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They last a short while before the heads are pulled off and squeakers pulled out. Once destroyed the dogs tend to drag them out into the garden and just leave them there.


You really should stop destroying your dogs' toys, Gordon; no wonder they drag them outside!! Either an act of desperation or they're ashamed of what you've done to them! :lol:


Looks like it will be a comfortable nest, though!


Toupee or not toupee - now there's a question - just had the bill from my accountants! Wonder if they accept wigs?


Don: after a period of absence, everyone says it's good to see your back. Why does nobody ever say it's good to see your front? Surely, it has to be the better view? (But I'm not starting a debate here!!!!! ROFL)

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  • RMweb Premium

... Toupee or not toupee - now there's a question - just had the bill from my accountants! Wonder if they accept wigs? ...


If not send 'em a Tory. There's a few of them spare.



Dave (fetching coat)

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We'll be joking about the Corn Laws next!!


I went out this afternoon for a few minutes to buy a 6 pin decoder for my new toy and was out for over two hours as I popped into the Volkswagen dealer to see how big the boot was on a Golf Plus. It was somewhere on my list of cars to see but was a fair way down going by the magazine/television reviews. The salesman suggested a drive. After the drive it went up the list but I still think the boot area is too small, it would be OK for Robbie but I think the luggage capacity wouldn't keep my wife happy. Pity as otherwise it was nice. I felt sorry for the salesman who was very nice as he obviously has to tell me about all the finance offers although I told him my wife is opposed (with the one exception being the former mortgage) to paying interest (doesn't mind receiving it though). and would be asking what discount could she have instead of even 0% interest which they were not offering anyway. I've already decided against the MPV of the year which is apparently the Peugeot 3008 mainly due to lack of elbow room for the driver. I've a test drive in a Citroen next week but unless it is superb I can see me keeping the Scenic, having a full service and hope nothing breaks on holiday.


Fitting the decoder in the loco was simple!



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Why the Golf Plus? What's wrong with the ordinary Golf? I love my GTi!!!!




I've found a MPV like the Scenic to be very good at transporting family stuff about. The space behind the back seats in the Scenic is very practical although the car length and width is no larger than a Megane. The Golf plus doesn't quite meet the practicality points but the driving position is less likely to play havoc with my hips and knees. All the Car mags/ websites rubbish it somewhat but it isn't that bad. I didn't think the gearbox was as good as the Renault one but I'm looking for an automatic now anyway. Biggest problem is that it is just too small for the stuff I know my family would want to take on holiday. My wife has vetoed anything that looks like a van but frankly if given the chance she would fill a Luton with stuff to take on holiday.

I've also been through the Volvo ownership ritual and I'm not ever getting another one!

I've been through the hot hatch stage (well at one time an Astra GTE 16 V was considered hot) and my wife thinks I drive slowly now so perhaps comfy rather than fast is what will be best?



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Morning all...


Grey and rainy outside, and from what I just read this is not going to change all that much over the weekend. Oh well!


Regarding cars - we, too, would like to get a new one eventually, but probably not before the end of the year. I think we'd be going for automatic transmission as well. Something in the size of a Renault Clio, Peugeot 207 or Citroën C3 would be perfectly sufficient. However, from what I could see upon a quick look at several manufacturers' web sites, not all compact cars in question can, in fact, be had with automatic transmission. The Twingo - which we'd both like as well - can only be had with a semi-automatic one, however, and I'd have to check whether this might be an alternative as well.


Cheers! ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Looks like another pleasant day today - as it was yesterday, until about 4.00pm when we had a couple of incredible hail storms. It hurt to go out in them and the streets had streams flowing down them. Each one only lasted a couple of minutes though.


Hopefully I won't have to make a decision about a new car for a few years yet. (Am I going to regret saying that?)

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Morning All,


Rather a grey morning here - but it isn't raining at the moment. Hopefully it will stay dry tomorrow because I really need to cut the hedge. Not a job that I look forward to, but it is necessary!


