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  • RMweb Gold

Another lovely day in sunny Shropshire, and lots to do before we settle down to watch the England v Wales rugby match.


Elsa is certainly creating about getting taken for a walk as she didn't get one yesterday due to my absence and subsequent attendance at the LWMRS show at Stoneleigh.


Although I'd not been before, it was quite enjoyable, but would concur with John (Coombe Barton) that wagon kits, apart from old Airfix versions, seemed to be non existent from the various traders.


Perhaps spitefully i might say that Mark Forrest seemed to run a more intense and interesting display on Foundry Lane that did the massed hoards that were in charge of Dorehill St Stephens.


Now to get into tune for this afternoon.............


Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau.....................

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  • RMweb Gold

The Spring Campaign has been opened, with both mower and tractor deployed to some advantage. As ever, the damp grass defeats the tractor's ability to lift it into the catcher, but that's a minor detail. And I feel the eyes of the horses silently reproaching me for destroying all that lovely food.


Bacon, eggs, beans and chips for lunch, with a couple of beers. 19 degrees in the shade at midday GMT.

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  • RMweb Gold

P word receding , just a little, after lots of touching-up done, g word has now appeared prompted by the sunshine and has been quickly followed by the c and b words (concreting and bricklaying - looks like Dr Station Cat will have to fire up her trusty concrete mixer unless the weather improves and we are deluged by further rainstorms and major drop in temperature  (strange how some people think that an improvement in the weather means sunshine and no rain - clearly they start from the wrong place, or I do).

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Quiet afternoon here - herself is watching the rugby and I'm getting on with the 14xx chassis. I;e also unbunged a couple of portescap gearboxes, a 1219 and an RG4 (got them soaking in IPA). The motors run fine on 1.3 volts (rechargeable AA battery)


Now to debate, when they are running, whether to use them or sell them. If I sell them I can afford another chassis kit or two. Hmmmmm.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

Quiet afternoon here - herself is watching the rugby and I'm getting on with the 14xx chassis. I;e also unbunged a couple of portescap gearboxes, a 1219 and an RG4 (got them soaking in IPA). The motors run fine on 1.3 volts (rechargeable AA battery)


Now to debate, when they are running, whether to use them or sell them. If I sell them I can afford another chassis kit or two. Hmmmmm.

soaking in IPA? Do other beers work?


Probably the best use of Greene King beer anyhow.

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Afternoon all,

Lovely day here, HM decided he'd go swimming AND diving - so we have an extremely damp dog splayed out on the carpet awaiting his dinner (he had a very late breakfast - so he'll have to wait). Dinner is in the oven - cauliflower cheese, all from scratch (incl. cheddar cheese sauce).


I mentioned that I will be a Shakespeare play later this year. Well the script arrived with cuts made by the director. One of which damages a comic scene and the other completely ruins a key scene (I am firmly convinced). Aaargh! And all to save about 5 minutes. I've already protested - to no avail.... I have to wait and see how the "scene develops in rehearsal". I'm all for making cuts to streamline the bard, but these cuts are - quite frankly... Well, less said the better. But I feel so strongly about it, I may just stop before starting...


Oh well, I'll take a chill pill and chow down. Enjoy your dinners, boys and girls, and have a great evening



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  • RMweb Gold

I mentioned that I will be a Shakespeare play later this year. Well the script arrived with cuts made by the director. 

I used to help out a bit at the first school I taught in with the lighting for school plays. One year the production was "Romeo and Juliet". The Head of Drama came out of a meeting with the headmaster (not head-teacher in those days) looking quite cross. The head was only allowing the production to go ahead with "some edits" removing any hint of romance. He wasn't "having any of that" on his stage". He had actually gone through the script with a blue pencil crossing out anything "unacceptable".

Needless to say the production went ahead without cuts as everyone knew the head wouldn't attend anyway. The Head of Drama did a good performance of someone prepared to sacrifice his career for the sake of Shakespeare, but we all assured him he was probably safe (and he was, though he did leave for a promoted post soon after).



