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I have noticed that many are commenting on the dismal weather that we seem to have at the moment.


However...  Is it just me, or do we seem to have overcast and grey weather more often these days?


I seem to remember when I was a child, that there were often autumn days with bright sun, and blue sky - and totally overcast days were rare.  These days, the prevailing weather seems to be wall-to-wall grey.


Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me looking at the past through rose tinted specs?!?

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  • RMweb Gold

I have noticed that many are commenting on the dismal weather that we seem to have at the moment.


However...  Is it just me, or do we seem to have overcast and grey weather more often these days?


I seem to remember when I was a child, that there were often autumn days with bright sun, and blue sky - and totally overcast days were rare.  These days, the prevailing weather seems to be wall-to-wall grey.


Has anyone else noticed this, or is it just me looking at the past through rose tinted specs?!?


It's just that you've got older and more cynical - as well as showing early signs of memory loss/confusion.  I suggest you stop taking water with it and all will become much more mellow  :jester:

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  • RMweb Gold

A couple of pics of Sammy showing - albeit not very well - the 'thumbs' on his front paws.  This is known as polydactylism and is a genetic thing - which seems to cause him no problems.  In his case he has an interesting colour difference as the 'toes' on his front paws are white except for the additional toe ('thumb') which is ginger.

















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  • RMweb Gold

The cat opening the door by turning the handle is by no means fanciful. We have a handle on the outside of the front door (the only external door - and the house is detached!), and all our cats have quickly learned of its potential. As a result, and the multiple times they fail to actually open the door - locking it really winds them up! - the wood below the handle is in a very sorry state. Of course, not all cats are created equal, so while wiry Chevron will swing on the handle with a lot of success, his fat orange brother Cooper never quite gets that far, merely peering in through the glazed panel like Chad. Dimbo sister Lola has the idea, but just seems to leap on the handle and then fall off. The late lamented Cossie Cosworth used to carry on climbing, holding on to the next glazing bar above the handle, and pushing it down with her hind legs.

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I seem to remember when I was a child, that there were often autumn days with bright sun, and blue sky - and totally overcast days were rare.  These days, the prevailing weather seems to be wall-to-wall grey.


I predominantly remember the Autumnal fogs (from my 1960`s childhood); crawling cars with headlamps on at noon (not that it helped any with the seeing in the amber gloom!), smudge pots burning around roadworks with a "cocky watchman" in a tin hut next to his coke-brazier, fog-horns sounding on the river Mersey, and the smell of smokey chimneys (where the fog-cooled fumes had failed to soar) and 'overly-rich' car exhaust fumes...........fogs seemed to hang around for days and days; unlike the occasional fog mist these days, where a bit of mid-morning sunshine seems to burn it off.

Edited by Debs.
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  • RMweb Gold

I think, after the first failed opening , I would have lost interest in the hobby.

I know of a few that lost more than just an interest in the hobby!






'It's not the fall that kills you, but the rather abrupt stop at the end'


I predominantly remember the Autumnal fogs (from my 1960`s childhood); crawling cars with headlamps on at noon (not that it helped any with the seeing in the amber gloom!), smudge pots burning around roadworks with a "cocky watchman" in a tin hut next to his coke-brazier, fog-horns sounding on the river Mersey, and the smell of smokey chimneys (where the fog-cooled fumes had failed to soar) and 'overly-rich' car exhaust fumes...........fogs seemed to hang around for days and days; unlike the occasional fog mist these days, where a bit of mid-morning sunshine seems to burn it off.



I love it when you're predominant!



Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium

Our old ginger cat certainly knew how to open the fridge door - he just wasn't quite strong enough to succeed.  He also did a good number on jumping up to the bathroom light pull-cord and turning the lights on - which in the middle of the night caused some consternation.  Successive cats have never been quite as intelligent.


A friend's cat rings the door bell to be in - obviously has watched the inferior humans pressing the button and getting let in, so copies the behaviour!


A cat with thumbs though - be very, very afraid.....

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I predominantly remember the Autumnal fogs (from my 1960`s childhood); crawling cars with headlamps on at noon (not that it helped any with the seeing in the amber gloom!), smudge pots burning around roadworks with a "cocky watchman" in a tin hut next to his coke-brazier, fog-horns sounding on the river Mersey, and the smell of smokey chimneys (where the fog-cooled fumes had failed to soar) and 'overly-rich' car exhaust fumes...........fogs seemed to hang around for days and days; unlike the occasional fog mist these days, where a bit of mid-morning sunshine seems to burn it off.

So graphic . . Such wonderful command of the language. . . . AND. . she can weld! ! ! ! ! !

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  • RMweb Gold

I am just off to set off into the murkness for a relaxing walk with Robbie while my near vision recovers. I read with some consternation last night about the problems some people were having getting the body off their new ex LMS 10000 diesel to fit a decoder. I have succeeded and now have a loco that goes forwards and backwards, with and without lights. The screws are tiny. They appear to need a Phillips or Pozidriv  screwdriver but none seem to fit properly and jamming a simple small screwdriver in did the job. The HO models that Bachmann sell generally make this body removal much easier. 



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A lovely sunny, not too cold, and windless weekend, where on Saturday we walked from Cley to Blakeney Point and back followed by a seal that bobbed up every few minutes and checked us out. 


