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  • RMweb Gold



It is quite pleasant here now but soon it is apparently going to start raining until Tuesday. We are off to the other side of Essex today to have lunch with the cousins my wife discovered recently. My pudding contribution is in the refrigerator. All I have to do now is remember to take it (the pudding not the fridge).


After breakfast I'll be taking Robbie for a walk but not down by the stream in the park. Yesterday he suddenly ran across a field and found something nasty to roll in. Whatever it was he smelt like a combination of farmyard and dead skunk. It almost put me off my lunch!



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It's a dangerous thing, leaving your own front door, Bilbo, my lad! smile.gif


Waiting for a couple of deliveries this morning - a filing cabinet and all the bits of my boiler. Hope they don't take up too much room as it's not getting installed for nearly a fortnight... And at least I'm up for the F1 quali too...


Morning all. Thanks Mike, this boiler lark must be catching. Woke up this morning and felt cold. Boiler hadn't come on. Half an hour later and the boiler is in bits with a very blackened pcb where a component has failed. Certainly needs a new pcb. Easter Saturday, fat chance. So now facing up to a few days without heating in most of the house.


Wood stocks are low, so may need to consider sawing up layout to keep warm.....icon_wink.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, another glorious bank holiday weekend weatherwise (not). It could be down to me as I'm about to do some modelling, and it's not my Matalan underpants this time. Had a get together with children and partners last night over my son's house. His wife is Indian, and she cooked a curry with all of the trimmings - home made chutneys, home made mint and cucumber yoghurty dressings etc. etc., it was amazing. My contribution was a homemade iced carrot and ginger cake which, even if I say so myself, was bloomin' good.

Ah well,suppose I better get the soldering iron switched on,must do a bit before beer and football on the telly beckon me.


Have a good one everyone.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, just sitting down to round 2 of breakfast (bacon butties). I had to go into Wigan to collect some goodies from the Post Office, so set off at 7.30, to find the first bus into Wigan wasn't until 7.50, so ended up walking all the way. Just for a change, instead of following the roads I walked along the towpath of the Leeds Liverpool Canal, very pleasant this morning. Caught the bus back though!


One of the parcels contained my new (well, new to me) Farish 37 in coal sector livery, bought off Ebay earlier this week, can't wait to go round to my mate's house to try it out on his layout.


I'm off to paint some Pikestuff buildings, then off to my mate's.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Threatening oktas abound but as yet not leaking. Managed to build a point and about 3 foot of plain track yesterday so rain is good for something. Need to knock out another 5 foot or so of plain track today then I have completed 2 of the 4 boards of the current project. Only problem is that N gauge hurts by eyes and brain and back and, well pretty much everything. I must have been mad to start! Have a good one all.




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Wood stocks are low, so may need to consider sawing up layout to keep warm.....icon_wink.gif

Noooooo!! ;) I've been reading the Eastwood Town thread again the last couple of days, it's absolutely stunning and I'm very jealous!


Bad luck with the boiler, hope you can get a part!


The boiler, radiator and various other tubes and boxes of bits have arrived and are taking up a good chunk of my hall. Just waiting for the filing cabinet from Argos then I can leave the flat!


Yesterday's post (yes, we had post on Good Friday!) brought a jury citation for next month and a £25 premium bonds win!

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  • RMweb Gold
Wood stocks are low, so may need to consider sawing up layout to keep warm.....Posted Image


Just sweep up in the garage, that'll keep you going for a couple of months.... ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Today's dog walk passed without incident. We'll see if we can get past the next hurdle! I want to set off for our lunch visit at noon. It is 11.33 and my wife has just started getting ready!



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Thank God for the internet. Managed to source the control PCB from a place in Gatwick. Only problem was they were 40 odd miles away and shutting at 11...


Frantic rush over there and secured said part. All fitted and power switched back on whilst cowering below the worktop....


Whoopee! Wife thinks I'm a superstar as she couldn't face a cold house over Easter.


So copious brownie points and back home in time to watch the match.....smile.gif

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  • RMweb Gold

Isn't it odd how these things seem to go wrong at holiday time. Our central heating pump failed on Christmas Eve a few years ago. Now we do have a service contract but I couldn't cope with all the sad looks so I went out and got one and fitted it by lunchtime. At least Gordon could get the spares, some part for my mother-in-law's quite new boiler seemed to be unavailable for quite a long time. She just went and stayed somewhere else until it was fixed, she doesn't like being cold.


We did get off to Buckhurst Hill for lunch. We departed at 12.15 which wasn't too bad. Lunch was nice and everyone was polite about my dessert.



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  • RMweb Gold

Buckhurst Hill,Tony? Should have bitten the bullet and taken them down the Roebuck! :lol:


Glad it all went well!


