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  • RMweb Gold

Isn't it  passed your bedtime, Tony?

You read about the male protester in Red Square? My legs are double-crossed...


Probably is past my bedtime but the wife and son have been having a phone conversation of an academic nature. 

I hope that the protester doesn't follow up the hammer with a sickle.

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You're on your own there then Don... :no:


Oh to be in Cape Town with some warmth on my back.  


Lovely to read and see the videos/pics from Warley.  It's certainly the next best thing to being there.  Maybe I'll brave it one day.


Today will be a few hours in the cold with 108 other Seniors, all of which will be wrapped in numerous layers to keep the chill out, but that will still beat the Christmas shopping 'we have planned' for later in the week.


Have a good one wherever you are and whatever you're doing.

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  • RMweb Gold

DD You told us to remind you to tell us the antics of your BiL. Consider yourself reminded!

I think it might take too long Don.

Either that or DD is holding out for the book and film rights.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, it is dark but dry and chilly outside. Thw zafira will make it's final visit to bristol street motors service department today I hope, the dash says insp O which means the oil has lost it's lubrication properties and needs replacing........ I will let you know the outcome. Have a good monday!

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Morning All,

It is rather a cold morning here - but we have sunshine and bright blue sky which is nice. The temperature is around -2°C.

I had a fairly quiet weekend, but am currently trying to deal with a change of Electric supplier. They have put the price up quite dramatically for the beginning of next year, so I changed provider. The only trouble is, the new provider can only deliver from the beginning of 2015 because they missed the six week deadline by two days and the old contract has been extended by a year...

Apparently, I still have the right to terminate the old contract - but only by an extra-ordinary termination because they have put the prices up. However, it is all time and effort that has to be put in.

I may be straying into Politics here, but the energy suppliers should be taken back under state control in order to put an end to this idiocy :threaten:


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but very dull, (me & the weather) 4oC, there may be some rain, there may be some sunshine, who knows?

Sounds like a shopping trip is being planned - whoopee - unfortunately there are no model railway shops where we're going. I need to persuade someone that there are other towns available! :yes:


Have a good one.


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  • RMweb Premium

I may be straying into Politics here, but the energy suppliers should be taken back under state control in order to put an end to this idiocy :threaten:


Same should happen here as most of our suppliers seem to be French or German owned....... which has a bearing on future power station build programmes....

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The BiL saga is not yet complete.

I have the option of sending him to prison which I treasure.

Only reaction from others close to me is staying my hand.

Any other action would result in me going to prison so not a good alternative.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


grey and cloudy today. My plasterer returns today after being poorly late last week.


Getting over Warley - I don't think some people realise how hard the volunteers and site people work.  


Got to go through oodles of railway stuff  today to try and get it sorted and listed - then I am going to continue my great loft clearout sale!!


Have a stupendously great day everyone and try to stay calm....


Barry O

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Dom, is weathering locos and stock a popular hobby interest in Germany?

Have fun at the library. Do German librarians have the obsession with silence that once seemed to be the case here in the UK?

It is with some modellers at least! I do know my locos are unrealistically clean...


The library visit will have to do with a presentation of newly published books, so I'm sure this will be interesting for me also!

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I fully agree with your suggestion Robert, the Energy Industry is taking us all for idiots but they are a cartel and they use the comments of shallow politicians and the Green Lobby to justify their increased charges. Ultimately the comparison between the UK and German business electricity costs in September this year are that you pay around 28% of what UK businesses pay, all helping to make the UK less competitive and providing yet more income for the UK's politicians to squander.

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Morning all,


Late on parade as my internet connection was only staying up for a few seconds earlier this morning. (Grump)


I know all about the knackered feeling after shows, for many years I was heavily involved in a 3 day one! So always took the Monday off ...Exhibiting for even a two day was pretty tiring too.


Well another week dawns, and it's the end of another month!


Try and have a good day today,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, chilly and cloudy here, with little prospect of sun on our backs.


Rather creaky this morning after yesterdays exertions at Grumble Glen.


I second Barry's comments about exhibiting, as a serial exhibitor myself and my old club across used to have an annual exhibuition I know only too well how tiring it can be.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Energy companies - pfff.


Currently train spotting from the breakfast table - I've just noticed the stone has left Ely heading my way so in about 15 minutes I''ll leave and intercept it at Eccles (with a camera of course), there's also an empty stock move heading the other way at around the same time, this could be anything from a 153 to a 37 and coaches (although it hasn't left Norwich yet, 10 late so far) - the excitement is almost overwhelming, almost.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Not quite so cold overnight, but a cloudy start balances the joy. Some brightness, so survival likely.


Sheena rang mid-afternoon to say, in a roundabout way, that she'd had two goats slaughtered and did I want any meat, as well as had I got any spare capacity in my freezers? Affirmative to both, and I expected to get a knock at the door later in the day. Never heard another word.


GP was better than some - the track helps - but all the mush about Webber retiring from F1 was a bit puke-making. BBC coverage has gone more and more down-market and populist over the years. A publicly-funded corporation should be all about quality, not mass appeal. Perhaps they'll re-jig the team again over the Winter.


Hope your week goes well. I'm with Gordon - delighted not to be going to work!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Glad to hear that Warley was a success for all concerned. 

Something of an overcast start to the day here with the prospect of digging in compost to get some exercise later.


Very much enjoyed the Dr Who special over the weekend. Had to catch up with it by way of a recording as on Saturday I was ferrying folk home from the (now traditional) event of having my mother round to watch "Strictly" with her grandchildren. The rest of the family watched it while I went and did the week's shopping yesterday lunchtime. Got home to find one child had been terrified and watched from (you guessed it) behind the sofa. The trauma was still there by bedtime, so we ended up with an extra thermal source in with us last night! 


Interesting to see how many daleks there were in the playground this morning - looks like Dr Who is going to cascade down the generations again! Rather bizarrley I overheard one child exclaim: "They showed a character with asthma - that's a bit racist, don't you think?" 


Christmas shopping is nearly done and I even went to the trouble of filling up a basket at a well known Liverpool-based emporium for swmbo. I believe a Class 20 may be under the tree this year. :) 


Turkey ordered. Mike, if you happen to be in the Alton area then Brocks the butcher opposite Alton Model Centre has a hamper draw for £2 a ticket for anyone ordering a turkey. The prize is a £130 hamper with a side of beef, stuffing, a turkey, etc. Reckon the odds are favourable as they probably only sell a couple of hundred turkeys, limiting the number of possible entrants? 


Don't know about the Beeb coverage of F1 going down hill. I heard them say on the news this morning that "Building work for the 2016 Olympics is behind schedule in the capital, Rio." 

All I will say is that when I did my O level Geography the capital of Brazil had 4 syllables and now seems to have 2 syllables.  :rtfm:


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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4:21am and coming up to (down to) -9C on the outskirts of the NYC Metroplex.


Pleased that I may be getting some more film work, we'll see. I'll survive either way.


I'm amazed that so many people are so prepared for Christmas. I refuse to think about it until after Thanksgiving Day (this Thursday).

Annoyed that my Wife has asked some actors over for dinner. Actors are so freaking boring, in person.


Need tea; so later..............


Best, Pete.

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