that are annoying you.

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From foreground going clockwise around the table: John Proforma, M.P., Vivienne Westworld, fashion designer (moi!),  her brother Clint Westworld, Hollwood cowboy filmstar and Bonnie Schott, owner of a Jazz club!



WHAT ! !  ! ! No Christine Peeler or Randy Diced-Gravy???

I think you just like dressing up ! ! !

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  • RMweb Gold

From foreground going clockwise around the table: John Proforma, M.P., Vivienne Westworld, fashion designer (moi!),  her brother Clint Westworld, Hollwood cowboy filmstar and Bonnie Schott, owner of a Jazz club!



WHAT ! !  ! ! No Christine Peeler or Randy Diced-Gravy???

I think you just like dressing up ! ! !

I believe her real name was Randy Mice-Davies.
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