Then Sunday we cycled locally round a virtually traffic free 25k country lane route I've worked out seeing only two cars the whole time.  Unfortunately one was a half wit (2-door not so hot hatch, music blasting, more wheels than brain cells) who turned left right in front of me, about half a mile from home, despite us being the only other traffic on the road.   His number has been noted.............. :butcher:


Today it's foggy and the dank chill seems to pervade everywhere despite it being, in fact, warmer than yesterday at 8 degrees.  But at least I'm here to see it!!! :sungum:

Edited by Adams442T
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  • RMweb Gold

Ian, Is one of your ####### named Bernie?


Best, Pete.

No! Deb was not keen on human names for animals.


She once worked at a stables where there was a horse called Sherry - and it seems fairly certain that our Sherry rode the same horse a few years previously!

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  • RMweb Premium



A friend's cat rings the door bell to be in - obviously has watched the inferior humans pressing the button and getting let in, so copies the behaviour!




Any old cat can ring a bell , knocking is an art form .




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  • RMweb Gold

The next door neighbours cats are metal workers - when I go into the garden they make a bolt for their back door.


Still quiet - apparently "we might have it sorted tomorrow" - good job it's not an IT company I work for ....


Very dull and dank here, but at least I don't have a commute home !

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On the plus side I picked up one of my Strats on Saturday (for the first time in yonks)

More discipline (and desire) than I, I'm afraid to say. I have a wardrobe full of guitars that I haven't touched for quite a while. I guess I'd better get them out and check 'em over.

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...There's a Squier that I like the look of - a Tele "La Carbronita" - something like that anyway!!!!!!


I know the Fender Custom Shop version was about $7,000 US which is a bit much for a guitar that I just "like the look of"....


Best, Pete.

I know, but aren't guitars like macadmia nuts or pringles crisps - you can't stop at one?


My pride and joy are a Gibson SG "Pete Townshend" Custom Shop edition and a Fender "David Gilmour" Custom Shop edition, both bought when I was going through my "Axeman" phase a number of years ago. Unfortunately, as I age I seem to be able to only do one hobby half-way decently at a time, and that's model railways at the moment. I'm counting down the months to when I take early retirement and then watch me turn into a finescale guitar hero..... Ahem, Sorry, got a bit carried away there...

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Tell me about it................. I have c. 20. Some were photographed and appeared in this thread early this year sometime.


Here's one of three,  a Chapin bespoke and two Fenders:





Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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A couple of pics of Sammy showing - albeit not very well - the 'thumbs' on his front paws.  This is known as polydactylism and is a genetic thing - which seems to cause him no problems.  In his case he has an interesting colour difference as the 'toes' on his front paws are white except for the additional toe ('thumb') which is ginger.



Having studied the photographs well, it is clear (certainly from the first photo) that what you have acquired is NOT a cat, but rather a fiend in feline form. I have never seen such an evil looking stare. Even Colin Penfold's Coolio, no slouch in the tuff-cat department, is an innocent little kitten compared with Sammy.


And is it a coincidence that his name, Sammy, is almost identical to that of the Jewish demon and Angel of Death "Samael"?  I think not.


Be very careful, Mike, very careful. Avoid dark stairways, dim passageways and be especially vigilant when carrying hard, heavy, hot or otherwise dangerous objects.... Debs, a veteran dog owner and no novice to the nefarious ways of the fiendish feline, has Sammy sussed out well,


You have been warned....

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Mne are not up to those talked about  but I have 2 electro-acoustic -A Freshman Apollo and an Indie

                                                                                                            The forementioned Squier Strat

                                                                                                            And a Stagg fretless bass


And I'll never be a rock star but I can keep myself amused (I'm sure)! ! !

Edited by Two_sugars
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  • RMweb Gold

A large ginger and white cat (never visited here before) was making itself comfortable on one of our smaller shed roofs, clearly intending to pounce on the bird feeders (obviously cats interpret this differently to humans) on the summerhouse roof. It completely ignored my requests for it to go away so I explained to Robbie that there was a cat threatening his birdies. He had more success than I did.

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  • RMweb Gold

Having studied the photographs well, it is clear (certainly from the first photo) that what you have acquired is NOT a cat, but rather a fiend in feline form. I have never seen such an evil looking stare. Even Colin Penfold's Coolio, no slouch in the tuff-cat department, is an innocent little kitten compared with Sammy.


And is it a coincidence that his name, Sammy, is almost identical to that of the Jewish demon and Angel of Death "Samael"?  I think not.


Be very careful, Mike, very careful. Avoid dark stairways, dim passageways and be especially vigilant when carrying hard, heavy, hot or otherwise dangerous objects.... Debs, a veteran dog owner and no novice to the nefarious ways of the fiendish feline, has Sammy sussed out well,


You have been warned....


And you haven't even heard him  - definitely a cat of the Baskervilles when he is in full yowling mood.  He is however extremely friendly and didn't even attack the vet today - which makes a change  from one of our past cats who could only be handled by a vet wearing kid gloves leather gauntlets.

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  • RMweb Gold

Before we moved to the Isle of Wight our near neighbour had a grey cat which 'owned the lane' and was terrified anything that stood up to it. Our rather elderly dog Suzi was a confirmed cat hater but being rather elderly did not attempt to chase Grey Cat. Trouble came one day when Grey Cat decided he wouldn't move from the path. He was making ferocious growls and because I had Suzi held on the lead the cat thought he was succeeding. If I had loosened the lead he would have been rather surprised. Rather than allow the cat to be hurt I went another way. Smug cat thought it won in a way it had.


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