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Sherry, Is it true that you cannot get Shingles unless you also had Chicken Pox when younger?


Best, Pete.


That is correct. After you have had chicken pox, the virus lodges in your spine. It may remain there for years until activated, often, when you are stressed or your resistance is low. it then travels along one of the nerves from your spine. This is random, and dependent upon which nerve it travels along, a particular part of the body will be affected. In my case it travelled along the trigeminal nerve and affected my eye and forehead into my scalp. You can not get Shingles from being in proximity to someone with chicken-pox. However, I do believe that if you come into contact with someone with Shingles, they can infect you with chicken-pox if you have not previously had it. However, they can not give you Shingles.

Edited by Steve Williams
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Been to the Doctor's - it seems that nasty red rash is shingles - Oh b*gg*r


Now on (large) tablets - 5 a day for seven days!

My sympathy, too, Dave. Occasionally mine still flares up if I'm very run-down and tingles when it's about to snow :O


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Morning All,


Sorry to hear about the various physical ailments afflicting us aging ERs. But consider the alternative..... Even so, my sympathies to all and gute besserung - as they say here.


FOOD FOR THOUGHT: my genetics professor at university claimed that once we (humans) have reproduced (and in the "wild" this would be between the early teens and late twenties), we are redundant, having successfully passed on our DNA. Thus we are not designed to last well - and it's probably no coincidence that the various aches, pains and malfunctions of getting old only start in one's 30s - by when Nature assumes we have done our "reproductive duty". Furthermore, by the cold harsh judgement of evolutionary genetics, those who do not have children are "biological failures"..... (and then you have yours truly, of whom the idea of dipping a toe into the shallow end of the Gene pool brings geneticists out in cold sweats...)


So, what can be done? Nothing, except GROW OLD UNGRACEFULLY! Kick the kids out at 18, embezzle the trust fund, fritter away the sprogs' inheritance and utterly misbehave, spend recklessly and generally be an evil old sod (and they'll bury you with a BIG smile on your face!).


And on that scandalous and irresponsible note, I bid you an amazing TGIF

Edited by iL Dottore
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Another electricity blackout from 8:00pm to 10:00pm.

I tried sitting in the dark and staring at nothing but gave that up and went to bed instead, as a result I slept until 2:00am and then just lay and snuggled until 5:30

No doubt I will fall asleep watching TV at some inappropriate time during today.

The morning's radio news says rolling blackouts are scheduled to continue...............



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Morning all,  


TGIF!   Sorry to hear about Dave's  problem,  Don you have my sympathy regarding the power-outages. At least you know when they're coming.  They just happen whenever here! Couple of nights ago, the voltage dropped from it's nominal 220, to just under 100, then shot up to over 300 that killed half a dozen light bulbs .....then it went off for the rest of the night.  (But we do have a generator)


Lets try to make the most of the day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Well just for a change its raining. But who cares..its Friday!

Again a busy day beckons but with one day to go before holidays her indoors is still adding must dos to the work list.


Have a great Friday!


And an even better weekend!

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Morning All,


It is quite a nice morning here - once away from the immediate vicinity of the rivers (Rhein and Main) where it is currently pretty foggy.  I took the little guy to school and it was pea soup until we reached the higher ground.


I am off to Stuttgart later for a meeting, so I am currently sitting here and watching the parking action that is currently going on at the school.  The bell has just gone, so things will start to quieten down a little bit now.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Another cracking day in prospect - and suns forecast every day for a week. The farmers will be so relieved. Mind you, as I see them putting nitrogen pellets on the fields, Alison reminds me that this is not green. Nitrogen, not green, I ask? No, she tells me - the factories that produce it are polluters! There are some concepts that are just a bit long-chain for me, evidently.....


Shingles is by all accounts a miserable condition. Sherry's classmate Liz, who was my best mate's sister, had had chicken pox when younger, then got shingles in her teens. In her case it turned to meningitis, and she was lucky to survive, although it stymied her education at the time. Taking it easy is absolutely essential to recovery, I hear on all sides.


