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I've never smoked in my life - not even one.


On the subject of children, when my Son was born a friend of mine said "One minute you're holding them in your arms, the next they are asking for the car keys".


Now that the little guy is ten, and not such a little guy any more, I am starting to realise what he meant!

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Matthew doesn't seem interested in the car keys though he does seem to appreciate the trips to Leicester and back with all his studenty stuff. He is applying to UCL, Glasgow and Cardiff for masters degree courses. He asked one of the professors at Calgary to provide a reference. The Prof. said if Matthew didn't get in at a UK university he should come back to Calgary. I assume this means he will be getting a good reference! At least at UCL (his first choice) he can live at home if he wants to!

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Morning all,


Quite bright here but still fairly nippy (well it is February) and the day doesn't look too bad.  Alas yesterday's log moving resulted in partial collapse of one end of the log stack beside the garage - not too difficult to spread along the wall to the vacant are to rebuild but as the top of the stack is over 6 feet high it wasn't all plain sailing and there will have to be a major rearrangement of the stack come good weather.


Seems  more than few RMweb folk were at Stafford on Saturday but were all walking round anonymously except for three of us who wore our badges.  Bit of a shame really as it's nice to meet folk for real and the badges John made a couple of years ago are quite noticeable - maybe such identification should be made compulsory for all attending RMweb Live in September?


Anyway today it's back to humdrum things - need to make an appointment with Dracula's daughter, sort the solicitor who it seems puts one thing right in the will draft only to get something else wrong (that was previously right!) and get further insurance quotes for our Norwegian jaunt which regrettably starts with a trip on an aeroplane and as others have said that is not the ideal way to start a holiday.


Have a good day one & all

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I was asked to help a friend at the Quaker meeting house today, his Vista laptop has suddenly begun asking for a user-account password on boot, despite none having been set.

I plugged the laptop into the power-socket and tried to boot up (thinking I`d get it into safe mode and try to access and remove any password acting as an administrator)......but nada, black screen no-fans or lights, it`s a Norwegian Blue! :O


Tried removing the battery pack and pressing/holding the power switch for several seconds, but still no life-signs at all.


When the owner dejectedly returned home, he plugged in the power charger and the laptop powered-up and booted into Vista, as far as asking for the user account password.............how strange!

It turns out that the meeting house recently had a new consumer-unit fitted by an electrical contractor........Ah-ha!......the thick, plottens! :nono: ......something got missed I think; as the sockets in the coffee room must now be unpowered, hence the seemingly dead parrot with a bat flattery! :declare:


But why would a (single user) laptop, suddenly require a user account password, despite one never having been previously set?....any ideas? :scratchhead:


Now I know it`s bootable, I`ll have another go at getting him access in a day or two.


Debs - I know not the answer - but since a recent auto-install upgrade my XP pro single-user desktop has suddenly started doing the same thing - all it needs is the enter button pressed and then it behaves normally - the closing sequence has changed also


PS my "guru" says its fine = My antispam/anti spyware show nothing objectionable

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Morning all


After a bright and sunny day, we have another bright and sunny day! A bit of a chilly breeze - but hey it's early Feb!


Good to hear of smokers losing the habit. Never did smoke ciggies, but used to puff on small cigars in the pub, occasionally indoors. Haven't done so in a decade. Pete's mention of morphine is a bit more perplexing.


Hope your week goes well.

Painkillers prescribed for crushed vertibra(e?) in my neck.......................


Best, Pete.

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Painkillers prescribed for crushed vertibra(e?) in my neck.......................



Not nice, so glad you're past needing them.


About 6 months after Deb's car crash, a gendarme called at the house one Sunday morning to take a statement. One of the questions he was obliged to ask was "Was the morphine found in your bloodstream administered by the rescuing services, or had you taken it previously?"

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Morning, busy busy busy.


High tides with flooding again this afternoon, roads closing etc.


