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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A great IT start to the day - my mobile claimed my Facebook account was spamming the world and the account had been locked - err no, actually your app updated and got itself confused, so in sorting that out I was too late for my walk so I amble down to my PC and jiggle the mouse to get the screen on, nothing, jiggle again, nothing, press keyboard, nothing. "Ahhh, batteries" I thought so I changed them - nothing. I powered the monitor off and on and it came up with "no input". At this point I should add that my PC is a few years old and like most of us is starting to play up in it's old age - hardware, not software.

I forcibly powered off the PC and then counted to 10 and powered on again, the PC was apparently booting Ok (no unusual beeping at power up) but nothing was getting to the monitor. So I extricated the base unit from under the table in the corner, took it to the family room, took it apart and reseated as many cards as I could, brought it back and tried again ... BINGO ! it's working again. I'm hoping it's temperamental attitude has also been fixed - but time will tell,

Annoyingly in doing this I missed a 37 move through the local station but getting my PC back was priority.


The sun is shining, it's Friday, Mr Bullfinch is looking grateful for todays food - have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Sherry, I know that feeling!


Av. Population density per sq. Mile:


UK:  660

France: 295

USA: 80


Of course Canada's is so low it is impossible to type....


Have a great trip! Keep us informed...


Best, Pete.


That made me do a quick calculation for Fraggle Rock - 363!  However 70% of the population live in one town, making the rest fairly open for such a small place.

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  • RMweb Gold

  I powered the monitor off and on and it came up with "no input". At this point I should add that my PC is a few years old and like most of us is starting to play up in it's old age - hardware, not software.

I forcibly powered off the PC and then counted to 10 and powered on again, the PC was apparently booting Ok (no unusual beeping at power up) but nothing was getting to the monitor. So I extricated the base unit from under the table in the corner, took it to the family room, took it apart and reseated as many cards as I could, brought it back and tried again ... BINGO ! it's working again. I'm hoping it's temperamental attitude has also been fixed - but time will tell,




I have also found that reseating and generally prodding at things inside the PC case can revitalise a computer. Fluff clogging up the fans, especially graphics card fans has been the cause of a few problems here. I blame the dog. Aditi thinks I possibly don't vacuum enough!

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  • RMweb Gold

The phone rang - and it was white van man. The usual instructions about the chateau and the two little bridges, and by the time I'd walked to the gate, there he was. UPS uniform, UPS hand-held, but someone else's van. Very smiley, complimented me on the directions, quick sig and away. And the lens - secondhand - is pristine, with the hood and bag looking unused. For £100 off the new street price, I'm well-chuffed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Two pints a day? Rank amateurs! In my 40s that was just lunch, to be followed by after work, then going out later. I calmed down a lot after turning 50 and gaining a family. However the research may be on the right track; although my memory is pretty good I tend to forget peoples' names.  I also found a while back an article that said your 'immediate access' memory could fill up, as it were, so as you got older some things became harder to recall instantly although the memory was still in there. It was expressed more scientifically than that. So I don't necessarily blame the beer!



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Sherry, I know that feeling!


Av. Population density per sq. Mile:


UK:  660

France: 295

USA: 80


Of course Canada's is so low it is impossible to type....


Have a great trip! Keep us informed...


Best, Pete.


That made me do a quick calculation for Fraggle Rock - 363!  However 70% of the population live in one town, making the rest fairly open for such a small place.


Gawd - you lot are crowded! though this is SQ.KM. rather than sq.miles


post-6688-0-45994000-1389957003.jpg  {----


figure from  http://www.highland.gov.uk/yourcouncil/highlandfactsandfigures/highlandprofile.htm

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Gold

We drove up the Icefields Parkway in Alberta last Easter. It was a beautiful clear sunny day. In some places the road was so empty we began to comment that we wondered what had happened to all the other humans. 

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We drove up the Icefields Parkway in Alberta last Easter. It was a beautiful clear sunny day. In some places the road was so empty we began to comment that we wondered what had happened to all the other humans. 


Frequently driven this one without seeing another vehicle on the single track road between the two - wondering how long you'd wait if you had a breakdown



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Remember the shop in Durness - went there in 1992 on a field trip. Post Office, grocer, greengrocer, butcher knitting wool, veterinary supplies all in one room. And some I've forgotten.


And on that trip we had eight cars - imagine the faces of some of the locals when that rally came through the single track road.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

Yesterday I mentioned the dearth of new Dukedog photos on RMWeb, and within minutes, albeit on a different thread, they appeared!


The weather seems to be stable at the moment, with another bright day, although there are a few clouds creeping in from the South West.


