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DD Yes the Rand has Crashed, but not as bad as when I started my layout, It was then 20 Rand to the pound.

It's now heading back there. Luckily for much of the build/buy period it was 12 to the pound.


Don, is a wealthy South African said to be 'Randy'? :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

Cornwall wakes to the news that their local bus company, Western Greyhound, has suffered a second arson attack.  Still reeling from the loss of 35 vehicles last year (about a third of their fleet and including almost all their double-deckers) they have now lost the buses based at Liskeard outstation in another fire which is already being treated by the firefighters as arson.


And in true Western Greyhound spirit they are going to be back on the road in a couple of hours with more borrowed buses having only lost the first few trips of the day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry at the moment & a coolish 4oC. Should be some sunny periods with cloud this morning and then rain this afternoon.

Slowly getting to grips with this new laptop but needed help from my son. I got up & running OK then got stuck! Had trouble transferring files from old machine(s) (taking far too long) so he'll have to come back next week to sort it out. That'll give me some time to prune them a bit a lot because I realised that I keep far too much rubbish.

Taken tea to The Boss (still can't get used to her not working Fridays) so I expect she'll be planning something for the day. She could be disappointed because I've got lots to do & that's before I get to the railway stuff!

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, chilly but not as bad as last night when we had freezing rain for a while, how do I know trip to shop had to be delayed until the windscreen was cleared. Phoned up the garage yesterday we are supposed to be picking up new car on Wednesday ' Oh it won't be here until end of February' I might have criticised Vauxhall but at least the car was ready when they said it would be. Under promise and overdeliver is the maxim for good feedback so far zilch out of ten.

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  • RMweb Gold


I wonder if Ian Dudley-More requiers  a Lodger until the Spring?




Funnily enough I was half-offered a lodger earlier this week. 56, English, we haven't met, but very presentable by all accounts. Husband has behavioural problems, won't give her access to their bank accounts, is probably defrauding taxmen in UK and France. Offer politely declined.....

Don, is a wealthy South African said to be 'Randy'? :jester:

ISTR a Scots Baron, probably now rusticated from the House of Lords, who owns or owned South Africa's most expensive house - and was exposed in a tabloid as being treated for sex addiction. Does that count? (or Baron!)


Anyway, morning all


Wet day again today. Will need to dress up a bit to walk down to Sheena for coffee mid-morning. May do a bit of shopping later.


Hope your week ends on a high note.

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  • RMweb Premium

:O Only a teenie-weenie delay, Sir!


........on that showing, one wonders if it`s even been made yet? :scratchhead:

What are they blaming that delay on.  When SWMBO picked up her last one it was three months late due to problems with gearbox supply from japan following the Tsunami, I wonder what reason will be given now.



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Morning All,


It is another wet morning here in this part of the world. Still, at least the temperature is above freezing - the roads in the Taunus are reported to be somewhat interesting given rain and temperatures below zero!


I've got quite a busy day ahead of me, so I'd better grab a coffee and be getting on.


Have a good one everybody...

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Dull but dry here.

I'm not doing much today, I will be awaiting a parcel but it is being delivered by DPD so I have already received a text and email informing me when to expect delivery. 


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, rather wet and very windy here, not a nice day at all.


Barry, the thin cabsides were the clue!  I once tried to make their B1 using a Tri-ang Britannia chassis with the rear end cut off.....it was a step too far for me back then to detail it, I couldn't drill the necessary holes for handrails and things.  I was 15 at the time.....  It's fair to say the tender wasn't exactly square either!

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  • RMweb Premium

Sitting here reading and taking notes from 'A defense of the Midland/Lms 4F', please wish me luck.






The Wild Swan/NRM book defends them quite strongly - but if you read Mendips Engineman it gives a rather different picture!  44102 in particular seemed to be the bane of his life!


The sad thing is the NRM book shows how well they could have steamed if simple draughting changes were made, but they chose not to alter them.  Maybe because that would have encouraged the crews to drive them harder, making the axlebox overheating issues even worse?? conjecture.

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  • RMweb Gold


Morning all, chilly but not as bad as last night when we had freezing rain for a while, how do I know trip to shop had to be delayed until the windscreen was cleared. Phoned up the garage yesterday we are supposed to be picking up new car on Wednesday ' Oh it won't be here until end of February' I might have criticised Vauxhall but at least the car was ready when they said it would be. Under promise and overdeliver is the maxim for good feedback so far zilch out of ten.



Didn't know Hornby made cars...






I'm gone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, rather wet and very windy here, not a nice day at all.


Barry, the thin cabsides were the clue!  I once tried to make their B1 using a Tri-ang Britannia chassis with the rear end cut off.....it was a step too far for me back then to detail it, I couldn't drill the necessary holes for handrails and things.  I was 15 at the time.....  It's fair to say the tender wasn't exactly square either!

It was built my father - he was always up for a challenge....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Shenfield station in the news this morning Pete 


A lovely sunny and cold, -3, morning down here today, another 2 mile hike under my belt, thats 9-10 miles done this week.


I didn't get a woodwork qualification - they don't grow on trees you know.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well it's Friday so you all know where we'll be heading at some time during the day - the adventurous bit being will it be here if there's room in the car park or will it be Tilehurst once we've fought our way through the railway engineering and traffic delights of Cow Lane?  Weather isn't too bad at present but heavy rain promised for most of this evening - no surprises there then.


Have a good day one & all.

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Phoned up the garage yesterday we are supposed to be picking up new car on Wednesday ' Oh it won't be here until end of February' I might have criticised Vauxhall but at least the car was ready when they said it would be. Under promise and overdeliver is the maxim for good feedback so far zilch out of ten.


Perhaps this needs to go in the "Items due in February/March" thread  - Sorry - departed with coat!

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Yes, we started with the UK version of The Bridge called The Tunnel and then curiosity got the better of us and went to the first series of The Bridge in Danish.  Enjoyed that so much, so bought The Killing 1 & 2 on DVD.  Killing 3 arrives this morning.  We're recording Bridge 2 and will catch up soon, but trying to watch two complex plot lines simultaneously was just too much..:-)

I'd like to see a series with Saga Noren and Jac Naylor (from Holby)! What a formidable duo they would be.

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Morning all.


Shenfield station in the news this morning Pete 

Have a good day all.

Sounds like an AD by a member of the security services to me.


Remind me one day to tell all about another short firefight in Shenfield involving a transgender psychopath, a member of the Met's RPG, Colt Firearm Co. and me.

This pyschopathic burglar made all the headlines in London during the early eighties - including tricking his "pals" to drive his Mini whereupon it was ambushed by the Police in Portman Square and comprehensively shot up (the Police later having to pay out compensation). Fun times....


Best, Pete.

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p.s. Aren't pupil and student supposed to be different? I thought that it is pupils go to school and students go to University


Absolutely. I have no time for this modern tendency to refer to all pupils as 'students'. It's almost as though there is a belief that changing the name will somehow result in them automatically becoming more inclined to soak up knowledge like some form of intellectual osmosis. I had this constant battle during my last few years of teaching, where I refused point-blank to use or write the term 'student' unless I was referring to anyone in Post 16 education. As a Year Head I would submit reports or other documents using the term 'pupil' and they would come back with it crossed out and the term 'student' written above. I just re-submitted a fresh copy with the term 'pupil' still there. Eventually my 'Senior Link' just gave up.

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