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  • RMweb Gold


Still sore, tramadol time I think, and try to work out why I AM so sore!  Humbug. 



How many days is it since your "bike it you'll like it" escapade to give trisonic Pete your impressions? I have certainly had aches and pains turn up several days after the activity that caused them.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good news for a change, the consultant is very happy with his handiwork and no more appointments for 6 months :O  she still can't walk but the clunk as she goes upstairs should wear off soon. Time will be the healer from now on so seven weeks after what was her third operation apparently she is usually pain free and fully mobile with crutches or as much as she has ever been having been disabled for nearly 17 years now. Obviously having read Neils posts there will be no counting of chickens but it is more upbeat. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Developing an interest in Swiss Railways, Tony?  

There is a(very) small collection of Bemo HOm waiting to see the light of day if I get too feeble to get out to the garage to play trains. :senile: 

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  • RMweb Premium

It's just a blip, Mick.  It has happened before, I was warned it would happen occasionally, but last night was both hips - the 'good' one isn't that good either, I have stage 2 arthritis in it also, but at least I don't have the impingement on that side.  After exercising just now for 30 minutes I feel a bit better, loosened up.  Of course the painkillers help!

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sleet last night as I left the railway club - today mixed clouds and a bit of blue sky..


Watched a bit of the test match - shame England couldn't keep the grip on all day but seems OK)  


Lots to do today before I set off for the NEC this pm after which any access on to here will be via any free wifi - unless I can cadge access of Andy Y......


So - have a great day today and enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend.....


Barry O


That makes me think we could do with a Horseshoe for Good Luck button.



See you at the weekend, Barry.


Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Premium

How many days is it since your "bike it you'll like it" escapade to give trisonic Pete your impressions? I have certainly had aches and pains turn up several days after the activity that caused them.


Nah, that was last Saturday - I've been fine up until yesterday afternoon.  I suspect the grim weather and fast atmospheric pressure changes are to blame, with many fronts passing our way together with sleet and howling winds.  I was only out for an hour on the bike, the same as the previous weekend which didn't have any adverse effect.


Lack of trains could be the problem?

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, we saw Dad off in style today.


It was a beautiful, sunny day and there was a much larger crowd than we expected


My children read the lessons and my brother and I delivered the eulogy


The chapel at the crematorium really rang out to 'Guide Me Oh thy Great Redeemer' at the conclusion of the service(aka Bread of Heaven).


Many thanks to all the PMs and messages of support.


We are back off to Telford tomorrow, after which my normal service to ERs and RMWeb will be resumed.





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  • RMweb Gold

I love organ music.

I started to say that the local vicar would let me play with his organ but knowing ERs I thought I better rephrase it. The local vicar let me play/practise on the local church organ as much as I wanted provided that I would step in for weddings or funerals if their regular organist was unavailable or double booked.  Now I have to make do with an occasional bash on an electronic keyboard.  It is quite good quality but obviously it just can't compare with the physical presence of a pipe organ.  Many (many) years ago I was lucky enough to have a go on a theatre Wurlitzer. That was an experience too.

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  • RMweb Premium


Your post with the link to Widor's Toccata set me off on a marathon session of listening to organ music!





I love organ music.

I started to say that the local vicar would let me play with his organ but knowing ERs I thought I better rephrase it. The local vicar let me play/practise on the local church organ as much as I wanted provided that I would step in for weddings or funerals if their regular organist was unavailable or double booked.  Now I have to make do with an occasional bash on an electronic keyboard.  It is quite good quality but obviously it just can't compare with the physical presence of a pipe organ.  Many (many) years ago I was lucky enough to have a go on a theatre Wurlitzer. That was an experience too.


Glad you liked it Don - I ended up on a classical odyssey till lunchtime. Certainly helped with the writing I was attempting. 

Back in the 70s I was "into" albums by Rick Wakeman and was always trying my hand at his compositions on the upright piano in our dining room. Sounds a bit better on he Roland keyboard I was given for my 40th. But, realistically, nowhere close. :(

Never had the opportunity to play a church organ, although I was dragooned into playing for Sunday service at a Durham college (Van Mildert?) in the 70s. 


Take a look at this piece of


In later years his playing has, imho, continued to please. Here's

And finally for pure nostalgia....

from Lincoln Cathedral with shades of the Wurlitzer, BoD. Hang on until the end...there's a treat. :)



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Thanks for the Rick Wakeman organ links Andy. I like the way he plays individual notes, if you know what I mean. Too often the sight of all the knobs and pipes seems to go to the head of church organ players with the result that there is just a loud blur of music. If one knows the tune being played you subconsciously supply the tune to the blur, If you don't know the tune it remains a blur. Just my opinion, there are others.

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  • RMweb Premium

Odd thing, church organs - as an aetheist....I love church organ music!  The majesty of, for instance, York Minster's organ is simply overwhelming for me, I am almost moved to tears when I hear it played well - Widor or Bach is fine!


