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  • RMweb Gold

Wow, Colin! 11/10 for effort! So, do I really get to say to Sherry "Frankly, my dear...."? May not be a winner! And didn't Gable admit to being a "poor lay"? I'm not sure I'd want to be telling Sherry that, either! It's tough at the top, ain't it?


Another hilarious afternoon with Alison, who readily creases up at some of my remarks and comments about this and that. Her partner Ben had finally managed to wipe out the password on Deb's laptop, so I spent the afternoon downloading 15 months-worth of updates, deleting AVG and installing Microsoft Security Essentials. In fact the laptop will be less valuable during the Winter, but come the Spring weather, I will be able to sit on the terrasse instead of being stuck in the study when using the Internet.

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  • RMweb Premium

One of the hazards of living in Halls unfortunately, Mick.


We all ended up outside one night when one of the Electronic Engineering students (who shall remain nameless :whistle: ) produced a bit of smoke from a Lab experiment at 3 o'clock one morning.


The smoke alarms in our halls of residence seemed to be unbelievably sensitive.  It seemed we were out on the lawn every other night!


In the intervening years, the whole campus has now been demolished, and replaced with a housing development...


Early DCC development work, Robert?  The magic smoke..... :jester:


Oddly my old campus is also a housing estate now, rather sad really.

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  • RMweb Gold

I spent the afternoon in the garage.


Both tracks work now. The bit in this snapshot is where the scenic work will be done,  a station between two bridges in a cutting. The cutting slopes are too steep so I've been hacking at them with a Surform shortly after I took the photo. The platform shelters on the station this is loosely based on are recessed into the cutting so I hacked a couple of holes out for them. The Spaceboard, No More Nails and bamboo skewer making up the cutting was remarkably tough.






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  • RMweb Premium

I did threaten to post some photos of Groudle the other day - risking Debs wrath - so....


Lhen Coan station, on a rather 'soft' day, or dreich, to the Scots.




Parracombe, the Baguley diesel that I'm working on now




My mate John's 'Steamplex'



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  • RMweb Premium

Our new build, 'Brown Bear', under way.




Cylinder castings - the other two are for a secret project.




As for new builds, well it's not just the Tornado crowd you know - our CME Richard Booth has already done it before - his full size replica Bagnall.



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  • RMweb Gold

Talking of rabbits, my grandson's pet rabbit escaped from its hutch/enclosure a week ago. A week later it was found about a mile away and taken to the local pet shop where they remembered who bought it and returned it.


We now have one very happy grandson but are all amazed that a tame, pet rabbit managed to survive a week in the wild without something 'nasty' happening to it.

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...........but are all amazed that a tame, pet rabbit managed to survive a week in the wild without something 'nasty' happening to it.


Good news :imsohappy: .......but if it`s a doe; best to wait a month before feeling too comfortable! :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dry & 14oC, should be some sunny periods with slight possibility of showers later.


Coo - I'm not very early & nobody is about (except Don)

Waiting in for a Parcelforce delivery for my son this morning so once again I suppose domestic duties will come to the fore.

Have a good one,


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Have your clocks been moved back to GMT? I notice that besides grandadbob I am the first on and I am not particularly early.


Here it's a clear day but only 21C predicted. It's about 14 right now but promises to be a lovely day.


I hope yours is a GREAT day..

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Morning All,


I guess you must just be up early Don - Our clocks don't go back until towards the end of the month.  The night of the 26th-27th October if I remember correctly.


It seems to be a rather gloomy morning here, but difficult to tell entirely, because it hasn't got light yet!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all & Happy Hump Day. 


Been up a while now, had breakfast, waited for the net to wake up!   I'm on WAT time here (GMT+!) all year round.  and being fairly close to the equator  day light is around 12 - 13 hours every day.....and no seasons either (well hot and wet or wet and hot.!) Though the "rainy season" which we're in currently hasnt been as bad as some in the past ....but there's still time! 


Hope everyones trials and tribulations today are manageable,  try to remember to find some thing to smile at!  




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  • RMweb Premium

morning from a blue/grey Leeds.


Don Bradley - the clocks go back the Saturday night of Leeds Show.(26th October this year).. we have had the odd exhibitor turning up at the show very early and ringing me to get in....


Busy day today - off to dentist, then a funeral then painting and decorating...


Head cold is moving on which is good so stay healthy and enjoy Wednesday

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Well-gutted to learn I shall not be starring opposite Sherry, or at least only for live performances! Perhaps someone will video such for YouTube? Bring your knitting.


I see our leader (Andy Y) has stolen some of ERs' clothes and initiated a new thread of grossly unimportant questions. Perhaps we'll get a spin-off in the form of more new recruits, when they realise it's a 24/7 activity here!


Last week's promise of good garden-tidying weather is but a distant memory. Cloudy with drizzle likely until the weekend!


Hope yours is more cheerful!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


A lovely sunrise greeted me as I got out of bed - a bright red sky, sadly this had yellowed before I could get any snaps (I'll try and post a couple here later if I can upload them to a disputer) however it's now dull and miserable, the temperature was only just in double figures as I drove to work, I guess the first 9deg morning is approaching.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I was awake at 5.30, it was dark. I must have gone back to sleep until it was lighter. Our bin bag has been deposited in the designated spot. I was in the garden a bit longer than usual as for some reason Robbie wanted to play "fetch" with some of his toys this morning.

He was in a funny mood yesterday. He used to be very playful and would join in chase games with other dogs in the park but usually ignores other dogs now. However a pack of 3 fat corgis that were undergoing some sort of obedience training ( lie down and individual recall) on the far side of a football pitch seemed to prefer to ignore their owner and attempt to set about Robbie. It was quite funny really. The corgi trainer running about the field shouting and arm waving, while Robbie kept stopping to allow the pack to almost catch him. I was worried in case he thought it might be amusing(well he seems to think it is very clever)  to leap the stream while being chased so I called him back and I glared at the corgis and they ran back for more training!



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