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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, still working on the design-by-committee Annual (Camel) Report, that the Minister for Home Affairs signed off as complete weeks ago but now other more lowly persons think they have the right to alter....words fail me. :nono:  :triniti:  :butcher:


Trouble is, it goes out with my name on it, but less and less of my words are in it as time goes on! :O


Never mind, it's Friday tomorrow. :locomotive:

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I'm surprised that hasn't been pushed up to 68 too, perhaps it has for those born later than you. At 60 I got free prescriptions and a B&Q discount card. Bus pass will be when I am 63 though Aditi won't qualify for a bus pass until she is 65. That is assuming the bus pass still exists then. Aditi is very carefully perusing the news as if they change the rules on her teaching pension date she is going before the rule change. There are lots of hints that something may change, hopefully not overnight though! We both qualify for state pension at age 65. 

You need to live in Wales - free prescriptions for everybody and bus passes at 60.


From a dull overcast Cardiff,





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Matthew is taking some zloty for initial expenses. Polish colleagues of Aditi's say that better exchange rates are available anywhere other than a bank but I don't think they are many times as much like Mikes railway colleague just a better rate. He has already paid for his transport and accommodation but he seems a bit vague about whether or not meals are included in the conference fees.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, still working on the design-by-committee Annual (Camel) Report, that the Minister for Home Affairs signed off as complete weeks ago but now other more lowly persons think they have the right to alter....words fail me. :nono:  :triniti:  :butcher:


Trouble is, it goes out with my name on it, but less and less of my words are in it as time goes on! :O


Never mind, it's Friday tomorrow. :locomotive:



Get your name off it, put the signature block of one of the interfering lesser mortals onto it in your place.  Then place in a really juicy tidbit of no consequence that will be totally scandalous and embarrassing:  Then send it off to the printers and watch the firework display! :angel:





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  • RMweb Gold

You need to live in Wales - free prescriptions for everybody and bus passes at 60.


From a dull overcast Cardiff,





My passport has a lot of Welsh text on the first page!

Apparently the free prescriptions for all in Wales are funded by people in Wales not getting something we here in England do. I think we are guaranteed an appointment within 2 weeks to see a cancer specialist. Unfortunately as a friend found out that isn't always the case. Before I was 60 I used to have one of the annual prescription charge cards.

Aditi and Matthew are both medically exempt from prescription charges.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Overcast and drizzling here and wondering if this will be the weather until next summer!


I've ordered a new bed for my 5 year old lad which has a ladder for him to climb up and possibilities of a den underneath. I considered that latter to be a storage area which could be curtained off and forgotten about until it has properly composted. :nono:  There's been a request for the bed to be painted with a Batman theme, so work on digging out the garden mound and the new N gauge may get put on hold. 


Looking forward to the Woking show on Saturday/Sunday. Any ERers going? 


Enjoyed the "Wipers Times" last night. Most droll.  :read:


Have a nice day, everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

Another change from Mike's trip to Poland is that Matthew will be going on a Boeing not a Tupolev. Though I'm sure the Ryanair experience will be lots of fun.

He is going by bus from Warsaw to Bialystok. He has been told that the bus will full of geography students going to the conference. It is being held in a research centre that does something with bison. I think last time I mentioned bison AndrewC started searching the internet for possible sources in the UK! One of the pre conference activities Matthew didn't sign up for was bison milking. 

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Less so when their roots need doing, perhaps.


I always think a guy's looks are improved by a decent haircut.


Autumnal weather taking hold in our part of France with overcast skies and the threat of rain as we do the final wash load before we say, "Au revoir!" until 2014!

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Hmm, pensions and retirement....


Having lived and worked in both Switzerland and the UK, I am eligible for numerous pensions: from the UK a state pension (not available until I'm 66!) whilst from Switzerland I have [1] a state pension: the AHV (from 65 onwards), [2] the company pension  the Pensionskasse (50% paid for by me/50% by the company) - which I can claim at 60 and [3] a "private pension/retirement insurance" (the so called dritte Säule or Third Pillar) - which I think is pretty flexible as to retirement age. Depending upon the type of pension, when you retire you can either get monthly payments until you snuff it or get a wodge of dosh upfront.  In Switzerland, everyone with an income pays into the AHV, nearly everybody is enrolled into a Pensionskasse (I think people who own their own business have different arrangements). the personal, private, pension - the dritte Säule is optional.