Sounds like just the day to suggest to your Inspector that he might like to spend some 'thinking time' down on the beach and that you all know a good safe spot where he needn't worry about things like silly old high tide warnings which are only meant for tourists.

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Sounds like just the day to suggest to your Inspector that he might like to spend some 'thinking time' down on the beach and that you all know a good safe spot where he needn't worry about things like silly old high tide warnings which are only meant for tourists.

Sounds like the recommended location for the bill collector in "The Railroad runs through the middle of the house".


"We send him right down to the middle of the house and he never bothers us no more!"

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Sympathies to you, Pete, regarding the pain killers. 

After all the gardening last year (excess use of felling axe, shovels, etc) my elbows and ankles (strangely) have the equivalent of tennis elbow. 

The NHS website says it can take around 6 months to recover. 

Stupidly I picked up my youngest at the Alton show over the weekend so he could see the layouts better. 

I'm now back on the nurofen and voltarol with the elbow in a support bandage. 


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Sympathies to you, Pete, regarding the pain killers. 

After all the gardening last year (excess use of felling axe, shovels, etc) my elbows and ankles (strangely) have the equivalent of tennis elbow. 

The NHS website says it can take around 6 months to recover. 

Stupidly I picked up my youngest at the Alton show over the weekend so he could see the layouts better. 

I'm now back on the nurofen and voltarol with the elbow in a support bandage. 


Won't be wielding a sledge hammer against your neighbour's shed for a while then Andy!    :butcher:

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Sounds like just the day to suggest to your Inspector that he might like to spend some 'thinking time' down on the beach and that you all know a good safe spot where he needn't worry about things like silly old high tide warnings which are only meant for tourists.


Unfortunately he's sloped off for a week while he tries to work out how to compare us to his own jurisdiction.  Different country, different legislation, different demographic, but I'm sure it will be a fruitful process....... :no:  :triniti:  #cough# 

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If Moanday is followed by cheesday, does wensleday come next?


And is wensleday followed by thawsday and flooday? [edit] or even frozeday?

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After all the gardening last year (excess use of felling axe, shovels, etc) my elbows and ankles (strangely) have the equivalent of tennis elbow. 


Joints take an incredibly long time to recover.


Some ERs may remember that I dislocated my ring finger last August - I still haven't got full movement back.  It is a lot better than it was, and still improving, but the Doctor reckoned it could take anything up to a year before it is as good as it is going to get.

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Won't be wielding a sledge hammer against your neighbour's shed for a while then Andy!    :butcher:


We all need an incentive on the road to recovery. :)

Joints take an incredibly long time to recover.



The website said 6-12 months. I was quoting 6 months to look on the bright side!  :) 

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Tell me about it!


I feel like I have gone backwards since December, I hope it's just the weather but dislodging the pelvic anchor hasn't helped.  Ibuprofen is my middle name.

Neil, same here last spring/summer - after some inexplicable issue that rendered me/my back bed-ridden for 2 weeks followed by about 10-weeks to get anywhere near normal/comfortable I was beginning to think I should just BUY the bloody ibuprofen factory!!!!


Nice mild (YAY RIGHT!!) -17C this morning, but at least no breeze/wind so the wind-chill is negligible, looking for pretty much the same all week, maybe a touch more snow!


The bathroom floor took WAY longer than I was hoping for - essentially took all of the real available time yesterday to get the waterproof backerboard down followed by the flooring. Tonight after work will manage to re-install the toilet (original cause fo the misery) sink and vanity and we'll be back to some semblance or "normal".

Damn I'm too old to spend an entire weekend on my hands and knees working on flooring - I need a weekend to recover from the weekend - my back aches <sigh>  :(


Zero time on modelling <sigh>...


Avoided the Stupid Bowl - just not a fan of American Football - and can certainly find better things to do with 4 hours of my life, even if it DOES include watching Downton Abbey and Sherlock with the Mrs :)

Edited by Ian Abel
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I've never smoked in my life - not even one.


Neither did I, and given what I have seen the big C being capable of doing to people, I never will...


