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The forecast for here for tonight is -7C, with windchill in some areas locally down to -15C. Tomorrow's high is to be -2C. What's that about ? This is Vancouver! We don't do cold! (Meanwhile, in the Peace River region of BC, the forecast for tonight, with the windchill, is -41C).  

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Just to show that us ER's cover the full gamut of weather it's a "Pea Souper" here. I can barely see the bottom of our drive. 55f in the middle of the night we'll barely get to freezing as a high on Sunday.

Last tea before bed.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, up slightly earlier today off for a scan of my heart check it is all there as it appears to be on double time.Not much damage around here local tesco was closed for a while bits fell of the roof apparently, our tomato grow bag greenhouses blew down and the shed window blew out. The biggest problem it looks like we gained other peoples leaves knee deep in places and the green bin collection has stopped for winter....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


The swollen tides have caused mayhem and there is another high tide sweeping down the Eastern coast from around 08:00  - around me the Norfolk / Suffolk coast is suffering, rail services suspended to Yarmouth and Lowestoft - not much fun having your house / premises flooded.


Still dark at the moment, having a cup of tea and then out for a walk - by doing this and eating a bit more sensibly, my weight has dropped by 7lbs again so I can comfortably get into my smaller size jeans, rather than by breathing in, deeply !




Have a good day all - there may be birds later.

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Morning All,


It was rather a windy night here too - but we survived unscathed as far as I can tell.


The North of Germany was far worse, but thankfully Hamburg got off quite lightly.  Although the storm surge was higher than the flood of (I think) 1963, the flood defences are a lot better.


It was snowing lightly when I took the little guy to school, but it is too warm to lay.  Looking out of the office window on one side I see blue sky, on the other angry battleship grey!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning All,


It was rather a windy night here too - but we survived unscathed as far as I can tell.


The North of Germany was far worse, but thankfully Hamburg got off quite lightly.  Although the storm surge was higher than the flood of (I think) 1963, the flood defences are a lot better.


It was snowing lightly when I took the little guy to school, but it is too warm to lay.  Looking out of the office window on one side I see blue sky, on the other angry battleship grey!


Have a good day everyone...

Angry, battleship grey - bah! The weather gods aren't in a bad mood until you get to GWR Freight Grey.


Seriously, the weather once more proves how puny we really are against nature. We also must remember that water will collect at low ground levels, we should not build in those places and we must stop making the ground impervious. We can do something to ameliorate increasing extremes in weather if sense overrules the desire for profit.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry & blue sky appearing,3oC & should be bright start with sunny spells, clouding over later with possibly some light rain.

Commiserations to anyone affected by the weather yesterday & through the night.

My shed roof survived but now looks a bit wrinkled! Some work needed there - or could I possibly get away with building one a bit lot bigger - to house something very dear to my heart?   :scratchhead: Nah, Chris would never let me get away with it! 

From today she no longer works Fridays & already I'm hearing "What are we going to do today? I just knew that would happen. I suppose planning a new shed might be a step too far, too soon.

Have a good one,


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Had there been less distance and better transport, I would suggest that Grandad Bob's better half spends some time with Madam Gruff (no credit cards allowed) then both he and I can make some progress on certain things he describes correctly as "near to our hearts". Remember that a real man will have at least two sheds - but not 50 grey ones!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Lovely morning here, sunny with gentle breeze. No wind damage here and we live on a hill but I suspect the park down by the railway may be quite damp. 

No tea and toast this morning as I have blood tests of the fasting variety later this morning. 

I don't have any plans for the day. I know Aditi last night started to suggest some jobs for today but she fell asleep while telling me and I forgot to enquire this morning.

Matthew is off to Mainz today, train to Stansted, Ryanair  to Frankfurt-Hahn and bus to Mainz. After the weekend he is going to Tübingen for a couple of days and then back to Leicester via Birmingham. He has been a bit concerned about his dissertation but his tutor got back to him yesterday with very positive comments so he won't be worrying while away.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Very glad no ERs folk suffered too badly in the weather dramas so far. This part of France has had no bad weather. It is milder today, overcast, and we had an overnight shower - first rain in nearly 2 weeks, I think - which has left all the farmers' mud on the road a bit interesting. No doubt our turn in the weather barrel will come.


Not much else to report. Facebook seems to be full of Mandela stuff - with almost as many regretting the meejah fest this will trigger as paying respect to the deceased. Once upon a time heroes were heroes and that was largely that.


Hope your working week ends well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ER's


Another windy night passes on FR, we don't seem to have moved south at all so the anchors held!  Hope the east coast is OK, the potential flooding is horrible to imagine.  I noticed yesterday afternoon's tide here was the highest I can recall seeing.


