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  • RMweb Gold

Fixing the leaking roof proved to be an uncertain pastime - I don't know whether I've succeeded, because why it had started leaking again wasn't obvious. We'll see, and quite soon, as more rain tonight and for the next few days!


The day was quite promising at times, if a little blowy, so I cluttered off in search of steam on the Transvap preserved line. As today's trip was a special, they hadn't published any times that I could find, thus it was a bit by guess and by God. So I drove in the general direction, and found smoke rising at Tuffe Lac station, with the loco at the Beille end. So swiftly down to Tuffe Ville and sure enough in it came, bunker first. Surprisingly there was a Billard railcar waiting to go in the opposite direction, so I waited while the points were changed and it set off northbound, then hurried back to the car and set off after the steam train. I got several shots on the last mile into Beille, so that was pleasing. At Beille they were having their heritage day, and there were bits and pieces to look at. Implausibly I found a couple of Anglais who were part of the complement on the special and we chatted. Turned out one had worked for Southern Track Renewals, one of the companies I helped sell off in 1996.


A generally pleasant way to pass a couple of hours, really, before heading off to do my feeding chores.

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Well my GF (best thing that happened to me in 2012 & 2013)  been enticing me with more photos from British Columbia's west coast....


Role on 2015! (I know I shouldn't wish my life away as my old Gran would have said...but!) .



Stay warm & dry..(spoke to my Mum in the UK earlier...hmm  do I really want to go there next week?) 





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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all!


Well the weather here today encompassed three seasons!  Torrential rain, howling winds, dappled sunlight and a sunny finish!  Spent the day at Groudle as planned, we had the Branch Line Society visiting, 50 people.  They're into 'rare mileage', so we had some fun, backed the train into the coach yard, left from the loop not the platform, wrong road through loops etc!  Got all the toys out for them to photograph, they seemed to have a really good time, and the sun was out by then thankfully.


2013?  hmm, rather forget it.  Spent most of winter and spring recovering from experimental (and painful) hip surgery, Mrs H has just had knee surgery, and just today we learned our best friends have just split up (seems he couldn't keep it zipped up).  Some highs - one of the best holidays we have ever had, on a campsite in in an unlikely place (Sheppey!),er, neither of us died in the operating theatre, and thats about it.  Roll on 2014.


edit for speeling as usual.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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At the height of the near gale, SWMBO sent me to an old lady in the village who was worried that her chimney was going to come down.

Battling the elements I made it only to find that she doesn't have a chimney.


Her flue might`ve flown? :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

As an occasional visitor rather than a stalwart in the pages of ERs I hope I'm not about to overstep the mark.


I wonder whether we should use the opportunity of the up coming Page 2013 to share some highlights of the year so far. There has been a lot of misfortune shared, and support given but it seems like we ought to take the time to celebrate some nice things


Here are some of mine to get you started


England won the ashes again


We got a lovely new kitchen




I opened up my cellar




We went back to being a two car family and got a new toy




I had an absolutely brilliant run over the S&C courtesy of Nenta Tours


attachicon.gif130727c Appleby S&C Station 46233web.jpg




What about yours??????

Where is a green envy button? Well to be honest I have had some cracking days unfortunately today was not one of them. Last night was a stinker woken around midnight by sporadic gunfire. I presume it was the badger cull. Sleep runied dogs terrified and shaking. I probably knew some of those badger I have stood in Woodcombe walk with the dogs just watching the badgers gambolling about on the grass. The disease is bovine TB, cattle gave it to the badgers in the first place, world stood on its head. Personally I would rather share this planet with wildlife than many of the humans ERs excepted of course.


Edited by Donw
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  • RMweb Gold

Well, that's 2013 done with already!!


I didn't realise I had been out quite so long :no:   Don't worry, I'm not going to suggest a Nostradamus-style predictions section.


I finished off my DIY and went out just after lunchtime to see the lovely wife doing her thing at a wedding fair in Norwich Assembly House. Her display looked great and was getting lots of positive comments (plus one firm order!). As it was the first show she has done to promote her company Delovelies (cookies and cupcakes) I took her to Jamie Oliver's restaurant for a celebration dinner after the show closed. Home in time to watch XFactor (Emma) and write the second instalment of the layout planning thread (Colin)


Not a bad day at all, and one the weather couldn't spoil. :imsohappy:

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  • RMweb Gold

Where is a green envy button? Well to be honest I have had some cracking days unfortunately today was not one of them. Last night was a stinker woken around midnight by sporadic gunfire. I presume it was the badger cull. Sleep runied dogs terrified and shaking. I probably knew some of those badger I have stood in Woodcombe walk with the dogs just watching the badgers gambolling about on the grass. The disease is bovine TB, cattle gave it to the badgers in the first place, world stood on its head. Personally I would rather share this planet with wildlife than many of the humans ERs excepted of course.


