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  • RMweb Premium

So today we have had - mist, sun, rain, sun, rain, sun then SNOW(!) - horizontal for 10 minutes and now... sun.  its a blithering, dithering weather day...


My best ever school report was from my Geography teacher ( a fellow member of prop forwards united)  " Baz should really take care with his work - despite all of my hard work he still only managed 99% in his fourth year Geography exam"  - I was amazed to have even passed it - and all I can remember is Sheep on Hills, Cattle in the Valleys - pre-modern day farming ....

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Adams442T, on 23 Jan 2014 - 11:30, said:snapback.png



A couple I remember are " His men would follow him anywhere - if only to see what F*****g stupid thing he'd do next!"  and  "This NCO should not be left in charge of himself, let alone a body of men" and

 " This man has more than sufficient ability to reach the nadir of human progress"

Has the full six pack, but lacks the plastic thing to hold it all together.

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  • RMweb Gold

Pity. I think that it would do many students good to hear, for a change, a really frank evaluation of themselves. 

I'm all for full and frank reporting but it should be done in a way that makes it obvious to the child/parent/responsible keeper what is meant rather than the teacher trying to look "edgy" when other colleagues read the report. Also I believe that nothing on a report should come as a surprise to its recipient. I don't think anyone I taught ever had any doubt about what I thought about them or their work/ attitude/ behaviour. My reward was to be given some "challenging personalities" in my tutor groups! 

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  • RMweb Gold

A classmate of mine responded to the question "was Richard III as black as he was painted?" with the answer "No, he was only slightly tanned"


He's probably a barrister by now, or a Barista.


Quality school report / appraisal comment : Whilst xxxx is here for the day, his village is missing its idiot

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Crickey! Can't remember that far back to my school reports <sigh>


Alright then... -24 with bright sun. Most of the local schools were cancelled again today (third day this month!!) due to severe wind chills of -35 to -38 at school bus pickup time.

Silly thing is, tomorrow it's expected to reach 0C with some some snow, then back down to a high of -13 Saturday.


Seems I've got a cold (damn and blast!!) dunno where from, but watering eyes, running nose (eeewwww), and sore throat. Slept well overnight once I was havily medicated :O

Think I'll give choir practise a miss today with this sore throat and all, unless I want to give the gift of my cold to everyone :nono:


I'll try and post some over the weekend, but we're (CFO and self) are off to visit our daughter in the balmy, sunny climes of Grand Forks, North Dakota.

For a geography lesson - my BEST subject in school, always an "A" - Grand Forks is about 350 miles almost DUE NORTH of my present position, about the last habitable spot in the US before you hit Canada, which due north of here shouldn't even be populated AT ALL, but indeed there's Winnipeg, right there, in the cold...


So, quick "calculations" should reveal that it's going to be actually a bloody sight COLDER up there than it is here even - I know, I know, impossible to believe and you all probably have decided by now we're totally crackers. Not to worry, a 4+ hour drive in a warm car on sparsely populated interstate highways where it's WHITE in every direction, is always and interesting diversion!


Of course this means no work on the layout this weekend <sigh>, but it's always nice to see our daughter as she's that far away :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Been here a couple of times today, but interrupted by various tasks domestic - my wish to rearrange the railway book collection came to naught, even though one of the tasks was to tidy up the bookcase concerned - because it's one of four locations, 30747 ruled that it was too disruptive for today - I had to agree as I've been feeling pretty rotten myself - though this coldfluenza did clear up a bit this afternoon, so I went for a walk - and it started to sleet - not forecast for here.


Phil H - great to hear from you, and that you're really enjoying working on the locos.  Now you know why the side vallences were taken off the A4 - easier maintenance and a better airflow round the outside valve gear - I honestly prefer the A4 without - but then I'm an LNER Philistine as I also think that the A3 looked great with the German deflectors (ducking behing parapet).


May need to have a day off RMWeb tomorrow as massive jobs list, dog sitting, and 30747 called in to work - also the lad who mends computers is coming to hopefully de-bug the PC.


Reards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Aren't pupil and student supposed to be different? I thought that it is pupils go to school and students go to University

Certainly little of what I did at skool could really be called "studying"! 5 'O' and 2 'A' levels were quite a surprise, really.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm with Stewart regarding A4's with no valences and A3's with smoke deflectors.....the best modeller in our old club had a 'Dick Turpin' with deflectors and GN tender, it was a cracker.  ISTR he won a cup with it when it was fresh off.  This was 'some time ago'..... :whistle: ...he's gone all Santa Fe nowadays, but is still the best modeller I personally know.  He also has a 7.4 litre Oldsmobile about the size of this island! :sarcastic:

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  • RMweb Gold



p.s. Aren't pupil and student supposed to be different? I thought that it is pupils go to school and students go to University

I think idiots are encouraged to do both these days.


Actually I think you are right about being honest with them. They seem to come out of education expecting to be given a plum job. One of the benefits of being given an apprenticeship was being given all the sh*t jobs. If you knucled down and did them blokes would respect you and teach you the more interesting stuff. At least that was my experience.


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  • RMweb Gold

I may have told the story of a friend whose claim to fame was a Woodwork pass.

He didn't take woodwork!

On the strength of it he obtained employment with a Swedish timber company and rose to Executive level.

I got an O level in woodwork but I don't know how. Perhaps I did well on the theory paper (History of furniture, how to turn trees into planks topics)

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I'm so glad Ian is on here - as cold as i feel I know it is worse where he is.....it just makes everything hard, even thinking blib, blib blub, blah.


We may indeed reach as high as 0C on Saturday and Monday. Terrible fire in Quebec at Retirement Home, think of fighting fires at - 25C.


I wonder if Ian Dudley-More requiers  a Lodger until the Spring?


Best, Pete.

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Yes - dreadful news, Pete.


Todays picture shows the promise of spring sometime this year.

Lumps of Wales being washed into the sea at present.

Rain now.

Rain forecast.

Showers tomorrow.

Rain storms Sunday.

Prepare for a hosepipe ban later in 2014.



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Hello all,

i' m a bit later today.

It's 8 Oktas with rain, Will clear later and a coolish 23C forecast.

I'm considering donning a cardigan.


DD Yes the Rand has Crashed, but not as bad as when I started my layout, It was then 20 Rand to the pound.

It's now heading back there. Luckily for much of the build/buy period it was 12 to the pound.

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