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Enjoying thunder and lightning at he moment.

The last flash was very close, almost at exactly the same time as the thunder which set various bits and pieces rattling.

I love a good electric storm.

OH OH HO yes. . . it certainly is a goodun. . . .No folk club tonight me thinks

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Unlike wind, electrical storms are a rare thing here!  Boy is it windy now though.  Outside, that is.


Dunno about three legged sheep, but our local Loughtan (pro. lock-tan) lamb is a treat, a stronger, almost liverish flavour to it.  They're scary things though, they have four horns.

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Evening all, it piddled down yesterday evening, so I ensconced myself in my workshop with a pint of English winter ale (the real stuff :) ) and continued laying rows of slates for the pub on the curved roof templates. I think I laid about 8 strips before deciding that continuing would certainly lead to me making major errors...


8 rows? I never cease to underwhelm myself.


Glad to hear that things are improving, one way or another, for all our ER chums who have had a rough November.


It's 2 days to Warley and then Christmas slowly hoves into view (unless you are unlucky enough to be somewhere where the Yuletide shopping frenzy kicks off in November ([grump mode ON] something I reckon should be reduced to EXACTLY 10 days before Dec 25 [/grump mode OFF]). So with the pleasant prospect of ersatz bactchelorhood, model railways, BEER and Baltis awaiting me in Brum in under 72 hours, I bid you all good night!



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IOMSP sailings suspended; England`s cut off! :mosking:


Afternoon All


Odd how NHN posts so often about high winds, cancelled sailings, and the like, when at the other end of the sea route, (Heysham) the weather is so totally different - we had no really high winds in Lancaster today,  though we had a frost last night, and then things warmed up considerably with heavy rain which was accompanied by wind, but not of the Force 9 variety.  


Other than that, not a great deal happening to me here, though I've caught up, and send generic commiserations, congratulations, etc to those who have posted over the last few days.


Regards to All



Wales got cut off, too...

The sun was shining, so despite the wind and cold, I went out to catch a photo of the Euston-Holyhead (Menai Bridge 12:20) 1D83 and the Birmingham-Holyhead (Menai Bridge 12:35) 1D12.


By the time the Virgin train came along it had turned quite cloudy.



After a couple of minutes it went decidedly dark so I jacked it in - just as the rain started to come down - thankfully, not much.


Checking Realtime Trains later, I discovered I had saved myself a long wait.  The train had been cancelled from Chester - train connection problems, it seems.


I don't know about Realtime but it's definitely time to get out the scarf and gloves to go with the (never mind what it looks like, it keeps me warm) bobble hat.



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Hello all,

It's 7:15 here and  Bach's Wachet auf played by organ and trumpet is on the radio. Grand stuff to start the day.

It's clear but with a brisk South Easter blowing and some cloud drifting over the top of the mountain.

Max 24C forecast,

Getting nearer to the weekend for you working stiffs!

I hope your day is happy.

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Morning all, just starting to get light here (6:15) looks like it's going to be a dry day....perhaps!


Talking of lightning, while I was at Portharcourt the other afternoon there was a lightning strike nearby which caused our generation station to shut down.. Ok the protection equipment worked, just like it was supposed to!


What ever you're up to today, try and stay dry and warm.



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Morning all.  Beaujolais Nouveau day at the club.  08.54 start but a full English Breakfast and 1/2 bottle of BN for all before we start.  No doubt more red stuff will be consumed after, so my reduced 2013 alcohol intake rule will go out the window….


Despite the rain last night all seems quiet out there this morning..


I was told 'we're' going Christmas shopping next week… :O


Can't really complain though, I've got away with it for 20 odd years or so...

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Morning All,


It is another somewhat murky morning here - but at least it is dry at the moment.


Hmmm - Christmas shopping - Can't say that I am a big fan of it either, but then I enjoy the giving part so I guess it is a necessary evil!  Having said that, the possibility of ordering something and then having it turn up on the doorstep is far favourable to having to fight your way around overcrowded shops.


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all, nothing left of last nights snow, so it is just wet and cold out there I hope. Mrs B to the consultant today he is hoping to tell her she can drive today, somewhere between slim chance and no chance at all she still can't walk. The thought of walking in snow on crutches really frightened her. Good job we bought a wheel chair.

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Morning all.

