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Not well today, lost breakfast and last night's dinner and went back to bed :bad:  #too much information emoticon#


Only just woken, that's not like me at all.  I suspect a bug of some kind as opposed to Inspection Sickness!  He was leaving this morning anyway, it was my boss's turn to be grilled then he was off to the adjacent island from whence he came at 1200hrs.  I was still asleep....

Should have gone in Neil a neat bit of projectile vomiting he could have worn it all as he left.....

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  • RMweb Gold

Weekend Ho!


On a funny note: A shop around here I remember to have carried the name "F a n n y's Boutique has been renamed into "Conny's Boutique." I wonder why...

Could be just a change of owner or a spelling mistake :jester:


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  • RMweb Premium


Should be a nice day and headed into a good weekend - except that the toilet in the upstairs bathroom has decided to leak now! Anyone else getting a little tired/testy about home ownership??

Would cheerfully swop right now a landlord might fix the loo but they still want the rent every month. I would even put up with the cold at US energy prices.

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Tony_S, on 31 Jan 2014 - 09:23, said:


Burger prices! Other burger restaurants are available...

I know it is Ed's Easy Diner but I always think of it as Mr Ed's.

That's England for you.... by the way it's difficult to compare US burgers to British - I just find any American equivalent Steak or Burger to taste better. No idea why. I happen to like "5 Guys" but the British ones don't taste the same.


The "famous" East Coast chain White Castle's burgers are revolting - so it's not a truism (I hesitate to say it but the best burger I've ever tasted was made by a street cafe in Angers, France).


That's not the reason I wrote what I did, however........


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Should have gone in Neil a neat bit of projectile vomiting he could have worn it all as he left.....


I wouldn't have gotten that far Mick, it's a 22 mile drive - I timed out before I could have reached a small room of safety!!!!


His resemblance to Selwyn Froggatt still has me smirking, however.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Went out to meet somebody in town first thing - weather was breezy, warm(ish) and dry.  Then went to supermarket and it was blowing a hooley in the car park, but dry with spots.


How it's blowing a hooley everywhere and it's absolutely hoying down near horizontally.  30747 came in from work and was soaked through to the skin.  If this is what the South West has been getting, I'm sorry for them.


Not a lot more to say so I'm off for my saveloy and chips.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Weekend Ho!


On a funny note: A shop around here I remember to have carried the name "F a n n y's Boutique has been renamed into "Conny's Boutique." I wonder why...

There used to be a coal mine at Rothwell (Near Leeds) known as Fanny Pit.  Officially it was Rothwell Colliery.  Apparently it was known as that as the coal owenr (Prior to the NCB) had three daughters, Jane, Rose and Fanny and the three local pits got called after them.   As it's now been demolished for the last 20 plus years you start to get strange looks if you say you're going to the Fanny pit site.



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  • RMweb Gold

Snow! Up on the mountain, not down here, but the high roads are closed.

Not to worry Neil - Mrs Stationmaster and I are now suitably kitted out for it, bring on the huskies and sledging ;)   She doesn't seem to  listen when I keep telling her that the recommended bad weather gear for Kirkenes at the end of March is an umbrella.

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  • RMweb Premium

bit of a dog day today - shopping done, gloss and emulsion of middle floor loo completed then I hope I have some time for modelling.. tonight I shall mainly be re-wheeling a Lima 47..


Neil hope you are feeling better on Fraggle Rock... to everyone who is cold - hope you can stay warm and for those in the Southern hemisphere ... send us some heat! Ta


Apologies meant to say - hope everything is OK Beast - mentioned you in the Chapel en le Frith layout thread - thanks for your help

Edited by Barry O
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Weekend Ho!


On a funny note: A shop around here I remember to have carried the name "F a n n y's Boutique has been renamed into "Conny's Boutique." I wonder why...


I may have said this before, but for many years in Newquay there was a dress shop called Gay Gowns. It only closed comparatively recently. My Mum's generation saw nothing funny in it.



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Morning all - back to a chilly -24C here this morning with a windchill just about 5 degrees lower. Bright and sunny lovely morning ;)


Managed to actually spend some time on the layout last night - of course nothing what I'd consider completely productive as I had to take up a short section and re-wire to have a better programming track setup that was NOT part of my terminal area power district and therefore not making it a "mess" for reversing-loop switching <sigh>. Didn't think of that when I first wired my programming track.


