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I refer to solo guitar music as plinky plonk noise. Can't sand it, but good luck with it PhilH. I'm glad you are pleased.


Nice work Jam. I am impressed. I remember you saying that you were not good at woodwork, but that looks professional. Show us more pics as you progress.


Lovely sunset pics Mike!

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Morning All,


Lovely pictures appearing here at the moment!


Last night was too cloudy for a decent sunset, and although it is clearer this morning the sunrise wasn't particularly dramatic. I expect we will have to wait for the cloud to arrive this far South before we get anything dramatic.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Gold
I refer to solo guitar music as plinky plonk noise


You've obviously heard me playing the thing...


Lovely morning here, a wind down day at work is called for I think as it's Friday. Some more out of the way reservoirs to visit then roll on 3-30pm. I think some red wine will be drunk this weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all. Nice blue sky here but not very warm yet.



Didn't see anything different about the sunset last night but I'll look again this evening. My brother spent much of yesterday waiting to see what was happening to his flight from Bristol to Madrid. The airport said it was cancelled, Flightstats site said it was cancelled but the airline's website said it was operating. Once the air traffic people extended the flight ban he decided to forget about the holiday and stayed home.


Matthew got phoned up yesterday by one of the political parties (one of the ones whose leader was on the party leaders broadcast last night) and was asked if he would like to sign the election candidate's nomination paper. He explained that he wasn't eighteen yet and anyway he regretted joining that party last year and would be resigning.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ERs


Cloudy, cold, it's not spring at all - they've recycled winter, with the added problem that we can't fly to the sun - is this Iceland's revenge for us Brits trying to get our money back out of their bust banks?


Nice axe, Phil - have many happy hours with it - I had a Strat once, as well as a Gibson SG, but over the years, I mellowed into accoustic instruments, and now have a Taylor 414 (in fact it's the second prototype), and Ovation 1517, and a vintage Hoffner Congress, as well as a couple of cheapo (in their time) dreadnaughts - one six string, and one twelve (or currently 11)


May not be checking in much for the next ten days, as I'm away, and not taking the laptop with me. As I'm staying just outside East Grinstead, I'll probably try to get a look at the progress on the Bluebell at Imberhorne - I remember the viaduct when it was semi derelict, so it would be great to see it starting to serve its original purpose.


Regards to all


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Morning all!


Chilly morning for me here as I've no heating. The boiler got installed yesterday apart from the tube that takes waste water out, so the engineer's still got a couple of hours' work to do today before he turns it on. He wanted to just run a clear tube around the kitchen door; I want the tube to go under the floor. I think I've won...!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Fair few looming oktas but lovely sunshine in between. Decided it would be quieter in the office than at home today so sat at my desk already. Trying to get any kind of work done from home with 3 teenagers and SWMBO in residence is a bit of a non-starter.


If Phil is a guitar player who drinks red wine does that make him a plonker?




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  • RMweb Gold

"Jam I like the shape on your display cabinet, personally I would go for a simple varnish inside and staining for the outside and the shelves to frame the stock."


Thanks Mick, I've been trying out some different finishes this morning. I like the idea of staining the outside and shelves, I did think about this for the (yet to be built) drop down flap at the bottom.


"Nice work Jam. I am impressed. I remember you saying that you were not good at woodwork, but that looks professional. Show us more pics as you progress."


Thanks Don, Less than 3 months ago I couldn't cut a bit of wood straight, and even if I could it would take me a good 5 minutes! Now, I'm pretty confident about woodwork (it helps when you learn tips off your dad who is a carpenter and who has the right tools.) Now I've got an order in from my mum to construct a cupboard! I'll be sure to post pictures as and when of the cabinet.


Just realised the picture I posted yesterday seems to be low quality, probably because it's a .jpg file!



Mike, those are some beautiful photos! blink.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

My favourite quote about the incident, "Why did the wheels come off when they are tethered? Because the wheel tethers were attached to the part of the upright that broke off."

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Still no aircraft overhead - last time I checked this was supposed to last until 1400 hours today. Quite weird, though - I'm only now beginning to notice just how much background noise there usually is! :blink:


Have a good day, people... :)

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