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Raining here in Hampshire


As only one other parent turned up to help build the bonfire. 


Visited London yesterday - the children have been studying both the Great Fire of London and the Tudor period at school. So our tour took in the Monument, Pudding Lane and The Tower. Interesting Guy Fawkes fact learnt from a Beefeater was that he didn't die as a result of execution. Apparently he was crippled by the rack and was unable to mount the scaffold properly and fell off, breaking his neck. They then chopped his head off after the fact, so to speak.


At least you`re in one the three places where `urricanes `ardly hever `appen. :mosking:


I think you`ll find there`ll be a reduction in the apathy quotient; when burgers and ooh-arrr fireworks are on offer. :yes:


One wonders what other 'facts' that we think we know, are similarly incorrect; the 60`s/70`s era of school history lessons didn`t do many of us any favours: "just read the list and memorise the dates, girl!". :(

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Morning all. 

Raining here in Hampshire. 


Busy tail end to last week and also weekend. Cracked on with putting trellis up at the end of the garden. Saturday was amusing as the people who own the house at the end of our garden had bought a couple of trees for privacy which they proceeded to manoeuver up and down their patio for about 3 hours. Watching these trees swirl around was like a screening of Strictly Come Dancing! Naturally the MiL wanted to investigate, so to make herself look inconspicuous she took a watering can down to the end of the garden by way of disguise. The only flaw in her disguise was that it'd been raining for days, so the ground is like potter's clay and it was raining whilst she went on her nose-ing intelligence-gathering mission!   


Sunday was the day of our village bonfire build - we have fireworks, a bonfire and bbq to raise funds for the school. As only one other parent turned up to help build the bonfire I'm guessing that there will be plenty of burgers going spare on Friday!  Grrrr. 


Visited London yesterday - the children have been studying both the Great Fire of London and the Tudor period at school. So our tour took in the Monument, Pudding Lane and The Tower. Interesting Guy Fawkes fact learnt from a Beefeater was that he didn't die as a result of execution. Apparently he was crippled by the rack and was unable to mount the scaffold properly and fell off, breaking his neck. They then chopped his head off after the fact, so to speak.      


My youngest's verdict on London? "It'll be alright once they've painted all these grey buildings"


Anyway, enough from me. Have a nice day everyone. Andy 


Andy n- I trust that the kids have seen this  http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/77905-seventeenth-century-london-a-fly-through/

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Well I had another funny turn earlier & cleaned the oven (without being asked!)

Still precipitating outside & roaring with pain inside so I'm staying indoors & taking some Tramadol.

Grandchildren will be here after school as usual so that's something to look forward to.

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At least you`re in one the three places where `urricanes `ardly hever `appen. :mosking:


I think you`ll find there`ll be a reduction in the apathy quotient; when burgers and ooh-arrr fireworks are on offer. :yes:


One wonders what other 'facts' that we think we know, are similarly incorrect; the 60`s/70`s era of school history lessons didn`t do many of us any favours: "just read the list and memorise the dates, girl!". :(


'urricane's 'ardly 'appen in 'ampshire unless you 'appen to 'ail from 'ayling hireland! 


When I took a look at our PTFA accounts a while back the only events that historically were guaranteed to make a profit were those where there was beer/wine for sale; say's something about priorities in our village!  


I have to say my history teacher must have taught a young Michael Portillo too. When covering the Armada she pretty much wrapped herself in the flag as she described how "our brave boys, outnumbered 1000000000:1 took on the Spanish at a spot of sea battling, inspired and equipped with little more than our glorious virgin queen's speech at Tilbury."  




I hadn't but will both show it to mine later and pass it on to their teachers. Thanks! :)  

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We have been living in the motorhome since June. There is very litle room for books so Marion looks for ones in charity shops which can be passed on once read. There is the internet but it usually costs and is not very fast. But I have squeezed the boards for the mini layout into one of the cupbards (along with the laptop camera assorted leads) plus some tools and bits. You need a home just to keep the stuff you are not using/wearing etc. at that time. Actually it has its plus sides domestic chores are fairly minimal it will feel strange when we move back in. I predict quite a bit of travelling next year.