My newly created vision in my right eye is doing well, although the conflict between the two differing focal lengths does cause some umusement.


Falling down the last two stairs of the house in one, whilst the other is misreading some of the comments on ERs.


For instance:  Ashers comment about FREE wifi in the Gatwick Travellodge Cafe, was initially read as, Free wine.  My bags were packed before I realised the mistake.


I have been spending some time laying out train formations on the dining table:  This was, naturally, a purely academic exercise in order to ascertain formation lengths prior to making a descision on sector plate/traverser lengths


48" is good; 60" inches would be so much better. A class 37 and 22 HAAs don't even fit on the table, so it might be back to the drawing board!


Of course the Obergrumpenfuhrer saw this array laid out and said: ' I didn't know you had that much small stuff!'


Before I could stop myself I boastfully replied: 'Oh that's not even half of it'.


With the benefit of hindsight, I think that might have been a bit of a mistake, as the Clogau catalogue has just been tactfully thrust under my snout.


Goodbye sound chipped 37, Hello sparkly bauble!



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Remember the shop in Durness - went there in 1992 on a field trip. Post Office, grocer, greengrocer, butcher knitting wool, veterinary supplies all in one room. And some I've forgotten.


And on that trip we had eight cars - imagine the faces of some of the locals when that rally came through the single track road.


.......very little changes, except that the road has been done-up from Laxford Bridge to Durness - less likelyhood of meeting a large tour bus on a blind bend - though sheep are still a hazard!

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, never admit to how much stock you have. At best the other half won't speak to you for a while, at worst, well, I dread to think!

Speaking of which, I actually need to increase my stock - despite what mum thinks, I really don't have a lot at all to be honest. Certainly not enough to run the new layout (when I build it!). Not even sure I have more than two carriages come to think of it. Oh no, my wallet is quivering!

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My newly created vision in my right eye is doing well, although the conflict between the two differing focal lengths does cause some umusement.



....although it does allow you to read - my arms aren't long enough now #2 eye has been done! The cure, once you've had the second one done too (suggested by my optician!),  involved a vist to Poundland for a set of their reading glasses - I bought two pairs - big spender! - before going Google http://www.aclens.com/Reading-Glasses-Strength-Test-c148.html and you will see what strength you need

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  • RMweb Gold



With the benefit of hindsight, I think that might have been a bit of a mistake, as the Clogau catalogue has just been tactfully thrust under my snout.


Goodbye sound chipped 37, Hello sparkly bauble!




Don't worry about that sort of thing - I know an auction where you can get all that sparkly sort of stuff nice and cheap.  So first you buy it at the auction, then you take it to a jeweller for cleaning and valuation, ands watch the emergence of big self-satisfied smiles as a result of obtaining a sparkly bargain.  Mind you sometimes it can go wrong and someone else in the room has also decided that she wants it - the only satisfaction available then is pushing her bidding limit to the point where her eyes are bigger than her brain and she overpays :butcher: .

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Morning All,


I misread Gruf's post as "I have another brewery job to deal with. The last one dragged on whilst waiting for pints and service" and I thought, can't be too bad - to be paid to drink ale... I then re-read the post...


Just back from taking the Hairy Monster to the dog-sitter. We don't have to, but as he suffers from separation anxiety (much better now than when we first had him), we are slowly acclimatising him to us being away for differing amounts of time, and we make a small fuss of him upon of returning (so that he learns that no matter what we will always come back for him). Not that I can rest easy, Mrs iD HAS A LIST! and I must dash around, recycling and shopping.


On a different note, have/do any ERs lived in/live in Hull? Yesterday, I was approached by a headhunter about a senior position in a company in Hull and noises were made about "matching my present salary, terms and conditions" and I was wondering what Hull (and surrounding areas) is (are) like to live and work in.


Mind you Hull is a right pig to get to. I would either have to fly into London and take the train to Hull or fly into Leeds/Bradford (via LHR) and take the train to Hull (so no work week in Hull, weekends in Basel - at least not easily or worthwhile financially or by time time at home allowed). Out of curiosity I looked at how much a first class return London-Hull return railway ticket would be. It was obscenely high (north of £350 - for that amount I can fly BSL - LCY  with SWISS and spend 1 night in a hotel and still have money left over for shopping....) whilst on the SBB I can get a 1st Class 1 day Travelpass for CHF 121 (£82). No wonder no one sets up shop in many of the cities in the North East of England, hard to get to directly and prohibitively expensive to travel to from London (although the railfare for Leeds - Hull is a more reasonable £54 open ended 1st Class return). 