This actually was the first time I've been to Buckhurst Hill. I've lived in Essex for 33 years now and somehow even on M25 avoidance routes I've never been there. Tomorrow we are off to Enfield as it my nephew's 18th today but he is out with friends today so the family "do" is tomorrow. Matthew has also gone to aparty tonight on Canvey Island. It is for a friend who is moving to Liverpool. I gave Matthew a lift to his friend's house. I noticed that everybody on Canvey seemed to be going to a party from the drink cases they were carrying!


It is so quiet here tonight. Matthew isn't exactly noisy but having one less person in is noticeable. My wife is doing something allegedly academic on her PC, dog is asleep. I haven't even got to cook as we are still full from lunch.



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I spent nearly 10 years in Chingford and still visit Loughton regularly. I even spent about a week (total over the period) in Holly House Hospital just a bit nearer Woodford than the Roebuck!

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Morning All,


It looks like it could be a quite reasonable day here. I certainly hope so, after the grey and rainy day that was yesterday.


It is funny how things seem to fail around Christmas and Easter - perhaps it is purely to do with the fact that we notice it more because it is always more problematic at those times. I remember going out to start the car a few years ago, late afternoon on Christmas Eve and the battery was flat (not just flat, and needing a charge, but needing a new battery). I ended up having to bump start the car backwards down the drive and then take a spare set of keys with me to leave the engine running while I went and bought the new battery. Fortunately, the garage had one and I made it there with five minutes to spare.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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I can't keep up with all this chatter this morning.


Have you all been eating chocolate eggs?

Don't give any to dogs - it makes them ill.


Dispose of the silver paper in a green manner (especially if you've eaten too much chocolate).

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  • RMweb Gold

Perhaps everyone is on an easter egg hunt :huh:

Me? I don't need to, they are 'hidden' in the same place every year ;) :lol:

Think I'll have breakfast first though (Oh the joys of waking up at 9.30!) :rolleyes:


Good to see people are still reading my blog. Even if no-one comments it is still nice to know someone is listening!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - just surfaced after a rather late night watching some Sky Arts blues week programmes and ,um, drinking beer. Did a bit to the 7mm O2 yesterday, spent more time inventing jigs to hold bits together than I did actually making anything. Got fed up with it rather too easily and moved on to less challenging pursuits like watching football on the tv. Must do better today - however my excuse for not doing much today will be that I'm preparing myself for a long day driving on the MHR tomorrow, it's Thomas week unfortunately, still at least it's a whiff of steam.

Have a good one!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hello. I seem to be mutitasking, watching the F1 and looking at RMweb.


Rather dull sky here and it has just started to rain.

Matthew enjoyed the party with his friends last night.


Off to Enfield later.



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Morning all. Just logged in and first topic was best modelling accident......biggrin.gif


Just back from A & E.


My soldering station fell off the bench on Friday. Remembered rule 1, which is not to try and catch the soldering iron, I caught the station instead. Completely forgot the connection to the iron, which pulled it out of my hands and lodged it between my first and second fingers....


Second degree burns, hand bandaged, arm in a sling and a course of antibiotics for the infection.


Railway is now on hold, but on the bright side, there's not much else I can do either...

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Morning all. Just logged in and first topic was best modelling accident......biggrin.gif


Just back from A & E.


My soldering station fell off the bench on Friday. Remembered rule 1, which is not to try and catch the soldering iron, I caught the station instead. Completely forgot the connection to the iron, which pulled it out of my hands and lodged it between my first and second fingers....


Second degree burns, hand bandaged, arm in a sling and a course of antibiotics for the infection.


Railway is now on hold, but on the bright side, there's not much else I can do either...

Oh no! Hope it wasn't your wood-chopping arm! ;) Hope it's better soon.


Very damp in Glasgow. Another day of driving Paula around various DIY, carpet and electrical shops beckons. Listened to most of the F1 on the drive to Glasgow. Will watch it layer as I've recorded it. I hope. Didn't realise till it had started recording that it would switch channels midway through!


Hoping to buy a couple of woodwork bits as Eastwood Town has inspired me. Gordon - do you buy your 25mm mdf as strips or do you cut them yourself? If so, what do you useto cut them into strips?

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Glad to hear you got some inspiration from Eastwood, Mike. It's good to know guys are reading all my waffle....


I cut the strips myself Mike. My local wood yard cuts the 8 x 4's into 4 x 2's for me as they are then much easier to handle and they will fit on the floor of my estate car. I've been lucky enough to buy some decent tools over the years and bought a Sheppach bench saw about 10 years ago. As always having the right tools for the job makes things a lot easier.


I'd be happy to do them for you if you were local...


Yes the sun is out...Whoopee!


I was up half the night and my good lady insisted I go to A & E. Arrived at 8.00 and was out by 10.20, so that wasn't too bad considering.

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  • RMweb Gold

I too am enjoying the construction of Eastwood, inspirational stuff, I am rather jealous of the space and modelling ability though ;) :D

My dad trapped his hand between a steel girder and a wall and was determined to finish the job before he drove himself to the hospital! :blink: Needless to say it didn't go down well with SWMBO! :lol:

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