Warmer and breezier here today.

Parcels coming today, a couple of which are train related and the other is a bigger extractor fan for the shower. I fitted the proper vent in the summer and water vapour removal seemed OK but now it is a bit cooler it shows up the inadequacy of the standard inline fan. My brother also wants me to collect an eBay purchase from somewhere locally, some sort of amateur radio transceiver thingy. 



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sleet last night as I left the railway club - today mixed clouds and a bit of blue sky..


Watched a bit of the test match - shame England couldn't keep the grip on all day but seems OK)  


Lots to do today before I set off for the NEC this pm after which any access on to here will be via any free wifi - unless I can cadge access of Andy Y......


So - have a great day today and enjoy the rest of the week and the weekend.....


Barry O

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Morning from a very tired NHN.  Slept really badly, so I've put a flexi day in and am going back to bed.  First day I have missed since going back to work after my surgery 8 months ago, why does it chose now to have such a painful night?  I didn't do anything out of the ordinary yesterday either. Grump....

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Morning from a very tired NHN.  Slept really badly, so I've put a flexi day in and am going back to bed.  First day I have missed since going back to work after my surgery 8 months ago, why does it chose now to have such a painful night?  I didn't do anything out of the ordinary yesterday either. Grump....

Didn't you get very wet last weekend Neil? Cold and damp often affects joint mobility and gives pain.

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Very, very wet, yes!  I've been OK up until last night, if anything I felt I had three good days but a colleague just text me to say she thought I didn't look as if I was moving too good later yesterday in the office.  According to my physioterrorist it is change in atmospheric pressure more than anything that affects joints, and as the weather was atrocious last night that may account for it.


I'm off for kip, thanks for caring!

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Good morning all,

Damp start today & the temperature has shot up to 5oC. There may be some sunshine this afternoon.

I'm having a break from decorating today so instead I will "enjoy" the pleasures of some housework! :no: I really need to get a life. work on the "trainset".

Have a good one,


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Morning all. Chilly and damp here. 


Taking Don's theme of a little Bach to get the day going I've chosen a bit of

 to get the creative juices flowing.


All this talk about Christmas shopping trips. I've taken the shortcut by ordering my own Christmas presents through Amazon - other online retailers are available.

I started off with a bit of nostalgia for school holiday TV from my youf and ordered a set of Laurel and Hardy DVDs (including the piano removal episode). Hoping swmbo took the hint and gets me the one where they do the washing up. I had intended to get it for the two youngsters in the household to help with their education, but then realised I was the only person who hadn't got any idea what to ask for for Christmas, so made it as a present to myself instead; £4 well spent. Pushing the boat out I've also asked for a packet of jumbo peanuts. Following tradition our open gas fire needs some replacement artificial coal... :mail:


Seems that November has brought with it a lot of sadness and ill health for the ER gang. Hope that December brings better fortune and improved health.

Remember it is only about 4 weeks until the days get longer (this solar forecast may not apply to postcodes south of the Equator   :no:  :sungum: ).

Best, Andy

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Morning all


Last night was supposed to be dry, after a wet day. It rained pretty much all night, was bright and clear at 9, is now thinking it might like to rain again. At least streams and aquifers will all be nice and full for Spring. 2.5 degrees at 0930 GMT.


A leading ER person had posted elsewhere a pic of his new phone, and as I've been increasingly pissed off with Orange - who sadly also own the national telecomm network here - I wanted to change. I now have a contract - instead of PAYG that didn't want to let me do anything much - with a telecom firm that I think piggyback on the majors. My new phone isn't as posh as his (first sentence) but at least it's the same make & only cost me I euro, so that's not bad, and I keep the same number.


Commiserations to those suffering, and I hope everyone's day goes well.

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Morning all,


Sunshine is promised for later but it looks like it will probably be a lot later.  On the more cheery side a nice blue box arrived from Shildon yesterday containing an exceedingly pretty little tank engine (which isn't even GWR, but it's still pretty) and tomorrow I'm off to Swindon to collect another box - then buying some bogie wheels at Warley on Saturday no doubt.  More promising news in connection with some earlier research labours although I doubt anything will be announced before/at Warley.


Warley should also produce the latest Lightmoor Press catalogue which should help to sort my Christmas list, I hope.


Have a good day one & all.

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