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Morning All,


A rather stressful Friday, alas. I returned from walking the HM and gave him his breakfast - but he didn't eat, something most unusual. I didn't think too much of it, given that the HM was slated for a 5pm vets visit (some minor respiratory and ear problems and a limp), but when I spoke to Mrs iD in the morning and mentioned how unusual it was for him not to eat, she told me that she was told that dogs were being poisoned in the area where she walks Schotty (and she walks him off the leash)... Needless to say I was most urgently concerned and took him off to the vet post-haste. The HM was taken in for observation (and he gave a most heart-wrenching look when he realised that he was being taken away without me...). Well, some hours later, the vet informed us that he had a minor URTI and ear infection and she couldn't find any injury or damage to his right foreleg or shoulder, that they had taken some bloodwork and we could collect the HM at 6pm. Well, we did so, found out that the blood work was OK and that the tales of dogs being poisoned was just an urban myth (the vet checked with the police and other vets). Needless to say, I was most relieved - even though for the next week I will have to wrestle with him to administer the ear drops. To add insult to injury, he has now figured out how to remove the sausage I wrap around his medication and now just eats the meat and spits out the pills!


For me, the whole episode was particularly upsetting/frustrating because I felt relatively helpless. With humans I know exactly what to do, but with dogs I mostly have no idea if what I find on exam or see is normal or pathological. I also am finding it hard to keep a dispassionate clinical detachment with Schotty; with humans - even close relatives - I can do this, not so my dog (in fact, just before yesterday's adventures Mrs iD went to a specialist MD and - before she went - I gave her a complete briefing on what to expect and what to ask - all very matter of fact).


Well all's well that ends well. Have a splendid weekend



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We had something similar a while back, iD.  Some nutter was deliberately adding rat poison to sandwiches and then leaving them around for dogs off the lead to find.  Sadly one or two died before it became public knowledge and warnings were posted for all to see.  I'm not sure if they ever caught anyone.  


It still irks me to to think someone could sink that low to contemplate such a thing...



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  • RMweb Gold

iD, Robbie will take any medicine but will not take worming tablets. He can separate them out from biscuits even if they are broken. I now crush them and mix them with cheese. I know he likes cheese as if I drop any he seems to be able to pounce from a considerable distance and get it before it hits the floor. Robbie is rarely il but when I had to take him for his emergency surgery a couple of years ago he was in a very bad way and looked terrible. Dogs seem to get ill quickly but they bounce back quickly too. Robbie was supposed to only have limited exercise after his operation but the vet could see after three days he was quite bouncy so limited it to "no swimming".


I hope when giving Mrs iD advice you didn't suggest she took her tablets in a sausage!



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We had something similar a while back, iD.  Some nutter was deliberately adding rat poison to sandwiches and then leaving them around for dogs off the lead to find.  Sadly one or two died before it became public knowledge and warnings were posted for all to see.  I'm not sure if they ever caught anyone.  


It still irks me to to think someone could sink that low to contemplate such a thing...




Sadly, this reminded me that it is probably more common than we think. An elderly lady when we lived in Essex (years ago) was lacing scraps with some form of poison. An attempt to keep "filthy animals" from soiling her garden, apparently. I remember it in the local papers, but cannot for the life of me remember the outcome. Some people are either selfish or incredibly stupid, in this case a combination of both, not forgetting that it is surely a criminal act?

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Quite a fresh start at 3oC but it's dry and there may be sunny periods later.

Another birthday bash yesterday evening as Joe was 12 so more cake & beer consumed by me. (Diet? What diet?) 

This will be compounded later because when Joe was asked if he would like to go somewhere today & take some friends he's opted for the local Harvester on condition that Nanny & Grandad  come too! I feel a weight increase coming on.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Cheese is the answer to medication for our dogs. Perhaps the smell disguises the tablet. Our little dog absolutly loves cheese. A block of cheese had dropped out of a shopping bag by the time I had got back to pick it up she had chewed the corner off the block despite it being wrapped in plastic. Admonishions were totally ignored.


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It must have been many years ago as it  happened when my parents had their first Schnauzer. He ran into some bushes in the park and came out with a strip of meat in his mouth. My mother took it off him and binned it. The dog was then unwell but not too badly. Mum was quite upset when she found out that the Rugby club on the other side of the hedge had been rather liberal with their spreading of baited food. I don't know what they were trying to deter but they weren't popular.

There are some people who "feed the foxes" in our local park. I know where it is best to put Robbie on the lead to prevent him investigating. Some idiots dump food over the railway fence and while Robbie would normally not go through a fence a few buckets of pork ribs are very tempting for the canine nose!