Holding a lesson in a 12th class (i.e., with 18-year-olds) today was quite pleasant, as there was no need for me to go into the most minute of details when providing input! All in all, our student audience really is very well-behaved - much more so than at the school where I had been on a side job for about one and a half years...

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Afternoon All


First off all, thanks Geoff for the info about where to find a cheaper fence panel - I'll check out Broadoak on Wednesday when I'm going to the supermarket.  Need to negotiate with new neighbour as to who foots the bill, as we maintain the street facing fences, so they should maintain the other side - but since we moved here, we have maintained all the fences on both sides.


Not quite so windy as I'd expected today, and also not quite so wet. 


Joint pains - aaarrrggghhh - I can honestly recommend a cortisone injection into the affected joint as being effective - I've had them into my hip and my shoulder, and my GP is, luckily a dab hand at them. 


On the question of painkillers, I was put on Tramadol when I broke my hip, and for days, I wasn't actually compos mentis.  However, when I had an operation many years ago in a private hospital which will remain nameless, I had a very painful incision to the groin, and when I complained of the pain, they gave me DIstalgeisic, and when that didn't work, aspirin with Omnopom (sp?) and after one dose, I was a pretty fair impersonation of a hippy in the higher realms of high - I was just about floating (so it felt).  When I was discharged, I was given a big pack of these to take home, and after a few days of being totally off the planet, I decided not to have any more, and took them back to my GP for disposal, and she said I had to go to the local pharmacy to have them disposed of.  The pharmacist took one look and refused to take them, as they are a seriously restricted drug, and can only be stored if the establishment has a secure metal cabinet with a specific type of lock, and which is securely anchored to an external or load bearing internal wall.  Apparently, the main component of this drug was papaveretum, which is effectively heroin.  The bacteria in the local sewers were probably high for months afterwards, as these were soluble tablets, and I was advised to dispose of them via the plumbing one at a time, and a few hours apart.


DInner duty again today, and drats, there's no korma ingredients - sausages anyone?


And finally, I was recommended to try some of the products of one of the cheaper supermarkets (the one beginning with A) and found there one of the finest beers that I've ever sampled - it's their own brand German lager, branded as Steinhauser, but it is amazingly good 5% - dry, hoppy, with a slightly creamy aftertaste.  Highly recommended at £3.99 for 6 x 300ml bottles - and their crisps at 79p for six bags mean that I've got a very good supper.  I wonder if anybody here knows what brewery makes this most excellent brew?


Regards to All(di)


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Steinhäuser German Lager



style Aldi

Brewed at Dortmunder Actien Brauerei (Oetker Group)

Style: Dortmunder/Helles

Atherstone, England

Serve in Lager glass


RATINGS: 23 MEAN: 2.48/5.0 WEIGHTED AVG: 2.56 EST. CALORIES: 150 ABV: 5%


Available in 330ml bottles, exclusively from Aldi supermarkets in the UK.

A fresh pale lager with mid hop flavour. Brewed according to the German purity law of 1516.

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That sounds a bit serious, Stewart (the Omnopom, not the sausages :angel: ). 


I certainly can vouch that the 100mg tramadol m/r makes for a peaceful, floaty existence.  Scary stuff. Glad not to need that now.  Also 30/500 co-codamol, which I still have to resort to several nights a week, I was off it all bar the ibuprofen m/r in the autumn but winter has not been kind to me.  Roll on spring.


IIRC tramadol was one of the post-operative medications I woke to being filled up with, I was certainly as high as a kite for a day or two.....I hate to think what the dosage was.  I have never felt so laid back and not bothered about anything despite having just had 4 1/2 hours of orthopaedic surgery - no wonder folk get hooked on these things.  :nono:

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DInner duty again today, and drats, there's no korma ingredients - sausages anyone?



OOOooh , thanks for asking .


Four please , with two eggs , chips , a few baked beans and a couple of slices of bread and butter .


 Oh , and some Daddys Sauce for the sausages .




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