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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ERs


Very foggy this morning, visibility was about fifty metres in places - so eight oktas, but driving through them to get to work.


Bummer of the day - Friday is day off this week - made private plans to take a run out to watch the Great Loco Switchround III pass Lancaster (very curious to see what will head it) - pass time at Lancaster booked as 09.34. Got home last night to find a note on the worktop "Dog to Vet Friday 9.40 am) - Vet is, regrettably, not within viewing or listening distance of the WCML - and has no other appointments that morning now!


All locos and stock now boxed and away to allow for builder's attendance - the display cabinet doesn't half look bare, but hopefully when I restock it afterwards, Mrs 45156 will not notice if I hijack another shelf!? :huh:


Skipepsi - whatever ails you, don't fret too much - you've still got your mates on here.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just finished my IT support tasks for the day. Easy task was sort out paper jam in laser printer, more difficult task was loading the big stapler (Mrs S had already started dismantling it to see where the staples went).



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Morning All,


It is a semi-clear morning today - around four oktas, I would imagine. However, I was treated to a very nice sunrise on my way to work.


Mick, I hope you are feeling a bit brighter this morning.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Bit later this morning as I had to sort out several things quite early. I'll be seeing my doc later today - thankfully the allergic rash has disappeared over the weekend.


Later ;) .

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Spotted a bit on the news this morning about an election. Anyone else notice it?....


Bright and sunny here and they say it might hit 20 degrees at the weekend..biggrin.gif


How are you this morning Mick? Sorry to hear you've not been 100%...

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  • RMweb Premium

Speaking of allergies - a good friend of mine suffered an anaphylactic shock before Easter and had to be hospitalized, as I was just told. I can well imagine this must have been nasty... :( Thankfully, she is back at home now, but understandably worried about it.

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  • RMweb Gold



It is a very pleasant morning here and is supposed to continue being so.


I've put the bin-bags out. We seem to have a lot of pink recycling bags but Matthew did tidy up his room this week.


I believe I have a shopping list as well. My wife couldn't sleep so went down, made a cup of tea and wrote the list at about 4 this morning. I'd like to do some work on a layout in the garage but I suspect I will not!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning ERs


Hopefully today is my last visit to the trauma clinic - thought I suspect that physio is going to be a lot longer before I'm discharged.


8 oktas here at the mo - it was much brighter early on.


Mick - hope you're a bit better this morning.


Oh and for those who care, Dhruv won Masterchef - I wonder why cooking shows are so popular on TV - I mean it's not as though we can taste the stuff they're doing! :lol:

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Guest Max Stafford

Nice and bright here this morning although the wind is pushing lots of little oktas about. Off until the 21st now, hooray!

Lots of home jobs and modelling beckon.

First though, time for the doggywalk! :D



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  • RMweb Gold
I wonder why cooking shows are so popular on TV


As so few actually cook these days I assume it has become just another spectator sport.


Or they aren't particularly popular - just very cheap and easy for the TV companies to make. Like most of the crap that's on TV these days.

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  • RMweb Premium

Like most of the crap that's on TV these days.


Indeed BoD - I await the day that they combine the three worst aspects of daytime TV into one with a show where the contestants have to cook a meal after having the kitchen renovated, then sell the proceeds at a car boot sale. I've got to say that when I was off work, daytime TV was one of the motivations to get me back to work! Had it not been for the extra material that I get on demand from BT Vision, I would have gone totally mad. For all its faults in the early days, that service has actually improved dramatically, and the choice of content has increased, and the sometimes flaky performance has improved.

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  • RMweb Gold

My favourite daytime TV is cricket.

I think there was once a competition to think up a programme title worse than "Celebrity Pets in Rehab Island" but I think it had to be stopped as most of the ideas were being commissioned already.


We do cook things here and quite enjoy food but I prefer reading cookery books to the TV programme that initiated them. It is the same with gardening. I used to watch garden programmes but I just get irritated now.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just a quick update - I've just got back from the trauma clinic and the news is good - apparently my fracture is healing very well, and the x rays show that the bone is rebuilding strongly, and I don't need to go back.


So that's one visit to A&E, five visits to the trauma clinic, seeing a consultant each time, four lots of x rays, ten sessions of physio already with probably another eight to come, two visits to my GP for further checks, numerous boxes of pain killers, and eight weeks off work - I suspect that the total cost to the State including the amount that my work get back in Statutory Sick Pay will be about six grand. Multiply that up by the number of similarly affected people, and you come to some ludicrous amount just for Lancaster - the receptionist at the trauma clinic told me that there were well over 100 people with injuries due to slipping on the untreated roads - so we're looking at the thick end of half a million quid for one town - I wonder how much the council saved in not gritting the footpaths and side roads? There was a death in the same County administration when a young girl fell on an untreated road on her way to school in Blackburn and sustained a fatal head injury, so the council really does have a lot to answer for.


Sorry about the rant, but I do feel strongly about this - now where's the number of injury lawyers for you?

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all got up at 5.30 am because I felt rough by 9.00 I had thrown up then fell asleep until 10.00 not done a lot today suprisingly. I am going to Leicester tomorrow to pick up items removed from our house by the builder so I am feeling a bit fraught. Thanks for the good wishes.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all got up at 5.30 am because I felt rough by 9.00 I had thrown up then fell asleep until 10.00 not done a lot today suprisingly. I am going to Leicester tomorrow to pick up items removed from our house by the builder so I am feeling a bit fraught. Thanks for the good wishes.


Are you taking a big friend with you? I hope it all goes well.



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Guest Max Stafford

45156, those numbers are quite staggering. Consider also the cost to those of us who run cars too. On Boxing Day, I slid the car sideways on ice at my street corner. Although travelling at 8 sedate 8MPH and having been trained to a reasonably advanced standard, I was no match for rain on two inches of hard-packed freeze/thaw smoothed ice. The impact with the kerb caught the nearside front wheel side on, ripping the tyre off. The replacement tyre and re-balancing cost me #50. That appeared to be it until a couple of weeks ago when the service uncovered some nasty imbalances in the braking and steering system that have cost a further #200 to put right! Imagine how many time stuff like that has been multiplied across the offending councils!



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Morning all(!)...


Been a manic day today at work. Decided as I'm feeling distinctly porky to get some exercise tonight, so went for a swim. Managed to swim a mile, mind you, started in the same place I finished. Hope everyone's improving now from injuries and illnesses!

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