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Morning all from the boring borough. Just about to pop to the postal depot to "tear them a new one". We've had a plethora of parcels this week. Every one from a courier, no problem. 5 packages from Royal Fail on the other hand all went back to the depot despite someone being home the whole time. I caught the lazy sod on Thursday trying to quietly slip the note in the mail slot. I politely pointed out the door bell and told him there was always someone at home. What happened next day? You guessed it. #1 son at home, the assclown of a postman popped the slip through the slot as quietly as possible. Son catches him in the act. Voila, no parcels. He didn't even bring them with him, just the slip. Formal complaint time. Failing that, I shall be visiting them with a croquet mallet and pineapple.


In other news I survived the annual appraisal without using any of my naughty words. That's 2 hours of my like I'll never get back. In a nutshell, no P45. Big changes coming though. At the moment I'm more or less shared between 2 groups in the same department. One mostly techie and the other is the governance and process architecture team. Another reorg will see this split into different departments completely. I've got to decide which one to stay with. The techie work is more interesting but leaves me prone to being assigned to dysfunctional projects that are already doomed. The other work is far more organised but less of a challenge. Decisions, decisions.


Have a good weekend all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


An imperfect night had me drinking tea at 5, but I slept again afterwards. The day is bright and sunny, so that's nice.


A friend and I were reminiscing about skool playground games on the first of the month. "Pinch, punch, first of the month!" they mis-rhymed. But, if the first thing you said on rising was "White rabbit!" you were immune, allegedly. But how did the playground bullies know whether you'd said it or not? Discuss.


Hope you weekend goes well.

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8:10am. 60 minutes hard graft and one new 5ft section of sewer pipe spliced into place and bedded in with sand. I've flushed the toilet 5 times just because I can!  :imsohappy:

I still have the hole to fill in, but my 14yr old son is sitting on his bum with his head buried in some computer game or other. You should have seen his face when I handed him a shovel...

The weekend starts here. Whatever you're doing, have a good one.




Good work that man. Especially the hole digging. Most impressive. I'm not surprised that the hole filling in department is quailing at the task before it - he'll be stamping down earth for ages.


A nice sunny morning here in Station household land. We'll shortly be off to Abingdon.

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I'm not surprised that the hole filling in department is quailing at the task before it - he'll be stamping down earth for ages.


That made me smile! I'm actually watching him out of the living room window right now, jumping up and down for all he's worth!

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"Pinch, punch" is still a tradition in our house, anticipated with glee by our 10yr-old daughter each month, with me the usual target. Rather surprisingly, she forgot this morning and I was able to "get" her. I now feel moderately guilty for pinching and punching a 10 yr-old, albeit so gently you'd hardly notice. She's such a drama queen!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, sunny on FR but damp underfoot.


iD, sorry there was a brief 'funny' there, it's too close to 'friendly/supportive'.  As a serial pet subject (cats, you see) I understand your concern.


Off to post a sound chip to legomanbiffo this morning for upgrade, then going to a Gauge 1 meeting at 2pm, this is rather above my social station but it was nice to be invited.  G1 'chaps' tend to be the higher earners in society, lets say - this one in particular.  He has a full sized 3 foot gauge locomotive in his garden shed. :O

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  • RMweb Gold

"Pinch, punch, first of the month!" they mis-rhymed. But, if the first thing you said on rising was "White rabbit!" you were immune, allegedly. But how did the playground bullies know whether you'd said it or not?

They beat a confession from you.

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  • RMweb Gold

Andrew that's amazing. I have had my suspicions about the mail but to catch them in the act like that - brilliant. I hope you get an appropriate response. You may need to be willing to pursue your complaint on a weekday with more senior management though, you might end up speaking to someone who is complicit in the behaviour at the weekend.

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I caught the lazy sod on Thursday trying to quietly slip the note in the mail slot. I politely pointed out the door bell and told him there was always someone at home. What happened next day? You guessed it. #1 son at home, the assclown of a postman popped the slip through the slot as quietly as possible. Son catches him in the act. Voila, no parcels. He didn't even bring them with him, just the slip.

Hi Andrew


Similar thing happened to us a few years ago - found postie around the corner in his van filling in the "we tried to deliver a parcel to you today" cards; likewise have been at home when a card has been put through letter box - and the postie said that he didn't even have the parcel.


I think it must owe something to their timed delivery runs (as arranged by, ahem, their managers) so perhaps not so lazy as they may appear. 


Mrs P.O has labyrynthitis (feeling dizzy all the time) at the mo, which must be horrible. Caused by an infection of the middle ear possibly brought on by a heavy cold.


Very bright and sunny here on the first day of spring meteorologically speaking. Personally I prefer to go by the equinox in three weeks.


