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  • RMweb Premium

Indeed, Dave


I too was staggered when I started to work out the numbers, but if you work on the charges that the private sector would make for consultations with a Consultant Surgeon (when I last saw one 25 years ago it cost £300 plus just to get past his door!), x rays and physio at £45 per 20 minutes, and it all starts to add up. I really feel that the councils failed in a fundamental duty of care in not treating the roads. However, I have reluctantly decided not to even try to pursue a claim against Lancashire CC as I honestly can't be a**ed to do so.


Hope the car's better now, BTW - once I was injured, mine just sat outside the house as it was impossible get it up the slope at the side of the house to put it on the drive. But look how much fun I had with Stagecoach in the meantime!!!

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Guest Max Stafford

Morning all(!)...


Been a manic day today at work. Decided as I'm feeling distinctly porky to get some exercise tonight, so went for a swim. Managed to swim a mile, mind you, started in the same place I finished. Hope everyone's improving now from injuries and illnesses!


Good start! By coincidence, I had my first run in three months tonight and didn't feel too bad either, although a little stiffness has now started making itself known! Chucked my dumbells about for fifteen minutes too. Should make for an interesting Saturday - the ache always comes two days later in my experience!



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Morning All,


Thankfully, I'm feeling a lot better now. I was wondering if I was going to come down with something big on Monday evening - but I must have fought it off pretty well. I felt rough on Tuesday, but better by Wednesday. I think a quiet weekend is in order to prevent whatever it was from coming back!


It looks like it is going to be a nice day here today. The sky is clear and the sun is just coming up.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


so there goes another week...Will be playing a round of badminton later today, so I won't have to feel bad about not being as athletic as some of you chaps! :lol:


See you later, then!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning athletes


I will walk round to shop to get a paper.

I want to see if there is any news about this election thingy Gordon spotted. Perhaps they will give it a small mention.


Skies are back to their normal colour.

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Morning men....


Sun is bright and zero oktas about. Picked up a soldering iron last night for the first time in a while. I was a little more careful this time..smile.gif


If I hear the word 'staycation' again, I will scream....angry.gif


What happened to going on a holiday? Why is having a holiday in the UK considered second class?


Give me a remote cottage somewhere peaceful in the UK any day over Costa del Drunko...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, 'tis a fine morning again. What's with all this frantic physical activity with you lot? You're making me tired so I think I'll go for a sit down.




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Morning all,


great to have a lay in and wake up to exactly 0 oktas!


What's with all this frantic physical activity with you lot?

It's worrying, Dave, must be something to do with the time of year; exercise (and work) fascinate me; I could watch them for hours on end!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon ERs


I did't have time to check in this morning, as I opted for a lie in, then a rush to the vet's as the dog's ear infection has started up again - between getting her seen to and treated and watching Oliver Cromwell head the Great Oliver Cromwell Round Britain III was no contest - the dog comes first, and anyway, I saw Oliver last week.


Hoise is starting to get a bit less cluttered now, as we start to box up the stuff to allow the builder to start - so for the next few weeks, no models, and no Hi-Fi as I had to take the system down as it's right where the new wall's going, and the cables are hard wired into the room. Best away, methinks.


Work tomorrow so no telling whether I'll manage to say hello.




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  • RMweb Premium

Returned from Leicester with some items no problems just the endless roadworks on the M1. Some of the tiles might save us around £300 in retiling costs.


Just to say we passed Tornado and her tender heading north looks great and very big from a car looking upwards

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  • RMweb Gold


I didn't post this morning as it was straight off to Sussex after breakfast. We had to be at The University of Sussex at 9am but the traffic wasn't at all heavy and we got their at 8.20 and waited for them to open the car park. We (Matthew and I) had a nice day. I think it will be Matthew's "insurance" choice but he would be very happy to go there if his grades don't get him into his first choice. I didn't do any exercise other than that required to move from one building to another, though I'm sure lecture theatre steps are steeper now than they used to be.



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straight off to Sussex


Carefull with that one - it's too near to Gaugemaster for comfort! - He'll end up with LGB trains transporting beer around the Halls!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Carefull with that one - it's too near to Gaugemaster for comfort! - He'll end up with LGB trains transporting beer around the Halls!!


I'd forgotten about the nearby model rail shopping opportunities! Though if he gets to his first choice I'll probably be able to visit some full size railway attractions near Leicester.



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Morning all,


Weekend but another early start to get East Hants Light Railway and Lynnbottom to Sparsholt for Narrow Gauges South.


About 5 oktas this side of Hampshire with 7C on the mercury already.


See you at the show!

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Morning All,


It is around 10°C here this morning and rather cloudy. I think I might go out for a bike ride this morning - rather than this afternoon as I was planning. It is possible it could rain!


They are also working at the school over the road. They are doing some roof work while the Easter holidays are on and of course, school is back on Monday and they are rushing to get finished. The work itself is fine, but they have got a Fastrac forklift sort of thing with a reversing beeper. The wretched thing is driving me mad - the driver seems to spend more time in reverse than forwards! :icon_mutter:


Oh well - could be worse. Off for some coffee and hot bread rolls now!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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