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  • RMweb Premium

Apologies for the lateness of this post.. One of her indoors schools ( she visits 10 every week) is on half term already so a lie in was arranged following a trip to the pub last night.


Grey and wet and windy in Leeds.


Neil if you need a trip out try Going Loco in Lofthouse Gate or Frizinghall in Bradford.


Have a genteel day - no sudden rushes to get things done and stay calm.... (as he sets off to do more rubing down and priming/undercoating before visitors arrive for the weekend....)


Barry O

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Reading the posts about blood pressure I am glad I am not alone. Diagnosed with hypertension almost ten years ago - it was very high heading towards the risky area.


Various combinations of tablets tried - have been on  Co-Diovan and Lercandipine for some years together with the statin Antorvaststin.


My cholesterol is now 3.6 but the interesting one is BP. Since I retired last November it's dropped to 130/75 the lowest its been since goodness knows when - indicates to me that stress is a major factor!


'Morning from a damp and miserable Wales,



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Soggy and grey here but at least herself has volunteered for today's guinea pig wrangling session - I am instructed to do the vacuuming but at least that has the advantage of being indoors although I shall have to venture out later on for the 'paper.  I missed an 'old boys' lunch down in Zummerset (just) on Friday but received a full report over the 'phone yesterday - seems that some of our number have alas progressed from talking about their pills to pushing up daisies but on the other hand it does seem that most of them are getting past their 70s before doing so and a couple who are sailing gamely on are nearing 90.  The next session - which I am attending - is coming up shortly at the far end (nearly) of Zummerset complete, it seems likely, with one of our number busily selling Volume 3 of his memoirs, definitely one to buy as it's very much my era (not that he gives discounts!).


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Wonders will never cease! Took one quivering wreck to the dentist (she's changed to a new practice because her old one retired & his replacement was - and I quote " a condescending  sarcastic cow!") 

A tooth could not be saved & was removed & she came out smiling saying what a lovely man he was!

I'm gobsmacked - (well actually I suppose she was in a way)

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  • RMweb Gold

The torrential rain hasn't arrived so I have been out and photographed two RHTT trains, one heading to Norwich for maintenance and the other blasting away. I'm due to be away for two days, heading North tomorrow but I'm going to review the weather later today - the forecasts are not the most accurate things but I don't want to arrive and spend two days in torrential rain, costing me petrol and hotel money.


Have a brew at the moment waiting for the Peak Forest - Norwich which should have passed at 09:30 but is still in Ely loop, reasons unknown - can someone give it a push please.

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  • RMweb Gold

It is pouring here. We seemed to have dry autumn and winters for all the years Matthew was at school but it has made up for it recently. I managed to cut the lawns yesterday, they are certainly responding to the warmth and rain. I've been out twice this morning to the local sorting office (collect package of static grass for trainset scenery) and then out to collect a prescription. Robbie made a big fuss as he thought he should be going out. I'll take him out soon, he won't mind the rain anyway!


I may do some more work on the platform buildings today. Aditi asked if they would have hanging baskets. They haven't even got doors or windows yet!

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, weather a mixture of heavy showers, some sunshine then back to heavy showers. In the shed the heavy showers sound like gun fire on the roof as the roof is fabricated metal. Saves replacing roofing felt every so often and is coated with a nice shade of green.

Leaves blowing all over the place.


Enjoy whats left of the day

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  • RMweb Premium

"The boy is a work in progress." Andy,  It sounds to me as though he is ALL boy. Congratulations on having a normal heir.


Thanks, Don. Like most lads he's actually a cross breed;  half angel x half monkey. :)


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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks, Don. Like most lads he's actually a cross breed;  half angel x half monkey. :)



If I were a teacher of biology, that might be a wonderful catchphrase! :mosking:


Been very balmy today and is expected to become even more so tomorrow! I think I can wait a few more days with putting on those winter tyres...


Currently expecting a nice bargain I scored this past weekend – the H0 scale model of this specific loco, as a matter of fact:




182 529/ES 64 U2-029 of MRCE, leased to TX Logistik.

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  • RMweb Gold

Today I have mainly been building flat roofing (but only in 4mm scale).

Here is one of the platform buildings (still without doors, windows or paint). The flat roof also needs a louvred ventilator (over the gents loo) and a chimney.



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  • RMweb Premium

Half-term homework has just been announced. Daughter has to build a model of a Tudor house.

So far  she's Googled and printed off a picture of "The Queen's House" at the Tower of London and a grid to copy on to.

The photo has a Guardsman in front of the house (6' excluding busby?) with which to scale the rest of the building.

The school recommended using a used cereal box, but hey, we have foam board, glue guns...


We're also planning to visit the building over the hols and take a look at it.


She has asked if a person could be made to come out of the house and get executed. Wondering if Faller do something like that?   :butcher:


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  • RMweb Gold

Where are the hanging baskets Tony?

Awaiting a risk assessment before installation. :)

I wonder if the plants would have been chosen to match what will be cream paintwork with red doors and window frames

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Evenin', folks.

Finally managed to get photos off my, "camera," (if you could call it that!) from Sunday!


461 got big end or something on Sunday - probably from coming up to Dundalk from Dublin. Yay! :)


113, "Belfast and County Down," to the rescue! :D My first 111 in action!




There was an unexpected shunt at Whitehead - one of the doors on one of the coaches kept locking and unlocking by itself (it did this last week on the Larne Lough too). The train had to be split and the coach had to be removed. :D


Saw 208 several times that day, it passed us a few times and stopped at Dundalk.


079 was at Dundalk all day too - it was stabled there until it left for Dublin to it could take the Tara Mines tomorrow. :D


461 was being shunted at Dundalk too, but it was too dark to get any good photos or videos.


Hehe, I'm great at pretending to be oblivious of the, "no trains rule," on this thread! xD

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  • RMweb Gold

It has been a dreadful day here six times I have got soaked today 4 times walking the dogs and twice walk to our house to discuss things with the builders. If this continues I will have webbed feet or at least need them. The weather forecast looks bad there must be puddles under the seaweed. 


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Morning All,


I've headed into the office slightly earlier this morning to take advantage of the quiet period before too many colleagues arrive.


The weather is a bit damp at the moment, but we are set for 22°C and sunshine later on - so it should be quite a good day weather wise.


Have a good one everybody...

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Robert and Dominic are up very early (my time is two hours later than yours)

The wind of the past week seems to have dropped to a mild 10-15kph, otherwise a mild day at 19C max with mainly clear blue skies.

Good luck with whatever you are doing today.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Started raining about 20 minutes ago & it's going to be wet all day - very mild at 16oC so I suppose that is something.

Chris delivered to work & no orders instructions lists requests left but it's probably assumed that I will put my domestic hat on and do something around the house.

Kids & their parents will be here later as usual so that's something to look forward to.

Have a good one,

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