Have a good weekend everyone



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Must be because it's a Saturday!  I suffered from 'slippery posting syndrome' this morning too!  I was actually in the hall at 9.30am and heard the letters drop through the door behind the curtains. There is no way I wouldn't have heard a knock on the door.   A few minutes later I picked them up and, you've guessed it, a red & white card saying 'parcel too large' and collect from local depot in 8 hours.  The only problem being that on a Saturday the office closes at 2.pm!!


Anyway, it's a bright sunny day, not too cold and wind only 4/5 mph, so the bike calls and I think I'll try a new 50K route I've mapped out using http://www.gb.mapometer.com/   A great facility for choosing cycling, running or walking routes, though it wont take you across the Brecon Beacons even on St. David's Day.


Dwirnod Dewi Sant Hapus!!

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With all the tales of postal trauma, I am minded that our retired postman (a real gent and supporter of our community in so many ways) was telling me how difficult the proposed targets would be to actually meet. Simply making posties start at 8.30 would result in them trying to travel when the local rush to work / school was on. He was happy to be retiring but foresaw the demise of Royal Mail due to increased management and unachievable targets The announcement this past week of another round of price hikes for 1st and 2nd class mail will do them no favours. It cannot be too long before the safety net of "the final quarter mile" is removed due to Royal Mail's failures.


I am equally disturbed by the tales of poisoning of pets. Sadly, there are two sides to this as some dog owners still feel that their pooch'e fecaes are not to be touched by them and therefore get left on paths and in parks even though there are several bins for such delights. Someone goes round our village with a white spray can and highlights the little piles but sadly this doesn't make a ha'porth of difference to the inconsiderate few.  


Yesterday's funeral was a moving affair. The deceased was a teacher and it was staggering how many people attended who clearly had been influenced by her. I doubt a quarter of that number would bother in my case - kind of puts things into perspective.


And now something positive - The Gruffmobile passed its annual roadworthiness test this morn with only a warning that the plastic covering on the rear number plate was detaching. Busy day still, rugby match to attend this afternoon - or aaaaaaaaaarfernoooooon as today's opposition would say - followed by what should be a convivial noshing session between some saints and sinners Gloucester supporters this evening. Whiskey will be consumed but not of the Welsh variety.

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I'm off to see the Falcons tomorrow.

We bought our tickets a while ago, never thinking that Sunderland would reach the 'League Cup' final.

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A rather busy week, including Choir Practice, two rehearsals (one for "She Stoops To Conquer", the other for a Murder Mystery play to be performed at a church social) various Pre School admin tasks, leading a Primary School Assembly and a (routine) mammogram!


I managed to fit in a walk by the sea on Thursday so that was restorative and I've slept well, unsurprisingly!


Enjoy the weekend!


Busy time indeed Ash. Can't you save time by combining the two rehearsals into "She stoops to murder a conker" or something?

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Just as well I didn't spend any money at the Abingdon show with green temptations like that being placed on here  by NHN - alas the grand garden plan didn't get the railway worked into it but I've still got that (not very much) track hanging around waiting use.


Anyway having sort of recovered from paying the ransom on the car yesterday the good Doctor and myself duly took ourselves off to Abingdon and a very nice show it was too.  Great to see that Jerry Clifford's Highbury Colliery won the 'Best In Show' cup and it was undoubtedly well deserved although as ever it was playing host to various visitors including a Brill Tramway Aveling & Porter engine (in 2mm scale!!!!) - anyway overall a  number of very nice layouts and chats with a number of RMweb folk (almost all of whom are modellers in 2mm scale).  Followed by our traditional visit to 'The Plough at Long Whittenham where the food has taken something of an upmarket turn on page 1 of the menu but is back to most of the old favourites on page 2 - and still top notch grub at sensible prices.  Alas, as is usually the case, a visit to Pendon didn't follow because there was nowhere to park so home and back to RMweb for spot of catching up.


Hope you're having as good a day as we've enjoyed (and it's the Basingstoke show next weekend - always a good one so another day out is being planned).

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Afternoon All


I think we all have similar horror stories about the delivery services - I had a package (tracked and guaranteed delivery) which turned up the following day as "the postman was taken ill and took everything back to the sorting office" - I also had a tracked very high value delivery with a 13.00 delivery guarantee which the postman signed for on my behalf at 12.43 and which was not delivered until 14.15 - that delivery operative no longer appears round here.  However, an expensive book from Amazon (30 quid) was delivered by Yodel and was left on my doorstep in the rain for some time - that too appeared that M Mouse or somebody had signed for it.  Regrettably, one washed in Brand X and the other in Brand Y and not a hap'orth of difference.


Sun is shining which is great - but fire is lit, dinner is eaten, and I'm off to put my feet up.


Regards to All


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