I'm afraid the farming community world-wide is characterised by selfishness and entitlement. I have long believed that the entire EU farming subsidy should be offered to the Third World, where our food would be grown for half the price and those people would live like kings in their terms. Oh, and we'd get the countryside back as an amenity, not a hedgeless industrial wasteland.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all, we have returned from the wet and wild north. For the first time in my life I was happy to see 40mph average speed cameras! It was raining a lot and blowing the car sideways on the M6 north of Preston to Carlisle. Coming back was much better with sunshine most of the way......  2013 has been fairly poor so far but September has potential for all three kids to do exciting things so we will reserve judgement. Thanks for the birthday wishes this years treat will be a trip to Scaleforum with Bob driving and me with some cash to spend dozing in the back.

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  • RMweb Premium

evening all,

just back from Swindon.


Debs  people from Leeds are "Loiners" - me being from a coal mining village on the Durham Coast am a "Yacker" or "Pit Yacker",,,,not a machem or a monkey hanger ...


Nice to meet some of our RMWebbers at Swindon - well done to the Stationmaster and the Station masters cat who weathered a van without much input from me .... Apologies as I attended a bit of a concert at the new Leeds Arena on Friday night - Kaiser Chiefs who were GREAT!! if only a bit loud... so saturday at 3am I set off for Swindon with little sleep and dodgy hearing!


Curry last night then early to bed so today was easier as I wasn't half asleep...


Other RMWebbers attended and were welcomed where known...


Nasty crash on M42 southbound - northbound slow due to rubber neckers..


time for some more sleep .....

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A long audition this evening  for roles in "The Railway Children", planned for early December with TOADS at The Little Theatre, Torquay, with the possibility of performing an excerpt at Brixham Theatre and on a platform for the South Devon Railway Christmas run (Paignton - Kingswear for Dartmouth) which should be of interest to you folk on here. Ambitiously, I tried out for the part of the mother but will happily settle for the character roles more typically offered to ladies my age (i.e. Cook or Mrs Perks, etc) A very competent Director will make the experience enjoyable whatever happens - the same lady directed "The Wind in the Willows" last Autumn, broke her back whilst skiing in France in April and has bounced back to work (teaching) and to directing. Respect!

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  • RMweb Gold

A long audition this evening  for roles in "The Railway Children", planned for early December with TOADS at The Little Theatre, Torquay, with the possibility of performing an excerpt at Brixham Theatre and on a platform for the South Devon Railway Christmas run (Paignton - Kingswear for Dartmouth) which should be of interest to you folk on here. Ambitiously, I tried out for the part of the mother but will happily settle for the character roles more typically offered to ladies my age (i.e. Cook or Mrs Perks, etc) A very competent Director will make the experience enjoyable whatever happens - the same lady directed "The Wind in the Willows" last Autumn, broke her back whilst skiing in France in April and has bounced back to work (teaching) and to directing. Respect!

Just being a pedant Sherry but the South Devon Railway is the one which runs from Totnes to Buckfastleigh and used to be called the Dart valley railway, the one from Paignton seems to be called the Dartmouth Steam railway although various trading names find it (it was the Torbay & Dartmouth Steam Railway a year or two back.  Lots of name changes due to changes of ownership etc.

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Just being a pedant Sherry but the South Devon Railway is the one which runs from Totnes to Buckfastleigh and used to be called the Dart valley railway, the one from Paignton seems to be called the Dartmouth Steam railway although various trading names find it (it was the Torbay & Dartmouth Steam Railway a year or two back. Lots of name changes due to changes of ownership etc.

Thanks! Having been on both, I should know! And, since she lives in Paignton, so should the Director!!

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Hoping for reasonable weather today as it's our Seniors Charity Day.  Loads of daft things plus a raffle and auction where you can buy things you never knew you needed....:-)


All for a good cause, so I may need to dust off those Pound notes.


2013 has been a good year overall.  Of course we've had the usual family dramas and health issues, but I guess we all come to terms with these things and life goes on.  On the up side ET is still progressing and my golf handicap has come down from 23 to 17, my lowest ever, so I must be doing something right.


....and I've lost three and half stone in weight, so that must help on the BMI front.

Edited by gordon s
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