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Glad to hear you got some inspiration from Eastwood, Mike. It's good to know guys are reading all my waffle....


I cut the strips myself Mike. My local wood yard cuts the 8 x 4's into 4 x 2's for me as they are then much easier to handle and they will fit on the floor of my estate car. I've been lucky enough to buy some decent tools over the years and bought a Sheppach bench saw about 10 years ago. As always having the right tools for the job makes things a lot easier.


I'd be happy to do them for you if you were local...


Yes the sun is out...Whoopee!


I was up half the night and my good lady insisted I go to A & E. Arrived at 8.00 and was out by 10.20, so that wasn't too bad considering.

Thanks Gordon! Was thinking of making some cassettes in the style of your H girder construction trackbeds but haven't really got the equipment to make those cuts myself. A bench saw will be on the list of purchases if I'm ever able to get a house rather than a flat! Unfortunately at the moment storage is at a premium!


Once upon a time when I was little my Dad jumped a 5-bar gate and hurt himself. After a few days' breathlessness (working full time too) he eventually drove to the doctor's. He was told he had a collapsed lung. The doctor insisted he go to hospital immediately and when Dad went to drive was yelled at by the doctor and made to wait for an ambulance!

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Still soldiering on with the preparations for the building work - took three hours to strip the vinyl off an area of ceiling about three feet by three feet, due to the excellent sticking technique used by my predecessor(Unibond and wallpaper paste).


Visited Skipton yesterday - was intending to visit the bookshops at Embsay, but luckily saw a poster saying "Meet Th*mas at the Embsay and Bolton Abbey Railway" so I stayed away. Instead visited Craven Model Centre, and came away with a model which is bound to sit well on my ex LMS steam/diesel transition era layout - the early 4-CEP with no yellow ends. TBH, I have still got a bit of a soft spot for Southern EMUs having worked in London for about 20 years, and for its few shortcomings, it is still IMHO a very good model and deserving of a place in my collection. I got it at quite a good proce as well.


Cheers for today


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I think when I did the soldering iron catching trick I was lucky enough to be young enough to recover quickly, though as I went canoeing in the afternoon it probably didn't help the recovery time. I don't think I would have liked to catch the soldering iron I learned to solder with. It wasn't electric, it had to be heated on the gas stove.

Now I seem to leave blood on any modelling or diy I do. If a future "Time Team" ever tear down the walls I put up when doing the bathroom they will probably think there was some horrific blood cult doing building in Benfleet.



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Morning DD. I'm about, but trying to do most things one handed and of course that's the left and I'm right handed....rolleyes.gif


I'm in even more admiration of Don as even the simplest task is proving difficult.


Just for info, got a telling off at A & E for leaving it till Sunday to go. Apparently you should go ASAP so they can prevent infection getting into the wound. So if you should be unlucky enough to do something similar, don't try and be a hero and leave it...


Never thought railway modelling could be bad for your health...icon_e_wink.gif

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Morning All,


Is that a tumbleweed blowing along the deserted street of ER?


Certainly looks like it - it is amazing how quickly things start to look run down!


It is a nice sunny morning here - hopefully that will hold for the day. It was rather showery and blustery yesterday.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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If it's any consolation, Gordon, you may well have prevented similar accidents elsewhere.

I was using the soldering iron yesterday with much greater respect.


Hope it heals soon - may take a little time.

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Sorry about the tumbleweed blowing about, it must have come from the plants I grew last year (grow your own model railway forest seeds).

Sky is dull and grey but sunshine is forecast later. I'm off over to the other side of the Thames today to collect an Ebay purchase. Matthew is going with friends to play Warhammer games somewhere. I suspect Mrs S will appreciate the peace and quiet here as she wants to do something academic.


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I'm off over to the other side of the Thames today to collect an Ebay purchase.

Watch out, isn't that the bit of the map that has "Here be dragons" on it? :)


Morning all! Lots to do today, just trying to summon up the energy to do it!

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Morning all. Inlaws coming around today, probably with their barking mad dog that tears around barking whenever someone coughs. I hope our cat stays outside in next doors field, last time the poor thing lost her nails when she was chased up the curtain. Needless to say I was not amused, yet they still insist on bringing the bloomin' thing!


