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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Cloudy start but blue sky & sunshine appearing and a dry sunny day is forecast. Rather glad about that as this afternoon we're going to a silver wedding anniversary garden party  :danced:  which starts at 14.30 & goes on till late. I'm pretty certain that "we", particularly me &  my knee,   :onthequiet: will not be there for the duration although I do expect the time will be spent wisely  :drinks:


Have a good one,



Edited by grandadbob
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Morning  folks,   


last Saturday of the month (environmental day here)  so lay in for a while.   Earlier in the week there where discussions on cheese and tomato sarnies. Quite a regular of mine..but I always a a sliced glove of GARLIC to them....cheese melts in the heat.....yummy! ......


Nothing much planed for today, apart from trying to catch up on some paper work.....and me be watching some more of this:  


What ever you're up to to day be good, and hope those with various afflictions recover!



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  • RMweb Premium

Blue Skies, sunny morning in Leeds!


Pete - get yourself in a chair with one of those airline pillows round your neck - might let you sleep?


Spent last night at the new place of employment for Herbert - The Pit - centre of Leeds selling "Craft Beers" - not cheap but very nice...and her indoors managed two Margaritas with no hangover - ooh err


Games today and tomorrow then next Saturday ends my outdoor season at the moment....


Get well soon anyone ill and stay happy to everyone else today!!


PS Beast - Scots Guardsman is well lost - do I spot the Scarborough Spa headboard on its smoke box???

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All, Nice and sunny with a strong breeze at the moment, BT didn't come yesterday as I suspected but we had communication and all is planned for the 10th now.


Not to sure whats occurring today will have to check with the boss.


Enjoy the day

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Cloudy start, will pick up later, no doubt.


Sinus etc stuff is horrid, because you know you're not really ill but your day is ruined all the same. I am a very occasional sufferer - but not at all like Pete.


Thanks for the video, Trev - love that On30 stuff, have a pile of it, and indeed scored another baggage car on ebay last night. Just need the layout!


The world is always showing itself to be a mite smaller than we think. My daily Facebook trawl is always greeted by offers of "more friends", most of whom I've never heard of. Idly trawling the list this morning brought up an RMwebber - not an ER person, but part of the august BCB team - who had been at a skool where I know an ER person to have taught at about the same time.


Hope your weekend goes well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ooh, Ian - Amberley! Well done for getting the semaphore in the bridge shot - and don't forget Queen Vic's funeral train ran over that bridge, probably before the low-height sign was in place, though. I cycled up through there about 50 years ago with a schoolmate, and on Houghton Hill had a problem with screw loose - on the bike, I mean - and had to find a man in the village with a spare. Then 30 years ago Deb and I did a walk alongside the Arun, ending up at the Black Rabbit near Arundel.

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  • RMweb Gold


The world is always showing itself to be a mite smaller than we think. My daily Facebook trawl is always greeted by offers of "more friends", most of whom I've never heard of. Idly trawling the list this morning brought up an RMwebber - not an ER person, but part of the august BCB team - who had been at a skool where I know an ER person to have taught at about the same time.



One of my former students is a Facebook friend. However he is in his forties now and runs his own IT consultancy.

Though some of the children I taught when I started teaching would be in their fifties now. Though Matthew told me three of his ex-classmates are in prison now which I think is a higher percentage than my former students!

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I am surprised to learn of ER august persons appear on Facebook (other forms of twittering are available).

Seems a den of iniquity to me.

I don't get enough time for flesh and blood friends, let alone cyber folk - except on ERs of course.

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  • RMweb Gold

You make him seem a Borstal Alumni, Tony!


Best, Pete.

Matthew has been fairly accurate in predicting those who would be detained so far. One of them was at Matthew's primary school and started his criminal career stealing and eating the Easter chocolate raffle prize display.

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  • RMweb Premium



Mrs H doing OK, dressings off the op sites now, looking good.  At least there's not blood spurting everywhere so I presume that's good?


