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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


I actually clicked on RMweb at 0712 BST, but then heard builder Jon's van arrive. We've since been up looking at why my terrace roof has water leaks, which seems to be a combination of the shallow slope - forced upon the builder by the site - and his failure to design a better escape for the rainwater round the two roof-lights. As we and the builder were not on good terms after the job - he pocketed the final payment, never sent a receipt, claimed we'd not paid - getting him back is not an option. Jon thinks he can dramatically reduce the amount of water percolation, which will reduce the risk of rotting wood etc. It'll take a few days though, so maybe my upstairs bathroom won't get done this time.


Mike (SM)'s note about staff trainees being transferred willy-nilly applied to me, too. Having spent my first 7 years on the Central Division, I was hoping for the SWD, but got the South Eastern instead. Did me no harm at all, and I ended up loving the place. When Divisions went to the wall in 1984, I seemed to be headhunted to HQ at Waterloo on promotion, so all ended really rather well.


I went to feed the horses last night just before 7, but got waylaid by a visitor there - a Canadian widow - and ended up eating pizza with the hosts and their guests. There was also a lot of red wine.... Home at 11.30! The Canadian lady used to breed horses, is dead keen to groom mine - result!


Hope your week winds down comfortably, and your weekend is therapeutic.

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  • RMweb Gold

You could purchase a nice aluminium work platform,  

We have one of those clever ladder / platform things, though so far it has only been used by me when I painted the stairwell.

It is now thundering so the higher level pruning may be cancelled! We had come to a sensible division of labour. I would stand on the shed (aka summerhouse) roof and prune and Aditi would pick up the prunings.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Another with a sunny start, now clouding over and heading for rain. On my journey home yesterday, the cars thermometer was reading 33 - and this was long after it had stabilised after the car had been parked, it was certainly a warm one.


I paused in mid flow as torrential rain has just hit here - and the car windows were open.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Heavy downpour here in London but has now just stopped.




Leaking roof terraces is quite apt as we have had hassle with one recently. Probably a bit more elaborate with a walk on glass section for a wealthy person in Belgravia. Turns out the fall wasn't enough to drain the water off it plus a few other design issues. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Now Tony needs to be aware that long handled loppers tend to be quite heavy - I suspect Aditi probably already knows that and ......... ;)


Ah so Pete's in a pickle about the stuff.  Odd old world, day before yesterday Mrs Stationmaster received a parcel of various curry powders from something like 'The Asian Spice Co', who are based in Wimborne.


Anyway I understand today is Friday in its fullest sense - and you all know what that means - while I am told that we are 'going out' tomorrow (and not even I know what that means).


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks to all for your kind remarks/ratings re. the move.
Pete I had a jar of small chunk once just not the same. Personally the lettuce is just as much a problem in sandwich stability as a thick layer of chunky pickle.
Tony we are equiped with shears and loppers that have extending handles. I find a quick go with a sharpening stone before use helps. We also have a long handled extendable lopper which has a cord to operate the cutter (you can also fix a saw blade to the end) with assorted step ladders including a sparky's 12 tread pair we can manage most things.



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  • RMweb Premium

Don't leave me hanging.............


Best, Pete.


Small chunk or original - they also come in a Branston Squeezy - might be lighter on postage :scratchhead:





Will they bring out a Branston Smoothie for when we loose our teef? :jester:


Have a good day all.



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One of my pet hates is these squeezy bottles, seems you can never remove the last 5-10%. SWMBO insists on buying mayo and salad cream packaged that way but I think she does it just to make sure my blood pressure doesn't get too low.


Just about to pop out to Coventry - there is a place where I can buy a battery for our MG Midget and a battery for my Suzuki m/cycle for the same as I paid last time I needed a m/cycle battery and the saving is much more than the fuel cost. I am leaving the comestibles shopping to The Boss, she says it costs too much when I go with her.



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I relish the fact that ERs is getting in a pickle over this.

Quite. Considering I grew up with the Original and have used it longer than I care to remember then I see no reason to change (of course a typical "Old Fart" type response)....


I remember the Military Pickle - I didn't like it because the chunks were too small.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Wonder if that how Aditi is so short in the first place.

Good job she isn't short tempered too. There was much excitement when the doorbell rang. When I took the parcel in Aditi was slightly concerned about how it could be her telescopic (not just long handled) loppers. It was actually a parcel from Liverpool containing a blue box. I've just checked the delivery status of the garden order and it isn't just loppers, I think it is a small pallet load of stuff so it won't be arriving with our postie anyway.

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  • RMweb Gold

Quite. Considering I grew up with the Original and have used it longer than I care to remember then I see no reason to change (of course a typical "Old Fart" type response)....


I remember the Military Pickle - I didn't like it because the chunks were too small.


Best, Pete.

Come to Essex, visit Tescos, admire the pickle choice, stacks of jars as far as the eye can see...

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  • RMweb Premium

I discovered Military Pickle as a Student; prior to that I liked Pan Yan, also discontinued. Great on ham etc but not so good (IMHO) on cheese. These days I use Branston (either size chunks) but it's not quite right on cheese compared with Military.



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  • RMweb Gold

Come to Essex, visit Tescos, admire the pickle choice, stacks of jars as far as the eye can see...

Now you'll be making Pete homesick - he'll probably turn up once he's shipped the family off to sunny Italy and he can get away unobserved :)

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, slept today until I woke up 10.30 a sunny day outside. I was a bit shocked to get a text from herself to say that the Doctor was signing her off as fit to leave! It would appear that the medics are happy to leave the decision on when she comes home to the OTs. My blood pressure peaked as I looked at the kitchen sink.......

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, had to follow the other half to the garage today as her car was booked in for a service, dropped the car off at 0815 then proceeded to do the food shopping back to the garage for ten to collect the car all serviced, cleaned inside and out. Saves me a job!!


Off to mow the lawns now then hopefully some time modelling, can't beat piccalilli and cold turkey on Boxing Day!

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  • RMweb Gold

Now you'll be making Pete homesick - he'll probably turn up once he's shipped the family off to sunny Italy and he can get away unobserved :0

Our local Tesco also has a shelf unit dedicated to US snacks/confectionery 

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  • RMweb Gold

Our local Tesco also has a shelf unit dedicated to US snacks/confectionery 

You might be lucky - the foreign section in ours seems to be mainly Polish stuff (and from past experience that is not necessarily a 'cuisine' I would recommend - a main dish of a slice of eel, served cold, is without doubt the very worst thing I have ever been served in a hotel).

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You might be lucky - the foreign section in ours seems to be mainly Polish stuff (and from past experience that is not necessarily a 'cuisine' I would recommend - a main dish of a slice of eel, served cold, is without doubt the very worst thing I have ever been served in a hotel).


Our Tesco has an extensive Japanese foods section; handy for when one wishes to Nippon-in for some Wasabi. :yes:


I wonder whose decision it is as to which nation is especially demographically-serviced in each store?

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