Having recently done the calculations with a retirement advisor, I think that I will take early retirement at 60, become a free-lance independent one-man business and continue to pay my AHV and dritte Säule until I'm 65 (at which point I may fully retire - depending upon how well my one-man business does). But this calculation is based on my Swiss pensions. I checked what my UK pension would be using the UK State Pension Calculator (see https://www.gov.uk/calculate-state-pension) and as I have only paid in about 5 years of contriibutions  - working in the UK from 1984 to 1985 - my UK State Pension will be a munificient £29.37/week upon my retirement.... at 66!


I think that the Swiss system is quite sensible, a basic State Pension, a contributory company pension and - if you wish - a "top up" private/personal pension.

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Get your name off it, put the signature block of one of the interfering lesser mortals onto it in your place.  Then place in a really juicy tidbit of no consequence that will be totally scandalous and embarrassing:  Then send it off to the printers and watch the firework display! :angel:







Don't tempt me.....one of them is in the office as I type!

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  • RMweb Gold

I always think a guy's looks are improved by a decent haircut.


Autumnal weather taking hold in our part of France with overcast skies and the threat of rain as we do the final wash load before we say, "Au revoir!" until 2014!

I'm off to the barbers then!


When I first read this missive I was a bit worried that Ashers was having her final wash until 2014!


Fortunately I did re read it and make a bit more sense of it......................my eyes are failing me yet again..............which coincided with a telephone call this morning from Shrewsbury about an opthalmic appointment in October to check on my cataracts.


Don't tempt me.....one of them is in the office as I type!

Go on, you know you want to!





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my eyes are failing me yet again..............which coincided with a telephone call this morning from Shrewsbury about an opthalmic appointment in October to check on my cataracts.







I have the pleasure of having one to be removed from the left eye on Tuesday - with the right eye to be done at some point in the not-to-distant future - one of the great joys of becoming an elderly person!


Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium

Don't tempt me.....one of them is in the office as I type!

Send it back to the minister for his approval with alterations and additions by appended.........  should mean next years gets through untouched.


Clearly great minds think alike

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  • RMweb Gold

'Dull and Deirdre' here too :drag: ..........the forecast holds no promise for anything other than 'wet dogs and towels'.


We`re over the hump, so just keep soldering-on, everbody! :friends:

Wet dogs and towels here too Debs well actually it is now wet towells and dogs.


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Still Summer here. Nice and hot 28C, possible storms later. Cold front passing through this evening so could get a little noisy at times.

Weekend looks even nicer, Sunny every day 24C Friday, 21C Saturday and 24C Sunday. No humidity.


Going to Bermuda? Don't recommend it - looks like a hurricane strike in the next few days.


I have a standing appointment for a haircut every  35 days. French crop, razor cut and layered - no clippers. Takes an hour to do. I think I'm due next week - my hairdresser always calls me the day before to remind me.



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I have a standing appointment for a haircut every  35 days. French crop, razor cut and layered - no clippers. Takes an hour to do.


An hour at the hairdresser's every 35 days? Mine is more like 35 mins once a year! You are getting very poor value for money there Pete!

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Sometimes my barber has an assistant.The assistant is quite elderly and his hands shake. If you don't mind him cutting your hair he does as good a job as the non-shaky barber. It is interesting watching people declining his service and insisting that they always have Mick (the full time barber) cut their hair. I noticed very quickly that the assistant's hands don't shake while he is working. 



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After joking with you earlier, I've just had some very bad news.

The chap who got shot this week in South Africa is the father of a friend I was supposed to be seeing on Monday.

He'd gone out there with his wife to visit their other son and to see the Wildebeest.

He'd served in Afghanistan and N. Ireland, beat Cancer and was a great bloke.

So, my friend is going out to South Africa to bring his mother home and to arrange for his Dad to be repatriated.

I hadn't picked up on the fact it was him.


Not seeking sympathy here (his son is more my friend) but what a small world it is.
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