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  • RMweb Gold


On a slightly different subject, friends of mine flew from S Africa to Oz for a holiday - arrived today.

They've been held up in Customs.

Fined A$1,000 for having too much cash, body searched etc.,.

They now have 'points' against them (don't know what 'points' are).

Apparently Customs thought they were drug runners and confiscated their detergent.

The extra cash was a bonus find for Customs.


It could have happened here too. I think you can bring in quite large amounts of cash but have to declare at customs if you have more than £10000 (or some such amount). I think the question on the US customs form was $10000. These are not questions I've ever needed to worry about!

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  • RMweb Gold


On a slightly different subject, friends of mine flew from S Africa to Oz for a holiday - arrived today.

They've been held up in Customs.

Fined A$1,000 for having too much cash, body searched etc.,.

They now have 'points' against them (don't know what 'points' are).

Apparently Customs thought they were drug runners and confiscated their detergent.

The extra cash was a bonus find for Customs.


Did they knowingly exceed the cash limit. It always seems odd to me when people risk breaking the laws of other countries. You are not in a very good position if you break laws like that. However if they were unaware of the laws and it was something that they just hadn't thought of they have my sympathy. It would not have occurred to me. You would think they would be pleased if you spent it there. What an odd world it is.


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The UK seems to exhibit little concern about what enters and leaves the country whereas Oz has consistently taken a much less tolerant line so this perhaps is not surprising. I expect to be in Oz later next year but will be mainly using debit cards so will only need to carry a limited amount of cash. I have travelled this way for many years now. My sympathies to those who fall foul of the restrictions but those restrictions are detailed on the immigration forms and can be checked prior to your initial departure on the national web sites. My understanding of the issue of Points is that they may preclude further visits and will count against you if you decide to emigrate to Oz.

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Morning all,  up at silly-o'clock for an early internal flight.....all being well should be back this evening. Yesterday was full of meetings....seems that the sales teams have excelled themselves and I've got a busy year ahead....


Whatever you're up to today, try and find something to smile at?



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry & 7oC, will be mainly cloudy with slight chance of a sunny period or two.

Normal service has resumed with Chris back to work at 5.45 but she is a happier bunny because she's reducing her hours from this week & only going in for three mornings instead of four. This of course benefits me as I take her to work! :yes: There is a slight downside to this of course because it means I'll have to be a bit more careful in planning smuggling operations of railway related parcels. :scratchhead:

Today I'm hoping to do a couple of hours work on the layout & then the kids will be here after school.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Looking chilly outside - need to stock up on defroster fluid for the car. Lesson this morning, probably followed by attending an English stage play with my current 10th class. GP appointment in the afternoon...

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Morning All,


It is another chilly morning here - not as cold as we had last week, but the temperature is only slightly above freezing.


Today's drive to work took a lot less time than yesterday's did.


This evening, we have our team Christmas Dinner, which should be quite nice.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, up early today for me , not for any particular reason though.

It's pitch black outside, so not sure what the weather is at the moment once I've enjoyed my porridge I will venture out for a paper and see for myself.


Enjoy the day folks

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The UK seems to exhibit little concern about what enters and leaves the country whereas Oz has consistently taken a much less tolerant line so this perhaps is not surprising. I expect to be in Oz later next year but will be mainly using debit cards so will only need to carry a limited amount of cash. I have travelled this way for many years now. My sympathies to those who fall foul of the restrictions but those restrictions are detailed on the immigration forms and can be checked prior to your initial departure on the national web sites. My understanding of the issue of Points is that they may preclude further visits and will count against you if you decide to emigrate to Oz.


He is an Ozzy.

Yes - they took a chance - they were entitled to A$20K between them and took A$32K.

They are mega-rich (he deals in oil wells) and for once had to pay the price.

The blow to their dignity was the worst part I think (apart from the 'deep' searches!).

I believe it's more a case of getting money out of S Africa than importing it to Oz.

They are there for six weeks so would easily have spent that amount.

I couldn't even afford his wine bill.

Like others have mentioned, I normally take a reasonable float and then use Visa.

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A bit daft, really, DD,  to carry that much cash around. Not necessary in this day and age. If they have that much dosh it is usual for (even High Street) banks to appoint a "concierge" to personally look after them.

Particularly as it must have appeared suspicious considering their laws on entry - and the well know proclivities  of paymasters of both drug cartels and certain terrorist groups.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. A chilly start to the day here with gardening planned.

Picked up the metal edging from the in-laws over the weekend. Think there was something of the Chinese whispers in terms of quantity of edging available though.

I heard they had 5 x 5m, whereas actually it was 5m in 5 x 1m sections. So, enough to shutter in one part of the garden but need to place an order to do the rest.


Relaxing and extended w/e at the in-laws with us doing an early Christmas lunch. I can heartily recommend the M&S sage, onion and pork stuffing - comes in a van tray. Very moist, meaty and a cut above the packet varieties that haunt many a Christmas table.   


Got my order in for school Christmas play early. They claim to work a "first come, first served" method. The office told me I was the fifth parent to ask for tickets. Each family is allowed 4 tickets, so I sort of assumed we'd get seats 21-24. Seems their system also involves throwing all the applications in the air as our tickets are towards the back of the school hall. Sort of means my aged mun will neither see nor hear and will struggle to climb over everyone's feet to get to her seat. Grrr.


Invested in a bottle of mead at the weekend. First time I had that was on Holy island and had been brewed up by the monks there. This bottle is from Lymme bay.


Hope you all have a nice day. Andy 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning - too dark here to see what the weather is doing.


Railway room carpeted.... :sungum:   never have I had such luxury....


Chippie coming to shave bits off doors to get them to fit over new carpet today. More painting to do but at least its all had a coat ...


Stay calm everyone - Christmas is coming but better still the nights (in the Northern Hemisphere) will soon be drawing out...


back later


Barry O

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


A dull and grey morning today - an extra stone train ran into Norwich this morning, it was booked to pass at 07:31 and therefore was always going to be in doubt, but when it passed running 20 early there was no chance. Fortunately its exactly the same train as yesterday, literally, so the inbound working would appear identical to yesterdays ! - luckily it is booked out at lunchtime today so I can get the return working - hopefully.


Have a good day all - there may be avian reports later !

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A bit daft, really, DD,  to carry that much cash around. Not necessary in this day and age. If they have that much dosh it is usual for (even High Street) banks to appoint a "concierge" to personally look after them.

Particularly as it must have appeared suspicious considering their laws on entry - and the well know proclivities  of paymasters of both drug cartels and certain terrorist groups.


Best, Pete.


Morning boys and girls...


I may be wrong Pete, but I'm guessing that deep down their driver was getting cash out of SA rather than taking cash into Oz.  From my dealings with well off guys from SA who left to go to safer countries, they all had some difficulties in getting their money out of SA and tried every possible route, even making several journeys with smaller amounts.


No matter what your lifestyle is these days, cash is generally only needed for simple things in life.  Everything else is via a card…. 

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