Mountain road is closed though, must be a half inch of snow up there....#sigh#.  So late to work again.  Just as well I'm on flexi.  And the office boss. :jester:  that helps! :angel:


It pleases me to see the mention of family gatherings at this time of year - I certainly agree that family bonds should be reinforced, and it's as good a time as any!  Can we move non-denominational Thanksgiving to a time deeper in winter???..... :O  :jester: No? Ah well.

Did someone mention a grey shed ?




Crikey, if one of those blew over I'd really be worried!

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  • RMweb Gold

My symapthy to all those suffering from flooding. From two to twelve I lived about 20yards from the river Thames. In 1947 before I was born the Thames had flooded right through the house and half a mile beyond. My Grandfather had put the chickens in hutches on th shed roof. The water was about 3ft deep in the house but he managed to get out to feed the chickens using chairs. A friend rescused them by boat and came down every day by boat to feed the hens till the waters subsided. After that year it never came through the house again but every year the river would flood and come up the path towards the front door and we couldn't go out that way. It always worried my father and he was glad to move. Seeing as we could not only see the river but also the Railway beyond I was not pleased.

We now have a bungalow with a stream at the top of the garden it runs in a channel. We dicussing work with the builders I made sure that the paving will slope so that any water runs away round the side of the house just in case it should overflow.


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I looked into using Ryanair for my trip to the Spur Null day near Gießen last year.  Frankfurt-Hahn appears to be nearer Strasbourg than Frankfurt!


Yes - Matthew has quite a bus ride ahead of him.  You can do it in an hour on a good day - but it usually takes longer.

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Did someone mention a grey shed ?



Classy modelling there Beast, the trackside detritus is superb and I wonder how they get the vegetation to look so real? I know it isn't the real thing, there aren't any cars, middle aged men in lycra or white van men on the road.



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  • RMweb Gold

The Obergrumpenfuhrer, in her infinite wisdom, has booked us on a cruise departing Sunday from S'ton, to Casablanca and back, via various other ports.


Her reasoning was we couldn't go on holiday in the new year because of my cataract operations, which i have to say is logical thinking.


But why we have to do a cruise that has to go through the Bay of Biscay twice?


Fortunately I enjoy a bit of bumpy water, but I'm not looking forward to the inevitable smell of stale parrot vomit.


Still looking on the bright side, we have a cabin with a balcony, so I'll be able to lie out there as we sail down the Solent, wearing shorts, a string vest and the obligatory knotted hanky, soaking up the spume and icicles.


My son is being left in charge whilst we are away, and on learning this, Elsa has begged us to let her stay at the kennels.


I must now clean the car





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No major damage here from the high winds yesterday and, after rain last night as I drove home from the theatre, we now have a fine day after a frosty start.


"The Railway Children" opens tonight with a charity performance (final Dress Rehearsal) with the main week long run beginning tomorrow. By last night I really felt confident about all my entrances/ costume changes, etc. No mean feat as, in Act 2, I go from being a "lady" to a "workman" (photos will follow if we have time!) and back to my original role as Cook within about a dozen pages of script. Another quick change follows so that I can be a lady with the crowd of well wishers on the train, waving to the children just before the denouement and curtain call.


Have a good start to the weekend, everyone!

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No major damage here from the high winds yesterday and, after rain last night as I drove home from the theatre, we now have a fine day after a frosty start.


"The Railway Children" opens tonight with a charity performance (final Dress Rehearsal) with the main week long run beginning tomorrow. By last night I really felt confident about all my entrances/ costume changes, etc. No mean feat as, in Act 2, I go from being a "lady" to a "workman" (photos will follow if we have time!) and back to my original role as Cook within about a dozen pages of script. Another quick change follows so that I can be a lady with the crowd of well wishers on the train, waving to the children just before the denouement and curtain call.


Have a good start to the weekend, everyone!

Wish you well treading the boards, hope you have completed all the Christmas shopping in advance.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yes - Matthew has quite a bus ride ahead of him.  You can do it in an hour on a good day - but it usually takes longer.

He has researched it and knows about the time it will take. He didn't think an hour was too bad. Some of the Greyhound trips he took in Canada were considerably longer. I don't recall if he told me what his departure airport from Germany is next week. I know he is going to Birmingham on FlyBe. He did tell me that his friend will sort out transport for him though. Matthew said that the European Geographer magazine wanted him on the editorial team as English is his native language. He thinks that the German editors probably speak and write better English than he does though.

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Break a leg Ashers !


Our Connie is in her second performance of Grease tonight - Jill and I are back tomorrow for the final performance - apparently they've taken on board my comments about the "You're the one that I want" dance and have changed it ! - I never put myself down as an art critic but when in Rome.

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Wish you well treading the boards, hope you have completed all the Christmas shopping in advance.

Many thanks to you and the rest of the ER gang for your tolerance of my dramatic escapades!!


As to the Christmas shopping: most of it has been completed but few cards have been written, only some important ones for overseas.

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