Speaking of not looking forward to things - I have got meetings all day today. Wall-to-wall, not even time for a lunchbreak :angry:


Have a good day everyone!

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Morning all - bright start here. I'm probably the only one on here hoping for a dull, wet bank holiday - yep, it's on call time again, start 20-00 tonight then all the way through to 08-00 on Tuesday before I get 8 hrs break from it. As there are leaves on the trees now we are into the no signal from reservoirs season so it will be a week of the 2am 'can you just nip up (usually 40 miles) and check the res level' call.


Deep joy. But anyway have a good weekend chaps, don't you lot worry about me......

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Morning all - bright start here. I'm probably the only one on here hoping for a dull, wet bank holiday - yep, it's on call time again, start 20-00 tonight then all the way through to 08-00 on Tuesday before I get 8 hrs break from it. As there are leaves on the trees now we are into the no signal from reservoirs season so it will be a week of the 2am 'can you just nip up (usually 40 miles) and check the res level' call.


Deep joy. But anyway have a good weekend chaps, don't you lot worry about me......



That's a tough call Phil. You have my sympathy mate...


Seems like I've been ballasting for a month. Worrying thing though is I'm enjoying it...


Bright and sunny here, so hoping for a good 'un.

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Morning all


A bit tired this morning - 8.00 pm finish last night and 8.00 am start this morning means very little down time - just enough to grab a meal and get some shut eye.


Chucked it down last night, and currently sunny but cloudy - Bank Holiday probably involves garden, skip, garag, skip...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Just back from taking Matthew to college. I thought I was going to need a new car rather sooner this morning. A bus driver seemed to be staring over his shoulder at the Ferrari in front of me I thought he was going to drive over me but fortunately he looked round in time!


I have not so much a list as suggested activities today. If I don't go looking at cars again (possibly in Chelmsford) apparently it would be a good day to weed (really de-weed) the lawn or do the weekend shopping. I don't think we are planning anything for the Bank Holiday. My wife is planning to use it as an extra study day. Matthew is off to Canvey with friends after college today.



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Morning All, In the office already this morning as I have a 9.30 meeting. Suppose it means I could be home by lunchtime! Amazingly SWMBO told me this morning she would quite like a trip up to Aylesbury if the weather is iffy tomorrow. She did spend most of her childhood there so it's not as strange(?) as it seems. That would mean I could get to Railex! We shall see, either she or I may well have gone off the idea by tomorrow. Have a good one all.




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We shall see, either she or I may well have gone off the idea by tomorrow.



What's the betting that by tomorrow her thoughts have turned more to slightly more domestic tasks like gardening or DIY...?!?!

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Afternoon all, (just!)

Just cycled into college (and back again tongue.gif) for a two hour product design exam. Not as difficult as I thought, despite having a teacher that could've done a lot more to help us! Just waiting for my driving instructor to turn up (think he's coming at 12:30) - those of you who know me know I'm forgetful at the best of times!


Sounds like an exciting time, PhilH rolleyes.gif


Edit: Change of plan, no driving lesson today!

Edited by SouthernRegionSteam
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Afternoon all! Was out of the flat at 9 this morning to go and play golf. My annual game! Didn't do too badly considering, though it's just round a short course, bit of a pitch-and-putt really.


Planned to head out on the bike this afternoon but it chucked it down as I got home from the golf and it's threatening more.


Spent yesterday listening to the cricket and painting my Townstreet Goods Shed (which I must have started more than a year ago!). Might do the same this afternoon. Went to the Royal Lyceum Theatre last night to see a friend in Verdi's Macbeth. Pleasant evening out, but it meant a fairly late night and getting up at a reasonable hour this morning was a struggle!

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Earlier this afternoon I was invited to take a trip to IKEA. Well to be more accurate, my wallet was invited to IKEA and I was told I was needed to punch the PINs in. It was my first trip to said warehouse. Typical Swedish efficiency and design, even down the the cafe. Very interesting.


Apparently I disgraced myself only once, when I took a book off the shelves in one of the room displays and read it with my best 'Muppet Swedish Chef' accent.



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