I'm an odd one, I know..... :sungum:

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Loved the organ music and glad to read all went well for you Richard...


Just had a surreal experience.  Enjoyed the golf and BN day, although I have to admit far too much BN was consumed.  Walked home hoping the fresh air would disguise the amount of alcohol consumed.  For future reference, forget it.  Mrs S just happened to be outside getting something from her car and picked it up from yards away.  Eventually it got the better of me, so I retired for a few minutes.  Woke up at 6.40 when Mrs S checked that I was still alive.  Thinking it was 6.40am and I had slept right through, I thought I'd better get up and make the tea.  Came downstairs in my dressing gown to see her watching TV and it was then the penny dropped…...


Happy to have the 12 hours back, but still convinced it was am not pm….


The French have a lot to answer for. 

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Not sure what's happening with the "reply quoting this post" facility" but it won't so I can't!


Anyway, just wanted to say that "The Dambusters' March" was played in our church on organ, trumpet, flute and clarinet on Remembrance Sunday; we actually have a hymn to that tune too.


And going back to Don B's morning post about his listening choice - Bach's "Wachet Auf"  was played at our wedding in 1971 at a little country chuch in Holly, Michigan, USA where the poor organist, unused to brides requesting anything unusual, struggled for many hours to learn the instrumental version of this cantata.


Sorry to hear about Neil's painful joints and hope the painkillers continue to work their magic.


My post yesterday about Alice  was not clear: she is home from hospital and doing well, having slept quite a lot today. Her brother, William (3) is overjoyed at her return and I think Mum and Dad are quite pleased too!


Again, thank you for all the kind "heart"ed support!!

Edited by Ashcombe
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We saw Rick Wakeman at Theatr Gwynedd, Bangor some time ago.  Impressive, to say the least.  WOW, in fact.


The theatre has since been knocked down.  The new build will be called Theatr Bryn Terfel:




Looking forward to some class acts coming our way when it's finished.





Edit: re-entered link  as it didn't go anywhere!  Hopefully ok now.

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Glad you liked it Don - I ended up on a classical odyssey till lunchtime. Certainly helped with the writing I was attempting. 

Back in the 70s I was "into" albums by Rick Wakeman and was always trying my hand at his compositions on the upright piano in our dining room. Sounds a bit better on he Roland keyboard I was given for my 40th. But, realistically, nowhere close. :(

Never had the opportunity to play a church organ, although I was dragooned into playing for Sunday service at a Durham college (Van Mildert?) in the 70s. 


Take a look at this piece of


In later years his playing has, imho, continued to please. Here's

And finally for pure nostalgia....

from Lincoln Cathedral with shades of the Wurlitzer, BoD. Hang on until the end...there's a treat. :)



I saw Rick Wakeman performing the Six Wives in front of Hampton Court four years ago with BRIAN BLESSED as the compere - a lovely night. I must be regressing as I went to see Brit Floyd last weekend will be seeing Yes at the NIA in May next. Now that should be some progressive evening!


As for now, I find myself unable to stand most of the daytime R2 offering, preferring ClassicFM in the background although if I can be bothered to set it up, I have more than three weeks music on hard drive that ranges from classical through jazz, swing, soul, rock and into 60's pop. I'm glad to say that most of that is also on my son's storage as he is a man of eclectic taste (for a 20-something).


Edit for grammar.

Edited by Gruffalo
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  • RMweb Gold

All this talk of Rick Wakeman prompted me to have a quick blast of Jouney to the Centre of the Earth. It's a good while since I have listened to it. Mrs Bod is out for he evening so I fear the volume may have erred a tad on the loud side of what is normally acceptable.

Now for a bit organ music or perhaps one of Duarte Lobo's requiems.


Do you remember the time when it was compulsory, or so it seemed, to have an 'on my stereo' at the end of every post?

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  • RMweb Premium

Have to agree with Tony about the Lincoln cathedral rendition. I included that one for the fly past at the end. Good to see a rendition flight with a happy ending.  :keeporder:


I saw Rick Wakeman once at a gig in Camberley. Someone told me he started all his tours in Camberley; whether this is true or not I don't know. I believe I may have seen him at the Cliffs Pavillion in Westcliffe, too around the time he did the 1984 album and had to witthdraw performance of it as it was in breach of copyright; the Orwell estate wanted all the royalties earned from his performance of it apparently!  :banned:

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  • RMweb Gold

I know I have Rick Wakemans "The Six Wives of..." on vinyl and I think I have it on some sort of digital download. I just turned on my iPod to look and it wants to update its OS again. I suppose I could have declined but it would probably sulk if I didn't.

It now wants to "update my apps". Selected that. There is one called "Find My Friends". I want one called "Find My Keys"

I have checked and I do have the album though it was in the "cloud" rather than on the iPod. I must be getting old I think I preferred my previous unintelligent iPod though this one can control trainsets when I find the roundtuit app.



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