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Early Risers.


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Next one is booked for Thursday 22nd. If you see someone driving slowly on the forest road then, it'll be me wink.gif


All cars should be driving slowly in the New Forest; there's a blanket 40mph speed limit out of the towns!!


Good luck for the next lesson!

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  • RMweb Gold
made sure I was off the road before you started - even though I live on the other side of Hampshire!!


Me too......


.......and I live on the other end of the country.



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beaten to within an inch of our lives with the leather belt! Aye. Them were't days!


But you try telling the kids of today that


And they won't believe you!


Parrot pie, anyone?

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  • RMweb Gold

I gave up trying to turn a cardboard box into a layout and took advantage of the warm weather to glue pink Spaceboard to some plywood this afternoon as I wanted to extend a board. Track will go down tomorrow and hopefully trains will run as well (watch out for pigs flying!).

This is all assuming I don't have anything else to do. Matthew will be off to college for an Economics revision lesson. He thought he had done all his Geography but his tutor emailed new research topics to all his students. Matthew noticed that the topic he was set has the least on-line information compared to everyone else's! Fortunately his mum is a bit enthusiastic about the topic so I suspect I'll be sent to the loft to find her old books. Although it isn't the kind of geography Matthew is interested in he does need a good grade in this topic to get his required A level grade for university. Actually I think everything is organised for university now, he just has to pass the exams and we have to start paying!

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Morning All, Haven't found me way into ERs for a few days what with thejoys of software upgrades etc. Glad everyone is now up to speed with the CBA acronym. I tend to have a lot of CBA days unfortunately today isn't one of them! :)




At first I thought your CBA days were like teachers' "in service" days. Then I worked it out about a month ago!

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, Mum and Dad will be going on vacation tomorrow - I won't need to play airport shuttle, though, which is just as well as they'll need to be at the airport before 5 am.


Dinner was a salad with tuna, chickpeas, Welsh onions and bell peppers, and some fried and salted chilies to go along - well recommended and quickly prepared :) .

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  • RMweb Gold

Ah, found you lot at last. This is turning into a proper model railway forum - don't they know this is the most interesting bit? I suppose it's going to be countless posts about 37's cantrail design or other associated drivel from here on in.

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  • RMweb Gold


Dinner was a salad with tuna, chickpeas, Welsh onions...


I had to Google "Welsh onions" as I wasn't sure what they were. Wikipedia explained all!






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  • RMweb Gold

At first I thought your CBA days were like teachers' "in service" days. Then I worked it out about a month ago!




I used to have to organise "in service" training for teachers. Reading the evaluation sheets was fun. Usually people evaluated the biscuits.





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  • RMweb Premium

I used to have to organise "in service" training for teachers. Reading the evaluation sheets was fun. Usually people evaluated the biscuits.




No change there then! I occasionally still do training for teachers and TA's the tea, coffee, biscuits and temperature are all closely monitored, course content? what content.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Five oktas outside and mostly calm - weather seems to be more or less like it was yesterday. Nothing much going on yet, but I figure this'll change later.


See you later, then :) .

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Hello all, Yes I am back!

NO PICS! Bought and fitted new batteries on departure day, Checked that camera switched on OK, but that was all. Arrived at the farm removed casmera from pocket and found battery cover had opened and batteries out, loose in pocket. Refitted them switched on, but nothing. Checked for dirt etc refitted batteries but still no joy. Camera just would not switch on. :icon_mutter:

Of course for the rest of the time I kept coming across scenes which made ideal picture material.

Any way, I had a fabulous holiday. All trains were ON TIME!

Food on the farm was fabulous. Other guests interesting, weather perfect.

One afternoon low grey clouds rolled in at 4:00 pm, heavy rain at 4:30pm. Sun came out a 5:00 pm. Every other day clear skys with the occasional puffy white cloud floating bye high in the sky. Average temp around 26C. Coffee brought to the room at 7:00 am (the time I requested).Three course breakfasts, three course lunches, four course dinners. Veggies picked on the farm on day of cooking. Milk straight from the cow. Meat (mostly mutton and Springbok) also from the farm.

It is a sheep/stud/game farm. Three times a day a herd of elephants (children under 10) charged down the passage to the children's dining room and back!

Game drives every evening to see springbok, eland, zebras, ostriches and emus.

Bar prices very inexpensive - half the prices I paid for on my one night in the Johannesburg hotel.

Altogether a FABULOUS time!

I haven't caught up with the posts I missed, so much reading still to do.

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