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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ERs


Lovely morning here, CAVU (for non aviation types ceiling and visibility unlimited - ie no oktas at all) for the first time in months.


Stuck in work now til half four.




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I have a horse.


It's a secret but its names begin with B and A.

Do you own a part share? The tail, perhaps? Or one fetlock? :)


I normally put my one bet of the year on on Grand National Day. I normally pick one or two with a chance and a 100-1 as well. Sadly last year I didn't pick the right 100-1... Haven't yet selected my horses for this year's race.


Lots to do today. Have to get to the bank, bookies and a quick visit to Durham Trains of Stanley to pick up something railway related. Plus hoping to give the car a wash and hoover! Tall order for the day!

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  • RMweb Gold

I'd forgotten about the nearby model rail shopping opportunities! Though if he gets to his first choice I'll probably be able to visit some full size railway attractions near Leicester.




Good Mornnnnning Tonny

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"Do you own a part share?"



Unfortunately I can't be there to inspire the horse with my usual tactic of waving a can of Pedigree Chum significantly.


It's 14-1 at the moment.

Put your house on it and you will have 15 houses.





Or be homeless when it falls on its head at the first fence.

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  • RMweb Premium

On my break now, so having a catch up.


Systems are down here, so we're all unable to do the jobs we are hired for. Horrendous how dependent we are now on these boxes stuck on every desk to assist us with our day to day tasks.


Mick - sun is out, and a good kip, can't help but make you feel a bit better. Keep smiling!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Quite sunny outside, but it appears it is not supposed to last, as rain has been forecast for later today. Think we'll do a cake as soon as we're all awake - that was a rhyme, was it not? :lol:



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Morning All,


It is a bit cloudy here this morning - but the sun appears to be breaking through.


I am off to Church this morning - If I don't go, there'll be no one to lead the service :icon_lol:. Our Rector phoned me up last night, sounding awful, and had been advised by the Doctor to stay in bed.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Gold

Unusually, I'm off to church too...


I think Fred must have taken his horse out on the beers with him on Friday night...



I hope not, according to the paper Mr F was flying in from somewhere where beer is not approved of!


Good Morning all.


No church parade here so we are awake but not breakfasted yet. Matthew is being very amusing at the moment. As he does A levels in Government & Politics and Economics he likes to tell us what the political headlines in the newspaper and on the television really mean.



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Having got some of the photos from yesterday showing off the Underground Ernie set, I feel a bit of publicity work coming on...


... but had better write this training manual first.


Ohhh what the heck - just 5 minutes photo editting then!


No church here, we're not allowed in after *that* embarrissing incident with the donkey.

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