Finally managed to get the electric fence working - it proved to be the "box" that was faulty. Sheena had given me hers, as she's no further need, and it immediately made the whole thing work as required. A lot of time wasted.


Hope your week ends on a high note.

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Morning all


Grey, but not too damp or cold.


Yesterday was visit work day - and surprisingly got quite a bit done in the meetings.


Then did the weekend shop, so have tonight off to cook some amazing concoction for supper. It'll be starting out as beef - how it'll end up is anyone's guess.


And in the meantime persuading computers to work the way I want them to.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

Rain and wind outside.  A lovely start to the day when SWMBO found that one of the cats had been sick on the bedroom carpet.  Anyway that was soon sorted now a good morning ahead changing light bulbs at church.  3 sets are in a suspended ceiling over where the balcony is so the only way is to lie flat on a scaffolding board on the support structure (It's substantial) then change the bulbs at arms length.  Then help put two more leads into the digital projector.  Should be a good morning.  Then hopefully some soldering of overhead supports for Green Ayre before an evening at the clubrooms.  Not a bad day.



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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: my genetics professor at university claimed that once we (humans) have reproduced (and in the "wild" this would be between the early teens and late twenties), we are redundant, having successfully passed on our DNA. Thus we are not designed to last well - and it's probably no coincidence that the various aches, pains and malfunctions of getting old only start in one's 30s - by when Nature assumes we have done our "reproductive duty". Furthermore, by the cold harsh judgement of evolutionary genetics, those who do not have children are "biological failures"..... (and then you have yours truly, of whom the idea of dipping a toe into the shallow end of the Gene pool brings geneticists out in cold sweats...)


I recently had a very interesting discussion with a learned-friend, concerning the devastating consequences of two successive world wars on human genetics.

The recruitment of millions of young men (from many Continents), selected specifically for the best of intelligence, dexterity, aptitude, eysight, physical stature and health; only for most of them to die before they had a chance to pass on their genetic 'excellence'; means that many of we that were born since, effectively inherited second class 'excused from military service' (some might say 'reject') genes......I found the greater-concept quite thought provoking and more than a little sobering.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry, dull and 8oC -  looks like being cloudy with heavy showers this morning and possibly some sunny periods after lunch.

I've also suffered from shingles on 3 occasions - the first time in my late teens which was the worst and certainly sympathise with those who suffer from it.

Today we're shopping (again) & then it looks like I am renovating the whole house in honour of tomorrow's visitors  and I'm going the Basingstoke show so I better get a move on (She just said)

Have a good one,





Edited by grandadbob
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Sherry, Is it true that you cannot get Shingles unless you also had Chicken Pox when younger?


Best, Pete.

Yes, 'tis true. Both are caused by the same virus which remains dormant after one has had chickenpox, flaring up as Shingles, typically if one is run down or stressed.

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I recently had a very interesting discussion with a learned-friend, concerning the devastating consequences of two successive world wars on human genetics.

The recruitment of millions of young men (from many Continents), selected specifically for the best of intelligence, dexterity, aptitude, eysight, physical stature and health; only for most of them to die before they had a chance to pass on their genetic 'excellence'; means that many of we that were born since, effectively inherited second class 'excused from military service' (some might say 'reject') genes......I found the greater-concept quite thought provoking and more than a little sobering.


I suspect that military selection was akin to a BR medical - as long as you had a head, two arms, two legs and a big bit in the middle to hold them together you were fit for service.

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I suspect that military selection was akin to a BR medical - as long as you had a head, two arms, two legs and a big bit in the middle to hold them together you were fit for service.


Yes, I remember being issued with a "priv" to attend a medical at Euston. I was in, passed fit and out again in less time than it took to stir a cup of coffee...