Should be a nice day and headed into a good weekend - except that the toilet in the upstairs bathroom has decided to leak now! Anyone else getting a little tired/testy about home ownership??


With the experience my kids have had in getting a landlord to fix things I'd rather sort my own mess out.



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  • RMweb Gold

Sherry's flight back from Barbados is delayed, inwards aircraft 3 hrs late, so she will probably miss her train from Gatwick and connections. As it will be a fraught train journey anyway, due to the blockade below Taunton, she may not be a happy bunny this time tomorrow.......

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I may have said this before, but for many years in Newquay there was a dress shop called Gay Gowns. It only closed comparatively recently. My Mum's generation saw nothing funny in it.




On my out-of-sorts days, I do proclaim that I feel distinctly "queer" and I also sometimes admit to enjoying a nice "fagg0t" (or two).............both of which statements seem to bring my nephews into fits of the sniggers. :dontknow:

Edited by Debs.
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  • RMweb Gold

A thought suddenly struck me as I was looking at the Abrail thread - had I managed to book our extra shipboard excursion to clash with any important exhibitions?  Amazingly I hadn't which is rather good considering that from seeing an ad in the DT which gave us the idea to booking exactly the same arrangements through someone else (and saving £200 in the process) took somewhat less than 60 minutes.  Note we do not mess about once we've actually made up our minds.

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  • RMweb Premium

Feeling a little better now thanks all.  Mrs H's cure-all is M&S carrot & coriander soup, which has given me a burst of energy.  I feel sort of jet-lagged, very odd.


Opened my early birthday prezzie that arrived this morning when I was in the land of nod, a Bachmann Hobbie Elliott scottish director.   It was one of the collectors club limited editions, I was giddy for one at the time but won't join the collectors club as the rest of the stuff seems to be junk, but one popped up on the evil bay and it was indeed truly new and apparently unopened.  It is rather gorgeous.  I suppose it will have to be passed back to the domestic authorities to be wrapped up for the middle of march!

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  • RMweb Premium

On my out-of-sorts days, I do proclaim that I feel distinctly "queer" and I also sometimes admit to enjoying a nice "fagg0t" (or two).............both of which statements seem to bring my nephews into fits of the sniggers. :dontknow:



I had a great Aunt who always used to write in my birthday cards to 'have a gay time'.  She was a remarkable woman, she was housekeeper in a huge mansion near Brighton, in Angmering I think.  She would only go to London on the Brighton Belle, nothing else was good enough!  If she went to somewhere else then she would look out for the train engine to be a spam can - I think her employers knew Bulleid - and she was capable of cadging a footplate ride!  I know where my interest came from.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the link. I fancy her even more now :-)

Shame you can only hit the agree button once....


I've just installed the latest Virgin 30mb superhubbygizmothingywhatsit for the broadband. Boy, it's fast and to be fair to the much maligned Virgin organisation they actually reduced my monthly bill for the same services.


I had a medical for the mainline PTS yesterday which was ok, so one step nearer getting out on the mainline with the Southall engines - hopefully doing the course itself Feb/March.


Other than that glad to see the usual standards applying in ERs, quite a variety of topics as usual.


Take care.

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  • RMweb Gold

On my out-of-sorts days, I do proclaim that I feel distinctly "queer" and I also sometimes admit to enjoying a nice "fagg0t" (or two).............both of which statements seem to bring my nephews into fits of the sniggers. :dontknow:


I have to describe Mr Brains products as "English meatballs" to get my son to eat them. If he found out we were feeding him fagg&ts he'd go mad

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With the experience my kids have had in getting a landlord to fix things I'd rather sort my own mess out.




  Whilst I agree in principal - the stupid toilet will be taking modelling time away from me that I was really looking forward to this weekend <fist shaking angry icon> :(


My wife and I have the dubious "pleasure" of being landlords - invested several years back now in the hope of having something to retire on - right before things went to crap <sigh>, but we do pride ourselves in being super-responsive as we have a great couple in the place.

I too have less than wonderful reports of experiences my kids have had, it's too bad that some folks choose to be arses instead of stepping up to the plate if they intend to be landlords in the first place!!

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