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Currently not a Happy Hippo


Still the best team won

Being of joint English & Welsh descendants, I have to agree that the best team won.  Wales kept losing the ball in contact and never really threatened the England try line.  At least it was warm inside watching it.  Outside temp got to all of 10 degrees today and no sun - that is when I get really annoyed at TV/Radio stations based in London telling us how great the weather is, and that we have unbroken sunshine!

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  • RMweb Premium

Returned from Winchester too late to attend Basingstoke show had I even thought of it, after 3.30pm got home about 6.30. Not a bad trip just a serious accident on the M1 that slowed us for a little while. I borrowed Karens wheelchair cushion for the drive and felt no pain while driving. Walking afterwards was another story......

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P word receding , just a little, after lots of touching-up done, g word has now appeared prompted by the sunshine and has been quickly followed by the c and b words (concreting and bricklaying - looks like Dr Station Cat will have to fire up her trusty concrete mixer unless the weather improves and we are deluged by further rainstorms and major drop in temperature  (strange how some people think that an improvement in the weather means sunshine and no rain - clearly they start from the wrong place, or I do).



Oh gawd. I may be a long time sorting out the veg patch.

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  • RMweb Premium

Had a bit of an up and down weekend; late start yesterday after oversleeping due to a week of bad nights, so only made Basingstoke for the afternoon. It was excellent but I was not there long enough to have a good long look at what I'd gone there for. Another rough night due to pains in feet, which do not like carting my overweight carcass about for too long. Today successfully took the strimmer and mower to the front grass as it's growing like mad after all the wet weather. Then the PC crashed with blue screen and problems I doubt I can fix. This temperamental laptop is ok for some stuff. Ex-SWMBO then came round wanting to download and print various on-line booking forms and e-tickets, at the same time the local internet threw one of it's periodical Sunday evening hissy fits. So not only would this stuff not download quickly but I couldn't print it anyway (the laptop hasn't got the printer driver loaded). Toys were thrown and words were had. A bottle of McEwan's Champion has improved things somewhat.



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Hi all,

         I watched both of Saturday's games. I was thrilled by Ireland's triumph and was disappointed by Scotland's defeat.

        I also watched yesterday's game and enjoyed it.  Being South African of a mixed British descent I could be fairly impartial, although I wished that Wales had done better, I felt that the result was a fair reflection of the quality of rugby played.

        As stated yesterday, Autumn is creeping in, although today promises as max of 26C.

      I hope your week is calm, productive and enjoyable.

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Good Moanday Morning all,


Fairly quite day yesterday,  walked over to the Sheraton (about a mile each way) .Fish n chips were off yesterday so had a pretty good Pizza.


It felt quite warm when I walked back mid afternoon,  thermometer said (in the shade) 39 Celsius! 


Oh well another week of ................... starts,


Have a good a day as you can, 



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Morning All,


It is a nice bright morning here, which definitely makes a difference to the Monday mood.


The trip to Stuttgart went quite well, but I did quite a lot of driving over the weekend.


Have a good day everyone...

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"Must buy Aspirin".


or have a go at continuing with "Much Wittering"

or the Guard's Castle.

I do understand if Harry shows a lack of interest in trains or his Mom thinks it too big and the project is abandoned

I would also understand if painting 200 Guardsmen is proving too repetitive, tiring, or boring.

but as both projects interested me greatly and I was enjoying progress reports I would like to know if they are to continue.

What is the present situation or future plans for mil?

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  • RMweb Gold


I don't think it is as warm as yesterday but it should still be quite pleasant.

I suspect I may watch the first F1 next weekend just to see what the cars look like,

I'm not sure what I'll do today.


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.  Outside temp got to all of 10 degrees today and no sun - that is when I get really annoyed at TV/Radio stations based in London telling us how great the weather is, and that we have unbroken sunshine!


We'll take 10C, thank you very much...

Don't worry the South will soon be moaning about the heat and/or drought!


Anything above zero feels good to me.


Best, Pete.

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