Don for holidays and when travelling I invested in a Kindle, which is brilliant as it holds a small library of books and you can put it in your pocket.


It was so good that the Obergrumpenfuhrer decided she needed one as well.


Being a skinflint I only have the free downloadable books at present, but have stacked up on a lot of classic books in order to 'improve' my literary education.


I'm sure Mike the Stationmaster would have fun trying to work out the trackplan and signalling diagram for Dickens' Mugby Junction!





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Andy, was it the 'interesting and entertaining' Beefeater?  He's a hoot.....plenty on U-Tube.  My ex-Marine Colour Sergeant boss wasn't amused by his comments though....about men wearing skirts and holding hands.... :O  :jester:  :butcher:


That reminds me - my daughter is after going down a helter-skelter with my brother sometime. I seem to remember her stipulating he should have his ceremonial sword on. Not sure whether that's allowed for members of the royal household! Ceremonial sword+helter skelter sounds like a H&S nightmare!    :O  :jester:

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It's been a couple of days since I've had time to go on here but as it's quiet at the Church Centre where I'm doing office duty, I thought I'd catch up with life in ER land.


On Sunday, I went to a pre-audition workshop for members who would like to be in "She Stoops To Conquer", planned for next April. This was useful and enjoyable - especially when my group had to improvise being in a hairdressing salon with a twist of horror! As receptionist, I booked in a potential customer (victim) for a haircut (and more!) on 31st October at a quarter to midnight. When he queried the time of his appointment I assured him that some of our best work took place after dark!


Yesterday saw the final remains of our fallen tree being removed - a victim of last week's storm, you may remember. The rest of the day was spent planning and leading a session on updating the School Development Plan for the church Pre School of which I'm the Chair. It sounds dull, but bizarrely, I actually enjoyed it more than when such things were trotted out on Training Days in my previous life! Yes, perhaps I should get out more, although some people might say I'm out too much! (the devil finds work for idle hands, etc!)


This morning O/H and I helped with Little Theatre admin., commonly known as "stuffing" as it entails organising the monthly mailshot. This was over early enough for us to enjoy a walk in the sunshine along the road by Meadfoot Beach. Not bad weather for November!


Hope it's fine wherever you are!

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afternoon just got back from Locomotion at Shildon. Some nice exhibits and some good renovation work on-going.

I had zero calorie corned beef pie for lunch plus one of my five a day - baked beans(!)


A good day to you all..

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Evening all!   Just back home having spent the last week in hospital.  Had a sudden problem with my plumbing and lost 6lbs in weight overnight, so straight into hospital via an ambulance with blues and two's to get through the rush hour traffic.  Quite exciting stuff although I was more focussed on my rear end at the time…:-)


Glad to say, they found a cork big enough and now all is back to normal.  Dozens of pages to catch up with, but will do my best to get up to speed asap...

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Evening all!   Just back home having spent the last week in hospital.  Had a sudden problem with my plumbing and lost 6lbs in weight overnight, so straight into hospital via an ambulance with blues and two's to get through the rush hour traffic.  Quite exciting stuff although I was more focussed on my rear end at the time…:-)


Glad to say, they found a cork big enough and now all is back to normal.  Dozens of pages to catch up with, but will do my best to get up to speed asap...


Oh Gordon! :O

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Crikey Gordon! Losing your modelling mojo is one thing - but needing an NHS cork is quite another! Really glad all is well now - further details are not needed here - and hope any convalescence is comfy. At least the golf is a bit marginal this time of year!

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  Had a sudden problem with my plumbing ..................... I was more focussed on my rear end at the time…:-).............


Glad to say, they found a cork big enough and now all is back to normal...


Blimey Gordon that sounds rough but wouldn't end feed fittings + solder be stronger than a cork?

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He has no choice, Dave.................


I just received my first smart phone, an Apple 4S - my Wife and daughter are on Apple 5's but that was deemed too advanced for my aging brain cells - plus mine was free. I miss the flip opening dumb phone 'cos i could pretend to be Capn. Kirk.....


Any cool rail apps? Does anyone know?


Cheers, Pete.

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