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  • RMweb Premium

Me too, got the enlarger though it's packed away in the loft these days. I had a Praktica ,rather than the Zenith, that eventually I traded in for an Olympus OM-1. Truly a piece of engineering art.




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Evening all!


Boiler replacement was due to begin this morning. Scaffolders arrived 9.30 to erect a safety rail on the roof. British Gas phoned at 10.30 to say the engineer wasn't going to make it now till tomorrow to start fitting the boiler.


Still, on the plus side a grey 8 okta morning has transformed into a beautiful blue cavok evening!

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Me too, got the enlarger though it's packed away in the loft these days. I had a Praktica ,rather than the Zenith,


Still have my Praktica LB in the cupboard with the enlarger. Nearly failed my degree finals hankering after a Canon AE1 Program which is still in general use!

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My first "proper" camera was a Canon Epoca. It looked like a video camera, which got very annoying when people continually asked if I was taking video. My first SLR was a Canon EOS 3, first decent digital was a Fuji S5500, and I'm currently using a Canon EOS D450 and my iPhone.

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  • RMweb Gold

I had a Russian "Etude" slide projector which was a great advance on holding slides up to the light and squinting.

I also had a Russian copy of an Avometer except that it was clearly designed to be used under hostile conditions. The case would have survived a heavy vehicle driving over it! I lent it to my brother and he destroyed it electrically not physically. I think it was while he was building an audio amplifier that involved very high currents in the output stage. The valves in the amplifier were about the size of 100W light bulbs. In terms of multimeters I've gone down in the world, I've now got a £4.99 special offer digital one from Maplins.



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  • RMweb Premium

My first "proper" camera was a Canon Epoca. It looked like a video camera, which got very annoying when people continually asked if I was taking video. My first SLR was a Canon EOS 3, first decent digital was a Fuji S5500, and I'm currently using a Canon EOS D450 and my iPhone.



Oh dear - my first camera was one of those old Instamatic ones which my mum had given me :lol: . This was followed by an APS one and a compact digital one, both by Minolta. I'm using a Sony A300 nowadays, which of course is a lot better than any of the previous ones!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


In case you're wondering why I'm up so early - I had a rather weird dream which involved soldiers chasing a group of students around the globe with the help of such Hollywood-style devices as reconnaissance satellites and submarines (one of which eventually sank). One of those "students" actually was a friend of mine :huh: .


Guess this may have had to do with the Star Trek: Voyager episode we saw last night - it was this one: Click.


Oh well - this way I'll be able to watch the sunrise :) .

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Good morning all.

A very damp drive to work this morning. Visability clear but sufficint tiny drops of water settling on the windscreen to require wipers on. Clearly Autumn has arrived as lots of leaves blowing about.

2nd day back at work.

It took the whole of yesterday just to catch up on e-mails.

May do some actual work today!

Happy Thursday.

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Morning All,


It is quite a nice fresh Spring morning here. A little on the chilly side, but once the Sun is up, I am sure it will warm up a bit.


Nice to see you back Don. Glad to read that you had a good holiday.


Looks like it is going to be quite a busy day today. My boss is out tomorrow, and so I am in charge and we have got quite a lot coming up - so lots to plan for.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, just relaxing with a cuppa before I re enter the mad world of my employers. I'm sure that they trawl the local asylum for managers, anyway if they did they surely couldn't come out with any more nonsensical claptrap than our lot do. Still it's a nice day, I've got some out of the way country reservoirs to go and give a good coat of looking at to so 15-30 should come along fairly quickly. I've bought a new toy, might post some pictures when I get round to it. What it does mean though is that all of my good intentions to do some modelling have fallen at the first hurdle.

Ah well, c'est la vie!

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Morning all....


Wouldn't you believe it. Had a couple of intruders in the garden last night. Made a right mess of it. Mrs S and I slept right through it, but got up this morning to see this yob and his girlfriend continuing the mayhem, totally oblivious to the authorities. I've got a good description of them though. The male had a green hoodie and his girlfriend a brown top...


Hang on they're back. Where's that bloomin' camera...angry.gif


















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... and a great cloud of Volcanic ash.

Could look like Pompeii soon.


I can confirm that Edinburgh airport is shut, there's not a minute goes past normally where I can't see a plane from my window, yet the sky's clear of them. Full set of oktas but no leakage. And no falling ash. Yet.


Probably knowing my luck, the bloke coming to fit the boiler was flying in...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Nice picture, Gordon. I don't think we have had mallard ducks in our garden. Starlings in the birdbath would be our nearest equivalent.

Mick, hope you have a nice day in Leicester. If all goes well with Matthew's results we'll be visiting Leicester frequently for a few years.


It is already warmer here than it was yesterday. Not too much planned; railway modelling if glue has set may re-commence, walk dog, take Matthew to economics revision at college.



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I brought a work laptop home with me last night to use while the boiler fitter's here so I can get on to work email (with it being on the government secure intranet, I can't just access it remotely from my own computer). Up until fairly recently the only way of accessing email was by dial-up so was extremely slow. We now have the ability to access the network over broadband. Still, I turned the laptop on at 8.40 and I've still not managed to get into my email yet...

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  • RMweb Premium

... Still, I turned the laptop on at 8.40 and I've still not managed to get into my email yet...


It's secure then. :)


Morning All, Oktas clearing but there's a wicked cold wind whistling down from the North East. We must have upset BoD. Important errand to run before embarking on any work this morning. Then there'll be lunch. Might just have some time to look at emails before heading home.




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