I'm not saying too much about young offenders....but they keep me in a job.  We do try to keep them out of gaol though, only locked one up last year and none so far this year, despite one teetering on the edge!  We see custody as a failure on our behalf.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Sorry to hear about your troubles Pete and I hope things improve for you asap.  Interesting news about 46115  but might that just be a wicked story put about by a Black Five I wonder? ;)


Ah, now Farcebook - well I admit to membership (under an assumed name) but the only reason I joined was to keep up with news when RMweb is 'down' and I look at it so rarely I have to reset my password almost every time because I've forgotten it.  I am however on Linked In  (I was 'joined', under protest) and the acquisition of 'contacts' is even more amusing than Farcebook as some of them who seem keen to 'contact' me are folk I've never heard of plus it seems to operate an automatic search for me to ask others to be my contact - I haven't got a clue how that works apart from possibly robbing my emails as Simon Kohler was happy to accept my (???) invitation to be a contact.  The site also lists all your business skills and I'm gratified to note that someone has added 'warehousing' to my skill set - the only warehousing I know anything at all about is biomass, and bulk coal handling - definitely weird.


Have a good day - I am told that the garden calls me, fairly soon, and painting clothes have been laid out for me (to paint the shed -  which is not a railway engine lest any junior readers should get terribly excited).

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  • RMweb Gold

I think it would have been a sign of failure if Matthew's former schoolmates hadn't been locked up. The crimes involved were those for which even woolly minded liberals such as myself would have felt required them to be removed from society.


The sheer size of the schools in Essex means that probability indicates that all types of citizen will be represented there, though I suppose the local grammar schools will have a better class of criminal alumni!

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  • RMweb Gold

The caretaker`s feline had to be de-whiskered and a headset placed in a large 'Mason Cash' bowl, in order to provide our prep-school with a wireless! :blum:

I didn't know you were that old Debs. :jester:  My ever practical Grandad made one before the War (the second one) and the family would sit round to hear anything. Like a lot of things the radio was lost thanks to the Luffwaffe.


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  • RMweb Gold

Ooh, Ian - Amberley! Well done for getting the semaphore in the bridge shot - and don't forget Queen Vic's funeral train ran over that bridge, probably before the low-height sign was in place, though. I cycled up through there about 50 years ago with a schoolmate, and on Houghton Hill had a problem with screw loose - on the bike, I mean - and had to find a man in the village with a spare. Then 30 years ago Deb and I did a walk alongside the Arun, ending up at the Black Rabbit near Arundel.

I keep trying for that shot at Amberley from the car.


We used to visit the Black Rabbit quite frequently back in the 80"s and early 90"s but haven't been there for a long while.


I have just come out of Gaugemaster at Ford without breaking the bank. I did pick up a small circuit which gives the effect of arching in the third rail for fitting to Star Lane.




PS. Glad I came by train to Ford from Bognor as the road crossing at Ford is closed for work on the arrives. Looks like they are fitting new barriers.

Edited by roundhouse
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, after much dithering we went for an hours drive to Holmfirth and one of my nieces wedding 'do' it was a chance to see all of my immediate family even the new thing a grandchild at this rate of progress the population will decline rapidly. The food was good and beer I had never heard of JM Lees went down very well. We left once the noise level reached Vulcan flyby. MrsB had to take her pills while we were there but that helped for the trip home. She did think of wheelchair dancing but as she was only drinking water thought better of it.   

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Afternoon All,


It is quite a nice day here at the moment - although rain is forecast for later on.


Get well soon Pete!  That sounds very uncomfortable.


Coming back to the subject of cellars and tanking.  Colin, If you are thinking of carrying out some sort of waterproofing - make sure you get professional advice.  A lot of people here in Germany, with older cellars with earth or flagstone floors make the mistake of tipping a load of concrete in to provide a floor, and end up with all sorts of rising damp problems.


Mine dates from the late 30s and is reasonably dry - it was waterproofed when the house was built, but using the technology that was available at the time.  A really heavy rainstorm will result in some water getting in.  Fortunately, it is provided with a sump pump to get it out again!


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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