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Jeez, guys, miss a day and suddenly you have three pages to catch up with!…so a lot more reading to do.


For years now BT Infinity has passed us by, despite me adding my name to the email alert list on numerous occasions.  Just by chance I noticed last week that it is now available on our number, yet no one told us!  Bloomin' computer systems...


So I'm here waiting for the engineer to arrive.  Tested our old system and it's coming in at 7.65Mbps, as good as it's ever been and right on the top limit.  The new deal is supposed to run up to 76Mbps, so it will be interesting to see what speed comes out.  We still have 150m of O\H cable to the house and somehow I can't help feeling this will be the limiting factor.  All will be revealed later today.  


I may be gone sometime….


Car is being picked to check out numerous minor, spurious electrical faults that come and go.  It will be interesting to see if they find anything.  Everything is so bloomin' complex it is impossible to trace anything without some really sophisticated test equipment.  The days of a screwdriver and continuity tester have long gone.


Funny how your mind plays tricks with you.  I did catch Debs talking about 'Nutwood City Limits'.  I thought it wasn't quite right, but almost convinced myself it was.  Oh Tina, how could I forget one of my favourite tracks... :O


Old age is not always all it's cracked up to be.  


What chance have I got in the quiz night at the Golf Club tonight?  Probability of looking a complete plonker are very high...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, lots going on  today by the look of it!


Firstly best wishes to Sherry, shingles can be horrid.


Debs view of genetics is something I have come across before - all the best men of the country volunteered for WW1 and mostly got paid off permanently.  I'm from the iD school of bad genetics - hypertension, arthritis, overweight.....and getting grumpy in middle age.


However grumpiness may be getting deal with - life changing decision made last night. :help: 

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Firstly best wishes to Sherry, shingles can be horrid...........


............However grumpiness may be getting deal with - life changing decision made last night. :help:

Thanks for the kind thoughts which should be forwarded to Danemouth Dave, who actually has Shingles!


Understandable mistake to make in view of your final comment - sounds like your retirement could be in view? Excellent!

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Morning all. Doing double duty today. SWMBO is taking it easy with good reason so its been up to me to feed the Ravenous Bugblatter beasts of Trall cats this morning. Along with all her other morning activities. Worm composter, bird feeder, etc.


Filled one of the feeders with meal worms and it was like something out of a Hitchcock movie.




Within an hour this pair along with about 40 of their mates had picked it clean. They even chased off a pair of flying rats who normally hang about on the ground picking up the spillage.


<self promotion> in the background you can see part of the brick path I'm putting down along with the raised veggie beds I built out of decking planks. </self promotion>


Neil, please say your life changing decision isn't to join the circus as the Yak Woman. Seriously, good luck with what every path you choose to take.


On another note I'd like to go on record saying how great the staff at Orpington Hospital are. The NHS has a lot of poo flung at it. Some justified. The people we've dealt with at Orpington have been nothing short of excellent, happy, calming, and you can tell they really care about what they are doing. A sharp contrast to the several GPs we've gone through over the past few years, who have basically become little more than triage nurses for referring to specialists.

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  • RMweb Gold

I got back from feeding the dobbins and there was an answerphone message - please ring Bonnetable Gendarmerie! Fortunately I'm not in trouble, but the incident last year where I had a drunk break in to my house has now been through some sort of process, and the system requires me to sign something. So the young lady with the pistol in her holster will be dropping in later...... Some men pay a lot extra for that!


Coffee with Sheena has been cancelled accordingly.

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I got back from feeding the dobbins and there was an answerphone message - please ring Bonnetable Gendarmerie! Fortunately I'm not in trouble, but the incident last year where I had a drunk break in to my house has now been through some sort of process, and the system requires me to sign something. So the young lady with the pistol in her holster will be dropping in later...... Some men pay a lot extra for that!


Coffee with Sheena has been cancelled accordingly.

Steady on, Olddudders, too much excitement could be harmful at your age!

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