Still can't get any plans done for the layout, I might have to drop the standard gauge bit, but that's the only gauge I have stock for, and I really would like to include it. :unsure:


Speaking of doing something academic, I best get some more product design coursework done now I'm nearing completion of my cabinet. (I'm the only person who hasn't damaged any part of my hand whilst using a chisel in my class! *touch wood*) Come to think of it, nor any accidents with modelling. I think it's because I'm so bloomin' slow and careful (at least, that's what everyone else thinks)

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I'm back now from my trip to Kent. Dartford Crossing had very little traffic but on the way back I could see what looked like the first few day-trippers heading on the A13 to Southend. They clearly believe it will be sunny later.If it is nice I'll probably do some tidying in the garden or at least re-arrange the compost bin.



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And I'm back from my trip to the Rhine as well :) . Been a pleasant time and my girlfriend's uncle had a good birthday, too. I also snapped several railway photos which are now in my blog ;) .


Hope you all had a good Easter as well!

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Sorry, Gordon, missed your post on the way through about your sodering iron injury - I think we've all been there - I know I have, when I was building a DIY stereo amplifier, and thought I saw the screwdriver out of the corner of my eye, and it was the soldering iron, which was a 25 watt Solon - wow it hurt, and I still have the scar to this day. I know what it's like to be without the use of one hand - I would not have liked to have lost my dominant hand - that must be pretty awful. Speedy recovery.


Utterly boring weather here - typical Bank Holiday, and TV is dire.


Had to put all the models away today, as they are in a glass cabinet which needs to be cleared and moved to allow the builder to do his thing in a couple of weeks.

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Morning All,


It is a nice sunny morning here - but very cold! Down to 1.5°C


I missed Gordon's unfortunate soldering iron story - ouch! Hope it's better soon. I have had a few instances with soldering irons over the years and still have some of the scars to prove it.


I had a reasonably pleasant Easter - went up to the railway museum in Koblenz yesterday and then down to Boppard where we took a train up to Emmelshausen. It is the steepest line in West Germany and operated by Class 218 Diesel-Hydraulics and two carriages. The climb out of Boppard has to be seen to be believed. 1:16.4 almost straight out of the station. The 218 really sounded good on the way up, and was certainly working hard. I had a chat with the driver when we got up to Emmelshausen and he said that even the 218 with its 2500 odd HP two carriages are about the limit.


Unfortunately, it looks like the locos are going to be replaced by boring, plastic DMUs in the near future.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Morning all!


About 5° up here - the fresh morning air certainly is nice. Could not find sleep until after 2 am for some reason or other, though :icon_yawn: .



I had a reasonably pleasant Easter - went up to the railway museum in Koblenz yesterday and then down to Boppard where we took a train up to Emmelshausen. It is the steepest line in West Germany and operated by Class 218 Diesel-Hydraulics and two carriages. The climb out of Boppard has to be seen to be believed. 1:16.4 almost straight out of the station. The 218 really sounded good on the way up, and was certainly working hard. I had a chat with the driver when we got up to Emmelshausen and he said that even the 218 with its 2500 odd HP two carriages are about the limit.


Then you were in the same area where I spent the Easter weekend :) . Did you see anything of the "Plandampf" event which was supposed to take place around Koblenz and up the Mosel? I did not when I was in Koblenz on Saturday. However, I read how a 17 years old volunteer on one of the steam engines was seriously hurt in an accident that same day :( .

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Then you were in the same area where I spent the Easter weekend :) . Did you see anything of the "Plandampf" event which was supposed to take place around Koblenz and up the Mosel? I did not when I was in Koblenz on Saturday. However, I read how a 17 years old volunteer on one of the steam engines was seriously hurt in an accident that same day :( .


They had various engines in steam over the weekend, and a number of historic locos were operating. However, I didn't travel on any of them. We decided to go down to Boppard instead.


Unfortunately, the 17 year old lad died as a result of his injuries. He was the fireman and had been carrying out checks underneath the locomotive when he was run down by another locomotive on the neighbouring line. They airlifted him to hospital, but he didn't make it.

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