It's all academic really, I now have both a Mrs iD and a HM to maintain and take care, only one of which I can put on autopilot.


Have a good one



I'd want DOUBLE my old package to live anywhere near Hull…:-)




…said very tongue in cheek, before anyone says it's a wonderful place..

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  • RMweb Gold

ID my comments were not about the efforts made to test drugs initially. They all come with information on likely side effects which makes it all the more odd when doctors/consultants make comments like;

Oh that's a new one on me

I dont think it would have that effect

these on effects clearly listed. Couple this with the doctor changing the medication but failing to make a note of the side effect.

I do not consider that to be professional.


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  • RMweb Premium

I was making much the same point - a previous GP that I realised later (upon consulting with a new practice after transfer) had made no entry in my notes about a particular issue with a drug I had been prescribed, when the new GP suggested a return to it.  It's fair to say he wasn't impressed either, although he was doing his best to remain professional.  As the effect was unpleasant I wasn't so happy either!

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  • RMweb Premium

Jack I worked out the square mile number and rounded up it comes out at 6 people per square mile which apparently includes lakes  Max Stafford long departed from here indicated it would be his choice retirement place.




speeling again and again

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi's father was a GP and was rather traditional but absolutely up to date on medication developments. He worried that younger doctors (anyone who qualified after him!) didn't really "know their drugs". His first job was in a refugee camp and he had to be doctor, surgeon, pharmacist and lab technician. He did have two tents though!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Sorry for my prolonged absence from ERs over the last few months, but things chez 45156/30747 have been a bit stressful, and I really have not had the mojo to visit here or any of the other social sites that I usually frequented.  Also, my Laptop has somehow managed to pick up some malware which has resulted in my getting a load of adverts and the like every time I visit a website - I have just run a full scan of the PC with AVG and it has picked up a couple of threats which it has removed - so here's hoping.  


Hopefully now that I can see some light at the end of the stress-related tunnel, I should be able to visit a bit more often.  My absence was commented on by Geoff (Ohmisterporter) when I met him while walking the dog the other day, and I must say it's nice to be missed!


Regards to All


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Welcome back Stewart, stress is a pretty unpleasant thing and manifests itself in ways many do not understand. I hope it all works out for you soon, certainly the mindless cretins who create computer problems have no idea the personal impact they cause and I would leave them hanging from a lamppost by their tender parts until those fell off!

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Sherry, I know that feeling!


Av. Population density per sq. Mile:


UK:  660

France: 295

USA: 80


Of course Canada's is so low it is impossible to type....


Have a great trip! Keep us informed...


Best, Pete.

Ahhh, the figures for Minnesota are 67.1 and for Minneapolis metro area (where I live), around 7000.

Of course that sounds like a lot, until you actually traverse the area, and discover that whilst the Twin Cities area is quite bustling, it only takes aout 30 minutes to cross from one side to the other and 20 miles from the heart of downtown until you are in very sparse population areas, so even at 7000/mile it doesn't seem very crowded. We have a "rush hour" that can get quite congested, but in fairness it's very tame compared to living in a REAL metro area. I like it though, which is a good thing, I'm sure :)


So, -18 on the dot as predicted, bright and sunny with a clear sky and the wind has dropped to near zero!Nice day for a stroll :sungum: .


Have to take the car in this morning to have the folks look at a valve-cover leak, result of a timing-chain replacement a few months back, and looks like they either installed the valve-cover gasket incorrectly/poorly, or it's faulty. Hate when that happens...


Good job it's POETS day, I'm looking forward to some layout work this weekend - if I can manage it, I'm going to also try and start my layout thread today (in my spare time!!).

I don't want to bore folks (well, I DO really, since the only person truly invested in the layout is ME!!) but any suggestions as to what/how much to post of the situation to-date? On going is a snap, to just post activities/advances/catastrophies, but to get caught up, what???


Anyone daft enough to be involved in singing in a choir? Just curious. It's another hobby of mine, not that I've got a good voice or anything, but a local church has a great audition policy "show up and you're in", and is a very active place for promoting ecology, civil rights/freedom, compassion etc., so I'm part of it, also we have great pre-rehersal get togethers over beer and pizza :).

Reason for mentioning it is that over here this weekend is Martin Luther King celebrations (public holiday Monday for schools and government - not us real workers ;) ) and we always sing at two church services Sunday, and do a huge concert Sunday evening with several local artists, so Sunday I'm spoken for most of the day... layout work will be a frenzy Saturday, provided no dreaded LIST rears it's ugly head!

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